SQLite format 3@ O AO-" "## tableFamilyTableFamilyTableCREATE TABLE FamilyTable (FamilyID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, FatherID INTEGER, MotherID INTEGER, ChildID INTEGER, HusbOrder INTEGER, WifeOrder INTEGER, IsPrivate INTEGER, Proof INTEGER, SpouseLabel INTEGER, FatherLabel INTEGER, MotherLabel INTEGER, Note BLOB ):##;tablePersonTablePersonTableCREATE TABLE PersonTable (PersonID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, UniqueID TEXT, Sex INTEGER, EditDate FLOAT, ParentID INTEGER, SpouseID INTEGER, Color INTEGER, Relate1 INTEGER, Relate2 INTEGER, Flags INTEGER, Living INTEGER, IsPrivate INTEGER, Proof INTEGER, Bookmark INTEGER, Note BLOB )Q!#mindexidxRecTypeConfigTableCREATE INDEX idxRecType ON ConfigTable (RecType)##MtableConfigTableConfigTableCREATE TABLE ConfigTable (RecID INTEGER PD;<750/*(%!  ; t 50080000000falsefalse001240155truetruetruetruetrue< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.s ##Bas MitzvahBas MitzvahBASM[person] celebrated her bas mitzvah< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.s ##Bar MitzvahBar MitzvahBARM[person] celebrated his bar mitzvah< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.] BaptismBaptismBAPM[person] was baptized< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.] AdoptionAdoptionADOP[person] was adopted< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.a CremationCremationCREM[person] was cremated< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.X }BurialBurialBURI[person] was buried< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.[ ChristenChrCHR[person] was christened< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.i !DeathDeathDEAT[person] died< [Desc]>< [Date]>< [person:Age]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.T yBirthBirthBIRT[person] was born< [DatNvM2L&KJI QkZ}jZFyC1G0$7}pbS IllnessStillborn Mission Military Degree+Census (family)71Residence (family)61LDS Seal to spouse53Marriage Settlement4-Marriage License3/Marriage Contract2'Marriage Bann1!Engagement0'Divorce filed/ Divorce.Annulment- Marriage,)LDS Initiatory'-LDS Confirmation&-Title (Nobility)% Caste$%Reference No#7Ancestral File Number"3LDS Seal to parents!'LDS Endowment #LDS Baptism!Soc Sec No Residence Religion Property!Occupation#Nationality Education#Description!Retirement!GraduationWill Probate Census#Immigration!Emigration)Naturalization!Ordination+First communion %Confirmation -Christen (adult) Blessing #Bas Mitzvah #Bar Mitzvah Baptism Adoption Cremation Burial ChristeP'LDS Endowment @6" 8ud,$U\ N>_o3F,qJi MiscDNAAlt. Name!Separation Namesake Excomm Elected Living IllnessStillborn Mission Military Degree%Census (fam)7+Residence (fam)6!LDS SealSp5+Marr Settlement4 Marr Lic3'Marr Contract2Marr Bann1!Engagement0!Div. filed/ Divorce.Annulment- Marriage, LDS Init' LDS Conf& Title% Caste$ Ref ##AFN"#LDS SealPar! LDS Endow LDS BaptSSN Residence Religion Property!Occupation#Nationality Education#Description!Retirement!GraduationWill Probate Census#Immigration!Emigration)Naturalization!Ordination!First comm %Confirmation #Chr (adult) Blessing #Bas Mitzvah #Bar Mitzvah Baptism Adoption Cremation BurialChr Death Birth >F_%+}indexidxMediaFileMultimediaTableCREATE INDEX idxMediaFile ON MultimediaTable (MediaFile)3++tableMultimediaTableMultimediaTableCREATE TABLE MultimediaTa\+'uindexidxFactTypeNameFactTypeTableCREATE INDEX idxFactTypeName ON FactTypeTable (Name)b/'}indexidxFactTypeAbbrevFactTypeTableCREATE INDEX idxFactTypeAbbrev ON FactTypeTable (Abbrev)l5' indexidxFactTypeGedcomTagFactTypeTableCREATE INDEX idxFactTypeGedcomTag ON FactTypeTable (GedcomTag)3++tableMultimediaTableMultimediaTableCREATE TABLE MultimediaTable (MediaID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, MediaType INTEGER, MediaPath TEXT, MediaFile TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, URL TEXT, Thumbnail BLOB, Caption TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, RefNumber TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Date TEXT, SortDate INTEGER, Description BLOB )_%+}indexidxMediaFileMultimediaTableCREATE INDEX idxMediaFile ON MultimediaTable (MediaFile)W#+oindexidxMediaURLMultimediaTableCREATE INDEX idxMediaURL ON MultimediaTable (URL) @_.~2)qt$Dhj`VL zV8;BM EVEN _DNA EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN EVEN CENS7 RESI6 SLGS5 MARS4 MARL3 MARC2 MARB1 ENGA0 DIVF/DIV. ANUL- MARR,WAC'CONL&TITL%CAST$REFN#AFN"SLGC!ENDL BAPLSSNRESIRELIPROPOCCUNATIEDUCDSCRRETIGRADWILLPROBCENSIMMIEMIGNATUORDNFCOM CONF CHRA BLES BASM BARMBAPMADOPCREMBURICHRDEATBIRT     nn:a+)}indexidxMediaCaptionMediaLinkTableCREATE INDEX idxMediaCaption ON MediaLinkTableI))MtableMediaLinkTableMediaLinkTableCREATE TABLE MediaLinkTable (LinkID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, MediaID INTEGER, OwnerType INTEGER, OwnerID INTEGER, IsPrimary INTEGER, Include1 INTEGER, Include2 INTEGER, Include3 INTEGER, Include4 INTEGER, SortOrder INTEGER, RectLeft INTEGER, RectTop INTEGER, RectRight INTEGER, RectBottom INTEGER, Note TEXT, Caption TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, RefNumber TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Date TEXT, SortDate INTEGER, Description BLOB )a+)}indexidxMediaOwnerIDMediaLinkTableCREATE INDEX idxMediaOwnerID ON MediaLinkTable (OwnerID)a+)}indexidxMediaCaptionMediaLinkTableCREATE INDEX idxMediaCaption ON MediaLinkTable (Caption)    A0+'W)uindexidxNamePrimaryNameTable&CREATE INDEX idxNamePrimary ON NameTable (IsPrimary)u+-i0/tableNameTableNameTable CREATE TABLE NameTable (NameID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, OwnerID INTEGER, Surname TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Given TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Prefix TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Suffix TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Nickname TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, NameType INTEGER, Date TEXT, SortDate INTEGER, IsPrimary INTEGER, IsPrivate INTEGER, Proof INTEGER, EditDate FLOAT, Sentence BLOB, Note BLOB, BirthYear INTEGER, DeathYear INTEGER )U)qindexidxNameOwnerIDNameTable"CREATE INDEX idxNameOwnerID ON NameTable (OwnerID)M!iindexidxSurnameNameTable#CREATE INDEX idxSurname ON NameTable (Surname)GaindexidxGivenNameTable$CREATE INDEX idxGiven ON NameTable (Given)u+-indexidxSurnameGivenNameTable%CREATE INDEX idxSurnameGiven ON NameTable (Surname, Given, BirthYear, DeathYear)W)uindexidxNamePrimaryNameTable&CREATE INDEX idxNamePrimary ON NameTable (IsPrimary)     hZ ~K1 9  BOUNT - Bountiful UtahBOUNT^;ٽUb7 E  BOSTO - Boston MassachusettsBOSTOGՑK. 3  BOISE - Boise IdahoBOISE[ed7 E  BOGOT - Bogota D.C. ColumbiaBOGOT.h8 G  BISMA - Bismarck North DakotaBISMAB5 A  BIRMI - Birmingham AlabamaBIRMIJX@3 =  BILLI - Billings MontanaBILLILڿ>9 I  BAIRE - Buenos Aires ArgentinaBAIRELX2 ;  ATLAN - Atlanta GeorgiaATLAN9ͷJ4 ?  ASUNC - Asuncion ParaguayASUNCݤ/ 5  ARIZO - Mesa ArizonaARIZOetY+ /  APIA - Apia SamoaAPIA3 =  ANCHO - Anchorage AlaskaANCHO$kbh 9 I  ALBUQ - Albuquerque New MexicoALBUQ'3 =  ALBER - Cardston AlbertaALBERS\v`5 A  ADELA - Adelaide AustraliaADELA3R8- 3  ACCRA - Accra GhanaACCRANT* fe|ck`Y^G]5Z#Y 110:-| !!CtablePlaceTablePlaceTable'CREATE TABLE PlaceTable (PlaceID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, PlaceType INTEGER, Name TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Abbrev TEXT, Normalized TEXT, Latitude INTEGER, Longitude INTEGER, LatLongExact INTEGER, MasterID INTEGER, Note BLOB )P!%!iindexidxPlaceNamePlaceTable)CREATE INDEX idxPlaceName ON PlaceTable (Name)V")!qindexidxPlaceAbbrevPlaceTable*CREATE INDEX idxPlaceAbbrev ON PlaceTable (Abbrev)]#''ytableResearchTableResearchTable+CREATE TABLE ResearchTable (TaskID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, TaskType INTEGER, OwnerID INTEGER, OwnerType INTEGER, RefNumber TEXT, Name TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Status INTEGER, Priority INTEGER, Date1 TEXT, Date2 TEXT, Date3 TEXT, SortDate1 INTEGER, SortDate2 INTEGER, SortDate3 INTEGER, Filename TEXT, Details BLOB )f$1'indexidxResearchOwnerIDResearchTable,CREATE INDEX idxResearchOwnerID ON ResearchTable (OwnerID)\%+'uindexidxResearchNameResearchTable-CREATE INDEX idxResearchName ON ResearchTable (Name)fgf@' lK3|`= qW7COLUM - Columbus Ohio#KCOLSC - Columbia South Carolina,]COLJU - Colonia Juárez Chihuahua MexicoACOCHA - Cochabamba Bolivia!GCIUJU - Ciudad Juárez Mexico=CHICA - Chicago Illinois=CEBUP - Cebu Philippines"ICARAC - Caracas D.F. Venezuela;CAMPI - Campinas Brazil;CALGA - Calgary Alberta!GBROUG - Baton Rouge LouisianaABRISB - Brisbane Australia?BRIGH - Brigham City Utah9BOUNT - Bountiful Utah EBOSTO - Boston Massachusetts3BOISE - Boise Idaho EBOGOT - Bogota D.C. Columbia!GBISMA - Bismarck North DakotaABIRMI - Birmingham Alabama =BILLI - Billings Montana "IBAIRE - Buenos Aires Argentina ;ATLAN - Atlanta Georgia ?ASUNC - Asuncion Paraguay 5ARIZO - Mesa Arizona/APIA - Apia Samoa=ANCHO $d ESDIEG - San Diego Californiav_?NYORK - Harrison New YorkY\?JRIVE - Jordan River Utah:[,]COLJU - Colonia Juárez Chihuahua MexicobwmcYOE;1' }si_UKA7-#|rh^TJ@6," NAUV2U NASHVT MTIMPS MONTRR MONTIQ MONTEP MNTVDO MEXICN MERIDM MEMPHL MELBOK MEDFOJ MANTII MANILH MANHAG MANAUF MADRIE LVEGAD LUBBOC LOUISB LONDOA LOGAN@LIMA? LANGE>KYIV=KONA< KANSA; JRIVE: JOHAN9 IFALL8 HOUST7 HKONG6 HERMO5 HELSI4 HAWAI3 HALIF2 HAGUE1 GUAYA0 GUATE/ GUADA. GILAV- FUKUO, FRESN+ FREIB* FRANK) EHOUS( EDMON' DRAPE& DETRO% DENVE$ DALLA# CURIT" CRIVE! COPEN COLUM COLSC COLJU COCHA CIUJU CHICA CEBUP CARAC CAMPI CALGA BROUG BRISB BRIGH BOUNT BOSTO BOISE BOGOT BISMA BIRMI BILLI BAIRE ATLAN ASUNC ARIZOAPIA ANCHO ALBUQ ALBER ADELA a LOUISB     qqQ]&//itableResearchItemTableResearchItemTable.CREATE TABLE ResearchItemTable (ItemID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, LogID INTEGER, Date TEXT, SortDate INTEGER, RefNumber TEXT, Repository TEXT, Goal TEXT, Source TEXT, Result TEXT )p'5/ indexidxResearchItemLogIDResearchItemTable0CREATE INDEX idxResearchItemLogID ON ResearchItemTable (LogID)[(##}tableSourceTableSourceTable1CREATE TABLE SourceTable (SourceID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, RefNumber TEXT, ActualText TEXT, Comments TEXT, IsPrivate INTEGER, TemplateID INTEGER, Fields BLOB )T)'#mindexidxSourceNameSourceTable2CREATE INDEX idxSourceName ON SourceTable (Name)*''KtableCitationTableCitationTable3CREATE TABLE CitationTable (CitationID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, OwnerType INTEGER, SourceID INTEGER, OwnerID INTEGER, Quality TEXT, IsPrivate INTEGER, Comments BLOB, ActualText BLOB, RefNumber TEXT, Flags INTEGER, Fields BLOB )      dd76`i+3'indexidxCitationSourceIDCitationTable4CREATE INDEX idxCitationSourceID ON CitationTable (SourceID)f,1'indexidxCitationOwnerIDCitationTable6CREATE INDEX idxCitationOwnerID ON CitationTable (OwnerID)A---5tableAddressLinkTableAddressLinkTable7CREATE TABLE AddressLinkTable (LinkID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, OwnerType INTEGER, AddressID INTEGER, OwnerID INTEGER, AddressNum INTEGER, Details TEXT )8.%%3tableWitnessTableWitnessTable8CREATE TABLE WitnessTable (WitnessID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, EventID INTEGER, PersonID INTEGER, WitnessOrder INTEGER, Role INTEGER, Sentence TEXT, Note BLOB, Given TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Surname TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Prefix TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Suffix TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE )a//%}indexidxWitnessEventIDWitnessTable9CREATE INDEX idxWitnessEventID ON WitnessTable (EventID)e01%indexidxWitnessPersonIDWitnessTable:CREATE INDEX idxWitnessPersonID ON WitnessTable (PersonID)       ZZ<k%!6!!WtableGroupTableGroupTableACREATE TABLE Grou_1 tableLinkTableLinkTable;CREATE TABLE LinkTable (LinkID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, extSystem INTEGER, LinkType INTEGER, rmID INTEGER, extID TEXT, Modified INTEGER, extVersion TEXT, extDate FLOAT, Status INTEGER, Note BLOB )L2#eindexidxLinkRmIdLinkTable=CREATE INDEX idxLinkRmId ON LinkTable (rmID)O3%iindexidxLinkExtIdLinkTable>CREATE INDEX idxLinkExtId ON LinkTable (extID)'4tableRoleTableRoleTable?CREATE TABLE RoleTable (RoleID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, RoleName TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, EventType INTEGER, RoleType INTEGER, Sentence TEXT )[5-yindexidxRoleEventTypeRoleTable@CREATE INDEX idxRoleEventType ON RoleTable (EventType)6!!WtableGroupTableGroupTableACREATE TABLE GroupTable (RecID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, GroupID INTEGER, StartID INTEGER, EndID INTEGER )7))_tableExclusionTableExclusionTableBCREATE TABLE ExclusionTable (RecID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ExclusionType INTEGER, ID1 INTEGER, ID2 INTEGER )  X}g ;Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the bar mitzvah of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.c3Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the baptism of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.d5Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the adoption of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.e7Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the cremation of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.b1Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the burial of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g;Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the christening of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.a/Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the death of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.SDoctor[ThisPerson] delivered [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.a/Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the birth of [person]< [DateW3V+U#TSR :|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(":9876543271504/3.2-1,0+/*.)-(,''&&%$$!# "!           IIL:D>[tablenamesortnamesortCREATE TABLE namesort(OwnerID INT,name)p=''tableVariableTableVariableTableCREATE TABLE VariableTable ( Variable TEXT, Value INTEGER, Remark TEXT )U<%!sindexidxLabelTypeLabelTableHCREATE INDEX idxLabelType ON LabelTable (LabelType)}8/)/indexidxExclusionIndexExclusionTableCCREATE UNIQUE INDEX idxExclusionIndex ON ExclusionTable (ExclusionType, ID1, ID2) 933;tableSourceTemplateTableSourceTemplateTableECREATE TABLE SourceTemplateTable (TemplateID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Description TEXT, Favorite INTEGER, Category TEXT, Footnote TEXT, ShortFootnote TEXT, Bibliography TEXT, FieldDefs BLOB )u:73 indexidxSourceTemplateNameSourceTemplateTableFCREATE INDEX idxSourceTemplateName ON SourceTemplateTable (Name)1;!!-tableLabelTableLabelTableGCREATE TABLE LabelTable (LabelID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, LabelType INTEGER, LabelValue INTEGER, LabelName TEXT COLLATE RMNOCASE, Description TEXT )~ytoje`[VQLGB=83.)$ ~xrlf`ZTNHB<60*$ "|vpjd^XRLF@:4.(\lςZe21ă0.҃+/#+!ȃE} ȃ ΂}ytroׂngfedނc ba҂`͂XWقVUTS3RQ%P(O";43,)ɂ(m&U% $TuHon:m7h2`-^ā][ZY;OсNL,ā+a*)[WVUzTwPtMqL^K JGFA?><;:87o6b5^3Z1Y0R/Q.D-A,=(('&%  }|L2g"\,V-tjM<+wL*WBook, Image copy (CD/DVD publication)5oBook, General (Author(s) unknown or unidentified)#KBook, General (Aut:5mSocial Security Death/Tax rolls (local)g-]Probates, bound (state microfilm images)%$KPassenger Lists, NARA microfilm5mNA (U.S.) Microfilm (Publication Style Citation)K CMilitary Records, Databases^&OMagazine Article, online archives"5mLand Records, State (online images, by database)  Interviewc+YFrakturs (online images) (single item)I2gDirectories (City or County) (images, online)&OCorporate Records (online images)/aCivil Registrations, Canada (AO microfilm)T+YChurch Records (microfilm publication)V@Census, U.S. Federal, slave sch. 1850-1860 (Microfilm, NA)(UCensus, U.S. Federal (CD/DVD images)'-_Cemetery Office Records (personally used)5oBook, General (Author(s) unknown or unidentified)   ?%g}] BlessingBlessingBLES[person] was blessed< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.s ##Bas MitzvahBas MitzvahBASM[person] celebrated her bas mitzvah< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.s ##Bar MitzvahBar MitzvahBARM[person] celebrated his bar mitzvah< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.] BaptismBaptismBAPM[person] was baptized< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.] AdoptionAdoptionADOP[person] was adopted< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.a CremationCremationCREM[person] was cremated< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.X }BurialBurialBURI[person] was buried< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.[ ChristenChrCHR[person] was christened< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.i !DeathDeathDEAT[person] died< [Desc]>< [Date]>< [person:Age]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.T yBirthBirthBIRT[person] was born< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. %(Mp%t /ProbateProbatePROB[person] had [person:hisher] estate probated< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.e CensusCensusCENS[person] appeared in the census< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.l ##ImmigrationImmigrationIMMI[person] immigrated< [Date]>< to [Place:plain]>< [PlaceDetails]>.k !!EmigrationEmigrationEMIG[person] emigrated< [Date]>< from [Place:plain]>< [PlaceDetails]>.n ))NaturalizationNaturalizationNATU[person] was naturalized< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.c !!OrdinationOrdinationORDN[person] was ordained< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.t +!First communionFirst commFCOM[person] received first communion< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.h %%ConfirmationConfirmationCONF[person] was confirmed< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.l -#Christen (adult)Chr (adult)CHRA[person] was christened< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. EtAc ResidenceResidenceRESI[person] lived< [Desc]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>< [Date]>.\ }ReligionReligionRELI[person] was [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>._ PropertyPropertyPROP[person] owned [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.` !!}OccupationOccupationOCCU[date] [person] was [Desc:A]< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.b ##}NationalityNationalityNATI[person] was [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.k EducationEducationEDUC[person] was educated < [Desc]>< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.p ##DescriptionDescriptionDSCR[person] was described as [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.] !!wRetirementRetirementRETI[person] retired< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>._ !!{GraduationGraduationGRAD[person] graduated< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.X WillWillWILL[person] signed a will< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. I;MAI& -9LDS ConfirmationLDS ConfCONL[person] was confirmed a member of the LDS Church< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.p% -Title (Nobility)TitleTITL[person] held the title of [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g$ CasteCasteCAST[person] was associated with [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.J# %WReference NoRef #REFN[person] has reference number [Desc].U" 7aAncestral File NumberAFNAFN[person] has Ancestral File Number [Desc].! 3#3LDS Seal to parentsLDS SealParSLGC[person] was sealed to [person:hisher] parents< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.c 'LDS EndowmentLDS EndowENDL[person] was endowed< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.v #)LDS BaptismLDS BaptBAPL[person] was baptized into the LDS Church< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.K !cSoc Sec NoSSNSSN[person] had Social Security Number [Desc]. f>\f{2 /'Marriage ContractMarr ContractMARC[couple] signed a marriage contract< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.u1 '!Marriage BannMarr BannMARB[couple] had marriage banns published< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.q0 !!EngagementEngagementENGA[couple] <#Couple#was|were> engaged< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.k/ '! Divorce filedDiv. filedDIVF[couple] filed for divorce< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.k. DivorceDivorceDIV[couple] <#Couple#was|were> divorced< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.p- AnnulmentAnnulmentANUL[couple] had their marriage annulled< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.m, MarriageMarriageMARR[couple] <#Couple#was|were> married< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.o' )LDS InitiatoryLDS InitWAC[person] received LDS initiatory< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. X1Xav  MissionMissionEVEN[person] served a mission< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.ru 'MilitaryMilitaryEVEN[person] served in the military< [Desc]>< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.it DegreeDegreeEVEN[person] received a< [desc]> degree< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.t7 +%Census (family)Census (fam)CENS[couple] appeared in the census< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.s6 1+Residence (family)Residence (fam)RESI[couple] lived < [Desc]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>< [Date]>.s5 1!LDS Seal to spouseLDS SealSpSLGS[couple] were sealed together< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.4 3+%Marriage SettlementMarr SettlementMARS[couple] obtained a marriage settlement< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.v3 -Marriage LicenseMarr LicMARL[couple] obtained a marriage license< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. &2k*&[g 'yMiscellaneousMiscEVEN[person]< [Desc]>< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.J cDNA testDNA_DNA[person] had a DNA test performed< [Date]>.V )cAlternate nameAlt. NameEVEN[person] was also known as [Desc]< [Date]>.e~ !!SeparationSeparationEVEN[couple] were separated< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.i} NamesakeNamesakeEVEN[person] was named after [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.j| + ExcommunicationExcommEVEN[person] was excommunicated< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.i{ ElectionElectedEVEN[person] was elected< as [Desc]>< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.Xy }LivingLivingEVEN[person] was living< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.fx IllnessIllnessEVEN[person] was ill< with [Desc]>< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.bw StillbornStillbornEVEN[person] was stillborn< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. "9F`o{ (2>N[n+|G0$7}pbS IllnessStillborn Mission Military Degree+Census (family)71Residence (family)61LDS Seal to spouse53Marriage Settlement4-Marriage License3/Marriage Contract2'Marriage Bann1!Engagement0'Divorce filed/ Divorce.Annulment- Marriage,)LDS Initiatory'-LDS Confirmation&-Title (Nobility)% Caste$%Re DNA test)Alternate name+Excommunication Election Adoption7Ancestral File Number"Annulment- Baptism#Bar Mitzvah#Bas Mitzvah Birth Blessing Burial Caste$ Census+Census (family)7 Christen-Christen (adult) %Confirmation Cremation Death Degree#Description Divorce.'Divorce filed/ Education!Emigration!Engagement0+First communion !Graduation Illness#Immigration#LDS Baptism-LDS Confirmation& FYq 8':IXdq('Miscellaneous!Separation Namesake)LDS Initiatory'3LDS Seal to parents!1LDS Seal to spouse5 Living Marriage,'Marriage Bann1/Marriage Contract2-Marriage License33Marriage Settlement4 Military Mission#Nationality)Naturalization!Occupation!Ordination Probate Property%Reference No# Religion Residence1Residence (family)6!Retirement!Soc Sec NoStillborn-Title (Nobility)%Will }H|K}g ;Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the bar mitzvah of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.c3Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the baptism of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.d5Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the adoption of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.e7Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the cremation of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.b1Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the burial of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g;Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the christening of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.a/Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the death of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.SDoctor[ThisPerson] delivered [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.a/Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the birth of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. L1^Lg;Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the immigration of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.f9Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the emigration of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.jAWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the naturalization of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.f9Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the ordination of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.kCWitness [ThisPerson] witnessed the first communion of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.h =Witness [ThisPerson] witnessed the confirmation of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g ;Witness [ThisPerson] witnessed the christening of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.d 5Witness [ThisPerson] witnessed the blessing of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g ;Witness [ThisPerson] witnessed the bas mitzvah of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. <$X}<e7Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the education of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.pMWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the appearance of [person] as [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.f9Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the retirement of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.f9Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the graduation of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.qMExecutor[ThisPerson] was named an executor for the will of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.hCHeir[ThisPerson] was named an heir in the will of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.`-Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the will of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.c3Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the probate of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.uWWitness[ThisPerson] appeared in the household of [person] in the census< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. 5Um#GWitness![ThisPerson] witnessed the sealed to parents of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.e"7Witness [ThisPerson] witnessed the endowment of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.w![Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the baptism of [person] into the LDS Church< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.e 7Witness[ThisPerson] lived in the residence of [person] < [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>< [Date]>.pMWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the religion of [person] as [Desc:A]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.pMWitnesshisPerson] witnessed the property of [person] as [Desc:A]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.rQWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the occupation of [person]< [Date]> as [Desc:A]< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.qOWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the nationality of [person] as [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. |0R|g+9Witness0[ThisPerson] witnessed the engagement of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.k*AWitness/[ThisPerson] witnessed the divorce filing of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.d)3Witness.[ThisPerson] witnessed the divorce of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.v(WWitness-[ThisPerson] witnessed the annulment of the marriage of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.e'5Witness,[ThisPerson] witnessed the marriage of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.j&AWitness'[ThisPerson] witnessed the LDS initiatory of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.%yWitness&[ThisPerson] witnessed the confirmation of [person] as a member of the LDS Church< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.r$QWitness$[ThisPerson] witnessed the associated with [Desc] of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. n Bnm3EWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the military service of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.c21Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the degree of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.v1WWitness7[ThisPerson] appeared in the census in the household of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.d03Witness5[ThisPerson] witnessed the sealing of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.p/KWitness4[ThisPerson] witnessed the marriage settlement of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.~.gWitness3[ThisPerson] witnessed the obtaining of the marriage license by [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.n-GWitness2[ThisPerson] witnessed the marriage contract of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.|,cWitness1[ThisPerson] witnessed the publishing of the marriage banns of [couple]<[Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. /1Nw/F:yWitness[person]< [Desc]>< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g99Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the separation of [couple]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.l8CWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the excommunication of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.o7IWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the election of [person] as [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.p6KWitness[ThisPerson] witnessed the illness of [person] with [Desc]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.g59Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the stillbirth of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.d43Witness[ThisPerson] witnessed the mission of [person]< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. Kn9k5Z ~K1 9  BOUNT - Bountiful UtahBOUNT^;ٽUb7 E  BOSTO - Boston MassachusettsBOSTOGՑK. 3  BOISE - Boise IdahoBOISE[ed7 E  BOGOT - Bogota D.C. ColumbiaBOGOT.h8 G  BISMA - Bismarck North DakotaBISMAB5 A  BIRMI - Birmingham AlabamaBIRMIJX@3 =  BILLI - Billings MontanaBILLILڿ>9 I  BAIRE - Buenos Aires ArgentinaBAIRELX2 ;  ATLAN - Atlanta GeorgiaATLAN9ͷJ4 ?  ASUNC - Asuncion ParaguayASUNCݤ/ 5  ARIZO - Mesa ArizonaARIZOetY+ /  APIA - Apia SamoaAPIA3 =  ANCHO - Anchorage AlaskaANCHO$kbh 9 I  ALBUQ - Albuquerque New MexicoALBUQ'3 =  ALBER - Cardston AlbertaALBERS\v`5 A  ADELA - Adelaide AustraliaADELA3R8- 3  ACCRA - Accra GhanaACCRANT* /  ABA - Aba NigeriaABA 2a NY%LZ(N/# 5  DALLA - Dallas TexasDALLAPYN2" ;  CURIT - Curitiba BrazilCURITצxU` I  LANGE - Los Angeles CaliforniaLANGELJhc-= 3  KYIV - Kyiv UkraineKYIV0,< 1  KONA - Kona HawaiiKONA 7; E  KANSA - Kansas City MissouriKANSA`ǬRl4: ?  JRIVE - Jordan River UtahJRIVE-竽H<9 O  JOHAN - Johannesburg South AfricaJOHANc48 ?  IFALL - Idaho Falls IdahoIFALL퇓7-07 7  HOUST - Houston TexasHOUST,͡26 ;  HKONG - Hong Kong ChinaHKONG PܟD1  6Qq0Kk <^~'OTHER"ILANGE - Los Angeles California>-LIMA - Lima Peru?1LOG EKANSA - Kansas City Missouri;1KONA - Kona Hawaii<3KYIV - Kyiv Ukraine="ILANGE - Los Angeles California>-LIMA - Lima Peru?1LOGAN - Logan Utah@9LONDO - London EnglandACLOUIS - Louisville KentuckyB7LUBBO - Lubbock TexasC=LVEGA - Las Vegas NevadaD5MADRI - Madrid SpainE7MANAU - Manaus BrazilFAMANHA - Manhattan New YorkGAMANIL - Manila PhilippinesH1MANTI - Manti UtahI9MEDFO - Medford OregonJCMELBO - Melbourne AustraliaK?MEMPH - Memphis TennesseeL9MERID - Mérida MexicoM#KMEXIC - Mexico City D.F. MexicoNAMNTVD - Montevideo UruguayO=MONTE - Monterrey MexicoP;MONTI - Monticello UtahQ;MONTR - Montreal QuebecR!GMTIMP - Mount Timpanogos UtahSCNASHV - Nashville TennesseeT!GNAUV2 - Nauvoo Illinois (new)U?NAUVO - Nauvoo (original)V$MNBEAC - Newport Beach CaliforniaW=NUKUA - Nuku'alofa TongaX ,g/S|D b,4Y ?  NYORK - Harrison New YorkNYORKr"5n3X =  NUKUA - Nuku'alofa TongaNUKUAfd$2;W M  NBEAC - Newport Beach CaliforniaNBEAC lg4V ?  NAUVO - Nauvoo (original)NAUVO+~ɇ8U G  NAUV2 - Nauvoo Illinois (new)NAUV2+~ɇ6T C  NASHV - Nashville TennesseeNASHVmh: 8S G  MTIMP - Mount Timpanogos UtahMTIMPt/a2R ;  MONTR - Montreal QuebecMONTR(d242Q ;  MONTI - Monticello UtahMONTIZ3P =  MONTE - Monterrey MexicoMONTEL4b5O A  MNTVD - Montevideo UruguayMNTVD7^gކ:N K  MEXIC - Mexico City D.F. MexicoMEXIC 9c_1M 9  MERID - Mérida MexicoMERID ʔޫ4L ?  MEMPH - Memphis TennesseeMEMPHLsb6K C  MELBO - Melbourne AustraliaMELBOmV1J 9  MEDFO - Medford OregonMEDFOAyB-I 1  MANTI - Manti UtahMANTIh8wn85H A  MANIL - Manila PhilippinesMANIL`HA A||#-7AKU_is} '1;EOYcmwrh^TJ@6," NAUV2U NASHVT MTIMPS MONTRR MONTIQ MONTEP MNTVDO MEXICN MERIDM MEMPHL MELBOK MEDFOJ MANTII MANILH MANHAG MANAUF MADRIE LVEGAD LUBBOC LOUISBABA ACCRA ADELA ALBER ALBUQ ANCHOAPIA ARIZO ASUNC ATLAN BAIRE BILLI BIRMI BISMA BOGOT BOISE BOSTO BOUNT BRIGH BRISB BROUG CALGA CAMPI CARAC CEBUP CHICA CIUJU COCHA COLJU COLSC COLUM COPEN CRIVE! CURIT" DALLA# DENVE$ DETRO% DRAPE& EDMON' EHOUS( FRANK) FREIB* FRESN+ FUKUO, GILAV- GUADA. GUATE/ GUAYA0 HAGUE1 HALIF2 HAWAI3 HELSI4 HERMO5 HKONG6 HOUST7 IFALL8 JOHAN9 JRIVE: KANSA;KONA<KYIV= LANGE>LIMA? LOGAN@ LONDOA P )3=GQ[eoy#-7AKT^hr|~ti^SH='2 SPMIN SPAUL WINTE WASHI VILLA VERNA VERAC VANCO TORON TOKYO TGUTI TWINF TEGUC TAMPI TAIPE SYDNE SWISS SUVA STOCK LUBBOC LVEGAD MADRIE MANAUF MANHAG MANILH MANTII MEDFOJ MELBOK MEMPHL MERIDM MEXICN MNTVDO MONTEP MONTIQ MONTRR MTIMPS NASHVT NAUV2U NAUVOV NBEACW NUKUAX NYORKY NZEALZ OAKLA[ OAXAC\ OGDEN] OKLAH^ OQUIR_ ORLAN` OTHERa PALEGb PALMYc PANAMd PAPEEe PERTHf POFFIg PORTLh PRESTi PROVOj QUETZk RALEIl RECIFm REDLAn REGINoRENOp REXBUq SACRAr SANSAs SANTIt SANTOu SDIEGv SDOMIw SEATTx SEOULy SGEORz SJOSE{ SLAKE| SLOUI} SNOWF~ SPAUL SPMIN SPOKA J^/b*UJ;k M  QUETZ - Quetzaltenango GuatemalaQUETZuo-j 1  PROVO - Provo UtahPROVOڽu2i ;  PREST - Preston EnglandPRESTn2h ;  PORTL - Portland OregonPORTL^5g A  POFFI - President's OfficePOFFIMƽN\2f ;  PERTH - Perth AustraliaPERTHdEH<1e 9  PAPEE - Papeete TahitiPAPEEw7d E  PANAM - Panamá City PanamáPANAMV Е3c =  PALMY - Palmyra New YorkPALMY7$6b C  PALEG - Porto Alegre BrazilPALEGBxl"a '  OTHER - OtherOTHER2` ;  ORLAN - Orlando FloridaORLANj8_ G  OQUIR - Oquirrh Mountain UtahOQUIR+@9^ I  OKLAH - Oklahoma City OklahomaOKLAH6]-] 1  OGDEN - Ogden UtahOGDENǽB0\ 7  OAXAC - Oaxaca MexicoOAXAC ,nY5[ A  OAKLA - Oakland CaliforniaOAKLA)7Z E  NZEAL - Hamilton New ZealandNZEAL{0hy  7Z|#?^z/Of^CSASLOUI - St. Louis Missouri}!GOQUIR - Oquirrh Mountain Utah_;ORLAN - Orlando Florida`'OTHER - ENZEAL - Hamilton New ZealandZAOAKLA - Oakland California[7OAXAC - Oaxaca Mexico\1OGDEN - Ogden Utah]"IOKLAH - Oklahoma City Oklahoma^!GOQUIR - Oquirrh Mountain Utah_;ORLAN - Orlando Florida`'OTHER - OtheraCPALEG - Porto Alegre Brazilb=PALMY - Palmyra New Yorkc EPANAM - Panamá City Panamád9PAPEE - Papeete Tahitie;PERTH - Perth AustraliafAPOFFI - President's Officeg;PORTL - Portland Oregonh;PREST - Preston Englandi1PROVO - Provo Utahj$MQUETZ - Quetzaltenango Guatemalak"IRALEI - Raleigh North Carolinal7RECIF - Recife BrazilmCREDLA - Redlands CalifornianCREGIN - Regina Saskatchewano1RENO - Reno Nevadap7REXBU - Rexburg Idahoq!GSACRA - Sacramento Californiar$MSANSA - San Salvador El Salvadors9SANTI - Santiago Chilet?SANTO - San Antonio Texasu ^[#Le.^,| /  SLAKE - Salt LakeSLAKEMN6{ C  SJOSE - San Jose Costa RicaSJOSE*a⸉2z ;  SGEOR - St. George UtahSGEORMZ4y ?  SEOUL - Seoul South KoreaSEOULc3K"5x A  SEATT - Seattle WashingtonSEATT\ 2_Cw ]  SDOMI - Santo Domingo Dominican RepublicSDOMI T7v E  SDIEG - San Diego CaliforniaSDIEG W4u ?  SANTO - San Antonio TexasSANTOoJ1t 9  SANTI - Santiago ChileSANTI z3;s M  SANSA - San Salvador El SalvadorSANSA'8r G  SACRA - Sacramento CaliforniaSACRA0q 7  REXBU - Rexburg IdahoREXBU3_,p 1  RENO - Reno NevadaRENO6o C  REGIN - Regina SaskatchewanREGIN 06n C  REDLA - Redlands CaliforniaREDLAKx&-0m 7  RECIF - Recife BrazilRECIF-i/$9l I  RALEI - Raleigh North CarolinaRALEILQ# /]%T}G d/2 ;  VERAC - Veracruz MexicoVERAC o(Ʋ= Q  VANCO - Vancouver British ColumbiaVANCOK>2 ;  TORON - Toronto OntarioTORONw. 3  TOKYO - Tokyo JapanTOKYO@0'SH?: K  TGUTI - Tuxtla Gutierrez MexicoTGUTI O3 =  TWINF - Twin Falls IdahoTWINFbG^7 E  TEGUC - Tegucigalpa HondurasTEGUCd 1 9  TAMPI - Tampico MexicoTAMPI >ŭFD0 7  TAIPE - Taipei TaiwanTAIPEHc̄3 =  SYDNE - Sydney AustraliaSYDNEAZ|3 =  SWISS - Bern SwitzerlandSWISSyr* -  SUVA - Suva FijiSUVA1jZ43 =  STOCK - Stockholm SwedenSTOCK#=) >5 A  SPOKA - Spokane WashingtonSPOKAbG!L5 A  SPMIN - St. Paul MinnesotaSPMINsgȖ4 ?  SPAUL - São Paulo BrazilSPAUL%\&4~ ?  SNOWF - Snowflake ArizonaSNOWFӮ`W5} A  SLOUI - St. Louis MissouriSLOUI-  6Us @`~)NgmP;VERAC - Veracruz Mexico'QVANCO - Vancouver British Columbia;TORON -"GWINTE - Winter Quarters (new);WASHI - Washington D.C.(SVILLA - Villahermosa Tabasco Mexico,]SDOMI - Santo Domingo Dominican RepublicwASEATT - Seattle Washingtonx?SEOUL - Seoul South Koreay;SGEOR - St. George UtahzCSJOSE - San Jose Costa Rica{/SLAKE - Salt Lake|ASLOUI - St. Louis Missouri}?SNOWF - Snowflake Arizona~?SPAUL - São Paulo BrazilASPMIN - St. Paul MinnesotaASPOKA - Spokane Washington=STOCK - Stockholm Sweden-SUVA - Suva Fiji=SWISS - Bern Switzerland=SYDNE - Sydney Australia7TAIPE - Taipei Taiwan9TAMPI - Tampico Mexico!ETEGUC - Tegucigalpa Honduras$KTGUTI - Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico3TOKYO - Tokyo Japan;TORON - Toronto Ontario=TWINF - Twin Falls Idaho'QVANCO - Vancouver British Columbia;VERAC - Veracruz Mexico3VERNA - Vernal Utah Y8 G  WINTE - Winter Quarters (new)WINTE ̵2 ;  WASHI - Washington D.C.WASHIA.> S  VILLA - Villahermosa Tabasco MexicoVILLA ȝ. 3  VERNA - Vernal UtahVERNAо7ldName>FamilyGroupFamily GroupTexte.g. John Doe-May Smith family group sheetTrueTypeTypeTexte.g. undocumented, partially documented, or fully documentedTrueAFNumbersAF numbersTextAncestral File number(s)e.g. A5DX-3R and A5DX-S6TrueAFVersionAF versionTextAncestral File version, e.g. 4.13FalseYearYearDatethe year of the AF Version, e.g. 1994False : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [Year:Year]), [ItemofInterest]<; submission [SubmitData]>.Ancestral File, [ItemofInterest:Abbrev].Ancestral File, CD-ROM database. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [Year:Year]. YearYearDateYear publishedFalseItemofInterestItem of interestTextperson, event and date of interestfull and shortened entry, e.g. James Edward entry, baptism (1727)||James Edward bap. (1727)TrueSubmitDataSubmit dataTextsubmitter and submission informationTrue /Hint>FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, etc. [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextperson, event and date of interestfull and optional short entry, e.g. James Edward entry, baptism (1727)||James Edward bap. (1727)TrueSubmitDataSubmit dataTextsubmitter and submission informationTrue iiO[)=!{WAncestral FileAncestral File (AF), LDS[E!, p 64]<[Compiler], compiler, >"[FamilyGroup],"< ([Type]),> [AFNumbers], Ancestral File< ([Year])>>, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.<[Compiler:Surname], >"[FamilyGroup]," FHL, Ancestral File.Ancestral File<, version [AFVersion]>. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah<, [Year]>. CompilerCompilerNamename of the original compiler/author (put slashes around multi-part surnames, like /van Durren/.)TrueAncestral File, CD-ROM database, (Salt Lake City, Utahj MM(K_=5K3rAncestral File, online databaseOnline database; Ancestral File [AF], LDS[EE, sec 7.32, p 346-7] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS], "Ancestral File," database, <[WebsiteTitle]|FamilySearch> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemofInterest]<; submission [SubmitData]>.LDS, "Ancestral File," database, <[WebsiteTitle]|FamilySearch>, [ItemofInterest:Abbrev].The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS]. "Ancestral File." Database. <[WebsiteTitle]|FamilySearch>. [URL] : [AccessDate:year]. WebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextname of website[default = FamilySearch]FalseURLURLTextinternet address<koor], >"[Title]," <([ItemDate])>; <[Type]|folder>: "[Label]," <[Collection]|vertical files>; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].<[Author:Surname], >"[Title]."<[Author:Reverse]. >"[Title]." [ItemDate:Year]. <[Type:Caps]|Folder><: "[Label]>." <[Collection:Caps]|Vertical files>. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorenclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes /van Campen/TrueTitleTitleTextthe title of the itemTrueItemDateItem DateDate date of the itemTrueTypeTypeTexte.g. folder [default = folder]TrueLabelFolder labelTextlabel on the folderTrueCollectionCollectionTextdescription of item [default = vertical files]FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe place (city, or city and state) where the repository is locatedFalse AA"B1u/9Artifact, archivedArchived Material: Artifact; creator as lead element[EE, QC-3, p 93] [Creatog=_/Si}Artifact, privately heldArtifact, Private Holdings (other than newspaper items) i.e. postB1u/9Artifact, archivedArchived Material: Artifact; creator as lead element[EE, QC-3, p 93] [Creator],< "[ArtifactTitle:Proper],">< [ItemType:lower],> [CreationDate], [ItemID], [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [DescriptiveDetail].