
MS Access Engine – The BLOB Fields #msaccess #blobfields #conversion

If you are using the Microsoft Access database engine to interrogate the RootsMagic SQLite database (see MS Access Engine and MS Access Engine - Event Query) then you will hit the problem that, on the face of it, Access does ...

MS Access Engine – EXCEL Pivot Tables #msaccess #msexcel #pivottable #events

If you have followed the guides to enable interrogation of the RootsMagic SQLite database via the Microsoft Access engine (MS Access Engine and MS Access Engine - Event Query and MS Access Engine - Using EXCEL) then you will also ...

MS Access Engine – Event Query #msaccess #marriage #sharedevent

Installing the ODBC driver and setting up the link to the RootsMagic SQLite databse is decribed in the the "MS Access Engine" page. This will allow you to look at the contents of your RM database Tables individually. In fact ...

MS Access Engine #msaccess #msexcel #crystalreports #odbc

I wanted to be able to create my own reports from the RM database and the custom report facility in RM has a number of shortcomings:
  • it is not very sophisticated and even quite apparenly simple reports are impossible ...

Births of children as facts #birth #child #events

The birth of a child is a major life event for a person so I thought it would be worth adding to the stream of events query for a person. This query is designed to be pasted into the AllFacts4Person5.sql ...

Database System Catalog #datadefinitions

RootsMagic 4 Database System Catalog A singular system table, sqlite_master, resides in a SQLite database. The table essentially defines the RootsMagic 4 database tables, indices, and fields as follows: type name tbl_name rootpage sql table AddressLinkTable AddressLinkTable 52 CREATE TABLE ...

File Types #filetypes #datadefinitions #database

RootsMagic 4 File Types Ext Description More rmgc family tree database SQLite 3-format file readable with SQLiteManagers rmgb family tree database backup ZIP-format file extractable not only within RM, but also by PKZip, WinRAR, et al. st Source Template master ...