
Returning to RM7.5 custom reports, groups and Publisher from RM8 via GEDCOM

UPDATE 2022-05-14: better than GEDCOM is to convert directly from RM8 to RM7 for which there are a couple of possibilities:
  1. RM8's File > Export Data > DropBox creates a copy of the active .RMTREE file to a RM7 compatible ...

Colorcoding #RM8 #RM9

RM9 Color Picker Changed & Color Coding Sets Added Versions prior to RM9 have but one set of color codes; RM9 added 9 more sets for a total of 10, any one of which can be active. Each color in ...

Naming Citations in Preparation for RM8 #RM7 #Citations

In RM8, citations are re-useable and have a name which is made by concatenating the contents of the citation fields.
So I run this script on my RM version 7 database so that it is ready for importing into RM ...

Citation ‘Uses’ and Duplicates #rm8 #citations #duplicates

RootsMagic 8 introduced indirection between citation data (text fields) and the fact to which a citation is attached, In RM7, the citation data and linkage was combined in the CitationTable. To use the same citation data for more than one ...

Problems with Email Distribution #admin

Please excuse the recent behaviour of this WordPress site. You have likely heard nothing by email from it since March 2 until yesterday and then some of you may have received flurries of duplicate messages. New subscribers probably received no ...

Understanding the Roots Magic 8 Database – Database Diagram #rm8 #database

Database Diagram for RootsMagic version 8 - there are probably more table relationships to be added. RM8.pdfDatabase Diagram as pdf file to download ...

Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Type Decodes #rm8 #datadefinitions

Many tables within RootsMagic have fields which are know to mean something but do not have lookup tables. So far I have collected the following: (more to follow) Fields named OwnerType - see Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Ownership ...

Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Ownership #database #datadefinitions #rm8

The RootsMagic 8 database structure has seen a few changes from RM7 and one of these is that more objects can "own" other objects in the data. A task can have media, citations and web tags for example. To achieve ...

Group Queries #namedgroup #colorcoding #rm8 #rm7

In RootsMagic 7 group names are stored in the LabelTable and the group members in GroupTable with group id and RIN. The LabelTypes in the LabelTable are 0 – groups, and thus it is the label value field that links ...

Common Table Expressions – The Building Blocks of SQL

Common Table Expressions (CTE) are a feature that was first introduced to SQL in about 2005 and provide a method of defining a temporary result set then using that in the query as if it were another table. Yes, subqueries ...