[Creator:Last],< "[ArtifactTitle:Proper],">< [Collection]>.[Creator:reverse].<wg=_/Si}Artifact, privately heldArtifact, Private Holdings (other than newspaper items) i.e. postr[AQS inside left] "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," <[ItemType]|article>, <[Website]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]>."[Title].""[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." <[ItemType:Caps]|Article>. <[Website]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. TitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe format or type of item [default = article]FalseWebsiteWebsiteTextthe title of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate access, viewed, printed, downloadedTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTextthe specific item of interest in the article (optional)True tons, author identified. See also Magazine Articles, online archives[AQS, inside left] <[Author], >"[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev],|article,>< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><[Magazine]< ([PubDate])| (n.d.)>>>>.<[Author:Surname], ><[Author:Reverse]. >"[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." <[ItemType:Caps]. |Article. ><[Creator]. ><[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. [Magazine]<, [PubDate].|, n.d.>>  AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s)enclose multi-part surnames of first author in /van Campen/FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of item, e.g. articleFalseCreatorWebsite creatorTextthe owner or creator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLvInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed/viewed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextthe location of specific item of interest in the articlefull version || shortended version (full length version used unless double bars and entry follows the double bars)TrueCreditLineCredit LineTextsource of the source, if other than magazine and publication dateIf a magazine name is entered, the credit line defaults to "citing prior publication, <Magazine name> (pub_date)". Anything entered in the credit line field will over write the defaults, but "<i>[Magazine]</i>< ([PubDate])>" can be entered into the Creditline field if applicable.FalseMagazineMagazine titleTextthe title of the magazineFalsePubDatePublished dateTextthe original date published - month/season and yearFalse x "[ArtifactTitle:Proper]."> [ItemType:Caps]. [CreationDate]. [Collection]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc:First]. CreatorCreatorNamename(s) of the creator(s)FalseArtifactTitleArtifact titleTextidentification of the artifact, quoted exactlyFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. quilt, samplerFalseCreationDateCreation DateDatedate when the artifact was createdFalseItemIDItem numberTextitem number or other identification of the itemFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repositoryFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity or city and state where the repository is locatedFalseDescriptiveDetailDescriptiveDetailTextdescriptive details about the item relative to the research projectFalse zCaps]|Photograph> of the original<, [PhotoDate]>.< By [Photographer].> Privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >Address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>. ItemIDGeneric IDTextgeneric identification or title of the itemif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotesFalseArtifactTypeArtifact typeTexttype of artifact, e.g. scrapbookFalseCreationDateCreation DateDatedate when the original was createdFalseCopyTypeCopyTypeTexttype of copye.g. photograph, photocopy, digital image [default = photograph]FalsePhotographerPhotographerTextthe person who took the photoFalsePhotoDateDate photographedDatedate the photo was takenFalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerTextname of the current or last known ownerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextstreet address of the last known ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressText name of the city and state of the last known ownerFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatelast year the artifact was known to have been ownedFalseRelationshipRelationshipTextrelationship to the creator/subject, if knownFalseDescriptiveDetailDescriptive detailTextdescriptive details about the itemFalseProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownership of itemFalse uudk591dArtifact, Family, photographed (privately held)photograph/photocopies of original Family Artifacts, Private|;CqQJAtlasAtlas, Historical; original version, reprint edition; county atlas; topographical atlas|;CqQJAtlasAtlas, Historical; original version, reprint edition; county atlas; topographical atlas[EE, sec. 12.33, p 682-83] <[Author], >[Title]<, [Details]><, [Edition:Abbrev]> (<[OriginalPubDate:Year]; reprint, ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [ItemOfInterest]>.<[Author:Last], >[Title:Abbrev]<, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]. <[Details]. ><[Edition:Caps]. ><[OriginalPubDate:Year]. Reprint,> <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d>. Author<[Role], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Abbrev]> (<[OriginalPubDate:Year]; reprint, ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [Page]><, [ItemofInterest]>; <[NewFormat:lower]|digital images>,< [Creator],> [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]).<[Author:Surname], >[Title:Abbrev]<, [Page]>.<[Author:Reverse]. ><[Role]. >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[OriginalPubDate:Year]. Reprint. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. <[NewFormat:Caps]|Digital images>. [URL] : [AccessDt>CollectionCollectionTextname of collectione.g. Block Family Collection or Martin Family Papers, 1701— or Bertrand-Lennon Family ArchivesFalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerTextname of the current or last known ownerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextstreet address of the last known ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressText name of the city and state of the last known ownerFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatelast year the artifact was known to have been ownedFalseItemIDGeneric IDTextgeneric identification of the itemif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotesTrueCreditCreditTextother event cited, if applicablee.g. citing services on ...TrueDescriptionDescriptionTextdescriptive detailsTrueProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownership of itemTrue OO8 -S!eaSxBaptismal RecordBook number & title as lead element[E!, p 65][Book], [Title]: [Entry], [Church], [Place].[Book], [Title]: [Entry], [Church:Abbrev].[Place:Reverse]. [Church]. [Title]. BookBook<5 '%#;9(Bible RecordsFamily bible[E!, p 65] Family data, [Family] Family Bible, [Title]<: [Subp73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAut8 -S!eaSxBaptismal RecordBook number & title as lead element[E!, p 65][Book], [Title]: [Entry], [Church], [Place].[Book], [Title]: [Entry], [Church:Abbrev].[Place:Reverse]. [Church]. [Title]. BookBook<5 '%#;9(Bible RecordsFamily bible[E!, p 65] Family data, [Family] Family Bible, [Title]<: [Sub cards, wedding invitations, engagement notices, birth announcements, church service programs, funeral cards, funeral programs, samplers, medals, jewelry, art objects, etc. For letters, see Letter and Letter, Historic.[EE, QC-3, p105] [ItemID:Caps], in [Compiler] [ArtifactID], [CreationDate], privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]><. [DescriptiveDetail]><. [Provenance]>.[ItemID:Abbrev:Caps], [Compiler] [ArtifactID].[Compiler:reverse]. [ArtifactID:Caps]. [CreationDate]. Privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >Address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>. ArtifactIDArtifact IDTextidentification of the artifactin lower case letters, e.g. scrapbookFalseCreationDateCreation DateDatedate when the artifact was createdFalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerTextname of the current or last known ownerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextstreet address of the last known ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressText name of the city and state of the last known ownerFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatelast year the artifact was known to have been ownedFalseCompilerCompiled byNamename(s) of the compiler(s)FalseItemIDGeneric IDTextgeneric identification of the itemif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotesFalseDescriptiveDetailDescriptive detailTextdescriptive details about the itemFalseProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownership of itemFalse e>AuthorNamethe author(s) of the book (optional)FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the map || shortened title for subsequent notes - optionalFalseDetailsDetailsTextspecial notes about introduction, etc.FalseEditionEditionTextedition versionfull and shortened versions e.g. third edition || 3rd. Ed.FalseOriginalPubDateOriginal pub dateDateoriginal year published when a reprint (optional if not a reprint)FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextpage or plate number, description of map or item of interestTrue kp73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemT9 I7#5#.Birth Certificate, local levelBirth Registration, Local level, certificate; Civil vital records, name element first[E!, p 65] [Name], birth certificate [CertificateNo]< ([Date])>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Name], <[Jurisdiction] >birth certificate [CertificateNo]< ([Date:year])>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [Repository]. Birth Registrations. NameNameTextthe exact name of the child as it appears in the record, i.e. Wm Doe rather than William DoeTrueJurisdictionJurisdictionTextthe city where the registration occurred AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the work, if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no shortened, full version will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextthe edition or impression (full || abbreviated), i.e. "fourth edition||4th ed." or "revised edition||rev. ed."FalseOriginalPubDateOriginal pub. dateText(for Reprints Only) date the atlas was originally publishedFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownn.p. [no place] will be inserted if the field is left blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] will be inserted if the field is left blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] will be inserted if field is left blankFalsePagePageTextpage number(s), where the information appearsTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTextdetails of specific item of interestinclude quotation marks if an exact titleTrueNewFormatNew formatTextformat of new publicatione.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextweb address, i.e. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you visited the siteTrue BBPdk591dArtifact, Family, photographed (privately held)photograph/photocopies of original Family Artifacts, Privately Held (location of original unknown) i.e. post cards, wedd# K#Aa1(Birth Registration, local levelBirth registers; county level; Civil vital records, name e K#Birth Registration, state levelBirth Registration, state level; Civil vital records, name elements first[E!, p 66] [Name], birth certific! k11u BlogsBroadcasts & Web Miscellanea: Blogs; (web logs)[EE, QC-14, p787] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Creator], [BlogName],< [BlogDate]> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [SpecificContent]>.[Author:Surname], "[Title][Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." < [Creator]>. [BlogName],< [BlogDate]>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].Textbook number, e.g. Book 4FalseTitleTitleTexttitle of record booke.g. Baptisms, 1856–1859FalseEntryEntryTextentry information, e.g. entry 19 (1857)TrueChurchChurchTextname of the churchfull and Abbreviated name, e.g. Saint Francis Catholic Church||St. Francis ChurchFalsePlacePlacePlacelocation of the churchex. Avon, Polk County, Iowa||Avon, Polk Co., IowaFalse ii<LPM7SqR]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts)cemetery records,nG)1W{UxCourt Records (online images)Court, records, image copies: online; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-8, p 381] [Jurisdiction], [Series:Abbrev] [CaseFileNo], [CaseLabel], [CourtTerm], "[ItemOfInterest]," [RecordDate]; <[ItemType:Lower]|digital images>, <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed>, [AccessDate]).[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev] [CaseFileNo], [CaseLabel:Abbrev], [CourtTerm:Abbrev], "[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]."[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [WebsiteOwner]. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated versiQ>ItemAuthorItem authorNamethe author(s) of the itemFalseItemTitleItem titleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type of itemdefault = databaseFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Textthe type of posting, i.e. posted, accessed, updated [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was posted, accessed, updatedTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextthe specific item of interest, e.g. entry for ...TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextadd your commentary about the citationTrue ItemTitleItem titleTextthe title of the itemYou can include a shortened title for the short FN by entering it following a pair of double bars || after the full title, e.g. full title || shortened titleFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type of itemdefault = digital imagesFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Textthe type of posting, i.e. posted, accessed, updated [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was posted, accessed, updatedTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextthe specific item of interest, e.g. entry for ...TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextadd your commentary about the citationTrue  kG?W-uChurch Record! O?[ -@Church Records (filmed, archives)citing a series and numbered volume, Church Record Books, archival series (formal) preservation filK)75o |Marriage Record (bound volumes)marriage records, bound volumes (EE); Jurisdiction and Series as lead elements[EE, sec. 9.4, p 435][Jurisdiction], [Volume]<: [Page]>, [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume:Abbrev]<: [Page]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceplace where records were fromFalseSeriesSeriesTextseries of records includedFalseItemAuthorItem authorNamethe author(s) of the item || if secondary authors add list of primary authors with "et al" after double barsFalseItemTitleItem titleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type of itemFalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextthe name of the website creator or ownerFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Textthe type of posting, i.e. posted, accessed, updated [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was posted, accessed, updatedTrueCitationDetailCitation DetailTextthe details, e.g. para. 13TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse title]><, [Edition]>, (<[PublishPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PublishDate]|n.d.>); original owned by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [Provenance]>.[Family] Family Bible.[Family:Reverse], family data. In [Title]<: [Subtitle]>.< [Edition:Caps].> <[PublishPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PublishDate]|n.d.>. Original owned by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. FamilyFamilyNameoriginal owner (put slashes around multi-part surname, ex. John /van Doe/.)FalseTitleTitleTexttitle of the bibleFalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of bible from title pageFalseEditionEditionTexte.g. new edition, second editionFalsePublishPlacePublish placePlacethe place where this book was published, e.g. Baltimore, MarylandFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe name of the publisherFalsePublishDatePublish dateDatethe date this book was publishedFalseOwnerOwnerNamename of the present ownerFalseYearOwnedYear OwnedDatethe last known date the current owner had the bibleFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextpresent owner's street addressFalseCityAddressCity, StateTextcity and state of the present owner's addressFalseProvenanceProvenanceTextprovenance (who passed it down to who and details of owners) and annotationFalse ield>FalseCertificateNoCertificate numberTextthe birth certificate number (enter "no." at beginning if you wish to include it)TrueDateDateDatethe year when the child was born (exact date can be entered if necessary)TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextname of the repository, e.g. Clerk's Office, City HallFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlaceplace where the repository is located, e.g. Avon, Polk County, Iowa or Chicago, IllinoisFalse P K#Birth Registration, state levelBirth Registration, state level; Civil vital records, name elements first[E!, p 66] [Name], birth certific# K#Aa1(Birth Registra# K#Aa1(Birth Registration, local levelBirth registers;kiK}[c{Q:Book, General (Author(s) known)Book, print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translator), edition; monographs, legal works, other published works; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, QC-12, p 647, with 648, 651, sec. 12.13–12.20; EE, QC-13, 727; E!, p 66-71; CYS, p 31-35, 39-45][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [SuplAuthor]<, [Suplrole]>><, [Edition:Lower:Abbrev]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [Page:Abbrev].[Auth m#/#a+XArtifk% SszBook ChapterOne or more known chapter and/or book authors, edited or compiled o#okg~Book, General (Author(s) unknown or unidentified)Book, print edition, author or authors unknown or known but not identified (you may enter Anonymous or names if known to you); N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, sec. 12.5–12.20; E!, p 66, 68, CYS, p 36] [Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].[Title:Abbrev], [Page:Abbrev].[Title]<: [SubTitlelement first[E!, p 65] [Name] entry, [Series]<, [Book]>: [Entry], [Repository], [RepositoryCity], [RepositorySt].[Name] entry, [Series]<, [Book]>, [Entry].[RepositorySt]. [RepositoryCnty]. [Repository], [RepositoryCity]. Birth Registers. NameNameTextthe exact name of the child as it appears in the record, i.e. Wm Doe rather than William DoeTrueSeriesSeriesTexte.g. Eaton County BirthsFalseBookBookTexte.g. Liber 1TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repository, e.g. County Clerk&apos;s OfficeFalseRepositoryCityRepository cityTextthe city where the repository is located, e.g. CharlotteFalseRepositoryStRepository stateTextthe state where the repository is located, e.g. IowaFalseRepositoryCntyRepository countyTextthe county where the registration took place, e.g. Polk CountyFalseEntryEntryTextpage and item, i.e. 118, no. 1743True ate< /[[Form]/]> [CertificateNo]< ([Date])><, [Jurisdiction]>< [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc:Abbrev]>.[Name], <[Jurisdiction] >birth certificate [CertificateNo]< ([Date])>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. <[Repository]. ><[Name] birth certificate.> RepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repository, ex. Clerk's Office, City HallFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedcity, county, state or city, state||city (e.g. Avon, Polk County, Iowa||Avon or Chicago, Illinois||Chicago) Shortened version for full footnote repository.FalseNameNameTextthe exact name of the child as it appears in the record, i.e. Wm Doe rather than William DoeTrueJurisdictionJurisdictionTextthe city or state where the registration was madeFalseFormFormTexte.g. long form (optional field)TrueCertificateNoCertificate numberTextthe birth certificate number (enter "no." at beginning if you wish to include it)TrueDateDateDatethe year when the child was born (exact date can be entered if necessary)True l version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> AuthorAuthorNamename(s) of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in \ \.FalseTitleArticle title Textmain title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextsubtitle of the articleFalseCreatorCreatorTextcreator of the blogFalseBlogNameBlog nameTextthe name of the blogFalseBlogDateBlog dateDatedate the article was postedTrueURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate access, viewed, printed, downloadedTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the blog (optional)True <; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author as lead element[EE, QC-12, p 654][Presenter]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]><, [Series]>, [Format:Abbrev] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [SpecificLoc]>.[Author:surname], [Title]<, [SpecificLoc]>.[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]k% SszBook ChapterOne or more known chapter and/or book authors, edited or compiled works, self published, unknown pieces of publication data[EE, QC-12, p.647, with 651 and 671-675; E!, p 71, CYS, p 38] [ChapAuthor], "[ChapTitle]<: [ChapSubtitle]>," <[Prefix:Lower] >[BookTitle]<: [BookSubtitle]>><, [Edition:Abbrev]> (<[PubPlace]|n.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].[ChapAuthor:Surname], "[ChapTitle]", [Page:abbrev].[ChapAuthor:Reverse]. "[ChapTitle]<: [ChapSubtitle]>." [BookTitle]<: [BookSubtitle]>. . ><[EditiAgencyAuthorAgency as authorNamethe agency, company, government body that authored the bookFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull title||shortened title for subsequent footnotes; after double bars || (if no short title, full title is used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextedition detailse.g. new edition, 2nd edition ||2nd Ed. (shortened for footnotes)FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearse.g. 23 or p.23||23 (full version and shortened version for subsequent footnotes)True EEdo}_?_y+zCensus, U.S. Federal, veterans sch. 1890 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbrevia'aq9i%`Family Records, non-bible (privately held)Family Records (non-bible), loose (not as part of a collections) or bound, Privately Held; Item ID as lead element[EE, sec 3.30, p 146] [ItemID:Caps] ([ArtifactType], [CreationDate])<, [Page]>, <[CopyType] >privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]>< ([Relationship])><. [DescriptiveDetail]><. [Provenance]>.[ItemID:Abbrev:Caps]<, [Page]><, [Discussed]>.[ItemID]. [ArtifactType:Caps]. [CreationDate]. <[CopyType:Caps] privately|Privately> held Address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwnon]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d>. ChapAuthorChapter authorNamethe author of the chapterFalseChapTitleChapter titleTextthe title of the chapterFalseChapSubtitleChapter subtitleTextsubtitle for the chapter, if given (optional)FalsePrefixPrefixText(optional) prefix before book titleshown in Cite Your Sources, e.g. inFalseBookTitleBook titleTextthe title of the bookFalseBookSubtitleBook subtitleTextthe subtitle of the bookFalseBookAuthorBook authorNamethe names of the authors, enclose multiple surname of first author in \ \.FalseRoleRoleTextthe role the author in the publication, compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseEditionEditionTextthe edition number, full & abbreviated, ex. Third Edition||3rd. Ed.FalsePubPlacePublication PlacePlacethe place of publication (if nothing is entered, n.p. will be shown)FalsePublisherPublisherTextthe name of the publisher, or n. pub. (if nothing is entered, n.p. will be shown)FalsePubDatePublication DateDatethe date of publication (if nothing is entered, n.d. will be shown)FalsePagePageTextthe page number(include p. or pp. as appropriate - not automatic)alternate details for subsequent notes can be added following double bars ||True ],?em7 Book, Image copy (online)Publication, Book, online / digital image of print version; authored],?em7 Book, Image copy (online)Publication, Book, online / digital image of print version; authored / multi-authored, with optional role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator, etc.) and edition; Publishing place & publisher optional (per EE, QC-12, p 661), but are required per QS and other EE references. Optional website creator added per QS and other references in EE, sec. 12.34. Electronically Published Papers (previously published in hard copy (E!). Books: Digital Images (QS); Books: Images (Ancestry.com QS).[EE, QC-12, p 661; E!, p 82; QS inside left][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Abbrev]> (<[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], ><[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]; <[NewFormat:lower]|digital images>,< [Creator],> [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]<; [Annotation]>.[Author:Surname], AuthorNamename of author, include multi-part surname within / /FalseRoleRoleText(optional) the role of the presenter, e.g. narratorFalseTitleTitle of audio bookTexttitle of audio bookFalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of the audio bookFalseSeriesSeriesTextthe name of the seriesFalseFormatFormatTexte.g. audio cassette editionfull || shortened for footnotesFalsePubPlacePlace of publicationPlacecity, state of publication; "N.p." inserted if nothing entered in this fieldFalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher, "n.p." entered if field emptyFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate published, "n.d." entered if field emptyFalseSpecificLocSpecific locationTexte.g. minute 37True ddfHKG/#9C;zCensus, U.S. State (off- -= 15ONRadio & Television ClipsBroadcasts & Web Miscellanea: Radio & Television Clips; TV clips[EE, QC-14, p790] [Presenter], "[ClipID]," [ShowTitle]<: [SegmentTitle]>, [BroadcastDate], [Format], [Producer], [Website] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed]> [AccessDate])<, [SpecificContent]>.[Presenter:Surname], [Presenter:Reverse]. "[ClipID]." [ShowTitle]<: [SegmentTitle]><, [BroadcastDate]><. [Format]><. [Producer]>. [Website]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. PresenterPresenterNamename(s) of the presenter(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in / /.FalseClipIDClip ID.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev]<, [Page]>.[Author:Reverse]. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David JonesFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookalternate shortened title for subsequent footnotes; Separate full and short titles by double bars || (if no short title, full title is used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g 23True sion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> AuthorAuthorNamename of author, include multi-part surname within / /FalseRoleRoleText(optional) the role of the presenter, e.g. narratorFalseTitleTitle of audio bookTexttitle of bookFalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of the bookFalseSeriesSeriesTextthe name of the seriesFalseFormatFormatTexte.g. CD-ROM edition or DVD editionFalsePubPlacePlace of publicationPlacecity, state of publication; "N.p." inserted if nothing entered in this fieldFalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher, "n.p." entered if field emptyFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate published, "n.d." entered if field emptyFalsePagePageTexte.g. 123 or p. 123True <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. Extracted from< [Author],> [Title]<: [SubTitle]>.< <[PubPlace]|N.p.>:>< [Publisher]| n.p.><, [PubDate]|n.d.>.  DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g [default = database]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueAuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextthe edition of the book used (optional)(full || abbreviated), i.e. "fourth edition||4th ed." or "revised edition||rev. ed."FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the original book was published, if knowninsert N.p. [no place] if there is no place and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knowninsert n.p. [no publisher] if there is no publisher and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] will be inserted if field left blankFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.entry for widow Elizabeth Day, 17 January 1786TruePageDetailsPage detailsTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrue "3MO' ZBasic Ancestry Database TemplateBasic Ancestry.com Database template; Author (if available), then database title as lead element.[AQS, Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><; [CreditLine]><; [Annotation]>.<[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[ItemType]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.<[ItemAuthor:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. . [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[SuplAuthor]<, [Suplrole]>. ><[Edition:Caps]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David JonesFalseRoleRoleText(optional) enter the role, only if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull title||shortened title for subsequent footnotes; after double bars || (if no short title, full title is used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseSuplAuthorSupplemental authorNamename of the supplemental authorsupplemental author could be editor, compiler, etc., as entered in Supplemental Role fieldFalseSuplRoleSupplemental roleTextrole of the supplemental authorFalseEditionEditionTextedition detailse.g. new edition, 2nd edition ||2nd Ed. (shortened for footnotes)FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearse.g. 23 or p.23||23 (full version and shortened version for subsequent footnotes)True   hSgvBook, Multivolume (Author(s) known)Book, print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translator), multi-volume; compendium, composed of earlier journal essays; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, QC-12, p 649, with 648, sec. 12.13–12.20; E!, p 68; CYS, p 36-37] [Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Volumes]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>), [Vol_Page].[Author:Surname], [Title], [Vol_Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Volumes]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>. . <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the book, if you can identify the person from other sourcesSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David Jones Note: Don't use 3 em-dashes if author unknown as offered by Lackey – that convention is now used to indicate works by the same author in a source listFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookFalseSubTitleSub-titleTextthe sub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearse.g. 23 or p.23||23 (full version and shortened version for subsequent footnotes)True 5K/!]Book, Reprint (Author(s) known)Book, reprint, print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translator), edition; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if fie5K/!]Book, Reprint (Author(s) known)Book, reprint, print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translator), edition; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, QC-12, p 650, with 648, 651, sec. 12.13–12.20; E!, p 66-71] <[Author]><, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Abbrev]> (<[OrigPubPlace]: ><[OrigPublisher], ><[OrigDate:Year]>; reprint, <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].<[Author:Last], >[Title], [Page].<[Author:Revion; authored / multi-authored, with optional role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator, etc.); Publishing place & publisher optional (per EE, QC-12, p 661), but are required per QS and other EE references. [EE, QC-12, p 658][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]> ([OrigPubDate]), [NewFormat], [DVDTitle] (<[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[PubDate]), [Page].[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. [OrigPubDate]. [NewFormat:Caps]. [DVDTitle]. <[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[PubDate]. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleText(optional) e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicable<LongHint/>FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseOrigPubDateOriginal dateDateoriginal date of publicationFalseNewFormatNew formatTexte.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseDVDTitleDVD TitleTexttitle of CD-ROM or DVD publicationFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrue /O)BW}9C`q)Ancestral File#KAncestral File, CD-ROM database#KAncestral File, online database&OAr)Ancestral File#KAncestral File, CD-ROM database#KAncestral File, online database&OArchived Material, Vertical FilesAArticle, online (unsigned)0cArticle, online archive (print publication)1Artifact, archived4kArtifact, Family, photographed (privately held)5mArtifact, Family, privately held (by collection)=Artifact, privately held Atlas5Atlas, online images-Baptismal Record%MBasic Ancestry Database Template#IBasic Ancestry Images Template7Basic Online Template'Bible Records "IBirth Certificate, local level #KBirth Registration, local level #KBirth Registration, state level Blogs ;Book (Agency as author)%Book Chapter#Book, Audio;1Book, Basic formatt3Book, CD/DVD (Text)<(SBook, database extractions (online)#KBook, General (Author(s) known) "J0U~BO?*WBook, Image copy (CD/DVD publication)-]Book, Image copy (microfilm publication)?B*WBook, Image copy (CD/DVD publication)-]Book, Image copy (microfilm publication)?Book, Image copy (online)'QBook, Image copy (online, reprint)S>Book, Image copy (publication, FHL-GSU preservation film)'SBook, Multivolume (Author(s) known)#KBook, Reprint (Author(s) known)1gBook, Series, by collection (Author(s) known)(UBook, Translated Work (author known)$KBounty Land files (entire file)(SBounty Land files (single document)3Broadside, original1Broadside, reprint1eCase Reporter, Federal (standardized series)&3iCase Reporter, State (series named for editor)%,[CD-ROM (produced from original records)ICemetery Office Records (emphasis on single register) (FHL-GSU film) GCemetery Office Records (emphasis on whole series) (FHL-GSU film)s+[Cemetery Office Records (online images)ear]), [RollItem].[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[OrigPubDate:Year]. [FilmSeries]. [RollItem:Caps]. [FilmPubPlace]: [FilmPublisher], [PubDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleText(optional) role of the author, only if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator.FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book full || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)False<Field>SubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish placePlacethe place the original publication was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the original publication, if knownFalseOrigPubDateOriginal dateDateoriginal date of publicationFalseFilmSeriesFilm SeriesTexttitle of film publication seriesFalseRollItemRoll & ItemTextthe roll number and item number, e.g. roll 6400, no. 15FalseFilmPubPlaceFilm pub. placePlacethe place where the film was publishedFalseFilmPublisherFilm publisherTextthe publisher of the filmFalsePubDateFilm publish dateDatethe date the film was publishedFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrue >>],?em7 Book, Image copy (online)Publication, Book, online / digital image of print version; authored / multi-authored, with optional role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator, etc.) and edition; Publishing place & publisher optional (per EE, QC-12, p 661), but are required per QS and other EE references. Optional website creator added per QS and other references in EE, sec. 12.34. Electronically Published Papers (previously published in hard copy (E!). Books: Digital Images (QS); Books: Images (Ancest.+]1 mnBook, Image copy (microfilm publication)Publication, Microfilm, digital image of print version; commercially published; authored / multi-authored, with optional role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator, etc.)[EE, QC-12, p 660][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[OrigPubDate:Year]), [Page]; [FilmSeries] ([FilmPubPlace]: [FilmPublisher], [PubDate:Y>[Title:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[PubDate]. <[NewFormat:Caps]|Digital images>.< [Creator].> [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleText(optional) role of the author, only if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextthe edition of the book used(full || abbreviated), i.e. "fourth edition||4th ed." or "revised edition||rev. ed."FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the original book was published, if knowninsert N.p. [no place] if there is no place and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knowninsert n.p. [no publisher] if there is no publisher and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] will be inserted if field left blankFalseNewFormatNew formatTextthe format usede.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic internet addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTruePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAdd commentary about the citation detailsTrue ; at1yicq]:Book, Basic formatBook, print version, authored / multi-authored; legal works; other published works; ^'I] iBCodes, State (online database)online version of historic state codes; database title as lead element[EE, QC-13, p 730, sec 13.10, p 746-47] "[DBTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [Page], [ItemOfInterest]"[DBTitle:Abbrev]," [Page]"[DBTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. DBTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the online databasefull title || short title(?7UU .Codes, U.S. Code (online)online version of U.S. codes, Evidence style; author and code asssDate].<[Author:Surname], >[Title:Abbrev], [Page].<[Author:Reverse]. ><[Role]. >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[OriginalPubDate:Year]. Reprint. ><[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], ><[PubDate]|n.d.>. <[NewFormat:Caps]|Digital images>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleText(optional) e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicableFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextthe edition or impression (full || abbreviated), i.e. "fourth edition||4th ed." or "revised edition||rev. ed."FalseOriginalPubDateOriginal publish dateText(for image of Reprints Only) date the atlas reprint was originally publishedFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisher</DisplayName>Textthe publisher of the book, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextpage number(s), where the information appearsTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTextdetails of specific item of interest; include quotation marks if a definite titleTrueNewFormatNew formatTexte.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextweb address, i.e. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedateTrue M_;M ACensus, U.S. Federal, slave sch. 1850-1860 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; EviS~_;y;KHCensus, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1850-1870 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. 1790-1840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930.[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>, [CivilDivision], [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>, [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, pop. sch.>, [CivilDivision:Abbrev], [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [PersonOfInterest].[JurisdiczT_;=QKpCensus, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1880-1930 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; E~>AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleText(optional) e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicableFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish placePlacethe place the item was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the item, if knownFalseOrigPubDateOriginal dateDateoriginal date of publicationFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film number, e.g. 1,181,722FalseItemItemTextposition of item on the film, e.g. item 9False ],?em7 Book, ImagM i}aKuVCensus, U.S. Enumeration Instructions (online)Enumeration Instructions, online; author as lead element[EE, sec 6.48, p 297-98;LSAMiiCensus, U.S. Statistical CompendiumCompilations to profile American populati0.]/au&Local Records, Registers (named volumes)Local Records: Registers, Named Volumes; Licenses, Re0.]/au&Local Records, Registers (named volumes)Local Records: Registers, Named Volumes; Licenses, Registrations, Rolls, and Vital records; Jurisdiction and Series elements[EE, QC-9, p 423][Jurisdiction], "[Volume]",< [PageArrange],> [Page], [ItemID]<, [RecDate]>; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdict/c /ObLocal Records, Registers (numbered volumes)Local Records: Registers, Numbered Volumes; Licenses, Registrations, Rolls, and Vital records; Jurisdiction and Series elements[EE, QC-9, p 424][Jurisdiction], [Series], [Volume]: [Page], [ItemID]<, [RecDate]>; [Repository], [Reposid>AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David JonesFalseRoleRoleTexte.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookFalseSubTitleSub-titleTextthe sub-title for the book, if applicableFalseVolumesVolumesTextnumber of volumes, e.g. 4 volumesFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseVol_PageVolume & PageTextthe volume and page number(s) where the information appears, e.g. 2: 17–22True ggOGAFBook, PUggOGAFBook, Series, by collection (Author(s) known)Book (One of a Series) (E!); (Series Arranged by Collections) (EE); print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translator); N.p. [nٙPU?9OBook, Translated Work (author known)Translated Work, separate author, and translator functions, volume within a series option[E!, p 99, CYS, p 38] [Author], [Title]<: [Subtitle]><, volume [Volume]>ܒ`[WSUGDCemetery Records, Abstracts (card file)Derivative Cemetery Records, abstracts, card files; Compiler unidentified; file label as lead element[EE, QC-3, p 218, sec 5.18, p 231] <<[Role]|compiler>, >>"[FileLabel]" (<[ItemType]|card file>, <[CreationDate]|n.d.><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>), [ItemOfInterest].<[Comerse]><, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[OrigPubPlace]: ><[OrigPublisher], ><[OrigDate:Year]>. Reprint, <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David JonesFalseRoleRoleTextex. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookFalseSubTitleSub-titleTextthe sub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextthe edition (full || abbreviated), i.e. "fourth edition||4th ed." or "revised edition||rev. ed."FalseOrigPubPlaceOriginal pub. placeText(optional) place the original book was publishedthis is normally omittedFalseOrigPublisherOriginal pub.Text(optional) publisher of the original bookthis is normally omittedFalseOrigDateOriginal dateDatethe date the original book was publishedthis is normally includedFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrue  [I[!Cemetery Office Records (online images)online images; files, plats, registers, sexton records, cemetery data; creator as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 211, sec. 5-17, p 223-24] [Creator] ([Location]), <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle], <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital image> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.[WebsiteTitle], [Itwc1?)Cemetery Records, Abstracts (vertical file)Derivative Cemetery Records, abstracts, in vertical files; Compiler (optional if identifiable); file label as lead element[EE, QC-3, p 217] <[Author], ><[Role], >"[FileLabel]" (<[ItemType]|vertical file>, <[CreationDate]|n.d.><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>)<, [Folder]>; [ItemOfInterest].<[Author:Surname], >"[FileLabel],"< [Folder:Abbrev],> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Author:Reverse], ><[Role], >"[FileLabel]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Vertical file>. <[Co place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, sec. 12.86, p 718; E!, p 69][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Collection]><, [Series]><, [Volume]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [Page]>.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev]<, [Page:Abbrev]>.[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Collection], ><[Series]><, [Volume]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David JonesFalseRoleRoleText(optional) the role of the author, if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull version || short title for subsequent notes (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of collectionFalseSeriesSeriesTextname of seriesFalseVolumeVolumeTextvolume within the seriesFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field left blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field left blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field left blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrue <, [VolTitle]<: [VolSubtitle]>>>, [Translator], <[Role]|translator> (<[PubPlace]|n.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].[Author:Surname], [Title] ([Translator:Surname], <[Role]|translator>)<, [Volume]: >[Page].[Author:Reverse]. [Title]<: [Subtitle]><. Volume [Volume]><. [VolTitle]<: [VolSubtitle]>>. [Translator], <[Role]|translator>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author of the original workSeparate multiple authors with a semicolon, like this: John Doe;Bill Smith;David JonesFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the workFalseSubtitleSubtitle<Type>Textsubtitle for the work, if given (optional)FalseVolumeVolumeTextspecific volume number, e.g. 1FalseVolTitleVolume titleTextthe title of the volumeFalseVolSubtitleVolume subtitleTextthe subtitle of the volumeFalseTranslatorTranslatorNamethe name(s) of the translator, enclose multi-part surname in / /FalseRoleRoleTextthe role, e.g. translator = defaultFalsePubPlacePublication PlacePlacethe place of publication (if nothing is entered, n.p. will be shown)FalsePublisherPublisherTextthe name of the publisher, or n. pub. (if nothing is entered, n.p. will be shown)FalsePubDatePublication DateDatethe date of publication (if nothing is entered, n.d. will be shown)FalsePagePageTextthe page number(include p. or pp. as appropriate - not automatic)True [SeriesName]. [RGName], [RGNo]. <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>. FileUnitNameFile unit nameTextfile details & date (or inclusive dates) and file numberfull details||shortened version for subsequent notes (after the double bards || )TrueFileUnitNoFile unit numberTextfile name and numberTrueSeriesNameSeries nameTextname of the seriese.g. Case Files of Pension and Bounty Land Applications Based on Service ...FalseRGNameRG nameTextRecord group name, with inclusive datesFalseRGNoRG numberTextrecord group numbere.g. Record Group 15||RG 15 (shortened version for subsequent notes after double bars || )FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatede.g. National Archives||NA– (shortened version for subsequent notes after double bars || )FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city, state) where the repository is locatedfull version||shortened version for subsequent notes (after the double bars || )False $ZS5Uk{&Bounty Land files (single document)Special Land Fil^OI#?MnChurch Records (filmed, local)citing a named volume, Church Record Books, local (informal) preservation film, held by original church or off-site; Church as lead element[EE, sec 7.20, p 335-36] [Church] ([Location]), "[RecordBook]," [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; [FilmID], <[StorageLoc], >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Location:Abbrev], [Church:Abbrev], "[RecordBook:Abbrev]," [Page].[Church], ([Location]). "[RecordBook]." [FilmID]. <[StorageLoc]. >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. ChurchChurchTextname of the church or church group (association, congregation, etc.)FalseLocationLocationPlaceloupNameSub group nameTextname of sub group with inclusive datese.g. Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1965FalseRGNameRG nameTextRecord group name, with inclusive datesFalseRGNoRG numberTextrecord group numbere.g. Record Group 15||RG 15 (shortened version for subsequent notes)FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatede.g. National Archives||NA– (shortened version for subsequent notes)FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city, state) where the repository is locatedshortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseItemOfInterestItem of InterestTextdescriptive details of item of interestTrueFileUnitNameFile unit nameTextfile details & date (or inclusive dates)full details||shortened version for subsequent notes (after the double bars)TrueFileUnitNoFile unit numberTextfile unit numbere.g. bounty land warrant file 1115True cc<R]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts)cemetery re[OK1K>Corporate Records (bound volumes)Corporate Records, Bound Volumes; collection, series; collection as lead element in source list[EE, QC-4, p 161] "[RecBookTitle]," [Page]; [SeriesName]; [FileLoc], [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]."[RecBookTitle:Abbrev]," [Page:Abbrev], [Collection:Abbrev].[Collection]. [SeriesName]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. RecBookTitleRecord book titleTexttitle of the record book, quoted exactly || shortened titleTruePagePageTextpage number in record book||shortened versionTrueCollectionCollectio,.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, sec 12.43, p 686]<[Author], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>, <[Format:Lower]|broadside> (<[PubPlace]|n.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>); [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].<[Author:Surname], >[Title:Abbrev], <[Format:Lower]|broadside>, [Collection].<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Format:Caps]|Broadside>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamethe author of the broadsideif an agency, surround name with / /. Enclose multi-part surname in / /.FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the broadsideif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseSubTitleSubtitleTextsubtitle for the broadside, if applicableFalseFormatFormatTexte.g. broadside [default]FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the broadside was published, if knownn.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the broadside, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the broadside was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseCollectionCollectionTextthe name of the collectionFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the document is locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationTextthe place (city or city, state) where the repository is locatedthe location may include a named collection within the repository, i.e. named collection: city, stateFalse p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>).<[Author:Surname], >[Title:Abbrev], <[Format:Lower]|broadside>.<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Format:Caps]|Broadside>. Reprint, <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author of the broadsideif an agency, surround name with / /. Enclose multi-part surname in / /.FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the broadsideif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseSubTitleSubtitleTextsubtitle for the broadside, if applicableFalseFormatFormatTexte.g. broadside [default]FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the broadside was published, if knownn.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the broadside, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the broadside was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalse r7-7{pLegal Research ReportLegal Reports: Title Abstract, Title Search; full report or a documlo}_?_y+zCensus, U.S. Federal, veterans sch. 1890 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. 1790-1840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930.[EE, sec. 6.37, p. 2889] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], "[Schedule]," [CivilDivision], Enumeration District (ED) [ED], [PageID], [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], "[Schedule:Abbrev]," [CivilDivision:Abbrev], ED [ED], [PageID], [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID], "[Schedule]." the title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseVolumeVolumeTexte.g. Volume 1 & Vol. 1, separated by double bars ||FalseCourtTermCourt termTextcourt term or sub-title of the volumeFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueCaseCaseTexte.g. Adelle v. BeauregardTrueYearYearDatee.g. 1810TrueCaseLabelCase labelTextlegal style case label; use <i> and/</i> around the case nameTrue ppr}yA- 'gWTCensus, Canada (microfilm)microfilm copy; Evidence style; Place and census ID as lead source list elements[ItemOfInterest], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule]><, [District]><, [Subdistrict]><, [Division]>, [PageID]<, [HousehoxSQ;EeqG>Book, Image copy (online, reprint)book, online / digital image of print version; Reprint; authored / multi-authored / author unknown, with optional role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator, etc.) and edition/impression; Publishing place & publisher optional. Optional website creator[EE, ref: sec. 12.34, p 683]<[Author], ><[Role], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Abbrev]> (<[OriginalPubDate:Year]; reprint, ><[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], ><[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemofInterest]>; <[NewFormat:lower]|digital images>,< [Creator],> [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [Acce>TitleTextthe title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseVolumesTotal volumesTexttotal number of volumes in the setfull for bibliography, and shortened version for footnotes, e.g. 12 volumes||12 vol., separated by double bars ||FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseVolumePageVolume & pageTexte.g. 1: 183TrueCaseCaseTexte.g. Adelle v. BeauregardTrueYearYearDatee.g. 1810TrueCaseLabelCase labelTextlegal style case labeluse <i> and/</i> around the case nameTrue hh:; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author a .=K!=}RLegal Case (Unpublished)Legal Case unpublished; Jurisdiction as lead source list element, Case as lead footnote element[E!, p 87][Case], [Series], [Volume]: [Page], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Case], [Volume]: [Page], [Repository].[Jurisdiction]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [Series]. JurisdictionJurisdictionTextstateFalseCaseCaseTexte.g. Adelle v. BeauregardTrueSeriesSeriesTexte.g. Superior Court Records, 1822-33[Title:Abbrev], [Subtitle:Abbrev].[Author]. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. [NewFormat]. <[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[PubDate]. AuthorAuthorTextthe author(s) of the original itemFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the original item || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the item, if applicableFalseNewFormatNew formatTextformat, e.g. CD-Rom or DVDFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the item was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the item, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the item was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdescriptive details of interest||shortened version for subsequent notesTrue teryfull, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || ), e.g. St. Louis, Louisiana||St. Louis, La.FalseRecordBookRecord bookTexttitle on the record bookFalseFilmNoFilm numberTexte.g. 910,850FalsePagePageTextpage number(s)with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || ), e.g. p. 35||35TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname, type of record, yearTrue G=#Io)XGrave Markers (Urban, large)Cemetery Markers; Name element first; use Book template for published c'y)Am|Grave MarkersCemetery records, grave markers, headstone inscription, with annotation and provenance; (separated from Lackey's combined Church and Cemetery Record); title of record as lead element[CYS, p 71-73][ItemOfInterest]<, [Details]>, [Cemetery]<, [CemeteryLoc]><. ([Directions])><. [Remarks]>.[ItemOfInterest]<, [Details]>, [Cemetery]<, [CemeteryLoc]>.[Cemetery]< ([CemeteryLoc])>. Grave marker data. ItemOfInterestItem of interestTexta specific descriptive title, e.g. tombstone for George GreevesTrueDetailsDetailsText[ItemOfInterest]<; FHL microfilm [FilmNo]>.[CemeteryAuthor] ([Location:Abbrev]), "[RecordBook]<," [Page:Abbrev].|.">[CemeteryAuthor] ([Location]). "[RecordBook]." Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. CemeteryAuthorCemetery (author)Textname of cemetery as authorFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of cemeLocation]), "[RecordBook]," <[Page], >[ItemOfInterest]<; FHL microfilm [FilmNo]>.[CemeteryAuthor] ([Location]), "[RecordBook]<," [Page:Abbrev].|.">[CemeteryAuthor] ([Location]). [RecordSeries]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. CemeteryAuthorCemetery (author)Textname of cemetery as authorFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of cemeteryfull place||shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextSeries title for collectionFalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rolls in the collection, e.g. 18 rollsFalseFilmNoFilm numberTextFHL film number, e.g. 910,850TrueRecordBookRecord bookTexttitle on the record bookTruePagePageTextpage number(s)with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || ), e.g. p. 35||35TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrue t>location of the cemetery township, county, state; full location || abbreviated locationFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type and formatBibliography version, with alternate version for footnotes (after double bars || ), e.g. Database and digital images||digital image [the default] FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextsubject or nature of the item of interestfull version, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || ), i.e. full||shortenedTrueWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner/creator of the site, if not given elsewhereFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextInternet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you visited the siteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse ::  WUydCemetery Office Records (emphasis on single register) (FHL-GSU film)Cemetery Records, FHL-SGU Preservation film; single Register; files, plats, sextons records; Cemetery (author) as lea;c;1C+\Cemetery Office Records (supplied by staff)Files, plats, registers, sexton records, cemetery data; cemetery office as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 210] [Cemetery] ([Location]) to [Recipient], <[ItemType:Lower]|letter>, [RecordDate], [Subject].[Cemetery] ([Location:Abbrev]), to [Recipient:Surname], [RecordDate].[Cemetery] ([Location]) to [Recipient]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Letter>. [RecordDate]. CemeteryCemetery officeTextname of the cemetery office (as author)FalseLocationFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the cemeterytownship, county, state; full || alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype or format of datafull || alternate version for footnotes (after double bars || )FalseSubjectSubjectTextsubject or nature of data providedTrueAnalyticalRemarksAnalytical remarksTextanalytical commentary by researcherTrue &&  WUydCemetery Office Records (emphasis on single register) (FHL-GSU film)Cemetery Records, FHL-SGU Preservation film; single Register; files, plats, sextons records; Cemetery (author) as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 212, sec 5.7, p 222-23] [CemeteryAuthor] ([Location]), "[RecordBook]," <[Page], >[ItemOfInterest]<; FHL microfilm [FilmNo]>.[CemeteryAuthor] ([Location:Abbrev]), "[RecordBook]<," [Page:Abbrev].|.">[CemeteryAuthor]Kg!SEA fCemetery Records, Compiled (online databases)Derivative cemetery records, online database (EE); creator as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 219, sec 5.19, p 233] [Creator]<, [Role]>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Creator:Surname], "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Creator:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[IisplayName>LocationPlacelocation of the cemetery – township, county, state, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseRecipientRecipientNameperson who received the informationFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype or format of data [default = letter]FalseRecordDateRecord dateDatedate on the itemFalseSubjectSubjectTextsubject or nature of data providedTrue   WUydCemetery Office Records (emphasis on n!5g)+9WCensus Record (U.S.)US Census, federal or state; either Film Detail or Repository/Reposi"I!9ke5Census, Canada (online images)Online images, Evidence style; Place and year as lead source list elements[EE, sec 6.50, p 302] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule]><, district [District]><, subdistrict [Subdistrict]><, division [Division]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>, [ItemOfInterest] ; <[ItemType:Lower]|digital images>, <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebSite] ([URL] : <[AccessType$Q#S1 Census, U.K., Wales (Online images)Evidence style; Place and year as lead source list elements[EE, QC-6, p 242] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [CivilDivision], <[PageID], >[Person]; <[ItemType:Lower]|d4Z%WG;o=RCensus, U.S. County (state microfilm)Evidence style; special county census; in-house (st7piler:Surname], >"[FileLabel:Abbrev]," [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<<[Role]|compiler>. >>"[FileLabel]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Card file>. <[CreationDate]|No date>. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CompilerCompilerNamename of person who compiled the card file (if known)FalseRoleRoleTextrole of the person in compiling the card filedefault = compilerFalseFileLabelFile labelTextactual title on the file labelFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of item, e.g. card file [the default]FalseCreationDateCreation dateDatedate the card file was createdFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parentheses, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True reationDate]|No date>. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamethe person who compiled the recordsFalseRoleRoleTextrole in compiling the recordsFalseFileLabelFile labelTextactual title on the file labelFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of item, e.g. vertical file [the default]FalseCreationDateCreation dateDatedate the file was createdFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalseFolderFolderTextfolder name, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parentheses, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True ccG=#Io)XGrave Markers (Urban, large)Cemetery Markers; Name element first; use Book template for published cemetery records (if several in one book, include name of cemetery with page data)[E!, p 73] [Name]<, [Section]>, [Cemetery], [CemeteryCity]< ([CemeteryCnty])>, [CemeterySt]<; [Remarks]>.[Name], [Cemetery], [CemeteryCity], [CemeterySt].[CemeterySt]. <[CemeteryCnty]. >[Cemetery], [CemeteryCity]. Grave marker data. NameNameTextname of person and type of grave markerEggbert Petersen tombstoneTrueSectionSectionTextlocation of grave in larger cemeteriesTrue. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CreatorCreatorNameperson who created the databaseFalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the databaseFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titlePlacethe title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull || short, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True uu?Z%WG;o=RCensus, U.S. County (state microfilm&Ye1ecfCensus, U.S. Federal (CD/DVD database)Evidence style; database title as lead elements; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviations if entered; if no abbrev data entered, field used as is[EE, QC-6, p 253] [PubTitle]<, [ItemType]> ([PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.[PubTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[PubTitle]<. [ItemType]>. [PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]. PubTitlepublication titleTexttitle of the CD or DVDFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. CD-ROM, digital imagesFalse, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Lower]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]><. [Annotation:Caps][Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthor/CreatorNamethe author(s) or creator of the work (surround multi-part last name or organization name with / / )FalseRoleRoleText(optional) e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicable FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTexte.g. new edition, 2nd editionFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g 23TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails about the item of interestTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentary or discussion about the publicationFalse  R]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts)cemetery records, unpublished typescripts; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank; author as lead element[EE, sec 5.22, p 234][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Lower]> (<[ItemType:lower]|typescript>, <[Date]|n.d.>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. > <[ItemType]|Typescript>. <[Date]|n.d.>. [Repository]: [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthor/CreatorNamethe author(s) or creator of the work (surround multi-part last name or organization name with / / )FalseRoleRoleText(optional) e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicableFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTexte.g. new edition, 2nd editionFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. typescript [default]FalseDateCreation DateDatethe date the book was created, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the work is locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place the repository is locatedFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g 23TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails about the item of interestTrue JJ; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio bo&)YU9!Ky:Codes, U.S. Code (online, legal style)online version of U.S. codes, publisher in source list only; author and code as lead source elements[EE, sec 13.8, p 744] "[ActName]," [TitleNo], <[NameOfCode]|U.S. Code>, [ItemOfInterest]."[ActName:Abbrev]," [TitleNo], <[NameOfCode:Abbrev]|U.S. Code>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[CorpAuthor]|United States. Congress>. <[NameOfCode]|United States Code>. <[edition:Caps]|Web edition>. <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. ActNameName of ActTextname of actif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)TrueCorpAuthor; [PageDetail]<, [Series]><, [FilmDetail]><, [RollNo]><, [Form]><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>.[Title:Abbrev], [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ([Subdivision:Abbrev])>, [PageDetail:Abbrev].[CivilDivision:Reverse]. [Title]<. [Series]><. [FilmDetail:Caps]><. [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>. TitleTitleTexta specific descriptive title(full || short) a shorter, but still descriptive title, for subsequent reference notes after ||FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionPlacefull and shortened versione.g. Kemper County, Mississippi||Kemper Co., Miss.FalseSubdivisionCivil subdivisionTextex. city and/or ward, or town, or township name or number full||and abbreviated for subsequent footnotesFalseFilmDetailFilm detailsTextfilm ID this template doesn't use [ ] around cited film data (as Lackey suggests) when referencing film numbers although you viewed the originals; add "citing" at the beginningFalseSeriesSeriesTextseries details and volume dataFalsePageDetailPage detailsTextpage number, family number, dwelling number, house number||shortened versionp. 25, line 19||p. 25. li. 19TrueRollNoRoll numberTextnumber of the roll containing the data of interestTrueFormLocation & formTextlocation of original records and form of record usedTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility the records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository was locatedFalse eld>CensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1836 agricultural censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacename of provincefull & abbreviated, e.g. Victoria Province||Victoria Prov.FalseTitleExact titleTextquote the exact titleFalseRepositoryOwner repositoryTextthe name of the repository which owns the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City &amp; State)FalseCivilDivisionCivil divisionTextname of city or townTruePageIDPage IDTextpage and line numberse.g. p. 56A, line 12 or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person or householdfull version with shortened version for subsequent notes, separated by double bars ( || )TrueFilmIDFilm IDTextFHL microfilm number e.g. 570,221 or 851,365, item 1False ReuA'GECensus, England, Wales (microfilm, FHL copy)Microfilm, owned by TNA; Evidence style; copy at FHL[EE, sec 6.51, p 302-03] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [CivilDivision], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [ArchivalID]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]; FHL microfilm [FilmID].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [CivilDivision], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [ArchivalID].<[Country]. >[Jurisdiction]. [CensusID]. [ArchivalID]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.  CountryCountryTextname of country (optional)FalseCensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1841 census of EnglandFalseJ)brev]<, [Page]><, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>.< [SupplAuthor]<, [SupplRole]>.> <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleTextrole of the authore.g. editor, compiler, transcriber, etc.FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookalternate shortened title for subsequent footnotes; Separate full and short titles by double bars || (if no short title, full title is used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseSupplAuthorSupplemental authorTextname of others involved in creating the work names of editors, compilers, etc.FalseSupplRoleSupplemental roleTextrole in creating the worke.g. compiler(s), editor(s)FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g 23TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of personTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextdiscussion or commentary about the workFalse QsE=UyjCemetery Office Records (emphasis on whole series) (FHL-GSU film)Cemetery Records, FHL-SGU Preservation film; whole series; Cemetery (author) as lead element[EE, sec 5.7, p 222-23] [CemeteryAuthor] ([at1yicq]:Book, Basic formatBook, print version, authored / multi-authored; legal works; other published works; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank. Book (Authored) (E!)[EE, QC-12, p 646; EE, QC-13, p 727; E!, p 66][Author], [Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [pe>Textyear of census and census locatione.g. 1911 census of CanadaFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity & province of censusFull & Abbreviated, e.g. Battleford, Saskatchewan||Battleford, Sask.FalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalseDistrictDistrictText(enumeration) district numbere.g. Brant (District 19)||Brant (Dist. 19)FalseSubdistrictSubdistrictTextsubdistrict name and IDe.g. Burford Township (subdistrict 19)||Burford Twp. (subdist. 19)FalseDivisionDivisionTextdivision numbere.g. division 3||div. 3FalsePageIDPage IDTextpage identificatione.g. p. 123 (penned) or sheet 12-B (Stamped) or p. 238TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextline number(s), or dwelling & family numbersfull and shortened versions, e.g. dwelling 30, family 30||dwell. 30, fam. 30TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestNamename of person or household or family numberfull and shortened versions (separated by double bars ( || )TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepositoryLocTextthe place (city or city/province) where the facility is locatedFalseFilmNoFilm numberTextthe number of the film, e.g. C-9914FalseAnnotationAnnotationTextdiscussion or commentarye.g. head of household or nominal censusFalse ccS~_;y;KHCensus, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1850-1870 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviatM_;M ACensus, U.S. Federal, slave sch. 1850-1860 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. 1790-1(YwQ!KI6Church Records (microfilm publication)Church Records, filmed and sold as a film publication[EE, QC-7, p 317, sec 7.23, p 339]<[Author], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>, <[ItemType:lower]|microfilm publication> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [RollNo]>, [PageDetails]; $M_;M A! O?[ -@Church Records (filmed, archives)citing a series and numbered volume, Church Record Books, archival series (formal) preservation film, off-site; Church as lead element[EE, sec 7.20, p 335-36]bhOi;S+k0Magazine Article, online archivesMagazine articles: online copies, random items[EE, sec 14.20, p 804] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Magazine]<, [PubDate]>; ><[ItemType:lower:Abbrev],>< [Creator],> [WeVg91Q (Court Record Books, local (archived off-site)Court, local record books, archived off-site; jurisdictionVg91Q (Court Record Books, local (archived off-site)Court, local record books, archived off-site; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-8, p 375] [Jurisdiction], [Series:Abbrev] [Volume], [Page]<, [CourtTerm]>, [ItemOfInterest]<, [RecordDate]>; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev] [Volume], [Page]<Citory], [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.  CountryCountryTextname of country (optional)FalseCensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1865 state censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalseRepositoryOwner RepositoryTextthe name of the repository which owns the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseCivilDivisionCivil divisionTextname of city or townTruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person and-or household data||shortened versionTrueFilmIDFilm IDTexte.g. FHL microfilm 570,221 or FHL microfilm 851,365, item 1False }yA- 'gWTCensus, Canada (microfilm)microfilm copy; Evidence style;5buwAo!52Church Records, Parish Registers (FHL-GSU microfilm)Parish Registers, Bishops' Transcripts; England; microfilm FHL-GSU Preservation copy; church & series as lead element[EE, sec 7.38, p 352-356] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBook], [PageDetails], [ItemOfInterest]; FHL microfilm [FilmID]<,[ItemNo]>.[Church_Author]< ([Location:Abbrev])>, [RecordBook], [PageDetails:Abbrev].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocation, [WebSite] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]><. [Annotation]>.<[Compiler:Abbrev], ><[Org:Abbrev], >"[Title]," [ItemType:lower] [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Compiler:Reverse]. ><[Org]. >"[Title]." [ItemType:Caps]<. [Owner]>. [WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CompilerCompilerNameperson that compiled the database or index (optional)full and abbreviated (for organizations), e.g. Ontario Genealogical Society||OGSFalseOrgOrganizationTextorganization that compiled the records (if not an individual)FalseTitleTitleTexttitle of database or i#ndexFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database or indexFalseOwnerOwnerTextwebsite owner/creatorFalseWebSiteWebsite titleTexttitle of the website, e.g. Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed/viewed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you visited the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestNamedetails of entry of interestfull e.g. "entry for ..." and shortened version for subsequent notes (after || )TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourcerepository and film detailsFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextsupport discussion or commentarye.g. head of household or nominal censusFalse %]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [CreditLine]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev]><, dist. [District]><, subdist. [Subdistrict]><, div. [Division]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [ItemOfInterest].<[Country]. >[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID]<. [ItemType:Caps]|. Digital images>. <[WebsiteOwner]. >[WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CountryCountryTextname of countryFalseCensusIDCensus IDTextyear and typee.g. 1911 census of CanadaFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceplace where the census was takenFull & Abbreviated, e.g. e.g. Battleford, Saskatchewan||Battlefor&d, Sask.FalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalseDistrictDistrictText(enumeration) district numbere.g. 15FalseSubdistrictsubdistrictTextsubdistrict numbere.g. 19FalseDivisionDivisionTextdivision numberFalsePageIDPage IDTextpage detailse.g. p. 123 (penned) or sheet 12-B (Sta'mped) or p. 238TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextline number(s) or dwelling and family numberse.g. dwelling 30, family 30||dwell. 30, fam. 30TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestNamename of person or household or family numberTrueItemTypeItem typeTexttype or formate.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner/creator of the websiteFalseWebSiteWebsiteTexttitle of the websitee.g. Ancestry.com or FamilySearchFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed/viewed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed the siteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourcerepository and film detailsFalse ,,A'UW1QiCensus, U.S. Federal (CD/DVD images)Evidence style; Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID as lead full note element; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviations if entered; if no abbrev data entered, field used as is; Credit line not included in Source List. For 1790 to 1930 (and beyond)[EE, QC-6, p 239] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]>, [GeoDivision]<, enumeration district (ED) [ED]><, [PageID]><, [HouseholdID]>, [Person]; [PubTitle]<, [ItemType]> ([PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year])<; [CreditLine]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev]><, ED [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [Person].[Jurisdiction:Reve>*urisdictionJurisdictionPlacecountye.g. MiddlesexFalseCivilDivisionCivil divisionTextcity and parishe.g. Westminster, St. George Hanover SquareFalsePageIDPage IDTextpage/folio number and line number(s), or household numbere.g. p. 123A (stamped) or folio 44 recto, lines 7-8 or household 13TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person and-or household dataif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)TrueArchivalIDArchival ID codeTextdepartmental code, series & item number, and book number (if applicable)e.g. PRO HO 107/732/10FalseRepositoryOwner RepositoryTextthe name of the repository which owns the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseFilmIDFilm IDTextFHL microfilm with item number if applicablee.g. 570,221 or 851,365, item 1False }}t C?[_m]Church Histories, publishedChurch Ht C?[_m]Church Histories, publishedChurch History, published (Book, print version, authored / multi-authored); N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if ft C?[_m]Church Histories, publishedChurch History, published (Book, print version, authored / multi-authored); N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank.[EE, sec. 7.28, p. 344 (ref: sec 12.3)][Author], [Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], k!c-7_LChurch Records, Canada, Repértoire (print)Repértoire (tables), compiled Catholic Church records; print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (editor), multi-volume; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inse-sDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]><. [Annotation]>.<[Compiler:Abbrev], ><[Org:Abbrev], >"[Title]," [ItemType:lower] [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Compiler:Reverse]. ><[Org]. >"[Title]." [ItemType:Caps]<. [Owner]>. [WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CompilerCompilerNameperson that compiled the database or index (optional)full and abbreviated (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseOrgOrganizationTextorganization that compiled the records (if not an individual)FalseTitleTitleTexttitle of database or indexFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database or indexFalseOwnerOwnerTextwebsite owner/creatorFalseWebSiteWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitee.g. Ancestry.com or The National ArchivesFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed/viewed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you visited the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestNamedetails of entry of interestfull, e.g. "entry for ..." and shortened version for subsequent notes (after || )TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourcerepository and film detailsFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextsupport discussion or commentarye.g. head of household or nominal censusFalse u&"]-7&"]-7 q6Church Records, Canada, Repértoire (CD)Repértoire (tables), compiled Catholic Church records; print version, authored &"]-7 q6Church Records, Canada, Repértoire (CD)Repértoire (tables), compiled Catholic Church records; print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (editor), multi-volume; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, sec 7.29, p 345][Author], [Title]< [<[TransTitle]>]>, <[SupplAuthor], > <[SupplRole]|ed.>, <[ItemType]|CD-ROM><, [CDver]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.pϒH#[{C ARChurch Records, Typescript of Registerstypescripts of registers, unpublished manuscripts, compiler may be known or unknown (if unknown you might enter name of church in square brackets); Compiler and title as lead elements[EE, sec. 7.31, p. 346-47] <[Compiler], ><[Role], >"[ManuscriptTitle]" (<[ItemType]|typescript>, [1ID], [HouseholdID:Abbrev], [Person].[Jurisdiction_Bib:Reverse]. [CensusID]<. [ItemType:Caps]|Digital images><. [WebsiteOwner]>. [WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1836 census of FranceFalseJurisdiction_BibJurisdiction (Bib)Placejurisdiction arrangement for bibliographyFalseJurisdiction_FFJurisdiction (FF)Placejurisdiction arrangement for full footnoteFalseJurisdiction_SFJurisdiction (SF)Placejurisdiction arrangement for short footnoteFalsePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 (penned) or sheet 12-B (Stamped) or p. 238, line 7TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTexthousehold and family numbersTruePersonPerson of interestNamename of personTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextname of the owner of the websiteFalseWebSiteWebsiteTexttitle of the website, e.g. Archives en ligneFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed the siteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source ( repository and film details)True  Ra7SU^Census, U.S. Statistical Database (Online)statistical data, online, user-defined report; website owner/creator as lead elements[EE, QC-6, p 259, sec. 6.48, p 297][Owner], [Compiler], "[DBTitle]," <[ItemType]|database>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Owner:Abbrev], [Compiler:Abbrev], "[DBTitle]," [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Owner], [Compiler]. "[DBTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. OwnerOwnerTextowner of the site, e.g. University of VirginiaFalse<, [Owner]>, [WebSite] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [CreditLine]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [CivilDivision]<, [PageID]>, [Person].[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID]<. [ItemType:Caps]|Digital images><. [Owner]>. [WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and type of recorde.g. 1901 census of WalesFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceplace where the census was takene.g. Monmouthshire, Wales || Shortened, e.g. Monmouthshire (i.e. exclude country when part of Census ID)FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTextdivisions represented6e.g. Bedwelty, Glammorgan Mountain AshFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype or formate.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseOwnerOwner/CreatorTextThe owner or creator of the imagesFalseWebSiteWebsiteTexttitle of the websitee.g. The National ArchivesFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed the siteTruePageIDPage IDTextpage details, number, penned/stamped, etc., line #e.g. p. 123 (penned) or sheet 12-B (Stamped) or p. 238, line 7TruePersonPerson of interestNamename of personTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourcerepository and film detailsTrue 8ate archives) or FHL-GSU preservation film[EE, sec 6.46, p 296] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:First], "[Title]," [PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [FilmID]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]. "[Title]." [FilmID]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  CensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1865 state censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalseTitleTitleTextexact title of the censusFalseFilmIDFilm IDTexte.g. MDAH microfilm 2528FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe repository which owns the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalsePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person and-or household data||shortened versionTrue :ot>AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s), enclose corporate name or multi-part surname of first author in / /.FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseFormatTypeFormat typeTexte.g. articleFalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner or creator of the websiteFalse<FieldName>WebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you visited from the siteTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the article (optional)True -$ZS5Uk{&Bounty Land files (single document)Special Land Fil^OI#?MnChurch Records (filmed, local)citing a named volume, Church Record Books, local (informal) preservation film PAm9OGenetic Databases (online)Genetic databases, online, corporate sponsored; websites with one or multiple databases; Sponsor as lead element[EE, sec 4.10, p 183] [Sponsor], , [WebsiteTitle]> [WebsiteTitle], <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database>> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Sponsor], |[WebsiteTitle],> [Itemؙ?Qc!We9mRManuscript, Filmed (commercially published)Commercially published manuscripts (filmed for distribution); author may be known or unknown (optional); Author and title as lead elements[EE, ield>PubPlacePublish placePlaceplace of publicationFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publishing companyFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publicationFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestNamename of person and identifying detail||abbreviated for subsequent notesTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source ( repository and film details)True c(WkS9 OVCensus, U.S. Federal (Database/Index)Evidence style; Compiler or Title as lead elements; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviations if entered; if no abbrev data entered, field used as is[EE, QC-6, p 254; QS, inside left] <[Compiler], >"[Title]," [ItemType:Lower:Abbrev]<, [Owner]>, [WebSite] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [Entry]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Compiler], >"[Title]," [ItemType:lower:Abbrev] [Entry:Abbrev].<[Compiler], >"[Title]." [ItemType:Caps]<. [Owner]>. [WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CompilerCompilerTextperson or organization that compiled the database or index (optional)FalseB?rse], [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]>. [PubTitle]<. [ItemType]>. [PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1880 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Dorado Township, Puerto Rico || Abbreviation, e.g. Dorado, Puerto RicoFalseScheduleScheduleTexte.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch.FalsePubTitlepublication titleTexttitle of the CD or DVDFalseItemTy@peItem typeTexte.g. CD-ROM, digital imagesFalseGeoDivisionGeographic divisionTexte.g. Town of Dorado; or Pea River post office || abbreviated to Pea River P.O.TrueEDEnumeration DistrictText(1880 or later) ED number, e.g. 307TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 (penned) or sheet 12-B (Stamped) or p. 238, line 7TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDText(1850 or later) e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonPerson of interestNamename of personTruePubPlacePublish placePlaceplace of publicationFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publishing companyFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publicationFalseCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source ( repository and film details)True U$<)[C#m[&Census, U.S. Federal (Local/State copy)Evidence! style; Place and year as lead source list elements, Household as full footnote lead element; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to E +US%`Census, U.S. Federal (Online images)online commercial site; Evidence style; Place and yeHh,Ym1?W~Census, U.S. Federal (Original, Local)Evidence style; uses :Abbrev Y*k7;=QK6Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Evidence sts<)[C#m[&Census, U.S. Federal (Local/State copy)Evidence! style; Place and year as lead source list elements, Household as full footnote lead element; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to E +US%`Census, U.S. Federal (Online images)online commercial site; Evidence style; Place and yeHh,Ym1?W~Census, U.S. Federal (Original, Local)Evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in several fLCTitleTitleTexttitle of database or indexFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem formate.g. database or indexFalseOwnerOwnerTextwebsite owner/creatoroptional if owner and title are the same; for FamilySearch owner = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsFalseWebSiteWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitee.g. Ancestry.com, HeritageQuest Online, FamilySearch, etcFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you visited the siteTrueEntryItem of interestNamedetails of entry of interestfull & abbreviated versions, e.g. entry for ... || shortened version for subsequent notesTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourcerepository and film detailsTrue .G)WM11m).Book,-S-1IdCensus, U.S. Federal (Original, NA)National Archives copy consulted on-site, NARA Style citation; uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviation if entered; if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements, item of interest as lead reference note element.[EE, QC-6, p 238] [ItemOfInterest], [PageID], [Jurisdiction]; [Series], [VolRef]; [SubGroup]; [RecordGroup]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [PageID:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]; [Series:Abbrev], [SubGroup:Abbrev]; [RecordGroup:Abbrev], [Repository:Abbrev]-[RepositoryLoc:First].[Series]. [SubGroup]. [RecordGroup]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisOFsubstitute abbreviation if entered; if no abbrev data, field used as is. [E!, p 75] [Person], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]> ([CopyType:lower]), [CivilDivision]<, enumeration district (ED) [ED]><, [PageID]>,< [HouseholdID]>; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Person], [CensusID:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev]> ([CopyType:lower]), [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED:Abbrev]><, [PageID:Abbrev]><, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]>. [CopyType:Caps]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty and statee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalse<G/CitationField>ScheduleScheduleText(1850 or later) type of schedulee.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch. (All lower case)FalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexte.g. local copyFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTextcity/town or post officee.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TrueEDEnumeration districtText(1880 or later) ED number, e.g. 123TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDText(1850 or later) dwelling and family datae.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonPerson of interestTextname of person or householdTrue Iar as lead source list elements; Census ID as lead full note element; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviations if entered; if no abbrev data entered, field used as is; Credit line not included in Source List. For 1790 to 1930 (and beyond)[EE, QC-6, p 240; QS, front cover] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]>, [CivilDivision]<, enumeration district (ED) [ED]><, [PageID]><, [HouseholdID]>, [Person]; <[ItemType:Lower]|digital images>, [WebSite] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [CreditLine]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev]>, [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED]><, [PageID]>, [HouseholdID:Abbrev], [Person].<[Country]. >[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]>. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [WebSite]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CountryCountry (optional)TextCountry in which the census wasJ takenFalseCensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1880 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon, Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTexte.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch.FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexte.g. Ward 7 Holyoake; or Pea River post office || abbreviated to Pea River P.O.TrueEDEnumeration District<KType>Text(1880 or later) ED number, e.g. 307TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 (penned) or sheet 12-B (Stamped) or p. 238, line 7TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDText(1850 or later) e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonPerson of interestNamename of personTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. digital images [default = digital images]FalseWebSiteWebsiteTexttitle of the website, e.g. Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextdigital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you viewed the siteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source ( repository and film details)False Mields to substitute abbreviation if entered; if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements.[EE, QC-6, p 237] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [Schedule:Lower] ([CopyType:lower]), [CivilDivision]<, enumeration district (ED) [ED]><, [PageID]>,< [HouseholdID]>, [Person]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Schedule:Abbrev] ([CopyType:lower]), [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED]><, [PageID]><, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [Person].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID], [Schedule:Lower]. [CopyType:Caps]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon, Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTexte.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch. (All lower case)FalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexte.g. local copyFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexte.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TrueEDEnumeration districtText(1880 or later) ED number, e.g. 123TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDText(1850 or later) e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonPerson of interestTextname of personTrue PdictionTextNARA "File Unit", smallest to largest: town, county, state || abbreviatedFalseSeriesSeriesTextNARA series and year, e.g. Second Census of the United States, 1800FalseVolRefVolume ReferenceTexte.g. vol. 2, New York: Clinton-Green CountiesFalseSubGroupSub groupTextNARA sub group || abbreviated or shortened name of sub groupFalseRecordGroupRecord groupTextNARA record group name and number, e.g. Records of the Bureau of Census, Record Group 29|| Abbrev, ex. RG 29FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repository || abbreviated nameFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City or City, State)FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of household, e.g. John McNab householdTruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123-A (or page 123-A||p. 123 to denote different text to appear in full and short reference notes.)True ,,A.eW19kCensus, U.S. Federal (State copy, microfilm)Evidence style; Place and year as lead elements; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviation if entered; if no abbrev data,Sp73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:Abbrev:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle]." [ItemType:Caps]<. [WebsiteCreator]>. [WebsiteTitle][PageID]; <[PubType:Abbrev]|National Archives micropublication> [FilmID], [RollNo].[PersonOfInterest], [CensusID:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], <[CivilDivision:Abbrev], >[PageID:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID]. <[PubType]|Micropublication> [FilmID]. <[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives>. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1820 U.S. censusFalseJurisWT field used as is. [EE, QC-6, p 251] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [Schedule:Lower] ([CopyType:lower]), [CivilDivision]<, enumeration district (ED) [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>, [Person]; [FilmID], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Schedule:Abbrev] ([CopyType:lower]), [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]> [Person].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID], [Schedule:Lower]. [CopyType:Caps]. [FilmID]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTexte.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch.FalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexte.g. local copy, or state-level copyFalseFilmIDFilm IDTexte.g. MDAH microfilm 2528FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexte.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TrueEDEnumeration districtText(1880 or later) ED number, e.g. 123TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDText(1850 or later) e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonPerson of interestTextname of person or householdTrue qqCt/lC=)WCensus, U.S. Federal (Database/Index)(+[Census, U.S. Federa)WCensus, U.S. Federal (Database/Index)(+[Census, U.S. Federal (Local/State copy))(UCensus, U.S. Federal (Online images)+*YCensus, U.S. Federal (Original, Local),'SCensus, U.S. Federal (Original, NA)-0eCensus, U.S. Federal (State copy, microfilm).,]Census, U.S. Federal, 1790-1840 (Filmed)/,]Census, U.S. Federal, 1850-1870 (Filmed)0,]Census, U.S. Federal, 1880-1930 (Filmed)13iCensus, U.S. Federal, 1890 Substitute (online)<{Census, U.S. Federal, mil. sch. 1900— (Microfilm, NA);{Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (FHL-GSU microfilm)23kCensus, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (NARA film)32iCensus, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (UNC film)43kCensus, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. (Microfilm, NA)*>Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1790-1840 (Microfilm, NA)}>Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1850-1870 (Microfilm, NA)~>Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1880-1930 (Microfilm, NA)XdictionJurisdictionPlaceplace where the census was takene.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon, Co., IowaFalsePublishLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. [default = Washington, D.C.]FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publications[default = National Archives]FalsePubTypePublication typeTextpublication typee.g. Micropublication or NARA microfilm publication, [default = Micropublication]FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 12TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTextcity or post officee.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s)True n0]+WyCensus, U.S. Federal, 1850-1870 (Filmed)Population or slave schedule; Evidence! style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; person of interest as lead ref. note element. [E!, p. 73-74] [PersonOfInterest], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>, [CivilDivision], [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>; <[PubType]|National Archives micropublication> [FilmID], [RollNo].[PersonOfInterest], [CensusID:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, pop. sch.>, [Civi[ :1] +a{yDCensus, U.S. Federal, 1880-1930 (Filmed)Population or slave schedule; Evidence! style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; person of interest as lead ref. note element.[E!, p. 73-74] [PersonOfInterest], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>, [CivilDivision], [PageID]<, Enumeration District (ED) [ED]><, [HouseholdID]>; <[PubType]|National Archives micropublication> [FilmID], [RollNo].[PersonOfInterest], [CensusID:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, pop. sch.>, [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED:Abbrev]>, [PageID:Abbrev]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>. <[PubType]|Micro_\lDivision:Abbrev], [PageID:Abbrev]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>. <[PubType]|Micropublication> [FilmID]. <[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives>. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty and statee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch. [the defaults]FalsePublishLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. [default = Washington, D.C.]FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publications[default = National Archives]FalsePubTypePublication typeTexttype of publicatione.g. Micropublication or NARA microfilm publication [default = Micropublication]FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 184TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTextcity/town or post officee.g. Pea River Post Office||Pea River P.O.TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextdwelling and family datae.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person or head of householdTrue LLp2{Ue=FCensus, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (FHL-GSU microfilm)Evidence style;non-population schedules; FHL-GSU preservation film[EE, QC-6, p 245, sec 6.46, p 296] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [Schedule], [PageID2{Ue=FCensus, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (FHL-GSU microfilm)Evidence style;non-population schedules; FHL-GSU preservation film[EE, QC-6, p 245, sec 6.46, p 296] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [Schedule], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]; [FilmID].[Cenj}3k'Ue6Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (NARA film)Non-population schedule; Evidence style; Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. [EE, QC-6, p. 244, sec 6.34, p 285] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [Schedule]<, [Section]><, [CivilDivision]><, enumeration District (ED) [ED]>, [PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [FilmID]. <[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives>. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g., 1900 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takene.g., Avon County, Iowa||Avon Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule|| pop. sch. [the defaults]FalsePublishLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. [default = Washingtona, D.C.]FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publications[default = National Archives]FalsePubTypePublication typeTextpublication typee.g. Micropublication or NARA microfilm publication [default = Micropublication]FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextnumber of the rollTrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTextcity/town e.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TrueEDED numberTextEnumeration District number, e.g. 29TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextdwelling and family datae.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person or head of householdTrue 7x4i1[W//Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (x4i1[W//Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (UNC film)Non-population schedule; Evidence style; Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. "Published" through wide distribution by University of North Carolina[EE, QC-6, p. 245, sec 6.34, p 287-88] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [Schedule], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; <[Filmp65s3cIuFCensus, U.S. Native American Tribal (Microfilm, NA)Citing Agency and Exact publication title; evidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; place and year as lead source elements.[EE, QC-6, p. 243] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:First], <[PageID]|unpaginated><, [HouseholdID]>, [PersonOfInterest]; <[Agencdr].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g [default = database]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueSubstituteSubstituteTextthe name of the substituteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.entry for widow Elizabeth Day, 17 January 1786True L2IO''4Basic Ancestry Images TemplateBasic Ancestry.com Database template; Author (if available), then database title as lead element.[AQS, Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType]|digital images>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><; [CreditLine]><; [Annotation]>.<[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[ItemType]|digital images>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.<[ItemAuthor:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. ItemAuthorItem authorNamethe author(s) of the itemFalsegdence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. 1790-1840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930.[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, military and naval population schedule>, [Division]<, Enumeration District (ED) [ED]>, [PageID]<, [LineID]>, [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, mil. and naval pop. sch.>, [Division:Abbrev]<, ED [ED]>, [PageID]<, [LineID]>, [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]< ([Station])>. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, military and naval population schedule>. . <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDCensus IDhTextYear and typee.g. 1880 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalsePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpubilisher of the microfilm publicationsdefault = National Archives and Records AdministrationFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 184TrueDivisionDivisionTextcountry, station, pay office e.g. China, Sucharing Pay OfficeTrueEDEDTextenumeration district and sheet numbere.g. 29, sheet 12-BTruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueLineIDLine IDTextline numberTruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTrueStationStationTextstation or port nameFalse ksusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Schedule:Abbrev], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID], [Schedule]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [FilmID]. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah.  CensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1865 state censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTextgeneric type of schedule, or, if citing exact title, put in quotes|| shortened versionFalseFilmIDFilm ID and item IDTexte.g. FHL microfilm 570,221, item 2FalseRepositoryOwner RepositoryTextthe name of the repository which owns the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalsePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdescription of item, use quotes for an exact title||shortened versionTrue mlication [FilmID]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Schedule:Abbrev]<, [Section]><, [CivilDivision:Abbrev]><, ED [ED]>, [PageID], [ItemOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID], [Schedule]. . <[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PublishDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon, Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTextgeneric e.g. manufacturing schedule || abbreviation, e.g. manuf. sch., for exact title - use quotes "n ".FalseSectionSectionTextspecific section of interestFalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexte.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TrueEDEDText[for 1880 or later] Enumeration District number, e.g. 29TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person(s) of interest or description of item of interestTruePublishLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State), ex. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsFalsePublishDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default = "n.d.", unless you enter a dateFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm identification and roll, e.g. M593, roll 184False ..C6Q{YCCensus, U.S. State (FHL microfilm)Evidence style; state-sponsored census, state-wide census; in-house or FHL-GSU preservation film; Place and year as lead elements; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviation if entered; if no abbrev data, field used as is. [EE, QC-6, p 252, sec 6.46, p 296-97] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:First], [Schedule:Lower], [CivilDivision], [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>, [ItemOfInterest]; FHL microfilm [FilmID].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Schedule:Abbrev], [CivilDivision:Abbrev], [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID], [Schedule:Lower]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah.  CensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and type, e.g. 1865 state census, > (<[PublishLoc]|Chapel Hill, N.C.>: <[Publisher]|University of North Carolina>, [Years]<, roll [Roll]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Schedule:Abbrev], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID], [Schedule]<. [FilmTitle]>. <, roll [Roll]>. <[PublishLoc]|Chapel Hill, N.C.>: <[Publisher]|University of North Carolina>, [Years]. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and typee.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceplace where the census took placefull & shortened versions, e.g. Newton County,Mississippi || Newton Co., Miss.FalseSchedule<r/FieldName>ScheduleTextgeneric description of schedulefull & abbreviated, e.g. manufacturing schedule|| manuf. sch., for exact title - use quotes " ".FalseFilmTitleFilm titleTexttitle of the film of interestFalsePageIDPage IDTextpage number and other applicable detailse.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person(s) of interest or description of item of interestTruePublishLocPublish location<Type>Placewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Chapel Hill, N.C. (default, if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsdefault = University of North CarolinaFalseYearsPublication yearsTextyear or years of publication, e.g. 1960-65 FalseFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm identification, e.g. MN3-534FalseRollRollTextroll number, e.g. 179False tyle; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. (Handles 1790-1840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930 pop. & slave sch. in one template.)[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>, [CivilDivision]<, Enumeration District (ED) [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>, [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, pop. sch.>, [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>. . <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusID<uDisplayName>Census IDTextYear and typee.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalseScheduleScheduleText[for 1850 or later] type of schedulee.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexttown or post officefull & abbreviated, e.g. Pea River post office||Pea River P.O.TrueEDEDTextv[for 1880 or later] enumeration district number, e.g. 29TruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDText[for 1850 or later] dwelling and family datafull and abbreviated, e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046||dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTruePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm numbere.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 184False xvidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. 1790-1840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930.[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], [CivilDivision], [PageID], [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [CivilDivision:Abbrev], [PageID], [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]. . <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and typee.g. 1810 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalsePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsdefault = National Archives and Records AdministrationFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publicationdefault = "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 184TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexttown or post officefull & abbreviated, e.g. Pea River post office||Pea River P.O.TruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTrue {tion:Reverse]. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>. . <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and typee.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalsePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsdefault = National Archives and Records AdministrationFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoroll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 24TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexttown or post officefull & abbreviated, e.g. Pea River post office||Pea River P.O.TruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextdwelling and family datafull and abbreviated, e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046||dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTrue VV;r! O?[ -@Church Records (filmed, archives)citing a series and numbered volume, Church Record Books, archival series (formal) preservation film, off-site; Church as lead element[EE, sec 7.20, p 335-36] [Church] ([Location]), [RecordBook], [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; [FilmID], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Church:Abbrev], [Location:Abbrev], [RecordBook:Abbrev], [Page].[Church], ([Location]). [RecordSeries]. [FilmID]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. , "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Agency]|Scotland>, "[DatabaseTitle]," [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInvidence style; uses :Abbrev function in many fields to substitute an abbreviation if entered – if no abbrev data, field used as is. Place and year as lead source list elements; Census ID and jurisdiction as lead ref. note elements. 1790-1840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930.[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>, [CivilDivision]<, Enumeration District (ED) [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>, [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, pop. sch.>, [CivilDivision:Abbrev]<, ED [ED]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, population schedule>. . <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and typee.g. 1880 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalsePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsdefault = National Archives and Records AdministrationFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 184TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexttown or post officefull & abbreviated, e.g. Pea River post office||Pea River P.O.TrueEDEDTextenumeration district and sheet numbere.g. 29, sheet 12-BTruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextdwelling and family datafull and abbreviated, e.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046||dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTrue 840, 1850-1870, 1880-1930.[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, slave schedule>, [CivilDivision], [PageID], [PersonOfInterest]; , [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev:Lower]|, slave sch.>, [CivilDivision:Abbrev], [PageID], [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]<, [Schedule:Lower]|, slave schedule>. . <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and typee.g. 1860 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalseScheduleScheduleTexttype of schedulee.g. slave schedule||slave. sch.FalsePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g roll 184TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexttown or post officefull & abbreviated, e.g. Pea River post office||Pea River P.O.TruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTrue mID]><, [RollNo]>. <[PubLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. CensusIDCensus IDTextYear and typee.g. 1880 U.S. censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacethe place the census was takenfull & abbreviated , e.g. Newton County, Mississippi||Newton Co., Miss.FalseScheduleSchedule titleTexttitle of scheduleexact title from page, full and abbreviated versions, e.g. Special Schedule: Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows||Special Schedule: Surviving Soldiers...and WidowsFalsePubLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State)e.g. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsdefault = National Archives and Records AdministrationFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm number, e.g. M593FalseRollNoRoll numberTextroll number, e.g. roll 184TrueCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexttown or post officefull & abbreviated, e.g. Pea River post office||Pea River P.O.TrueEDEDTextenumeration district and sheet numbere.g. 29, sheet 12-BTruePageIDPage IDTextpage number(s)e.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-BTruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s) or householdTrue LL ]?Sq?qjCensus, England, Wales (online database)Database, Online (The National Archives); Evidence style; Compiler or Title as lead elements; Uses :Abbrev function in several fields to substitute abbreviations if entered; if no abbrev data entered, field used as is[EE, QC-6, p 254, sec 6.50, p 301] <[Compiler], ><[Org], >"[Title],", [ItemType:Lower]<, [Owner]>, [WebSite] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [Acces,y]|Bureau of Indian Affairs>, [PubTitle]<, microfilm publication [FilmID]> (<[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.> : <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Services>, [PubDate:Year]), [RollNo].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:First], [PageID:Abbrev]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>, [PersonOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]. <[Agency]|Bureau of Indian Affairs>. [PubTitle]. , [RollNo]>. <[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Services>, [PubDate:Year]. CensusIDCensus IDTextyear and tribe, e.g. 1923 Groventre censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Fort Belknap Agency, MontanaFalseAgencyAgencyTextagency or creator, [default = Bureau of Indian Affairs]FalsePubTitlePublication titleTexttitleFalsePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 123 or sheet 12-B [default = unpaginated]TrueHouseholdIDHouseholdIDTexte.g. entry no. XXX || entry XXXTruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s)TruePublishLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State), e.g. Washington, D.C. [default = Washington, D.C.]FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publications [default = National Archives and Records Services]FalsePubDatePublish dateDateyear of publication, default "n.d."FalseFilmIDFilm numberTextfilm identification, e.g. M595FalseRollNoRoll numberTexte.g. roll 129False 7CSQSCs|Church Books (named volume)Church Books held by church; Original Register, numbered by archives; Church_Author as lead element[EE, QC-7, p311, sec 7.13, p 327] [Church_Author] ([Location]), "[Title]," <([TranslatedTitle]), >[PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; <[VolumeID:Abbrev], ><[Rep73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:Ab7CSQSCs|Church Books (named volume)Church Books held by church; Original Register, numbered by archives; Church_Author as lead element[EE, QC-7, p311, sec 7.13, p 327] [Church_Author] ([Location]), "[Title]," <([TranslatedTitle]), >[PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; <[VolumeID:Abbrev], ><[Restration>, <[PublishDate]|n.d.>. StateStatePlaceStateFalseCensusIDYear and typeTexte.g. 1910 U.S. census, SoundexFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm identification, e.g. M593, roll 184FalseRollNoRoll numberTexte.g. roll 12FalseCodeCodeTextSoundex or Miracode code, e.g. code C240TruePersonOfInterestPerson of interestTextname of person(s), age, County, e.g. William W. Chesly (age 26), Laflore County & William W. Chesly 26), Laflore Co. (full & shortened, separated by || )TruePublishLocPublish locationPlacewhere published (City, or City & State), ex. Washington, D.C. (defaults to Washington, D.C. if nothing entered)FalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the microfilm publicationsFalsePublishDatePublish dateDatedate of publication, default "n.d."False ss}Tac=/WCivil Registrations, Canada (AO microfilm)Archives of Ontario (AO) film; Provincial Birth, Marriage, Death registrations; subject as lead element in reference note; province and agency as lead source list elements[EE, sec. 9.46, p471-73][Subject] [Type:lower]< registration no. [RegNum]> ([RegDate:Year]); [Collection]; , [ReelNo], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Subject] [Jurisdiction] ([RegDate]), [Collection].[Jurisdiction]. [Agency]. [Collection]. , [Reels]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceprovince, e.g. OntarioFalseAgencyAgency/CreatorTe>FalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon Co., IowaFalseScheduleScheduleTexte.g. population schedule || abbreviation, e.g. pop. sch.FalseRepositoryOwner RepositoryTextthe name of the repository which owns the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseFilmIDFilm IDTexte.g. MDAH microfilm 2528 or FHL microfilm 570,221FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTexte.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.TruePageIDPage IDTexte.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped)TrueHouseholdIDHousehold IDTexte.g. dwelling 1034, family 1046 || abbreviated, e.g. dwell. 1034, fam. 1046TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person and-or household data||shortened versionTrue V8W /)aoZChurch Books (named volume, off-site)Church Books archived off-site; church & volume as lead elements[EE, QC-7, p312] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, "[RecBookTitle],"< [Page]><, [ItemOfInterest]><; [Collection]><, [Volume]><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>., "[RecBookTitle:Abbrev].|>[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecBookTitle]<. [Collection]><, [Volume]>. [Repository:Proper], [RepositoryLoc]. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLoca  >e+Xt!Ma=}Census, U.S. Federal, veterans sch. 1890 (Microfilm, NA)7sCensus, U.S. Nat=}Census, U.S. Federal, veterans sch. 1890 (Microfilm, NA)7sCensus, U.S. Native American Tribal (Microfilm, NA)50cCensus, U.S. Soundex & Miracode (microfilm)Q&QCensus, U.S. State (FHL microfilm)6"GCensus, U.S. State (off-site)(SCensus, U.S. Statistical Compendium/aCensus, U.S. Statistical Database (Online)RCChurch Books (named volume)7)WChurch Books (named volume, off-site)8,]Church Books (numbered volume, off-site)9;Church Books (recopied)= CChurch Histories, published+[Church Issued Certificates (collection):2iChurch Issued Certificates (family collection);,]Church Issued Certificates (single item)<+YChurch Minute Books (filmed, off-site))Church Recordsr&QChurch Records (FHL-GSU microfilm)>,]Church Records (filmed LDS image copies)?&OChurch Records (filmed, archives)#IChurch Records (filmed, local)Place and year as lead source elements, Item of interest as lead full footnote element[E!, p 75] [ItemOfInterest], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction], <[Schedule:Lower], >[CivilDivision], [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>; [FilmID], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[CensusID:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], <[Schedule:Abbrev], >[CivilDivision:Abbrev], [PageID:Abbrev]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>. [Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID], <[Schedule:Lower]. >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  CensusIDgeneric IDTextyear and typee.g. 1865 Iowa state census||1865 state censusFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty or county and statee.g. Avon County, Iowa || Abbreviation, e.g. Avon County, to reduce duplication of state nameFalseScheduleScheduleTextschedule typefull and abbreviation, e.g. population schedule||pop. sch.FalseCivilDivisionCivil DivisionTextcity/town or post officee.g. Pea River post office || abbreviated, e.g. Pea River P.O.FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person and-or household datafull||shortened versions (double bars only will suppress data from appearing in short footnote)TruePageIDPage IDTextpage and line datae.g. p. 56A or sheet 123A (stamped), line 25TrueFilmIDFilm dataTextfilm datae.g. MDAH microfilm 2528 or microcopy K65FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the facility which holds the recordsFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repository (City, or City & State)FalseHouseholdIDHousehold IDTextdwelling and family numbersdwelling [blank], family 27||dw. [blank], fam. 27False d.>), [Page], [ItemOfInterest].U. S. [Author], [Title:Abbrev], [Page].United Sates. [Author]. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the workFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the book title || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g 23TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of item of interestTrue ield>CompilerCompilerTextcompiler of the database, e.g. Geospatial & Statistical Data CenterFalseDBTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator of the website (optional) (don't use if data mentioned elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic (internet) addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded, printed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed or viewed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of item of interestTrueRemarksRemarksTextcommentary and discussionFalse  `oaTUaw;Q jDivorce Records (Canada) (online database)Divorce, Libraries and Archives Canada (LAC), database, online; Country (optional) and Database title as lead element[EE, sec 11.47, p 473] <[Country], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database>, <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Country], >"[DatabaseTitle:Abbrev]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteOwner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CountryCountryTextname of country (optional, enter if desired)FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of thepository], ><[RepositoryLoc]><. [Annotation]>., "[Title]," [PageID:Abbrev].[Church_Author] ([Location]). "[Title]." <([TranslatedTitle]). ><[VolumeID]. >[Repository:Proper], [RepositoryLoc]. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churche.g. Uxbridge Monthly MeetingFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the churchUxbridge, MassachusettsFalseChurchLocChurch - location Textcombine Church (Author) name with Locatione.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseTitleTitleTexta specific descriptive title, include quotation marks if quoting an actual titleTrueTranslatedTitleTranslated titleTextEnglish version of non-English title, if knownTruePageIDPage detailsTextpage where information was found, and item or section number as applicablefull and shortened versions, i.e. full||shortTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrueVolumeIDVolume IDTextvolume number as assigned by archives (optional), e.g Register 29full and shortened version (for subsequent notes)FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentary about the sourceFalse tionPlacelocation of the churchFalseChurchLocChurch - locationTextchurch (author) name with embedded locatione.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseRecBookTitleRecord book titleTexta specific descriptive title, use quotes if quoting the actual titleFalsePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrueCollectionCollectionTextname of the collectionFalseVolumeVolumeTextvolume number in collectionFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalse 9]-/iI;JChurch Books (numbered volume, off-site)Church Books, numbered volume archived off-site; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p313] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBookID], [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]><; [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>., [RecordBookID:Abbrev], [Page].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. "[RecordSeries]." [Repository:Proper], [RepositoryLoc]. Church_Author, privately held by <[CollectionOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>; [ItemOfInterest]; [WhenIssued], [Church]<, [Location]><; [CreditLine]>.[Collection], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [WhenIssued].<[Collection]>. <[ChurchNames:Caps]|[Church]>. Privately held by <[CollectionOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. CollectionCollectionTextgeneric name for multiple certificates held by same playName>Church (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church || abbreviated locationFalseChurchLocChurch - locationTextchurch (author) name with embedded locatione.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTexte.g. Baptismal RecordsFalseRecordBookIDRecord book IDTextseries and volume numberTruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalse $$B*1+mZBook, Image copy (publication, FHL-GSU preservation film)Publication, Microfilm Fp73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[Item=;u/{wIJChurch Books (recopied)Church Record Books recopied; cM<]e?eufChurch Issued Certificates (single item)Derivatives; Church issued certificates, single copy, in private ownership; Item of Interest as lead element[EE, sec 7.24, p 340-41] [ItemOfInterest]; [WhenIssued:lower], [Church], [Location]; privately held by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]><; [CreditLine]>.[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [WhenIssued:lower].[ItemOfInterest]. [WhenIssued:Caps]. [ChuplayName>Church (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church||abbreviated version for subsequent notesFalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with location embeddede.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseCopytypeCopy typeTextType of copy, if recognized as suchFalseRecordBookRecord bookTexta descriptive titleFalsePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records, and year, put year in parenthesesTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe city where the repository is locatedFalse =;u/{wIJChurch Books (recopied)Church Record Books recopied; church as lead element[EE, QC-7, p319] [Church_Author] ([Location]), [RecordBook]< ([CopyType])>, [Page], [ItemOfInterest]<; [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>., [RecordBook]< ([CopyType])>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Church_Author] ([Location]). [RecordBook]< ([CopyType])>. [Repository:Caps], [RepositoryLoc]. Church_AuthorQc/u)~Church Records (FHL-GSU microfilm)Church record books; Church Registers: microfilm FHL-GSU Preservation copy; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p315] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBook], <[Vol], >[Page], [ItemOfInteres[Page].[Author:Reverse]. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookseparate multiple names by a ";" semi-colon; enclose multi-part surname of first author in slashes /van Campen/FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookalternate shortened title for subsequent footnotes; Separate full and short titles by double bars || (if no short title, full title is used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearse.g. 23 or p. 23True ation])<, [Collection]> (privately held by <[CollectionOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]>), [ItemOfInterest], [WhenIssued]<; [CreditLine]>., [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [WhenIssued].[Church_Author] ([Location])<. [Collection]>. Privately held by <[CollectionOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church||abbreviated location for subsequent notesFalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with embedded locatione.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseCollectionCollectionTextgeneric name for multiple certificates held by same personFalseCollectionOwnerCollection ownerTextthe person who owns or holds the record consultedFalseStAddressStreet addressPlacethe street address of the ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state where the owner livesFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatethe year when the item was last known to be in owner's possessionFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrueWhenIssuedWhen issuedDatethe date when the item was issuedTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceTrue personFalseChurchChurchTextthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church||abbreviated location for subsequent notesFalseChurchNamesChurch namesTextnames of churches, if more than one included in collection (optional)enter "various churches" if more than one (if nothing entered, church field used)FalseCollectionOwnerCollection ownerTextthe person who owns or holds the record consultedFalseStAddressStreet addressPlacethe street address of the ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state where the owner livesFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrueWhenIssuedWhen issuedDatethe date when the item was issuedTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse @@1?]#/Cq"Church Records (filmed LDS image copies)Church records: film of LDS records at FHL; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p316] [Church_Author], The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints< ([Location])>, [RecordSeries]<, [Vol]>, [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; FHL microfilm [FilmID].[ChurchLoc], [RecordSeries:Abbrev]<, [Vol]>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Church_Author], The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. <[Repository]|LDS Church Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Salt Lake City, Utah>. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the ward within the church || Abbreviated version for short reference noteFalseLocation<rch] ([Location]). Privately held by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>. ChurchChurchTextthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church||abbreviated location for subsequent notesFalseOwnerOwnerTextthe person who owns or holds the record consultedFalseStAddressStreet addressPlacethe street address of the ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state where the owner livesFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatethe year when the item was last known to be in owner's possessionTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTrueWhenIssuedWhen issuedDatethe date when the item was issuedTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceTrue // @OWSCw Church Records (online databases)Church records database, online; compiler as lead element[EE, QC-7, p320, sec 7.27, p 343-44] [Compiler], "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|databas @OWSCw Church Records (online databases)Church records database, online; compiler as lead element[EE, QC-7, p320, sec 7.27, p 343-44] [Compiler], "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.[Compiler:Surname], "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Compilɚ$AUk/qChurch Records (online image copies)Church records; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p314] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBookID], [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]). ItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records, and year || shortened version for subsequent notesTrueRecordBookRecord bookTexta descriptive title, include copy in parentheses, e.g (Latin copy)TruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueChurchChurchTextname of the church or church group (association, congregation, etc.)FalseSeriesSeriesTextgeneric series title for the records books, e.g. Minutes, 1814-1821FalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church||abbreviated version for subsequent notesFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextidentification code of filmFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe city where the repository is locatedFalse {$ZS5 PAm9OGenetic Databases (online)Genetic datab`RO#3NA (U.S.) Microfilm/fiche (Basic)Basic National Archives/NARA film/fiche template; Evidence! style[E!, p 91] [DocName]; <[FileName]><, [PageID]><; [SeriesTitle]>; [MicrofilmTitle]<; [PublicationNo]> (<[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives><, [PublishDate]>); [FilmID]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[DocName]; [MicrofilmTitle]; [FilmID]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[MicrofilmTitle]<, [PublicationNo]>. <[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives><, [PublishDate]>. [FilmID].  DocNameDocument nameTextspecific document nameFalseFileNameFile nameText<, [Church]><, [Location]><, [Page]><; [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]><. [Remarks]>.[Title]<, [Details]><, [Location]><, [Page]>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [Repository]<. [Church]>. [Title]. TitleTitleTexta specific descriptive title, use quotes if quoting an actual titleTrueDetailsDetailsTextsignificant dates, e.g. baptism 12 Jan 1823TrueChurchChurch nameTextname of the churchFalseLocationRecord locationTextspecific location of the record; name of book and number of bookTruePagePageTextpage where information was foundTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlaceenter place where repository is located, i.e. city, state or church addressFalseRemarksRemarksTextAnnotation or provenancee.g. "Photocopy provided to author by" + person who supplied the copy and the date received, etc.True t]; FHL microfilm [FilmID]<, [ItemNo]>., [Vol], [Page].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with location embeddede.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of records, and range of dates & name without dates (separated by double bars || )FalseRecordBookRecord bookTextname of the record book, without the dates (used in reference notes)FalseVolvolume codeTexte.g. OPR222/1TruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film IDFalseItemNoItem numberTextfilm item numbere.g. Item 1TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextowner/repository FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacee.g. EdinburghFalse /FieldName>LocationPlacelocation of the church || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseChurchLocChurch - locationNamechurch (author) name with location, e.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notesFalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of records, and range of datesFalseVolVolumeTextvolume IDTruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film IDFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locateddefault = LDS Church ArchivesFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city or city, state) where the repository is locateddefault = Salt Lake City, UtahFalse BBI,Cc!OW/Civil Registrations, Canada (online images)Birth, Marriage, Death registrations; name element first in reference note[EE, based on sec. 9.46, p471-73][PersonID], [Jurisdiction] [Type:lower] ([RegDate]); <[Collection]; ><[Format],|digital image,>< [WebsiteCreator],> , [CertificateNo]< (issued [CertDate:Year])>|, [Repository]<, [RepositoryLoc]>>.[DocType:Caps], [Name]<, [Date]>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse:Abbrev]. [Repository:Abbrev]. <[A JES[A?APCongressional Records, Online ImageCongressional records, congress as author; author as )(F1a+=%TCourthouse RecordsCounty Courthouse, deeds, wills, estates, inventories, marriages, court records, marks and brands, minutes[CYS, p 69-71] [Title]<, [Details]><[int>FalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with location embeddede.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if no data is entered into this field, "Church (Author)" with "Location" is displayed in subsequent notes.FalseRecordBookRecord bookTexta descriptive title, add quotes around exact titlesFalsePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records, and yearif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)TrueFilmIDFilm IDTextidentification data for filmFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe city where the repository is locatedFalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextseries name of recordsFalse ttB kG?W-uB]O? QgLand Records, Provincial (FHL miB]O? QgLand Records, Provincial (FHL microfilm)Canada, provincial land records, FHL-GSU microfilm; (province) series as lead source list element[EE, sec 10.44, p 534-35][ItemOfInterest]; [Series]; FHL microfilm [FilmID]<, [FrameNo]>.[ItemOfInterest], [Series:Abbrev].<[Province]. ><[Series]. ><[Agency]. >FHL microfilm<, [Rolls]>. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. ProvinceProvinceTextname of provinceFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTexJ*M-;;5gNAS (Scotland) (online database)National Archives of Scotland, databases, online; Database title as lead element[EE, sec 11.68, p 639] <[Creator], >"[DatabaseTitle],"cation of the church||abbreviated version for subsequent notesFalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with location embeddede.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if no data is entered into this field, "Church (Author)" with "Location" is displayed in subsequent notes.FalseRecordBookRecord bookTexta descriptive title, add quotes around exact titlesFalsePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records, and year || shortened version for subsequent notesTrueFilmIDFilm IDTextidentification code of filmFalseStorageLocStorage locationTextplace where film is stored, e.g. Cathedral storageFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe city where the repository is locatedFalse WW(\Qa1u' ~Corporate Records (loose document)Corporate Re(\Qa1u' ~Corporate Records (loose document)Corporate Records, Document (Loose Records); collection, series; collection as lead element in source list[EE, QC-4, p 162] [ItemOfInterest], [ItemType], [RecDate]; [FileLoc]; [SeriesName]; [RG], [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInteres0a]GY1 [9 Corporate Records (microfilm)Corporate Records, Microfilm (in-house); collection, series; collection as lead element in source list[EE, QC-4, p 164] "[RecordTitle]," [ItemOfInterest]; [Subseries]; [SeriesName]; [FileLoc], [Collection] ([FilmNo]), [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]."[RecordTitle]," [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]; [Subseries:Abbrev], [SeriesName:Abbrev]; [Collection:Abbrev].[Collection]. [SeriesName]. [SubSeries]. [FilmID:Caps]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CollectionCollection.<[Author:Surname], >[Title:Abbrev]<, [RollNo]>, [RecordDate:Abbrev]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[ItemType:Caps]|Microfilm publication><, [Rolls]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthor/creatorNamethe author/creator of the publicationFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the publicationalternate shortened title for subsequent footnotes; Separate full and short titles by double bars || (if no short title, full title is used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the publication, if applicableFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of format of itemdefault = microfilm publicationFalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rollsFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the film was published, if knownN.p. [no place] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the film, if knownn.p. [no publisher] automatically inserted if field is blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the film was published, if knownn.d. [no date] automatically inserted if field is blankFalseRollNoRoll numberTextnumber of roll of interest, e.g. roll 1TruePageDetailsPage detailsTextthe page number(s) or arrangementTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate(s) of recordTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdescription of item of interestTrue ! O?[ -@Church Records (filmed, archives)citing a series and numbered volume, Church Record Books, archival series (formal) preservation filK)75o |Marriage Record (bound volumes)marriage records, bound volumes (EE); Jurisdiction and Series as lead elements[EE, sec. 9.4, p 435][Jurisdiction], [Volume]<: [Page]>, [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume:Abbrev]<: [Page]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. hOi;S+k0Magazine Article, online archivesMagazine articles: online copies, random items[EE, sec 14.20, p 804] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Magazine]<, [PubDate]>; ><[ItemType:lower:Abbrev],>< [Creator],> [WebE-A)'5FCodes, State (online images)online version of historic state codes; digital images; compiler as leaer:Reverse]. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CompilerCompilerTextperson who compiled the dataFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titlePlacethe title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceTrue hurchLoc]|[ChurchLoc]|[Church_Author]< ([Location:Abbrev])>>, [RecordBookID], [Page], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with embedded locatione.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of records, and range of datesFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. digital imageFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueRecordBookIDRecord Book IDTextgeneric descriptive labelTruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrue p73#cBasic Online TemplateAFGI5#?#@Death Certificate, local levelDeath Registration, Local level, certificate Civil vital records, name element first[E!, p 78] [Name], death certificate [CertificateNo]< ([Date:Year])>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Name], <[Jurisdiction] >death certificate [CertificateNo]< ([Date:Year])>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [Repository]. Death Registrations. NameNameTextthe exact name of the deceased as it appears in the record, i.e. Wm Doe rather than William DoeTrueJurisdictionJurisdictionTextthe city where the registration occurredT].>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev]<, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.[Author:Reverse]. [Title]< [<[TransTitle]>]>. <[SupplAuthor], > <[SupplRole]|ed.><. [ItemType]|CD-ROM><, [CDver]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the workFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseTransTitleTranslated titleTexttranslation of the titleFalseSupplRoleSupplemental roleTextrole in preparing the CDe.g. editor, translator [default = editor]FalseSupplAuthorSupplemental authorTextthe person creating the CD versionFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype or format, e.g. CD-ROMFalseCDVerCD versionTextversion of the CD, e.g. vers. 2.0, if applicableshow versions, only for those after the first version 1.0FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname or other detail of interestif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)True uH(Cu9Military Rec-&/C1 K/pNewspaper, ImagesNewspapers, images; online.[AQS, back cover] 5$)k-7-G:PERSI DatabasePeriodical Source Index PERSI database, online.[AQS back cover]"<[DatabaseTitle]|Periodical Source Index [PERSI]>," <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><; [Annotation]>."<[DatabaseTitle]|Periodical Source Index [PERSI]>," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>."<[DatabaseTitle]|Periodical Source Index [PERSI]>." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitleCivil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online images)prted if field blank[EE, sec 7.29, p 345][Author], <[Role]|eds.>, [Title]<, [Edition:Lower]><, [Volumes]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>),< [VolNo]:> [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev],< [VolNo]:> [Page].[Author:Reverse], <[Role]|eds>. [Title]. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[Volumes]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the work, if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicable [default = transcriber]FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseEditionEditionTextedition details, if applicablee.g. new edition, 2nd editionFalseVolumesVolumesTextnumber of volumes, e.g. 47 vols.FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseVolNoVolNoTextspecific volume number, e.g. 1TruePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearse.g. 23 or p. 23TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname or other detail of interestTrue >LocationLocationPlacelocation of the church || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of record books, and range of datesFalseRecordBookRecord BookTextname of the record books, without the datesTrueCodeCodeTextGROS code, e.g. OPR222/1TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film IDTrueItemNoItem numberTextitem number, e.g. item 1 TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextowner/repository FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacee.g. EdinburghFalse BB `oaYU)C9>Census, Canada (microfilm, FHL copy)Microfilm, copy owned by LAC or.V[C7Yk?@Funeral Home Records (extract by staff)Funeral Home Records, extract supplied by Staff; Funeral Home (as writer) as lead element[EE, sec 4.8, p 181] [CorpWriter] ([WriterLoc]), to [Recipient], [ItemType], [RecDate], [ItemOfInterest], privately held by <<[RecOwner]|[Recipient:Surname]>, >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [DateOwned:Year]>.[CorpWriter] to [Recipient:Surname], [RecDate].[CorpWriter] ([WriterLoc]), to [Recipient]. [ItemType:Caps]. [RecDate]. Privately held by <<[RecOwner]|[Recipient:Surname]>, >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [DateOwned:Year]>.. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL]: [AccessDate:Year]. AgencyAgencyPlaceagency/creator for the site[default = Scotland] (since the site was created by 3 agencies)FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextexact title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic internet locationFalseAccessTypeAccessTypeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccessDateDatedate you viewed or accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTexttype of record, entry number, name(s), date, parish/county TrueCreditLineCreditLineTextsource of the sourceFalse [Page].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of records, and range of datesFalseRecordBookRecord bookTextname of the record books, without the datesFalseCodeCodeTextGROS code, e.g. OPR222/1TruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextowner/repository FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacee.g. EdinburghFalse FF*cc!/)]>Church Records, Parish Registers (original)Parish Registers, Bishops' Transcripts; Original Register (optional numbered by archives); Canada & England; Church_Author as lead element[EE, QC-7, p311] [Church_Author] ([Location]), <"[Title],"|[RegisterName],>< [Volume], >[Page], [ItemOfInterest]; <[ArchRegNo], >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ChurchLoc] ([Location:Abbrev]), <"[Title],"|[RegisterName],> [Page].[Church_Author] ([Location]). <"[Title]."|[RegisterName].> <[ArchRegNo]. >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the churchFalseLocationPlacelocation of the churchfull name || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of records, and range of datesFalseRecordBookRecord bookTextname of the record books, without the dates(for reference notes)FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull entry || shortened entry for short reference noteTruePageDetailsPage detailsTextvolume & page where information was foundfull entry||abbreviated versionTrueRepositoryRepository/ownerTextthe name of owner or the facility where the records are heldFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city) where the repository is locatede.g. EdinburghFalseFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film numberFalseItemNoItem numberTexte.g. Item 1True Tfi#OY{W^Church Records, Parish Registers (typescripts)Typescripts of [Church] Registers, unpublished Tfi#OY{W^Church Records, Parish RegisterdE=1Civil Registrations, EnglandEngland, Birth, Marriage, Death registrations; name as lead element in reference note; country and agency as lead source list elements[EE, sec. 9.48, p474-76][Jurisdiction], [ItemType]< ([Form])>, [ItemDetails], [Date:Year]; <[CreditLine]; >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc]<. [Annotation]>.[Jurisdiction], [ItemType]< ([Form])>, [ItemDetails], [Date:Year]<; [CreditLine]>.[Jurisdiction]. [Agency]. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionTextprovince, e.g. OntarioFalseAgencyAgency/CreatorChurchLocChurch - location Textchurch (author) name with location, e.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notesFalseTitleTitleTexta specific descriptive title, include quotation marks if quoting an actual titleTrueRegisterNameRegister nameTexta generic description when an exact title is not available (this name will not appear if there is a title)FalseVolumeVolumeTextvolume number or codeFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and year in parenthesesTruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueArchRegNoArchives Register no.Textnumber assigned by archives FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalse pp}yA- 'gWTCensus, Canada (microfilm)micrTfi#OY{W^Church Records, Parish Registers (typescripts)Typescripts of [Church] Registers, unpublished manuscripts (EE); Marriage Record (Church), copy, copyist known (E!); Author as lead element[EE, sec. 7.31, p 346; E!, p 90] <[Author], >"[ManuscriptTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|typescript>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc], [Page].<[Author:Surname], >"[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev]," [Page].<[Author:Reverse]. >"[ManuscriptTitle]." <[Itemtype:Caps]|Typescript>.ek]=Q5UZCivil Registrations, England (online databases)England, Birth, Marriage, Death registrations; online databases; title (or owner, title) as lead element[EE, sec. 9.46, p471-73]<[Owner], >"[DBTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Owner], >"[DBTitle]," <[ItemType:lowered / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translator), edition; legal works; other published works; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, sec 7.29, p 345][Author], <[Role]|transcriber>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [Edition:Lower]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse], <[Role]|transcriber>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Edition:Caps]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the work, if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translator. only if applicable [default = transcriber]FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalseEditionEditionTextedition details, if applicablee.g. new edition, 2nd editionFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g 23TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname or other detail of interestTrue le of the unpublished manuscriptif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. typescript [default]FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe location of the repositoryFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s); include p. or pp.True }yA- 'gWTCensus, Canada (microfilm)micrTfi#OY{W^Church Records, Parish Registers (typescripts)Typescripts of [Church] Registers, unpublished manuscripts (EE); Marriage Record (Church), copy, copyist known (E!); Author as lead element[EE, sec. 7.31, p 346; E!, p 90] <[Author], >"[ManuscriptTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|typescript>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc], [Page].<[Author:Surname], >"[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev]," [Page].<[Author:Reverse]. >"[ManuscriptTitle]." <[Itemtype:Caps]|Typescript>. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the author, if applicableFalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe titsType]|accessed> [AccessDate]).>, [RecordBookID], [Page], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the church || shortened location name for short reference noteFalseChurchLocChurch with locationTextchurch name with embedded locatione.g. Uxbridge (Mass.) Monthly Meeting, for subsequent notes. Note: if data is entered into this field, it is displayed instead of "Church (Author)" with "Location" in subsequent notes.FalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of records, and range of datesFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. digital imageFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueRecordBookIDRecord Book IDTextgeneric descriptive labelTruePagePageTextpage where information was found, and item number if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrue O}yA- 'gWTCensus, Canada (microfilm)microfilm copy; Evidence style; Place and census ID as loc?c7PCivil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online database)Civil records; statutory registers; civil registration; online database; parish and county as lead elements[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] <[Jurisdiction]|Scotland>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [Credit@r)O+_gPChurch RecordsChurch records, archiloc?c7PCivil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online database)Civil records; statutory registers; civil registration; online database; parish and county as lead elements[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] <[Jurisdiction]|Scotland>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditCreationDate], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc])<, [Page]>;.<[Compiler:Surname], >"[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev],"< [Page:Abbrev]>.. >"[ManuscriptTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Typescript>, [CreationDate:Year]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CompilerCompilerNamethe name of the compilerif unknown you might enter name of church in square bracketsFalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the typescript, [default = compiler]FalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the unpublished manuscript || enter a short title after double barsFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of format of item [default = typescript]FalseCreationDateCreation dateDatedate the typescript was createdFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s); include p. or pp.TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe location of the repositoryFalse ,=1}bFamily Trees, DocumentedFamily Trees, Documented data; databases and images, online.[AQS inside righ *[m1!ivImmigration-Emigration Rolls, DatabasesImmigration-Emigration Rolls; databases, online.[AQS inside right]"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><; citing [CreditLine]><; [Annotation]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>."[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalse Name>RecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of record bookse.g. Registers of Births, Marriages and DeathsFalseVolumeVolumeTextname of the record book volumee.g. Register of Births, 1859TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull entry || shortened item description for short footnotesTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film ID, e.g. 973,246TrueItemNoItem numberTexte.g. Item 1TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe owner of the records or the facility which holds the recordse.g. the Registrar General [the default]FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (site) where the repository is locatede.g. EdinburghFalseRecTyperecord typeTexttype of recordse.g. Statutory RegistersFalseCreditLineCreditLineTextsource of the sourceFalse 0`pU?Iq# Civil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online images)Civil records, registrations, statutory registers: online images; parish and county as lead elements[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] [Jurisd`pU?Iq# Civil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online images)Civil records, registrations, statutory registers: online images; parish and county as lead elements[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] [Jurisdiction], [Volume], [ItemOfInterest]; <[ItemType]|digital image>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessedType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [CreditLine]>.[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume], [ItemOfInterest].Scotland. [Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [RecordSeries]. <[ItemType:Caps:Abbrev]|Digital Images>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL]: [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceparish and county for the records.<[Jurisdiction]|Scotland>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType]|database> [ItemOfInterest].<[Jurisdiction]|Scotland>. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL]: [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceparish and county for the recordsFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextexact title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic internet locationFalseAccessTypeAccessTypeTexte.g. accessed, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccessDateDatedate you viewed or accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTexttype of record, entry number, name(s), date, parish/county TrueCreditLineCreditLineTextsource of the sourceFalse ^^J\uS7G;%,Historical Records, images (online)Historical Records: Images; online; Owner & website title as lead source list element[QS, inside left, 3rd model] "[ItemTitle]," <[ItemType:Lower]|digital images>, <[Owner], > <&vY#EiA-nHistorical Records, databases (online)Historical Records, Online Databases (QS); creator & title as lead elements[QS, right side, 2nd model] [Creator]<, [Role]>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database><, [WebsiteOwner]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Creator:Surname], "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Creator:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteOwner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CreatorCreatorFalseRecordSeriesRecord seriesTextname of the series of record bookse.g. Registers of Births, Marriages and DeathsFalseVolumeVolumeTextname of the record book volumee.g. Register of Births, 1859FalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. digital images [the default]FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic internet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you viewed or accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries full entry|| shortened item description for short reference noteTrueCreditLineCreditLineTextsource of the sourceFalse 0 q E=##QwDGrave Markers (Rural, small)Cemetery Markers; Name element first; use Book template for published cemetery records (if several in one book, include name of cemetery with page data)[E!, p 73] [Name]<, [Section]>, [Cemetery], [CemeteryLoc] ([Directions])<; [Remarks]>.[Name], [Cemetery], [CemeteryLoc].[CemeteryLoc:Reverse]. [Cemetery]. Grave marker data. NameNameTextname of person and type of grave markere.g. Samuel Witter tombstoneTrueSectionSectionTextlocation of grave in larger cemeteryGrave Markers for Cemetery Record template); title of record as lead element[CYS, p 71xtname of the agency or creatore.g. Registrar GeneralFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collectionFalseSubjectSubject(s)Textname of the subject (or subjects for a marriage)TrueTypeBMD TypeTexte.g. birth, marriage, deathTrueRegNumRegistration numberTextregistration numberTrueRegDateRegistration dateDatedate of registrationTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextfilm numberFalseReelsReelsTextnumber of reelsFalseReelNoReel numberTexte.g. reel 1TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are storedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city or city, province) where the repository is locatedFalse ppjYU)C9>Census, Canada (microfilm, FHL copy)Microfilm, copy owned by LAC or other institution; Evidence style; copy at FHL[EE, sec 6.46, p 299-302] [CensusID] of [Jurisdiction], <[CivilDivision], >[PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]; FHL microfilmXWC7-eQFuneral Home Records (privately held)Funeral Home Records, extract supplied by Staff; Funeral Home (as writer) as lead element[EE, sec 4.8, p 181] [CorpName] ([CorpLoc]), "[VolumeTitle]," <[Page], > [ItemOfInterest]; privately held by [RecOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [DateOwned:Year]><. [Provenance]>. [CorpName], "[VolumeTitle]," <, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>|<[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>>.[CorpName] ([CorpLoc]), "[VolumeTitle]." Privately held by [RecOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [DateOwned:Year]>. ([RegDate:Year]).[Jurisdiction]. [Agency]. [Collection]. <[RG]. >[Repository]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceprovincee.g. OntarioFalseAgencyAgency/CreatorTextname of the agency or creatore.g. Registrar GeneralFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collectione.g. Death Registrations, 1869-1933FalseRGRGTextrecord group number, e.g. RG80-8FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where records are locatedFalseSubjectSubject(s)Textname of the subject (or subjects for a marriage)TrueRegNumRegistration numberTextregistration numberTrueRegDateRegistration yearDatedate of registrationTrueFilmIDFilmIDTextfilm numberFalse >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [CreditLine]>.[PersonID], [Jurisdiction] [Type:lower] ([RegDate]).[Jurisdiction].< [Agency].>< [Collection].> <[Format:Caps].|Digital image.>< [WebsiteCreator].> [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceprovince, e.g. OntarioFalseAgencyAgency/CreatorTextname of the agency or creatorFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collectionFalseFormatFormatTextformat, e.g. digital images, database, etc. [default=digital image]FalsePersonIDID of person(s)Textname of the person(s)TrueTypeBMD TypeTexte.g. birth, marriage, deathTrueRegNumRegistration numberTextregistration numberTrueRegDateRegistration dateDatefull date of registrationTrueWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextname of the website creatorFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet URL for the siteFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the websiteTrueCreditLineCredit LineTextsource of this sourceTrue pe>Textname of the agency or creator, e.g. Registrar GeneralFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection, e.g. Birth CertificatesFalseItemTypeItem typeTextbirth certificateFalseFormFormTexte.g. short form or long formFalseItemDetailsItem detailsTextname of the subject (or subjects for a marriage) and year of eventTrueDateEvent dateDateyear of the eventTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextinclude GRO Index Reference or Registration District as applicable, e.g. citing 5C/96/459, St Austel registration district and subdistrictFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city) where the repository is locatedFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentary and discussion on specific itemTrue LLg=I[sGEDCOM File (downloaded)GEDCOM file downloaded from internet; title as lead element[EE, based on sec 3.44, p 156]<[ItemOfInterest], >"[Title]," (e-mail address) & >mailing address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>; <"[FileName]," >; >contact information for private use]>>, [DateSupplied]; >Copy held by [Holder], (e-mail) & >address for private use]><, [HoldersCityAdrs]><. [Annotation]>.<[ItemOfInterest], |[Compiler:Surname], >"[Title].""[Title]." , e-mail address) & >mailing address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. <"[FileName]." >, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Owner]. >"[DBTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL]: [AccessDate:Year]. OwnerOwner-CreatorTextowner or creator of the siteFalseDBTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype or format of item, e.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic Internet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed. downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you viewed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of the subject (or subjects for a marriage) and date/year of eventTrueCreditLineCredit lineTexte.g. citing 5C/96/459, St Austel registration district and subdistrictFalse bbVi}s7Ym-NChurch Records, Parish Registers (transcripts/abstracts)Using: Book, print version, autho\jGI71_EXDrouin Collection (microfilm)parish and natorial Records; microfilm publication; author/creator as lead source list element[EE, sec 7.37, p 352][Parish] ([ParishLoc]), [Volume], [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; <[Collection]|Drouin Collection>, [Rolls] (<[PubPlace]|Montréal, Québec>: <[Creator]|Institut Généalogique Drouin>, [PubDate])<, [RollNo]>.[Parish] ([ParishLoc]), [Volume], [Page].<[Creator]|Institut Généalogique Drouin>. <[Collection]|Drouin Collection+l/qJChurch Records, Parish Registers, UK (online image copies)Parish Registers, Church records; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p314] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBookID], [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[Acces Qi1c;b0cCivil Registrations, Canada (FHL microfilm)Z/cCivil Registrations, Canada (online imag0cCivil Registrations, Canada (FHL microfilm)Z/cCivil Registrations, Canada (online images)C!ECivil Registrations, Englandd4kCivil Registrations, England (online databases)e3Civil Vital RecordsD7Codes, Municipal Code+#ICodes, State (online database)'!ECodes, State (online images)9Codes, State (printed),?Codes, U.S. Code (online)(+YCodes, U.S. Code (online, legal style))1eCodes, U.S. Code (online, short legal style)*/aCongressional Records (ID from title page)3CCongressional Records, American State Papers (Gales & Seaton)7;yCongressional Records, House & Senate (academic style)4'SCongressional Records, Online ImageE&OCorporate Records (bound volumes))UCorporate Records (extract by staff)'QCorporate Records (loose document)"GCorporate Records (microfilm)(SCorporate Records (online database) gency]. ><[DocType:Proper]>. DocTypeDocument typeTexttype of documente.g. Birth Certificate, Civil Marriage Registration, etc.TrueNameName/namesNamename of child born or of the deceased, or names of couple for marriage or divorceTrueDateDateDatedate of the event – birth, marriage, divorce, deathTrueCertificateNoCertificate numberTextcertificate number TrueCertDateCertificate dateDatethe date when the certificate was issuedTrueAgencyAgency/CreatorTextthe name and address of the agency that created the recordFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repository, e.g. Clerk's Office, City Halllong version || shortened version for bibliography (no address data)FalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacelocation of the repositorylong version || shortened version for bibliography (no address data), e.g. Avon, Polk County, Iowa, 43567||Avon, Polk Co., IowaFalse ww\VHI!cJDeath Certificate, state levelDeath Registration, state level, Civil vital records, name element first[E!, p 78][Name], death certificate< ([Form])> [CertificateNo]< ([Date])><, [Agency]>, [Repository], [Re_*IK#Ca/2Death Registration, local levelDeath Registration, Local level; Civil vital records, nameb#J-oCKOkDiary or JournalManuscript, i.e. unpublished; author as lead element (for published and edited works, use a Book template)[EE, QC-3, p 106; E!, p 79][Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Page]; [RecordType], [RecordDates]<, [PlaceCreated]>; privately held by < [Relationship], ><[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]><. [DescriptiveDetail:Caps]><. [Provenance:Caps]>.[Author:Last], "[Title]," [Page].[Author:reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [RecordType]. <[PlaceCrean d>AuthorAuthorTextauthor or municipality add / / around multi-part surname of first author (or name of municipality)FalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the worke.g. compiler||comp. (short version after double bars || )FalseTitleOfCodeTitle of codeTexttitle of the codefull & shortened; short version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseEditionEditionTexte.g. 2nd editionFalsePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace of publication[if nothing entered, default = N.p.]FalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publisher[if nothing entered, default = n.p.]FalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate published[if nothing entered, default = n.d.]FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextpart details or article & section no.TruePagePageTextpage number(s) for subsequent notesTrue ; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author as lead element[EE, QC-12, p 654][Presenter]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]><3* e19--yCodes, U.S. Code (online, short legal style)online version of U.S. codes, Legal style; author and code as lead source elements[EE, sec 13.8, p 744] [ShortCitation].[ShortCit+7?vCodes, Municipal Codemunicipal codes, Evidence style; author and code as lead source elements[EE, sec 13.9, p 744-45] [Author]<, [Role]>, [TitleOfCode]<, [Edition]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [ItemOfInterest].[Author:Surname]<, [Role:Abbrev]>, [TitleOfCode:Abbrev], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [TitleOfCode]. <[edition:Caps]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. FalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype and format of data, e.g. database[default = database]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator of the websiteCan be omitted if the creator/owner is identified elsewhereFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextInternet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess type<Type>Texthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you visited the siteTruePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextpart details or article & section no.TrueActTitleTitle of ActTexttitle of actfull length || short version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True ; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author a .=K!=}RLegal Case (Unpublished)Legal Case unpublished; JurisdictiH- 1/1GG"Slip Laws, FederalFederal Slip Laws[EE, QC-13, p 732][TitleOfAct], [ActNo].[TitleOfAct], [ActNo].<[Author]|United States. Congress>. [TitleOfAct]. [ActNo]. AuthorAuthorTextauthor of the workdefault = United States. Congress.FalseTitleOfActTitle of ActTextexact titleFalseActNoAct no.Textact number, e.g. Public Law 94-43False d element[EE, sec 13.10, p 746-47] [Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]>, [Edition:Abbrev], (<[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[PubDate]), "[ArticleTitle]," [ItemOfInterest]; <[ItemType:lower]|digital images>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]).[Author:Surname], [Title] [<[PubDate:Year]>], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]>, [Edition]. <[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], >[PubDate]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamenames of the author(s)separate names by ";" semi-colon; enclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes /van Campen/FalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the publicatione.g. compiler, transcriber, abstractor, editorFalseTitleTitleTexttitle of the original workFalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of the workFalseEditionEditionTextedition numberfull & short versions, e.g. second edition||2nd ed.FalsePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace of publicationFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publisherFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate of publicationFalseArticleTitleArticle titleTexttitle of the article of interestFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextarticle & section no.(section sign § = Alt+0167)TrueItemTypeItem typeTexttype and format of data, e.g. digital images[default = digital images]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator of the websiteCan be omitted if the creator/owner is identified elsewhereFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextInternet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you visited the siteTrue  sec 13.10, p 746-47] [Author], [Title] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev]< [<[PubDate]>]>, [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.[Author:Reverse][Title]. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. TitleTitleTexttitle of printed work & shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseAuthorAuthorNamename of the authorFalsePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextpart details and section no. & shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )TruePubPlacepublication placePlaceplace where the work was published (city or city, state) [if nothing entered, default = N.p.]FalsePublisherPublisherTextcompany that published to work [if nothing entered, default = n.p.]FalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate the work was published [if nothing entered, default = n.d.]False  lead source elements[EE, QC-13, p 731, sec 13.8, p 744] "[ActName]," [TitleNo], <[NameOfCode]|United States Code>, [ItemOfInterest]; <[edition]|web edition>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])."[ActName:Abbrev]," [ShortCitation].<[CorpAuthor:Reverse]|United States. Congress>. <[NameOfCode]|United States Code>. <[edition:Caps]|Web edition>. <[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. ActNameName of ActTextname of act & short version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )TrueTitleNoTitle No.Texte.g. Title 38TrueCorpAuthorCorporate AuthorTextauthor of the codes[default = United States. Congress.FalseNameOfCodeName of codeTextname of the code[default = United States Code]FalseEditionEditionText[default = web edition]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextInternet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you visited the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextpart details, article & section numbersTrueShortCitationShort citationTextlegal style short citationTrue splayName>Corporate authorText[default = United States. Congress]FalseNameOfCodeName of codeText[default = U.S. Code]FalseEditionEditionText[default = web edition]FalseTitleNoTitle No.Texte.g. Title 38FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextInternet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you visited the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextpart details, chapter no., section no. and Edition yearfull entry & & short (abbreviated) version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True ; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author a .=K!=}RLegal Case (Unpublished)Legal Case unpublished; Jurisdiction as lead source list element, Case as lead footnote element[E!, p 87][Case], [Series], [Volume]: [Page], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Case], [Volume]: [Page], [Repository].[Jurisdiction]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [S&/ -+9osSlip Laws, stateState Slip Laws[EE, sec 13.17, p 750][Jurisdiction] [Agency], [TitleOfAct], [ActNo] ([ActDate]).[Jurisdiction:Abbrev] [ActNo:Abbrev] ([ActDate]).[Jurisdiction]. [Agency]. [Series]. [ActDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionTextstatefull name||abbreviation (shortened version for subsequent notes - after double bars || )False. <[NameOfCode]|United States Code>. <[edition:Caps]|Web edition>. <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CorpAuthorCorporate authorText(corporate) author of work[default = United States. Congress]FalseNameOfCodeName of codeText[default = U.S. Code]FalseEditionEditionText[default = web edition]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextInternet locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you visited the siteTrueShortCitationShort citationTextlegal styleTrue !nt>FalseSeriesTitleSeries TitleTexttitle of the seriesFalseVolumesVolumesTexte.g. 3 vols.FalseCongressCongressTextabbreviated, e.g. 9th Cong. (for subsequent notes)FalseSessionSession detailsTextabbreviated session number and year, e.g. 1st sess. (1806)FalsePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace where the work was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextentity which published the workFalsePubDatePubDateDatedate when the work was publishedFalsePagePage detailsTextvolume (optional) and page details where the information was found & short versionTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTexttitle of the itemTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentaryTrue 6SUCMilitary, Muster Rolls (manuscript)Muster rolls, Military Records (EE); Military Record (Manuscript) (E!); National Archives/NARA manuscript; series as lead element[EE, sec 11.38, p 602-03; E!, p 90] [DocName]; [SubSeries]; [SeriesTitle]; [RGTitle], [RG]; National Archives, Washington, D.C.[DocName:Abbrev], [SeriesTitle:Abbrev]; [RG:Abbrev], NA–Washington.[SeriesTitle]. [RGTitle], [RG]. National Archives, Washington, D.C. DocNameDocument nameTextspecific document namee.g. MuߒG7AU!o1hCongressional Records, American State Papers (Gales & Seaton)American State Papers: Gales & Seaton Edition (EE); Series—Book (with subsets) (E!); Congressional records; congress as author; Congress as lead element[EE, sec 13.32, p 757-58; E!, p 96]U.S. Congress, <[SeriesTitle]|American State Papers><: [Subtitle#$]><, [Volumes:Abbrev]>; [Class], [ClassTitle], [ClassVols] (Washington, D.C.: Gales and Seaton, 1832–1861), [Vol]: [Page].<[SeriesTitle]|American State Papers>, [Class], [ClassTitle], Gales and Seaton, ed., [Vol]: [Page].United States. Congress. <[SeriesTitle]|American State Papers><: [Subtitle]>.< [Volumes].> Washington, D.C.: Gales and Seaton, 1832–1861. SeriesTitleSeries TitleTexttitle of the series[default = American State Papers]FalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of the seriesFalseVolumesVolumesTexttotal number of volumese.g. 38 vols.FalseClassClassTextclass numbere.g. Class 8FalseClassTitleClass titleTexttitle of the classe.g. Public LandsFalseClassVolsClass volumesTextnumber of volumes within the classe.g 8 vols.FalseVolVolumeTextrelevant volumee.g. 1TruePagePage numberTextpage number(s)True <; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author as lead element[EE, QC-12, p 654][Presenter]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]><, [Series]>, [Format:Abbrev] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [SpecificLoc]>.[Author:surname], [Title]<, [SpecificLoc]>.[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [Subtitle]><. [Series]>. [Format:Caps]. <[PubPlace]49kC]]'~NA (U.S.) Guides, Descriptive Pamphlet (Online)National Archives (U.S.) Guides, Descriptive Pamphlets, Online; author (NA) as lead element[EE, QC-13, p 738, sec 13.44, p 767-769]U.S. National Archives, [Title], [SeriesID:Abbrev], <[Edition:Abbrev]|web edition>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [Page].National Archives, [Title:Abbrev], [SeriesID:Abbrev], [Page].United States. National Archives. [Title]. [SeriesID]. <[Edition:Caps]|Web edition>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].'|U.S. CongressFalseSeriesTitleSeries TitleTexttitle of the seriesFalseCongressCongressTextcongress numberfull & abbreviated (for subsequent notes), e.g. 9th Congress||9th Cong. FalseSessionSession detailsTextsession numberfull & shortened, e.g. 1st session||1st sess.FalseYearYearDatesession yearFalsePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace where the work was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextentity which published the workFalsePubDatePubDateDatedate when the work was publishedFalseDocTitleDocument titleTexttitle of the document of interestTrueDocIDDocument IDTextID of the documentTruePagePageTextpage numberTrue `LPM7Sq?=M=SeW,NA (U.S.) Audio/Video RecordingsAudio Recordings, Video Recordings; Basic Formats; National Archives, original materials[EE, QC-11, p 539, s=M=SeW,NA (U.S.) Audio/Video RecordingsAudio Recordings, Video Recordings; Basic Formats; National Archives, original materials[EE, QC-11, p 539, sec 11.6, p 561][FileUnitName], [FileDate], [SpecificData], [FileUnitNo]< ([Format])>; [SeriesName]; [RGName], [RGNo]; <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>.[FileUnitName:Abbrev], [FileDate], [SpecificData], [FileUnitNo], [RGNo:Abbrev], <[Repository]|NA–><[RepositoryLoc:First]|Washington>.[SeriesName]. [RGName], [RGNo]. <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>. SeriesNameSeries nameTexte.g. General Radio Programs and Recordings, 1941–1993, [SeriesTitle], [CongressSession], ([Year:year]), [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; [Format], <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]).<[CorpAuthor:Abbrev]|U.S. Cong.>, [SeriesTitle], [CongressSession:Abbrev], [Page].<[CorpAuthor:Reverse]|United States. Congress>. [SeriesTitle]. [Format:Caps], <[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CorpAuthorCorporate authorTextname of the Congresse.g. United States. Congress||U.S. CongressFalseSeriesTitleSeries TitleTexttitle of the seriesFalseCongress+SessionCongress SessionTextnumber of the congress and the sessionFalseYearYearDateyear of the debate in sessionFalseFormatFormatTextformat of the documentsFalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite CreatorText name of the website creator or ownerFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccessed DateDatethe date you visited the websiteTruePagePageTextpage number(s) where the information was foundTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdescriptive detailsinclude quote marks " " around titlesTrue nTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseSeriesNameSeries nameTextname of seriesFalseFileLocFile locationTextlocation of file, name of box or folderFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, city, only if state mentioned in RepositoryFalse NNR]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typesc"^UQ1)kCorporate Records (extract by staff)Corporate Records, Extract Supplied by Staff; collection, series; Corporate writer as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 163] [CorpWriter] ([WriterLoc]), to [Recipient], [ItemType], [RecDate], [ItemOfInteres"^UQ1)kCorporate Records (extract by staff)Corporate Records, Extract Supplied by Staff; collection, series; Corporate writer as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 163] [CorpWriter] ([WriterLoc]), to [Recipient], [ItemType], [RecDate], [ItemOfInterest]; privately held address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>, [DateOwned:Year].[CorpWriter] to [Recipient:Surname], [RecDate].[CorpWriter] ([WriterLoc]), to [Recipient]. [ItemType:Caps]. [RecDate]. Privately held address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. [DateOwned:Year]. CorpWriterCorporate writerTextperson writing on behalf of corporationFalseWriterLocWriter's locationTextcity, state, e.g. Haleyville, AlabamaFalseRecipientRecipientNameperson receiving the correspondenceFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. letterTrueRecDateRecord dateDatedate on the recordTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextsubject or nature of data provided||shortened version, if appropriateTrueRecOwnerRecord ownerTextcurrent holder of the record, if different from RecipientFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextowner's last known street addressFalseCityAddressCityAddressPlaceowner's last known city, state addressFalseDateOwnedDate ownedDatelast known date of item being held by ownerFalse 1t:Abbrev], [RecDate], [SeriesName:Abbrev], [Collection:Abbrev].[Collection]. [SeriesName]. [RG]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseFileLocFile locationTextlocation of file, name of box or folderFalseSeriesNameSeries nameTextname of series||shortened versionFalseRGRecord GroupTextrecord group and/or subgroupFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, city, only if state mentioned in RepositoryFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetailed description||shortened version, if appropriateTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. letterTrueRecDateRecord dateDatedate on the recordTrue ^_S1Kwi8Corporate Records (online database)Corporate Records, Online Databases (EE); database as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 165] "[DBTitle]," <[ItemType]|database>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|updated> [AccessDate])<, [DigitalPath]>, [ItemOfInterest]."[DBTitle]," [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest]."[DBTitle]."5o`O1 VCorporate Records (online images)Corporate Records, Online Images (EE); collection as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 166] "[Collection]," <[ItemType]|digital images>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [DigitalPath]>, [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine:Abbrev]>."[Collection]," [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]."[Collection]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images><. [WebsiteCreator]>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]<. [CreditLine]>. Collection84ype>Textname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseSeriesNameSeries nameTextname of series||shortened versionFalseSubSeriesSubseriesTextseries within the series||shortened titleFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextmicrofilm ID and roll numbers of series/subseries, e.g. microfilm 1M797–1M799FalseFileLocFile locationTextlocation of file, name of box or folderFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, city, only if state mentioned in RepositoryFalseRecordTitleRecord titleTextexact title of the recordTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetailed descriptionTrueFilmNoFilm numberTextfilm number of interest, e.g. microfilm 1M798True 6 <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. DBTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the database, quoted exactly || shortened titleFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (optional if included in "Website title")FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet digital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexttype of access, "updated" if data available, "accessed" otherwise [default = updated]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDateDate updated / accessedTrueDigitalPathDigital pathTexthow to access data , i.e. keyword, when necessaryTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTexte.g. entry for ...True ooR]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescriptsg;31wc 6Courta]51] Organization Records (archived in-house)Organization Records, Archived In-house; organization as lead element in source list[EE, QC-4, p 169] "[RecordTitle]"; [FileLoc], [SeriesName]<, [Collection]>; [Repository], [Organization], [RepositoryLoc]."[RecordTitle:Abbrev]," <[Collection:Abbrev]|[Organization]>.[Organization]. <[Collection]. >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. OrganizationOrganizationTextname of organizationFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseRecordTitleRecoI9CollectionTexttitle of the collectionFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. digital image [default]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (optional if included in "Website title")FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet digital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexttype of access [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDateDate updated / accessedTrueDigitalPathDigital pathTexthow to access data , i.e. keyword, when necessaryTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTexte.g. entry for ... , with alternate version for footnote (after double bars || )TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source, with alternate version for footnote (after double bars || )False hhhR]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts)cemetery records b]51G%-vOrganization Records (archived off-site)Organization Records, Archived Off-site; organization as lead element in source list[EE, QC-4, p 170] [ItemOfInterest], "[FileTitle]," <[ItemType], >[Organization], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], "[FileTitle:Abbrev]," <[ItemType], >[Organization].[Organization]. "[FileTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]. >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. OrganizationOrganizationTextname of organization that created the recordFalseFileTitleFile titleTexttitle of the file, quoted exactly, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseK< p 112] [Writer]<, [WriterAffil]><, [WriterLoc]><, to [Recipient]>, <[Type:lower]|correspondence>, [RecordDate], [Subject];;>< [Series], > [Collection]; privately held by< [Researcher], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [Provenance]>.[Writer:Surname]< to [Recipient:Surname]>, <[Type:lower]|correspondence>, [RecordDate:Abbrev].[Collection]. Privately held by <[Researcher], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. WriterWriterNamethe name of the writerFalseWriterAffilWriter's affiliationTexte.g. Family History LibraryFalseWriterLocWri=ter's locationTextcity where writer is livinge.g. New York CityFalseTypeItem typeTextthe type of iteme.g. e-mail, letter, post card, fax, correspondence [default = correspondence]FalseSubjectSubjectNamethe subject of the data providedTrueRecordDateRecord DateDatethe date that appears on the itemTrueRecipientRecipientNamethe name of the person who received the itemcould be "author"Field>FalseFolderFolderTextname of folder where filed by the researcherFalseFolderDateFolder dateDatedate on the folder (year) (optional)FalseSeriesResearch seriesTextresearcher's research project name, if applicableFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of collection, formal or informalwhether or not items are grouped into, or form part of, a collection, e.g. <family> Research FilesFalseResearcherResearcherNamename of the current holderFalseResearcherContactContact dataTextcontact information of current holderFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the researcherstreet address kept private in reports unless explicitly set to be shownFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of researcherFalseProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownershipFalse @ction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev] [FileNo], [CaseLabel:Abbrev], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [RecordDate].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity or county, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseFileNoFile numberTextfile number on the fileTrueCaseLabel<DisplayName>Case labelTexte.g. L. C. Hubbell v. Peter de Alba || shortened version, if appropriateTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of documentTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse Burisdiction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev], [VolPgDetails].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseVolPgDetailsVolume pageTextdetails of the specific volume and page, e.g. Record Book U: 218TrueCaseLabelCase labelTexte.g. L. C. Hubbell v. Peter de Alba || shortened version, if appropriateTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of documentTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city) where the repository is locatedFalse D, [CourtTerm]><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTexttitle of seriesFalseVolumeVolumeTextspecific volume (with applicable dates)FalsePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueCourtTermCourt termTextcourt term, if unpaginatedTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextcase label, or item of interestcase number, parties, type of case, date, etc.TrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city) where the repository is locatedFalse ffk! O?[ -@ChuruY97TFrakturs (online images) (single item)Fraktur, online images, single copy; person as lead element[EE, sec 3.31, p 145] [Person] <[Item]>, [ItemDate]; <[ItemType]|image copy>< by [Creator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : [AccessType] [AccessDateɕm#/#a+XArtifact, Family, privately held (by collection)Artifact, Private Holdings in a family collection (family archives, papers, artifacts, mementos); Collection as lead element in Source list[EE, QC-3, p105] [ItemID:Caps], <[Credit]; >[Collection]; privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]><. [Description]><. [Provenance]>.[ItemID:Abbrev:Caps], [Collection:Abbrev].[Collection]. Privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>. , [RecordDate].[Jurisdiction]. [Series]. [ArchivalID]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title for reference notesFalseArchivalIDArchival IDTextidentification dataFalseVolumeVolume detailsTextdetails of the specific volume, e.g. Book 33TruePagePage detailsTextpage numbers, e.g. 1–10TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextcase label or item of interest, parties, & type of documentTrueRecordDaterecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city) where the repository is locatedFalse i@R]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts)cemetery records,nG)1W{UxCourt Records (online images)Court, records, image copies: online; jurisdiction and series as lead elementsroM/_sCourt Records (online databases)Court records, (derivative) database, online; database as lead element[EE, QC-8, p382] "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]."[DOGpM;3ka 4Land Records, Tract Books, localProperty, local tract books, original records; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 489] [Jurisdiction], [Series:Abbrev], [VolumePage]; <[ItemX0qEI3q}\Land-Grant Registers (state)Land-Grant Registers, original registers, local (EE); jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 490] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDat) Gp7e|">j5mCorrespondence, personal, private, in collection;Court Case Files, local?Court Reco5mCorrespondence, personal, private, in collection;Court Case Files, local?Court Record Books, local2gCourt Record Books, local (archived off-site)(SCourt Record Books, state (appeals)*WCourt Record Books, state (petitions)"GCourt Records (CD/DVD images)%MCourt Records (online databases)"GCourt Records (online images)/aCourt Records, bound volume (FHL-GSU film)-]Court Records, loose (preservation film)1Courthouse RecordsF"IDeath Certificate, local levelG"IDeath Certificate, state levelH#KDeath Registration, local levelI;Deed Abstracts (online)?Deed Books (state/colony)#9Deeds, local registers+YDeeds, local registers (FHL microfilm)$-Diary or JournalJ-Digital archivesK-Diploma, privateL EDirectories (City or County)M5mDirectories (City or County) (databases, online)K, original records; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-8, p 377] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Series] ([ArchivalID]), [RG]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Series], [Jurisdiction].[Jurisdiction]. [Series]. [RG]. [Repository]. [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title for reference notesFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of documentTrueRecordDaterecord dateDatedate of recordTrueArchivalIDArchival IDTextarchival identification details or order of arrangementFalseRGRecord groupTexte.g. record group 50FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city) where the repository is locatedFalse M series as lead elements; either Case Label or Item of Interest can be used individually or they can be used together (either or both are optional)[EE, QC-8, p 378] [Jurisdiction], [Series:Abbrev] [Volume]: [Page]; [ItemOfInterest]; [ItemType:Lower], [PubTitle], [PubFormat] ([PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate]).[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev] [Volume]: [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [ItemType:Caps]. [PubTitle]. [PubFormat:Caps]. [PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk CountyN Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseVolumeVolumeTextthe specific volume, e.g. 1TruePagePageTextpage number(s) or term of courtTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextcase label or details of item of interest (parties, type of document)full||shortened version for subsequent notesTrueItemTypeItem typeTextitem type of format [default = digital images]FalsePubTitle</FieldName>Publication titleTexttitle of the CD/DVD publicationFalsePubFormatPublication formatTexte.g CD-Rom or DVDFalsePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace the item was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisherFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate the item was publishedFalse PatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteOwner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitleDatabase titlePlacethe title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner or creator of website, IF different from website titleFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceTrue Ron missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseCaseFileNoCase file numberTexte.g. case no. 1TrueCaseLabelCase labelTexte.g. L. C. Hubbell v. Peter de Alba || shortened version, if appropriateTrueCourtTermCourt termTexte.g. November Term 1846||Nov. Term 1846 (shortened version for subsequent notes)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, include quotes, if exact title||shortened version for subsequent notesTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate on the recordTrueItemTypeItem typeTextitem type of format [default = digital images]FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner or creator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet digital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate the site was accessed or viewedTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are heldFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationTextthe city where the repository is locatedFalse 'u?k}wJDissertation, unpublishedDissertation, umrWO3) vLand Records, Warrants, loose (state)State-Level Land Warrants: Loose, original records (EE); jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 491] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate], [Series], [RG]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate], [Series:Shortened], [Jurisdiction].[Jurisdiction]. [Series]. [RG]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series or record group, e.g. Patent Records, 1833-1842, Series S11||shortened versionFalseRG," [EJournal]<, [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])>, <[FormatType]|e-journal> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [SpecificContent]>.[Author:Surname], [Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [EJournal]< [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])>. <[FormatType]|E-journal>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in / /. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalsePageDetailsPage detailsTextpage, arrangement or archival ID informationTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document||shortened version for subsequent notesTrueRecRepositoryRecord repositoryTextrepository where original records are locatedFalseRecReposLocRecords rep. loc.Placerepository location where the original records are located, IF different from JurisdictionFalseFilmIDFilmIDTextFHL film number and item numbere.g. 1,597,004, item 3False Ycrofilm archival preservation copy; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-8, p 379] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate], [Series], [ArchivalID]; [RecRepository], <[RecReposLoc]|[Jurisdiction]>; [FilmID], [FrameDetails], [FilmRepository], [FilmReposLoc].[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [RecordDate], [Series:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction:First].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [FilmID]. [FilmRepository]. [FilmReposLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document||shortened version for subsequent notesTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueArchivalIDArchival IDTextarchival ID details or arrangementFalseRecRepositoryRecord repositoryTextrepository where original records are locatedFalseRecReposLocRecords rep. loc.Placerepository location where the original records are located, IF different from JurisdictionFalseFilmIDFilmIDTextfilm detailsFalseFrameDetailsFrame detailsTextspecific frame numbers, e.g frames 486-87TrueFilmRepositoryFilm repositoryTextthe repository where the film is locatedFalseFilmReposLocFilm repos. locationPlacethe place (city) where the film repository is locatedFalse \, [Location]><, [Page]>, [Repository]<, [RepositoryLoc]><, [Form]>.[Title]<, [Details:Abbrev]><, [Location:Abbrev]><, [Book]><, [Page]>.<[RepositoryLoc:Reverse].>< [Repository].>< [Location].>< [Book].>< [Form].> TitleTitleTexta specific descriptive title, use quotes if quoting an actual titleFalseDetailsDetailsTextsignificant datesfull version||shortened version for subsequent notesFalseLocationLocationTextplace informatione.g. Caven County, North Carolina||Caven Co., N.C.FalseBookBook and volume</DisplayName>Texte.g. Deed Book 22 or Volume XII, etc.specific location of the record, i.e. name and volume of bookFalsePagePageTextpage where information was foundTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city, state) where the repository is locatedFalseFormForm usedTextsuch as microfilm detailsFalse rueCertificateNoCertificate numberTextthe death certificate number (enter "no." at beginning if you wish to include it)TrueDateDateDatethe year when the deceased died (exact date can be entered if necessary)TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repository, e.g. Clerk's Office, City HallFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe place where the repository is located, e.g. Avon, Polk County, Iowa or Chicago, IllinoisFalse p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:Abbrev:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle K-!WW+YRDigital archivesArchived Material: Digital archives; collection (database) as lead element[EE, QC-3, p 94, sec 3.16, p 127-29] <"[Collection],"> [WebsiteCreator], [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemType:Abbrev],< "[ItemTitle],"> [Page]<; [CreditLine]>.<"[Collection]," >[WebsiteTitle], <"[ItemTitle:Abbrev],"> [Page:Abbrev].<"[Collection]."> [ItemType:Caps]. [WebsiteCreator], [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. <r`positoryLoc].[Name], <[Jurisdiction] >death certificate [CertificateNo]< ([Date])>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [Repository]. <[Agency]. >Death certificate.  NameNameTextthe exact name of the deceased as it appears in the record, i.e. Wm Doe rather than William DoeTrueJurisdictionJurisdictionTextthe city or state where the registration was madeTrueFormFormTexte.g. long form (optional field)TrueCertificateNoCertificate numberTextthe death certificate number (enter "no." at beginning if you wish to include it)TrueDateDateDatethe year when the deceased died (exact date can be entered if necessary)TrueAgencyAgency/CreatorTextthe agency responsible for the recordsFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repository, e.g. Clerk's Office, City HallFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe place where the repository is located, e.g. Avon, Polk County, Iowa or Chicago, IllinoisFalse qq&y)=U] IMaps, HistoricHistoric Maps; Map (Historic); N.p. [no place], n.p. [nowkC/i/?>Manuscript Records, Archived (document as lead)Archived Material: Manuscript Records; wi$xg%/7kManuscript Records, Archived (series as lead)Archived Material: Manuscript Records; Series as lead element in source list[EE, QC-3, p 97] [Author]< to [Recipient]>, [RecordID], [RecordDate]; [FileNo], [FileName]; [Series]< [SeriesNo]>; [Collection], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc:First]. [Author:Last]< to [Recipient:Last], [RecordID:Abbrev], [RecordDate:Year], [Series:Abbrev], [Collection:Abbrev].[Series]. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc:Abbrev]. AuthorAuthorNamename of author, such as the name of the grantor[Entry], [Repository], [RepositoryCity], [RepositoryLoc].[Name] entry, [Series], <[Book]: >[Entry].[RepositoryLoc]. [Jurisdiction]. [Repository], [RepositoryCity]. Death Registers. NameNameNamethe exact name of the deceased as it appears in the recordi.e. Wm Doe as shown, rather than William DoeTrueSeriesSeriesTexte.g. Eaton County DeathsTrueBookBookDatee.g. Liber 1TrueJurisdictionJurisdictionTextthe county where the registration took placeFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositorye.g. County Clerk's OfficeFalseRepositoryCityRepository cityTextthe city where the repository is located, e.g. CharlotteFalseRepositoryLocRepository statePlacethe state where the repository is located, e.g. IowaFalseEntryEntryTextpage and item, e.g. 118, no. 1743True eC-10, p 495] [Creator]<, [Role]>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower], >< [WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<, [RecordDate]><; [CreditLine]>.[Creator:Surname], "[DatabaseTitle]," [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [CreditLine:Abbrev].[Creator:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]. ><[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CreatorCreatorNameperson who created the databaseFalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the database, e.g. compiler, abstractorFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titlePlacethe titfle of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. database (can be left blank if included in title)FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (can be left blank if owner indicated elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeText<Hint>e.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries & shortened item description for short reference noteTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of the recordTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse h[EE, sec 10.14, p 505] [Jurisdiction], [Volume]: [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]<. [Annotation]>. [Jurisdiction], [Volume:Abbrev]: [Page].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestate or colony nameFalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series or record groupe.g. Deed Books, 1719–1982FalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volumee.g. Deed Book G (1727-1729||Deed Book GFalsePagePageTextpage number(s)</Hint>TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textfull entry||shortened entryTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentary or notesFalse jn or County level) (E!); jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 488, sec. 10.5, pp 498-500, sec 10.16, p 506-08; E!, p 78] [Jurisdiction], [Series:Abbrev], [VolumePage]<, [ItemOfInterest]><, [RecordDate]>; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev], [VolumePage].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity or county, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseVolumePageVolume and pageTexte.g. C: 305-306 or 4: 256TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse ln="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity or county, state full version || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTexttitle of seriesfull title || shortened title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseVolumeVolumeTexte.g. Deed Book 9FalsePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalseFIlmIDFilm IDTextfilm number (and item no., if applicable)FalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rolls, e.g. 19 rollsFalse xxx&e W]%aCase Reporter, Federal (standardized series)Legal Reference Works, Case Reporters, Federal; citing individual volume from title page; jurisdiction and title as lead element[EE, QC-13, 729, sec 13.18, p 750-51][Title], [Volume:Abbrev]<,[CourtTerm]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page], [Case]; hereinafter cited as [CaseLabel].[CaseLabel].[Title]. <[Volume]. ><[CourtTerm]. ><[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. TitleTitleToted],> [RecordDates]. Privately held by <[Relationship], ><[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>.  AuthorAuthorNamename of the author(s)FalseTitleManuscript titleTexttitle of the diary or journal, ex. JournalFalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of manuscript, if anyFalseRecordTypeRecord typeTexttype of record, ex. MSFalseRecordDatesRecord datesTextthe dates included in the diary or journalFalsePlaceCreatedPlace createdPlacee.g. Barnet, VermontFalseRelationshipRelationshipTextrelationship of last known owner to author (optional)FalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerTextthe name of the current or last known ownerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextthe street address of the last known ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe name of the city and state of the last known ownerFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatethe last year the artifact was known to have been ownedFalsePagePageTextpage number or numbersTrueDescriptiveDetailDescriptive detailTextdescriptive details about the itemTrueProvenanceProvenanceTextcustodial history of ownership of the sourceFalse p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:Abbrev:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle]." [ItemTL-[;!YG<, [SchoolLoc]>. Privately held by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned]><. [Provenance]>.[Student], [DiplomaType], [Date:Year].[Student:Reverse]. [DiplomaType]. [Date]. Privately held by <[Owner], >address for private use]><usRoot>CollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repositoryFalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextthe creator or owner of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextdigital location (internet address) of websiteFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate accessedTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. transcription, translationTrueItemTitleItem titleTextdocument or item title || shortened title TruePagePageTextpage number (include "p" or "pp") || page number without "p" or "pp"TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceTrue p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[I]MEgaYoDirectories (City or County)Single year (for multiple years, see Evidence Explained 12.55–59; for subsequent editions or reprints, use Book or Book, Reprint templates; for unknown author, use Book (Author(s) unknown or unidentified) template)[EE, sec. 12.55–59, p 695-98; E!, p 76] [Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Author:Last], [Title], [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d>.<. [YearOwned]>. DiplomaTypeDiploma typeTexttype of diploma, i.e. name of the field of studyFalseSchoolSchoolTextschool or institution that issued the diploma (optional)FalseSchoolLocSchool locationPlacelocation of the school or institution (optional)FalseStudentStudentNamestudent's name as it appears on the diplomaTrueDateDateDategraduation date as entered on the diplomaTrueOwnerOwnerNamecurrent of last known ownerTrueStreetAddressStreet addressTextstreet addressTrueCityAddressCity addressPlacecity and stateTrueYearOwnedYear ownedDatelast known year ownedTrueProvenanceProvenanceTextprovenance of ownershipTrue !p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor leasN;}qC %Discussion Forum & ListBroadcasts & Web Miscellanea: Discussion Forums and Lists; (insN;}qC %Discussion Forum & ListBroadcasts & Web Miscellanea: Discussion Forums and Lists; (indirectly covers Electronic File–Listserve Message (E!).)[EE, QC-14, p 788, sec 14.27, p 813; [E!, p 82]] [Author], "[Title]," [ForumName], <[ForumType:Lower]|discussion list><, [PostDate]> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed]> [AccessDate])<, [Annotation]>.[Author:Surname], "[Title]," [ForumName]<, [Postdate]>.[ForumName]. <[ForumType:Caps]|Discussion list><, [SpanRead]>. [URL].[Location], <[PageDetails], ><[Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]><, [FilmData]><, yxml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the work, if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe main title of the bookFalseSubTitleSub-titleText the sub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of interest, if applicableFalse p73#c7P)m#GSBE-mail messagePrivate, Personal-E-Mail, writer as lead element[E!, p 80] [Writer], "[Subject]," <[Type:lower]|e-mail message> from e-mail for private use]> (stree7P)m#GSBE-mail messagePrivate, Personal-E-Mail, writer as lead element[E!, p 80] [Writer], "[Subject]," <[Type:lower]|e-mail message> from e-mail for private use]> (street address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>), to [Recipient], [RecordDate].[Writer:Su6QcSSk+} E-mail, personal, privately held, by writerPrivate Holdings, Personal E-Mail; writer as lead element; see also Correspondence, personal[EE, p 154-155 (Ref: QC-3, p 113)] [WritRw{1+'i E-mail, personal, privately held, filed by collectionPrivate Holdings, Personal-E-Mail, |Interest]>; citing "[Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<<[PubPlace]|N.p.>:>< [Publisher]|n.p.><, [PubDate]|n.d.>)<," [Annotation].|.">"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [Page]><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>."[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g [default = database]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueTitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull version || shortened versi~on of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the original book was published, if knowninsert N.p. [no place] if there is no place and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knowninsert n.p. [no publisher] if there is no publisher and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] will be inserted if field left blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.you can enter an shortened version for the short FN by inserting double bars and typing the short enter after the bars, e.g. entry for widow Elizabeth Day, 17 January 1786||entry for Elizabeth Day, 1786TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextadd your remarks about the citationTrue  left][Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>:< [Publisher]|n.p.><, [PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>; <[Format:lower]|digital image>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [Annotation]>.[Title], [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. <[Format:Caps]|Digital images>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  TitleTitleTextthe title of the bookfull version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the book, if applicableFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the original book was published, if knowninsert N.p. [no place] if there is no place and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knowninsert n.p. [no publisher] if there is no publisher and you don't want the field to be left outFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] will be inserted if field left blankFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g [default = digital image]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTruePagePage numberTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.you can enter an shortened version for the short FN by inserting double bars and typing the short enter after the bars, e.g. entry for widow Elizabeth Day, 17 January 1786||entry for Elizabeth Day, 1786TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextenter your remarks about the citationTrue [CompTitle]<, [RollNo]><, [CompSubTitle]> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>. [Compiler:Last], [Title], [Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]>.[Compiler:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Microfilm reprint>. [CompTitle]<, [RollNo]><, [CompSubTitle]>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d>. CompilerCompilerNamethe compiler of the set of directoriesFalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the worke.g. compiler or editor, transcriber, abstractor, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe main title of the bookFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of publicatione.g. microfilm reprint [default]FalseCompTitleCompilation titleTexttitle of the compiled set of directoriesFalseRollNoRoll numberTexte.g. roll 15FalseCompSubTitleCompilation subtitleTextthe sub-title (i.e. year) for the compilationFalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if known<LongHint>N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of interest, if applicableTrue xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> AuthorAuthorNamename(s) of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in \ \.TrueTitleMessage title Texttitle of the messageTrueForumNameForum nameTextthe name of the forumFalseForumTypeForum typeTexte.g. discussion list [the default]FalsePostDatePost dateDatedate the message was postedTrueURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate access, viewed, printed, downloadedTrueSpanReadSpan readTextthe span of dates read (months, years)TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextdiscussion or details of messageTrue 11YSW1#OYy"Photo, Portrait, Archived, Image FileDigital Image from Public Archives; Electronic File (Image from Public Archives) (E!); Photo, Photograph, Portrait, Illustration, Sketch, Painting[E!, p 81] [Type:Caps]: [Subject]<, by [Photographer]>; [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [Format] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [DigitalID]>.[Subject] [Type]<, by [Photographer]>.[Subject:Reverse]. [Type:Caps]< by [Photographer]>. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [Format:Caps]. [URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate:Year].< [DigitalID:Caps].> TypeTypeTextthe}TT 3%+goFamily Bible RecordFamily bible[CYS, p 63-66] Family Bible Record of [Family]< of [Residence]><, [Title]<: [Subtitle]>><, [Edition]> (<[PublishPlace]|n.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PublishDate]|n.d.>)<, o>ManuscriptSubtitleManuscript subtitleTextsubtitle of the manuscriptFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g dissertationFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s); include p. or pp.TrueInstitutionInstitutionTextthe name of the institution where the degree was grantedFalseCompileDateCompilation dateDateyear (or time frame) of compilation of the workFalse 'u?k}wJDissertation, unpublishedDissertation, unpublished manuscripts; Author and title as lead elements[EE, sec. 3.22, p 134-37 with sec 3.5, p 120] [Author], "[ManuscriptTitle]<: [ManuscriptSubtitle]>" (<[ItemType]|dissertation> [Institution], [CompileDate]), [Page]. [Author:Surname], "[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev]," [PagVtiASiovLineage Society, DAR GRC reports (local/state)Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Genealogical Records Committee (GRC) reports, local or state copy, manuscripts; Author & Title as lead elements[EE, sec 4.20, p 194-95; E!, p 77] [Author]<, [Role]>, "[ReportTitle]," ([ItemType], [Dates], [Society], <[Organization]|Daughters of the American Revolution>; copy at [Repository], [RepositoryLoc])<, [Page]>.[Author:Surname], "[ReportTitle:Abbrev]," [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[ReportTitle]." [ItemType:Caps], [Dates], [Society], [Organization]. Copy at [Repository], [RepositoryLo MMR]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compil,'u?k}wJDissertation, unpublishedDissertation, unpublished manuscripts; Author and title as lead elements[EE, sec. 3.22, p 134-37 with sec 3.5, p 120] [Author], "[ManuscriptTitle]<: [ManuscriptSubtitle]>" (<[ItemType]|dissertation> [Institution], [CompileDate]), [Page]. [Author:Surname], "[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev]," [Page].[Author:Reverse]. "[ManuscriptTitle]<: [ManuscriptSubtitle]>." <[ItemType:Caps]|Dissertation>. [Institution], [CompileDate]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the unpublished manuscript || shortened title for subsequent notesFalse" (<[ItemType]|dissertation> [Institution], [CompileDate]), [Page]; [FilmID]<, [RollNo]> ([FilmRep], [FilmRepLoc]).[Author:Surname], "[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev]," [Page].[Author:Reverse]. "[ManuscriptTitle]<: [ManuscriptSubtitle]>." <[ItemType:Caps]|Dissertation>. [Institution], [CompileDate]. [FilmID]<, [Rolls]>. [FilmRep], [FilmRepLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the unpublished manuscript || shortened title for subsequent notesFalseManuscriptSubtitleManuscript subtitleTextsubtitle of the manuscriptFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g dissertationFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s); include p. or pp.TrueInstitutionInstitutionTextthe name of the institution where the degree was grantedFalseCompileDateCompilation dateDateyear (or time frame) of compilation of the workFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm identification and numberFalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rollsFalseRollNoRoll numberTextnumber of the roll applicable to the citationFalseFilmRepFilm repositoryTextrepository where film is locatedFalseFilmRepLocFilm rep'y locationPlaceplace (city, state) where the film repository is locatedFalse  databasefull and short version (short for subsequent notes) (separate by double bars || )FalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. digital images [default = database], enter alternates for bibliography and footnotes (separated by double bars || )FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner-creator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse :WY1=OU*Funeral Home Records (held by library)Funeral Home Records, bound volumes held by library; Funeral Home as lead element[EE, sec 4.9, p 181-82] [CorpName] ([CorpLoc]), "[VolumeTitle]," [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[CorpName], "[VolumeTitle]," [Page].[CorpName] ([CorpLoc]). "[VolumeTitle]." [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CorpNameCorporate nameTextthe name of the corporation as authorFalseCorpLocCorporate locationTextcity, state, e.g. Haleyville, AlabamaFalse.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. digital image[default = digital image]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueTitleTitleTextthe title of the recordsfull version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the records, if applicableFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.full version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes), e.g. card for Clovis Julian, no. 120, New Orleans Draft Board 13||card for Clovis Julian, #120, New Orleans Draft Bd. 13TrueFilmDetailsFilm detailsTextFilm publisher and publication number, and roll numbere.g. National Archives microfilm publication M1509TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue 1S}/a[m2Book, database extractions (online)Books: Database Extractions, (extracts) online database.[AQS inside left]"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]>; extracted from< [Author],> [Title]<: [SubTitle]> (<<[PubPlace]|N.p.>:>< [Publisher]|n.p.><, [PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [PageDetails]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest]>."[DatabaseTitle]." >. <[<[RecordType]|Parish and Natorial Records>]. ><[PubType]|Microfilm publication>. [Rolls]. <[PubPlace]|Montréal, Québec>, [PubDate]. CreatorCreator/AuthorTextname of creator or author of collectione.g. Institut Généalogique Drouin [default]FalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collectione.g. Drouin Collection [default]FalseRecordTypeRecord typeTexttype of recorde.g. parish and natorial recordsFalsePubTypePubTypeTexttype of publicatione.g. microfilm publicationFalsePubPlacepublication locationPlacethe place (city, province) where the item was publisheddefault = Montréal, QuébecFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate of publicationFalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rolls in the collectione.g. 2,366 rollsFalseParishParishTextname of parishe.g. Saint-Léonard ParishFalseParishLocParish locationPlacelocation (city, province) of parish full and short version for subsequent notes (separated by double bars || )FalseVolumeVolumeTextspecific volume within the collectionTruePagePageTextpage numberTrueRollNoRollNoTextroll number location of item of interestTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of item of interestnames, type of event, date/yearTrue rname], "[Subject]," <[Type:lower:Abbrev]|e-mail>< to [Recipient:Surname]>, [RecordDate].[Writer:Reverse]. "[Subject]." <[Type:Caps]|E-mail message> from e-address>, street address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. [RecordDate]. WriterWriterNamethe name of the writerFalseSubjectSubject lineTextthe subject line of the messageTrueWriterContactWriter's e-contactTexte-mail address for the writerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the writerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city, state and zip/postal code address of writerFalseTypeItem typeTextthe type of itemfull & shortened versions, e.g. e-mail message||e-mail [the defaults]TrueRecordDateRecord DateDatethe date that appears on the messageTrueRecipientRecipientTextthe name of the person who received the e-mail message (could also be "author")True er], <[WriterLoc], >e-mail for private use]>, to [Recipient], <[Type:lower]|e-mail>, [RecordDate], "[Subject],"< [File]><, [Series]><, [Collection]>; privately held e-mail & >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [DateHeld:Year]><. [Provenance]>.[Writer:Surname]< to [Recipient:Surname]>, <[Type:lower]|e-mail>, [RecordDate].[Writer:Reverse]. "[Subject]." <[Type:Caps]|E-mail> from e-address for private use]>, to [Recipient]. [RecordDate]. Privately held e-mail & >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [DateHeld:Year]>. WriterWriterNamethe name of the writerFalseWriterLocWriter's locationTexte.g. New York CityFalseWriterContactWriter's e-contactTexte-mail address for the writerFalseTypeItem typeTextthe type of item, e.g. e-mailFalseSubjectSubject lineTextthe subject line of the messageTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatethe date that appears on the messageTrueRecipientRecipientTextthe name of the person who received the e-mail message(could also be "author")FalseFileFileTextname of file where filed by the researcherTrueSeriesResearch seriesTextresearcher's research project name, if applicableTrueCollectionCollectionTextname of collection, if items are grouped into, or part of, a collectionTrueResearcherResearcherTextname of the current holder (use only Surname if recipient is also the researcher)FalseResearcherContactContact dataTextcontact information of current holderFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the recipientFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of recipientFalseDateHeldDate heldDatedate when held (year)TrueProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownershipFalse collection as lead element in bibliography; see also Correspondence, personal[EE, QC-3, p 113] [Writer], [WriterLoc] (e-address for private use)]>, to [Recipient], <[Type:lower]|e-mail>, [RecordDate], "[Subject]," [File]<, [Series]><, [Collection]>; privately held by <[Researcher], >(e-address) & >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>, <. [Provenance]>.[Writer:Surname] to [Recipient:Surname], <[Type:Lower]|e-mail>, [RecordDate].[Collection]. Privately held by <[Researcher], >(e-address) & >street address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. WriterWriterNamethe name of the writerFalseWriterLocWriter's locationPlaceex. New York CityFalseWriterContactWriter's e-contactTexte-mail address for the writerFalseTypeItem typeTextthe type of item, e.g. e-mailFalseSubjectSubject lineTextthe subject line of the messageTrueRecordDateRecord DateDatethe date that appears on the messageTrueRecipientRecipientNamethe name of the person who received the e-mail message (could also be "author")FalseFileFileTextname of file where filed by the researcherTrueSeriesResearch seriesTextresearcher's research project name, if applicableTrueCollectionCollectionTextname of collection, if items are grouped into, or part of, a collectionTrueResearcherResearcherNamename of the current holderFalseResearcherContactContact dataTextcontact information of current holderFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the recipientFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of recipientFalseDateHeldDate heldDatedate when held (year)TrueProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownershipFalse ieldName>JurisdictionPlacecity, state (full || shortened versions)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series or record group, e.g. Patent Records, 1833-1842, Series S11FalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volume, place quotes " " around exact titleFalsePageDetailsPage detailsTextfull||shortened version, e.g. part 3: p. 18||pt. 3: p. 18TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextFHL film numberFalseItemNoItem numberTextfilm item, e.g. item 1False HHR]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compil,AAa}Estray (Ranger) Books, parties identified (local or county)Estray (Ranger) Books, local, parties identified; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, sec 10.23, p 515-17] [Jurisdiction], "[Volume]," [PageDetails], [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], "[Volume]," [PageDetails:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. "[Volume]." [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity, state (full || shortened versions)FalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volume, place quotes " " around exact titleFalsePageDetailsPage detailsTextfull||shortened version, e.g. part 3: p. 18||pt. 3: p. 18TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse nMAoI&Land Records, Plat Books, countyPlat Books, county-level (EE); jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, sec 10.28, p 520-21] [Jurisdiction], [Volume]: [Page], <"[Title]," ><[ItemOfInterest], > [RecordDate]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume]: [Page], <"[Title]," ><[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], >[RecordDate].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]DO_+33YLand Records, Plat Books, county (online)Plat Books, county-level, online (EE); jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 494] [Jurisdiction], [Volume]: [Page], <"[ItemOfInterest]," >[RecordDate]; <[ItemType]|digital images>, [WebsiteCreator], [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]).[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume]: [Page], <"[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]," >[RecordDate].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [WebsiteCreator]. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity, state (full || shortened versions)FalseSeriesSeriesTexttitle of series or record group. If exact title, add " " quotes around titleFalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volume, place quotes " " around exact titleFalsePageDetailsPage detailsTextfull||shortened version, e.g. part 3: p. 18||pt. 3: p. 18TrueArrangementArrangementTextorder of entries in an unpaginated book, e.g. chronological orderFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse Y7/;3a Deed Abstracts (online)Derivative Deed Abstracts, online; creator as lead element[EE, Qd}EewLand Office Records, Federal (online, database or image)Federal BLM/;3a Deed Abstracts (online)Derivative Deed Abstracts, online; creator as lead element[EE, QdW= vLand Records, State (online database)Derivative online database, state-level (EE); LandL}EewLand Office Records, Federal (online, database or image)Federal BLM Database Entries, on;9iAC3gProbates, case file indexes (online databases)Wills, estates, probates, inventories, succession books; microfilm images of bound volumes[EE, sec. 10.33, p 526-27] [Jurisdiction], [Agency], "[SeriesTitle]," <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Jurisdiction], [Agency:Abbrev], "[SeriesTitle]," [ItemOfInterest].[Jurisdiction]. [Agency]. "[SeriesTitle]." <[WebsiteOwnwner <([YearOwned])> [Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>)><. [Provenance]>.Family Bible Record of [Family]< of [Residence]>.[Family:Reverse], Family Bible. [Title]<: [Subtitle]>.>< [Edition].> <[PublishPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PublishDate]|n.d.>.< Owner <([YearOwned])> [Owner],> address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. FamilyFamilyNameoriginal ownerFalseResidenceResidencePlaceplaces of residenceFalseTitleTitleTexttitle of the bibleFalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of the bible from the title pageFalseEditionEditionTexte.g. new edition, second editionFalsePublishPlacePublish placePlacethe place where this book was published, e.g. Baltimore, MarylandFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe name of the publisherFalsePublishDatePublish dateDatethe date this book was publishedFalseYearOwnedYear OwnedDatethe last known date the owner had the bibleFalseOwnerOwnerNamename of the present ownerFalseOwnerAddressOwner addressTextpresent owner's full addressFalseCityAddressCity, StatePlacethe city and state of the present owner's addressFalseProvenanceProvenanceTextwho passed it down to whom and details of owners, and other commentaryFalse p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:Abbrev:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle]." [ItemTV];A!eqpFamily Chart/Group Sheet, privately heldFamily Chart, Ancestral Chart, Pedigree Chart; compiler as lead element in bibliography[EE, QC, p 108; E!, p 83] [Compiler], [ItemID], [Collection]; supplied by <[Supplier]|[Compiler:Surname]>, address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearSupplied]><; [Evaluation]><. [Provenance]>.[Compiler], [ItemID]<, [Evaluation:Abbrev]>.[Compiler:Reverse]. [Collection]. Privately held by <[Supplier]|[Compiler:Surname]>|, [[PubDate]|n.d.>. Privately held by [Owner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned]>. OriginalOwnerOriginal ownerNameoriginal owner (put slashes around multi-part surname, ex. John /van Doe/.)FalseDatesDatesTextdates of records included in the bibleFalseTitleTitleTexttitle of the bibleFalseEditionEditionTextex. new edition, second editionFalsePubPlacePublish placePlacethe place where this book was published, ex. Baltimore, MarylandFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe name of the publisherFalsePubDatePublish dateDatethe date this book was publishedFalseYearOwnedYear OwnedDatethe last known date the owner had the bibleFalseOwnerOwnerNameName of the present ownerFalseOwnerAddressOwner addressTextPresent owner's street addressFalseCityAddressCity, StatePlacethe city and state/province of the present owner's addressFalsePagePage or sectionTextinclude section in quotes, ex. "Marriages"TrueProvenanceProvenanceTextwho passed it down to who and details of ownersFalseAnalysisAnalysisTextdetailed analysis of handwriting, penmanship, timeliness of the entriesFalse p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:-WS=;M )JFamily Group Record Collection, LDSMicrofilm (FHL-GSU), LDS[EE, sec 7.33, p 347-8]The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS], "Family Group Record Collection," (Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, [Year]), FHL microfilm [FilmID], [ItemofInterest]; submission [Submitdata]<. [Remarks]>.LDS, "Family Group Record Collection," [ItemofInterest:Abbrev].The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS]. "Family Group Record Collection." Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, [Year]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family Hisaddress for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearSupplied]>. CompilerCompilerNamename of compilerFalseCollectionCollectionTextthe name of the collectionFalseItemIDItem IDTextgeneric identification of itemTrueSupplierSupplierNamethe person who supplied the copy or copies, if different from CompilerFalseStreetAddressStreet AddressTextsupplier&apos;s street addressFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacesupplier's city postal address (excluding postal code)FalseYearSuppliedYear suppliedDateex. 1989TrueEvaluationEvaluationTextDescription and evaluation by researcherif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no shortened, full version will be used)TrueProvenanceprovenanceTexthistory of ownershipFalse XZ7;?;fGenetic Test (DNA) CDGenetic Testing; CD-ROM Database; Corporate author as lead element[EE, Sec. 4.27, pp 202][CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>, "[ReX?a/;PLocal Records, File itemsLocal Records, File Items; licenses, registrations, rolls, vital records; Jurisdiction and Series elements[EE, QC-9, p 421][Jurisdiction], [Series], [ItemNo]; [ItemID], [RecDate]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series], [ItemID:Abbrev], [RecDate].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  JurisdictionJurisdictionTextstate and county || abbreviated versionFalseSeriesSeriesTextseries or collectionFalse YearYearDatee.g. 1993FalseFilmIDFilm IDTextnumber of film, e.g. 1,396,190TrueItemofInterestItem of interest+Texte.g. James Edward entry, baptism (1727)TrueSubmitDataSubmit dataTextsubmitter and submission number(s)TrueRemarksRemarksTextother remarksTrue XZ7;?;fGenetic Test (DNA) CDGenetic Testing; CD-ROM Database; CorYe/ +vLocal Records, Files moved to state archivesLocal Records: Files moved to state archives; licenses, registrations, rolls, vital records; Jurisdiction and Series elements[EE, QC-9, p 422][Jurisdiction], [Series],< file: "[File],"> [ItemArrange], [ItemID]XZ7;?;fGenetic Test (DNA) CDGenetic Testing; CD-ROM Database; Corporate author as lead element[EE, Sec. 4.27, pp 202][CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>, "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>," [ReportDate]<, <[Type]|CD-ROM>>, genetic test report held by [HeldBy], address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]><, [HeldDate:Year]>.[CorpAuthor], "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>," [ReportDate].[CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>. "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>." [ReportDate]<. <[Type]|CD-ROM.> Genetic test report held by [HeldBy], address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]><. [HeldDed:Year]>. ItemIDGeneric IDTextgeneric identification or title of the itemif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotesFalseArtifactTypeArtifact typeTexttype of artifact, e.g. scrapbookFalseCreationDateCreation DateDatedate when the original was createdFalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexttype of copy being held, e.g. photocopyOptionalFalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerTextname of the current or last known ownerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextstreet address of the last known ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressText name of the city and state of the last known ownerFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatelast year the artifact was known to have been ownedFalseRelationshipRelationshipTextrelationship to the creator/subject, if knownnot required if relationship is discussed under ProvenanceFalseDescriptiveDetailDescriptive detailTextdescriptive details about the itemFalseProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownership of itemFalsePagePageTextpage number, if applicableTrueDiscussedDiscussedTextreference to previous discussion, if desiredin subsequent footnotes only, e.g. previously discussed (optional – may be used where specific information or collection is not available to cite)False ^[WAGWPCensus, Australia (microfilm, FHL copy)Evidence style; Microfilm copy at FHL[EE, sec 6.49, p 298-99] [CensusID], [Jurisdiction]<, Country><: "[Title],"|,> <[CivilDivision], >[PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]<; FHL microfilm [FilmID]>.[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country]. >[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID].< "[Title]."> [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]<. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah>.  CountryCountryTextname of country (optional)False; submitted< [SubmitDate]>< by [SubmittedBy]>>|, [contact information for private use]><, [CityAddress]><; citing [FilmDetails]><; [Annotation]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, "[TreeTitle]><," [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].|.">"[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. database[default = database]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueTreeTitleTree titleTextthe title of the family treeTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.full version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes), e.g. card for Clovis Julian, no. 120, New Orleans Draft Board 13||card for Clovis Julian, #120, New Orleans Draft Bd. 13TrueSubmitDateSubmit dateDatedate the file was submittedTrueSubmittedBySubmitted byNamethe name of the person who submitted the treeTrueEmailAddressEmail addressTextemail address of the submitterTrueStreetAddressStreet addressTextStreet address of the submitterTrueCityAddressCity addressPlacecity and state of submitter's addressTrueFilmDetailsFilm detailsTextFilm publisher and film number, and roll numbere.g. National Archives microfilm publication M1509TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue eDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. digital image[default = digital image]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, date, etc.full version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes), e.g. card for Clovis Julian, no. 120, New Orleans Draft Board 13||card for Clovis Julian, #120, New Orleans Draft Bd. 13TrueSubmitDateSubmit dateDatedate the file was submittedTrueSubmittedBySubmitted byNamethe name of the person who submitted the treeTrueEmailAddressEmail addressTextemail address of the submitterTrueStreetAddressStreet addressTextStreet address of the submitterTrueCityAddressCity addressPlacecity and state of submitter's addressTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue /mU/S}Directories (City or County) (databases, online)City Directories: Databases; online.[AQS inside left]"[DatabaseTitle]", <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [Page]><, [ItemOf{_0is/s rCensus, U.S. Federal, 1890 Substitute (online)Census: Database 1890 Substitutes, online database.[AQS inside left]"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [Substitute]><, [ItemOfInterest]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [Substitute]><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>."[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creatoc[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>); owned by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]><, [Provenance]>.[Person] <[ItemType:Abbrev]|Fraktur>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Person:Reverse]. <[ItemType]|Fraktur (certificate)>. [ItemOfInterest]. Printed <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. Owned by <[Owner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [YearOwned:Year]>. PersonPerson's nameTextsubject mentioned in the frakturTrueItemTypeItem typeTexttype of iteme.g. Fraktur (certificate)||Fraktur [the defaults] (abbreviated version for subsequent footnotes)TruePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace where the certificate was pre-printedN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe company that pre-printed the certificaten.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublication dateTextdate when the certificate was pre-printedn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseOwnerOwnerTextthe person who owns or holds the record consultedFalseStAddressStreet addressPlacethe street address of the ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state where the owner livesFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatethe year when the item was last known to be in owner's possessionFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTexttype of certificate and yeare.g. birth and baptism, 1829TrueProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownership of the sourceTrue dk591dArtifact, Family, photographed (privately held)photograph/photocopies of original Family Artifacts, Privately Held (location of original unknown) i.e. post cards, wedding invitations, engagement notices, birth announcements, church service programs, funeral cards, funeral programs, samplers, objects, medals, etc. For the original artifacts, see Family Artifacts, privately held.[EE, sec 3.38, p 151] [ItemID:Caps], [ArtifactType], [CreationDate], <[CopyType]|photograph> of the original< taken [PhotoDate]>< by [Photographer]>, privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned:Year]>< ([Relationship])><. [DescriptiveDetail]><. [Provenance]>.[ItemID:Abbrev:Caps], [ArtifactType], <[CopyType]|photograph>< taken [PhotoDate]>.[ItemID]. [ArtifactType:Caps]. [CreationDate]. <[CopyType:y]).[Person], [ItemDate].[Person:Reverse] [Item]. [ItemDate]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Image copy>< by [Creator]>, [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. PersonPerson's nameTextsubject mentioned in the frakturTrueItemItemTextdescription of iteme.g. (certificate of baptism) [include parentheses]TrueItemDateItem dateDatedate of the itemTrueItemTypeItem typeTexttype or format of the iteme.g. image copyFalseCreatorCreatorTextthe person who created the image or owns the siteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the siteFalseURLURLTextelectronic internet addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]FalseAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteFalse TF-8"?> CorpWriterCorporate writerTextperson writing on behalf of corporationFalseWriterLocWriter's locationTextcity, state, e.g. Haleyville, AlabamaFalseRecipientRecipientNameperson receiving the correspondenceFalseRecDateRecord dateDatedate on the recordTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. letterTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextsubject or nature of data providedTrueRecOwnerRecord ownerTextcurrent holder of the record, if different from RecipientFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextowner's last known street addressFalseCityAddressCityAddressPlaceowner's last known city, state addressFalseDateOwnedDate ownedDatelast known date of item being held by ownerFalse  `oaYU)C9>Census, Canada (microfilm, FHL copy)Microfilm, copy owned by LAC or other institution; Evidence style; copy at FHL[EE, sec 6.46, p 299-302] [CensusID] of [Jurisdiction], <[CivilDivision], >[PageID], [ItemOfInterest]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]; FHL microfilm [FilmID].[CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [PageID], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country]. >[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [CensusID]. [Repos`Zc=yIfCivil Registrations, Canada (FHL microfilm)Provincial Birth, Marriage, Death registrations; name as lead element in reference note, province and agency as lead source list elements[EE, sec. 9.46, p471-73][Jurisdiction] [Agency], [Collection], [Subject] ([RegDate:Year]); FHL microfilm [FilmID].[Jurisdiction] [Agency>RepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city, state) where the repository is locatedFalseVolumeTitleVolume titleTexttitle of volume of recordsFalsePagePageTextpage number(s), e.g. p. 32TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextsubject or nature of data, name, details, dateTrue ccj `oaYU)C9>Censul^eEAu7 rLand Petitions, Provincial (online database)Derivative online database, provw[O9zWebsite (with multiple databases)website with multiple offerings; database titles as lead elements[EE, sec 3.16, p 127] <[Author], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, <[CreatorOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; citing [CreditLine]>.<[Author:Last], >[WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest].<[Author:Reverse]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[CreatorOwner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL]: [AccessDate:Year] \Y [!9 Land Petitions, Provincial (microfilm)Upper Canada Land Petitions (UCLP); record group as lead source list item[ItemOfInterest?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> CorpNameCorporate nameTextthe name of the corporation (Funeral Home)FalseCorpLocCorporate locationTextcity, state, e.g. Haleyville, AlabamaFalseVolumeTitleVolume titleTexttitle of the volume (book)FalseRecOwnerRecord ownerTextcurrent holder of the recordFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextowner's last known street addressFalseCityAddressCityAddressPlaceowner's last known city, state addressFalseDateOwnedDate ownedDatelast known date of item being held by ownerFalseProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownershipFalsePagePageTextpage number, if applicableTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextsubject or nature of data providedTrue \Y [!9 Land Petitions, Provincial (microfilm)Upper Canada Land Petitions (UCLP); record group as lead source list item[ItemOfInterest? `oaWsy5Church Records, OPR, Scotland (FHL-GSU microfilm)Church records, old parish registers: microfilm FHL-GSU Preservation copy; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p315, sec 7.43, p 365-68] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBook], [Code], [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; FHL microfilm [FilmID]<, [ItemNo]>.[Church_Author]< ([Location:Abbrev])>, [Code], [Page].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [Film/_W7 [zUpper Canada Sundries (LAC microfilm)Upper Canada Sundries[ItemOfInterest]; [Series], [RGName], [RGNo], [RefDetails]; <[FilmType] |LAC microfilm ><[FilmID]>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RGName:Abbrev], [RGNo:Abbrev], [RefDetails:Abbrev].[Series]. [RGName], [RGNo]. <[FilmTypeccessDate]|n.d.>. >contact information for private use]>>, [DateSupplied]. >Held by [Holder], (e-mail) & >address for private use]><, [HoldersCityAdrs]>. ItemOfInterestItem of InterestTextdescriptive details of item(s) of interest (item, name, ID no., etc.)TrueTitleTitleTextdescriptive title of the fileuse <sc>gedcom</sc> to get a small caps version of the word GEDCOM), e.g. Kincaid <sc>gedcom</sc> FileFalseCompilerCompilerNamethe name of the person who compiled the dataFalseEAddressE-mail addressTexte-mail address of the compilerFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the compilerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of compilerFalseFileNameFile nameTextname of file, if required to select a specific item from the siteFalseURLDownload from URLTextelectronic (internet) location from where the file was downloadedFalseAccessDatedate accessedDatedate the site was accessed and file downloadedFalseSuppliedBySupplied byTextthe name of the person who supplied the file, if not compilerFalseDateSuppliedDate suppliedDatedate when the file was receivedFalseSuppliedContactSupplier's e-mailTexte-mail and other contact informationFalseHolderCurrent holderTextthe name of the person who currently has the fileFalseHoldersEmailHolder's contact dataTextcontact e-mail, phone, etc., for holder of the fileFalseHoldersStAdrsHolder's street adrsTextstreet address of holderFalseHoldersCityAdrsHolder's city addressPlaceholder's city, state locationFalseAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentary or discussion of sourceFalse Pne?Kq]Civil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (FHL-GSU microfilm)Civil records, registration; statutory registers: microfilm FHL-GSU copy; parish and county as lead elements[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] [Jurisdiction], [Volume], [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>; FHL microfilm [FilmID]<, [ItemNo]>.[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume], [ItemOfInterest].Scotland. [Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [RecordSeries]. <[RecType:Caps]|Statutory Registers>. <[Repository]|Registrar General>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Edinburgh>. FHL microfilm [FilmID]<, [ItemNo]>. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlaceparish and county for the recordsFalse. [WebsiteTitle]|[WebsiteTitle]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  SponsorSponsorTextcorporation, institution or organization sponsoring the databaseFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database [default]||alternate item type for Bibliography [default = Online databases]FalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull entry || shortened item description for subsequent notesTrue  (Hb9e@iw,[Funeral Home Records (extract by staff)V+YFuneral Home Reco,[Funeral Home Records (extract by staff)V+YFuneral Home Records (held by library)W*WFuneral Home Records (privately held)X=GEDCOM File (downloaded)gAGenetic Databases (online)7Genetic Test (DNA) CDZ?Genetic Test (DNA) letter[?Genetic Test (DNA) report\!GGrave Markers (Urban, large)'Grave Markers!GGrave Markers (online images)_!EGrave Markers (Rural, small)q"IGrave Markers (Urban or Rural)^+YHistorical Records, abstracts (online)+YHistorical Records, abstracts (online)+YHistorical Records, databases (online)v(SHistorical Records, images (online)u-]Historical Records, transcripts (online)+YHistorical Research Report (Corporate)(SHistorical Research Report (Online) IGI Entry`5IGI, CD-ROM databasea5IGI, online databaseb,[Immigration-Emigration Rolls, Databases)UImmigration-Emigration Rolls, Imagesate:Year]>. CorpAuthorCorporate authorTextname of the company who provided the reportFalseCorpLocCorporate locationPlacecity, stateFalseReportTitleReport titleTexttitle of the report, quoting the label exactlyTrueRptSubtitleReport subtitleTexta subtitle of the report, if applicableTrueReportDateReport dateDatedate when report was preparedTrueTypeTypeTextformat of iteme.g. CD-ROM, DVD [default = CD-ROM]TrueHeldByHeld byTextlast known owner who held the report/CDTrueStreetAdrsStreet addressTextstreet addressTrueCityAdrsCity AddressPlacecity and stateTrueHeldDateHeld dateDatelast date when report/CD was known to be heldTrue HHh];=IS}zMonumental InscriptionsMonumental inscription (England and Scotland); grave markers; Churchyard as lead element[EE, sec. 5.12, pp 226–227] [Churchyard] ([Location]<; [Directions]>), [ItemOfInterest]<, [Section]>; [CollectionInfo], [Date].[Churchyard] ([Location:Abbrev]), [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Churchyard] ([Location]<; [Directions]>). [Collection]2^IewAi+&Grave Markers (Urban or Rural)Monumental inscription, cenotaph, Yahrzeit plaque, cemetery marker, tombstone data; Cemetery as lead element[EE, QC-5, pp 213–214, sec. 5-10-13, pp 225–227] [Cemetery] ([Location]<; [DirectionsData]>), [Item]<, [Section]>; [CollectedInfo], [Date].[Cemetery] ([Location:Abbrev]), [Item:Abbrev].[Cemetery] ([Location]<; [DirectionsData]>). <[MarkerType:Caps]|Grave markers>. ItemItemTextname < to [Recipient]>, [LetterTitle], [LetterDate].[CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])> address for private use/]><, [CityAdrs]>. [LetterTitle:Caps], [LetterDate]<. Privately held by [LastOwner]><, [LastDate:Year]>. CorpAuthorCorporate authorTextname of the company who provided the reportFalseCorpLocCorporate locationPlacecity, stateFalseRecipientRecipientNamethe person for whom the report was preparedTrueRecipientAdrsRecipient's addressTextstreet addressTrueCityAdrsCity AddressPlacecity and stateTrueLetterTitleLetter titleTextdetails of the letterTrueLetterDateLetter dateDatedate when letter was preparedTrueLastOwnerLast ownerTextlast known owner who held the reportTrueLastDateLast dateDatedate when report was last heldTrue >Textname of the company who provided the reportFalseCorpLocCorporate locationPlacecity, stateFalseReportTitleReport titleTexttitle of the reportFalseRptSubtitleReport subtitleTexta subtitle of the report, if applicableFalseTypeTypeText(optional), e.g. reportFalseRecipientRecipientNamethe person for whom the report was preparedFalseRecipientAdrsRecipient's addressTextstreet addressFalseCityAdrsCity AddressPlacecity and stateFalseReportDateReport dateDatedate when report was preparedFalseLastOwnerLast ownerTextlast known owner who held the reportFalseLastDateLast dateDatedate when report was last heldFalse jj _Gw1KGrave Markers (online images)Grave markers, online images; creator as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 215] [Creator], [WebsiteTitle], <[ItemType:lower]|digital images> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Creator], [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Creator]. [WebsiteTitle]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CreatorCreatorTextthe creator of the databaseFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseItemTypeItem typei #(-27<AFKPUZ_dinsx} "',16;@EJOTY^djpv|FLRX^djpv|lmp|}  %&('=(A,D-Q.R/Y0Z1^3b5o678lmp|}  %&('=(A,D-Q.R/Y0Z1^3b5o678:;<>?AFG J^KqLtMwOzRTUVWXZ[\^_aeghi%k(ljnkorpwrtvay|}ˁρҁԁ܁Á+ / 0 :;>Hefw z"&)*ā+,-с/^ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv|@FLRX^djpv|nHqTrtu2vw܁x݁y[{e|}Q~30 > I Rւׂ U45߁8=ABCD KE MNO;QRTUWWXZYTZ[ā]-^2`7a:bJeLgjmnHqTrtu2vw܁x݁y[{e|}Q~30 > I Rւׂ Ul !#$%m&ɂ(),-./01Ƃ2ʂ3͂4"7%9g:<(=@A EF|H}IK>CemeteryCemeteryTextname of cemeteryFalseCemeteryCityCityTextcity where cemetery was locatedFalseCemeteryCntyCountyTextname of county where cemetery is locatedFalseCemeteryStStateTextstate where cemetery locatedFalseRemarksRemarksTexte.g. ", photo taken by author", date of visit, or "; transcribed by author on <date>", etc.True ) _;U3}_Cemetery Office Records (personally used)Files, plats, registers, sexton records, cemetery data; cemetery office as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 209, sec. 5-17, p 222] [Cemetery] ([Location]), [ItemType:Abbrev:lower], [Subject]<. [AnalyticalRemarks]>.[Cemetery] ([Location:Abbrev]), [ItemType:Abbrev:lower].[Cemetery] ([Location]). [ItemType:Caps]. CemeteryCemetery officeTextname of the cemetery office (as author)<int>significant dates from inscriptionTrueCemeteryCemeteryTextname of cemeteryFalseCemeteryLocCemetery locationPlaceCity, state - location of the cemeteryFalseDirectionsDirectionsTextdirections to the cemeteryFalseRemarksRemarksTextAnnotation or provenancePhotocopy provided to author" + person who supplied the copy and the date received, or Transcribed by author on" + date of visit, etc.True gg [I[!Cemetery Office Records (online images)online images; files, plats, registers, sexton records, cemetery data; creator as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 211, sec. 5-17, p 223-24] [Creator] ([Location]), <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle], <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital image> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.[WebsiteTitle], [ItemType:Abbrev:lower], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Creator] ([Location]). <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Database and digital images>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CreatorCreatorTextcreator of the databaseFalseLocationLocationPlaceitem type or formate.g. database, digital images [default = digital images]FalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames and date, type of records/image, place of residenceTrue ==E`W#'I.IGI EntryInternational Genealogical Index, LDS[E!, p 84] [ItemofInterest], International Genealogical Index [IGI] (Salt Lake City: Family History Library, [Year])<, [Region]>; citing FHL microfilm [FilmID]< for batch [Batch]><, sheet [Sheet]>.International Genealogical Index<, [Region]>, [ItemofInterest:Abbrev].International Genealogical Index [IGI]. Salt Lake City: Family History Library, [Year]. YearYearDateyear ha5=IIGI, CD-ROM databaseCD-ROM database; International Genealogical Index [IGI], LDS[EE, sec 7.34, p 348-9] International Genealogical Index [IGI], CD-ROM database, (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [Year])<, [Region]>, [ItemofInterest]; citing FHL microfilm [FilmID].International Genealogical Index, CD-Rint>TrueCemeteryCemeteryTextname of cemeteryFalseCemeteryLocCemetery locationPlacecounty and state where cemetery is locatedFalseDirectionsDirectionsTextdirections to the small rural cemeterydistance from town or intersection, with section, township and range detailsFalseRemarksRemarksTexte.g. ", photo taken by author", date of visit, or "; transcribed by author on <date>", etc.True oo}yA- 'gWTCensus, Canada (microfilm)microfilm copy; Evidence style; Place and census ID as lead source list elements[ItemOfInterest], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule]><, [District]><, [Subdistrict]><, [Division]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID]>; microfilm [FilmNo], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]<. [Annotation]>.[ItemOfInterest], [CensusID], [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]<, [Schedule:Abbrev]><, [District:Abbrev]><, [Subdistrict:Abbrev]><, [Division:Abbrev]>, [PageID]<, [HouseholdID:Abbrev]>.<[Country]. >[Jurisdiction:Reverse], [CensusID]<. Microfilm [FilmNo]>. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. CountryCountryTextname of countryFalseCensusIDCensus IDlong || short version (shortened version for subsequent notes)TrueSectionSectionTextlocation of grave with large cemeterythe section, lot, and/or row of this markerTrueCemeteryCemeteryTextname of the cemeterylong and short nameFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the cemeteryfull (township, county, state or city, state), with abbreviated version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseDirectionsDataDirections dataTextdirection to rural cemeteriesdistance from nearest town, directions, legal place description, GPS reading, etc. FalseMarkerTypeMarker typeTextdescription of type of markere.g., Grave marker, monumental inscription, cenotaph [default = grave markers]FalseDateDateDatedate the item was read or photographedTrueCollectedInfoCollection infoTextwho gathered the data, and how the info was recorded at the timee.g. "personally read by ...", "photographed by ...", etc.True uuQrb5?mKfIGI, online databaseOnline database; International Genealogical Index [IGI], LDS [EE, s p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle]address for private use]><, [Location]>, <[ItemType]|interview> by [Interviewer], [RecordDate]; [ItemFormat], privately held by [LastOwner], addressHe /C+OYtInterviews (oral)Oral, taped, video recorded[CYS, p 80-83] "[TitlePrefix] with [Intervieworate authorTextthe identified creator (department) of the abstractsFalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the databasee.g. transcriberFalseItemTitleItem TitleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemTypeItem TypeTextthe type of item, e.g. abstracts [default]FalseOwnerWebsite ownerTextthe owner/creator of the website (optional if mentioned elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitle<DisplayName>Website TitleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Texttype of access, i.e. accessed, downloaded, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was accessed, viewedTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTextlist, ship name, page, name, age, etc.||shortended version for subsequent notesTrue }}MY%7KVHistorical Records, abstracts (online)Local & State Records: Online s UACO34Probates, case files (online images)Wills, estates, probates, inventories, succession books; microfilm images of bound volumes[EE, sec. 10.33, p 526-27] [Jurisdiction], [Series], [ItemOfInterest]; <"[Title:Abbrev]," ><[ItemType]|digital images>, <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL]: <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [Annotation]>.[Jurisdiction], [ItemOfInterest].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. <"[Title]." ><[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images.> <[WebsiteOwner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL]: [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestate or county, statefull and abbreviated version, e.g. Michigan||Mich.FalseSeries<[Role], >"[ItemTitle]," <[ItemType:Lower], ><[Owner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Author:Surname], >"[ItemTitle]," [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Author:Reverse], ><[Role], ><[Owner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [ItemType:Caps:Abbrev]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamename of the authorFalseRoleItemTitleItem TitleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemTypeItem TypeTextthe type of iteme.g. abstracts [default]FalseOwnerWebsite ownerTextthe owner/creator of the website (if not mentioned elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Texttype of accesse.g. accessed, downloaded, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed, viewed the siteTrueArrangementArrangementTextorder of itemse.g. chronologically arranged/semi-alphabetically arrangedFalseItemofInterestItem of interestTextdetails of item of interestif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)True yName>Nameperson who created the databaseFalseRoleRoleTextrole in creating the databaseFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titlePlacethe title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database [default]FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextwebsite owner/creator (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTextmethod of accessing the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull version||alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True 1{Oky1Census, Canada (index, published)Index, Book, print version, published; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank. Book (Authored) (E!)[EE, based on QC-12, p 646: Book: basic format][Author]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [SubTitle]>< [SupplAuthor]<, [SupplRole]>> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>)<, [Page]><, [ItemOfInterest]><. Annotation>.[Author:Surname], [Title:AbL}_;=wCensus, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1790-1840 (Microfilm, NA)Population or slave schedule; Ewi>[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]>."[ItemTitle]," <[Owner], > [WebsiteTitle]<, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.<[Owner:Reverse]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. ItemTitleItem TitleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemTypeItem TypeTextthe type of iteme.g. digital images [the default]FalseOwnerWebsite ownerNamethe owner/creator of the website (optional if mentioned elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Texttype of access to websitee.g. accessed, downloaded, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was accessed, viewedTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTextdescription of item of interest, if necessarye.g. full version||alternate shortended version for subsequent notesTrue e>RoleTextrole in creating the itemFalseItemTitleItem TitleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemTypeItem TypeTextthe type of item, e.g. transcripts (optional if shown elsewhereFalseOwnerWebsite ownerTextthe owner/creator of the website (optional if mentioned elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite TitleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Texttype of access, i.e. accessed, downloaded, viewed [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was accessed, viewedTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTextlist, ship name, page, name, age, etc./ shortended version for subsequent notes after double bars ||TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse hYIgmjCemetery Records, Compiled (published)Compiled Cemetery Records, published works (EE); Cemetery Markers (published) (E!); uses Book, print version, authored / multi-authored, with role (compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, t  R]+7im3Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts)cemetery records, unpublished typescripts; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field bl m[GXNA (U.S.) Guides, Guides (online edition, by ed)National Archives (U.S.) Finding Aids, Guides (EE); Books, Online Editions (Continually Updated) (QS); Author as lead element[EE, sec 13.43, p 767; QS,inside left] [Author], <[Role:Abbrev], >"[ItemTitle]<: [ItemSubtitle]>," <[ItemType]|web edition>, <[WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [CitationDetail].[Author:Surname], "[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," [CitationDetail].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[ItemTitle]<: [ItemSubtitle]>." <[Volumes]. ><[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], ><[PubDate:Year]. ><[ItemType:Caps]|Web edition><. [WebsiteCreator]>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthor[CorpLoc])>, "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>," [Page]; <[Type]|report> prepared for <[Recipient], >, >|[address for private use], ><[CityAdrs], >[ReportDate]; <[CopyType]|copy> privately held by |[name, address for private use]>, [LastDate:Year].[CorpAuthor:Surname], "[ReportTitle]," [Page:Abbrev].[CorpAuthor:Reverse]< ([CorpLoc])>. "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>." <[Type:Caps]|Report> prepared for< [Recipient]>>|, [address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]>. [ReportDate]. <[CopyType:Caps]|Copy> privately held by |[name, address for private use]>, [LastDate:Year]. CorpAuthorCorporate authorNamename of the author (with professional credentials) who provided the reportenclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes /van Campen/FalseAffiliationAffiliationTextcorporate affiliation of authorFalseCorpLocCorporate locationPlacecity, stateFalseReportTitleReport titleTexttitle of the reportFalseRptSubtitleReport subtitleTexta subtitle of the report, if applicableFalseType</FieldName>TypeTexttype of item, i.e. reporte.g. Report [default = report]FalseRecipientRecipientNamethe person for whom the report was preparedFalseRecipientAdrsRecipient's addressTextstreet address(kept private unless set to be shown)FalseCityAdrsCity AddressPlacecity and stateFalseReportDateReport dateDatedate when report was preparedFalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexttype of copye.g. copy, photocopy [default = copy]FalseLastOwnerLast ownerTextname and address of last known owner who held the report(kept private unless set to be shown)FalseLastDateLast date heldDatedate when report was last know to be heldFalsePagePageTextpage number full entry, with shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True  available online); (Corporate) author as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 173][CorpAuthor]< (<[Affiliation], >[CorpLoc])>, "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>," , <[WebsiteOwner], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [Page]>.[CorpAuthor:Surname], "[ReportTitle]<," [Page:Abbrev].|.">[CorpAuthor:Reverse]< (<[Affiliation], >[CorpLoc])>. "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>." [ReportDate]. <[WebsiteOwner]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. CorpAuthorCorporate authorNamename of the person or company who provided the report, use / / to denote surnameFalseAffiliationAffiliationTextcorporate affiliation of authorFalseCorpLocCorporate locationPlacecity, stateFalseReportTitleReport titleTexttitle of the report||shortened versionFalseRptSubtitleReport subtitleTexta subtitle of the report, if applicableFalseReportDateReport dateDatedate when report was preparedFalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerNameowner or creator of the website (optional if in "Website Title")FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet digital locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate accessed or viewedTruePagePageTextpage or specific part, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True publishedFalseRegionRegionTexte.g. North American RegionFalseItemofInterestItem of interestTexte.g. James Edward entry, baptism (1727)TrueFilmIDFilm IDTextidentification of film, e.g. 1,396,190TrueBatchBatchTextbatch number (optional)TrueSheetSheet numberText(optional) e.g. 95True kkHe /C+OYtInterviews (oral)Oral, taped, video recorded[CYS, p 80-83] "[Titlf;-QU9Journal Article, onlineJournal article, online journals (EE); Articles: Online journal or magazine (QS)[EE, QC-14, p781; QS inside left] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Journal]<, [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])><, [FormatType]> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [SpecificContent]>.[Author:Surname], [Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [Journal]< [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])><. [FormatType:Caps]>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in / /.Fals)g 9Mi=cU,Journal Article, printJournal articles, print editions[EE, QC-14, p779, sec 14.16, p 798; OM database,< [Region],> [ItemofInterest:Abbrev].International Genealogical Index. CD-ROM database. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [Year:Year]. YearYearDateDate (year) publishedFalseRegionRegionTextex. North American RegionFalseItemofInterestItem of interestTextex. James Edward entry, baptism (1727)TrueFilmIDFilm IDTextnumber of film, ex. 1,396,190, and collection nameTrue  ec 7.34, p 348-9] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS], "International Genealogical Index," database, <[WebsiteTitle]|FamilySearch> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [Date])<, [Region]>, [ItemofInterest]; citing FHL microfilm [FilmID].LDS, "International Genealogical Index," database, <[WebsiteTitle]|FamilySearch>,< [Region],> [ItemofInterest:Abbrev].The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [LDS]. "International Genealogical Index." Database. <[WebsiteTitle]|FamilySearch>. [URL] : [Date:Year]. URLURLTextinternet addressFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleText[default = FamilySearch]FalseRegionRegionTexte.g. North American RegionFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed [default = accessed]TrueDateDateDateDate accessedTrueItemofInterestItem of interestTexte.g. James Edward entry, baptism (1727)TrueFilmIDFilm IDTextnumber of film, e.g. 1,396,190, and collection nameTrue  FormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. database[default = database]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, departure/arrival date and place, etc.full version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source, e.g. book, film number, roll numberTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue UU,=1}bFamily Trees, DocumentedFamily Trees, Documented data; databases and images, online.[AQS inside right]"[DatabaseTitle]", <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, "[TreeTitle]><," [ItemOfInteresz-C_isDraft Registrations, ImagesMilitary: Draft Registrations; databases and images, online.[EE, sec. 11.33, p 598; AQS inside right]"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|digital image>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]>; citing [Title]<: [SubTitle]><, [FilmDetails]><; [Annotation]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|digital image>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>."[DatabaseTitle]." <[5. gO/q$Directories (City or County) (images, online)City Directories: Images; online.[AQS inside>FormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. digital image[default = digital image]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, name, departure/arrival date and place, etc.full version || shortened version of the title (if no short title, full title will be used in subsequent notes)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source, e.g. book, film number, roll numberTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue +A 1qi Family Trees, UndocumentedFamily Trees, Undocumented data; databases and images, online.[AQS inside right]"[DatabaseTitle]", <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]>; undocumented and unnamed family tree submitted< [SubmitDate]>< by [SubmittedBy]>>|, [contact information for private use]><, [CityAddress]><; [Annotation]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>."[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  DatabaseTitlrs]|[address for private use]><, [IntCityAdrs]>), by [Interviewer], [RecordDate]. [ItemFormat] held< in [YearOwned]> by [LastOwner] (address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>)<. [Annotation]>.[ItemType], [Interviewee], [RecordDate].[Interviewee:Reverse]. [ItemType]. [RecordDate]. address for private use]><, [IntCityAdrs].> [ItemFormat] held< in [YearOwned]> by <[Role],> [LastOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [YearOwned]>. IntervieweeIntervieweeNameperson interviewedTrueStreetAdrsInterviewee AdrsTextstreet address of intervieweeTrueIntCityAdrsCity addressPlacelocation (city, state) of person interviewedTrueItemTypeItem typeTextex. interviewTrueInterviewerInterviewerNamethe person conducting the interviewTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate recordedTrueItemFormatFormatTextex. video and transcriptTrueLastOwnerLast ownerNamecurrent or last known ownerFalseRoleOwner's roleTextrole or relationshipe.g. interviewer or nieceTrueStreetAddressStreet AddressTextowner's street addressFalseCityAddressCity addressPlaceowner's city and stateFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatee.g. 1989TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextcommentaryTrue  for private use]><, [CityAddress]>, [YearOwned]<. [Remarks]><. [Provenance]>.[Interviewee], <[ItemType]|interview>, [RecordDate].[Interviewee:Reverse]. [Location]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Interview> by [Interviewer], [RecordDate]. [ItemFormat]. Privately held by [LastOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>, [YearOwned]. IntervieweeIntervieweeNameperson interviewedTrueRelationshipRelationshipTexte.g. wife of ...TrueStreetAdrsInterviewee AdrsTextstreet address of intervieweeTrueLocationLocationPlacelocation of person interviewed, city and stateTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. interview [default]TrueInterviewerInterviewerNamethe person conducting the interviewTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate recordedTrueItemFormatFormatTexte.g. video and transcriptTrueLastOwnerLast ownerNamecurrent or last known ownerFalseStreetAddressStreet AddressTextowner's street addressFalseCityAddressCity addressPlaceowner's city and stateFalseYearOwnedYear ownedDatee.g. 1989TrueRemarksRemarksTextgeneral commentary about the specific interviewTrueProvenanceProvenanceTexthistory of ownershipTrue BB)g 9Mi=cU,Journal Article, printJou/h[m1+G.Journal Article, print, archived onlineJournal article, online archive of print journal[EE, QC-14, p780] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Journal]<, [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])><, [Edition]><, [WebsiteTitle]> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [SpecificContent]>.[Author:Surname], [Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [Journal]< [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])><. [Edition:Caps]><. [WebsiteTitle]>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in / /.FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articl#ee]," [Date]< by [Interviewer]><, owned by [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]><, [Form]><; [Evaluation]>.Interview, [Interviewee], [Date].[Interviewee:reverse]. Interview by [Interviewer], [Date]<. Owned by [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>. TitlePrefixTitle prefixTexte.g. Oral interview, Interview, Taped InterviewFalseIntervieweeIntervieweeNamename of person interviewed, enclose multi-part surname in slashes, i.e. John /Mc Nab/TrueDateDateDatedate interview was conductedTrueInterviewerInterviewerName</Type>name of person conducting the interviewTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextlast known owner of the recordingFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, state (optional)FalseFormForm usedTexte.g. tape recording, written notes, transcript from tape recoding, etc.TrueEvaluationEvaluationTextcomments on quality, purposed or known useTrue itationField>FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseEJournalE-Journal titleTextthe title of the E-journalFalseVolumeVolumeTextthe volume number of the periodicalFalseIssueDateIssue dateTextthe month/season and year of issueFalseFormatTypeFormat typeTexte.g. E-journalFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate access, viewed, printed, downloadedTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the article (optional if whole article)True   G};sW Pension Files, NARA microfilmpension files,  G};sW Pension Files, NARA microfilmpension files, filmed; Publication title as lead element[EE, sec 11.40, p 608] [Title], microfilm publication [FilmID]<, [Rolls]> (<[PubPlace]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives and Records Administration>, [PubDate:Year])<, [RollNhSo##sFPension Files, NARA microfilm/fichePension File (Filmed); Publication title as lead source list element; Person of interest as lead footnote element[E!, p 94] [ItemOfInterest], [PubTitle], [FilmID] (<[PubPlace]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives><, [PubDate:Year]>), [RollNo].[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [FilmID:Abbrev], [RollNo].[PubTitle]. [FilmID]<, [Rolls]>. <[PubPlace]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives><, [PubDate:Year]>.TitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseJournalJournal titleTextthe title of the journalFalseVolumeVolumeTextthe volume number of the periodicalFalseIssueDateIssue dateDatethe month/season and year of issueFalseFormatTypeFormat typeTextthe format or type of journale.g. e-journalFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate access, viewed, printed, downloadedTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the article (optional)True uup73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCr|iCCYA|Journal Article, serializedJournal article, print edition, serialized (EE); Periodical (issu|iCCYA|Journal Article, serializedJournal article, print edition, serialized (EE); Periodical (issued in multiple series (E!)[EE, Sec. 14.17, p 800; E!, p 64, 94] [Author]<, [AuthorRole:Abbrev]>, "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Journal] <[Volume]: >[Page]<, [ItemOfInterest]><. [Annotation]>.[Author:Surname], "[Title]," [Volume:Abbrev]: [Page:Abbrev].[Author:Reverse]<, [AuthorRole]>. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [Journal]<[VolumeData]>. AuthorAuthorNamenames of the author(s), enclose multiple sur&! E!, p 64] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Journal]<, [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])>: [Page].[Author:Surname], "[Title]," [Page:Abbrev].[Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [Journal]< [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])>: [PageRange]. AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s)enclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes /van Campen/FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseJournalJournal titleTextthe title of the journalFalseVolumeVolumeTextthe volume number of the periodicalFalseIssueDateIssue DateDatethe month/season and year of issueFalsePageRangePageRangeTextrange of pages in articleFalsePagePageTextthe page number/range and specific pagesfull page details||just page number/range if different (following double bars || )True #OoI RxA;Journal Article, onli?Interview, privately heldd/Interviews (oral)e2?Interview, privately heldd/Interviews (oral)e2gJournal Article, electronic edition/e-journal;Journal Article, onlinef9Journal Article, printg+[Journal Article, print, archived onlinehCJournal Article, serializedi!ELand-Grant Registers (state)&OLand Grants, bound (state/colony) 8sLand Grants, image copies, CD/DVD (state or colony)&OLand Grants, loose (state/colony)0cLand Office Records, database, CD/DVD (GLO)E:wLand Office Records, database, CD/DVD (GLO, FHL copy)F1eLand Office Records, Federal (online images) =}Land Office Records, Federal (online, database or image)+YLand Petitions, Provincial (microfilm)\1eLand Petitions, Provincial (online database)^%MLand Records, Plat Books, county._Land Records, Plat Books, county (online)-]Land Records, Provincial (FHL microfilm)*WLand Records, State (online database)$eFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseJournalJournal titleTextthe title of the journalFalseVolumeVolumeTextthe volume number of the periodicalFalseIssueDateIssue dateTextthe month/season and year of issueFalseEditionEditionTexte.g. online archivesFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate access, viewed, printed, downloadedTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the article (optional)True AAwjKK+Uc $Land Records, State and FederalState land states, public land states, land grant, homesteVp73#cBasic Online TemplateABk1qHLeafletLeaflet, print version, authored by person or agency; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, QC-12, p 652]<[Author], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>, <[Format:Lower]|leaflet> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].<[Author:Surname], >[Tit\p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-FrwjKK+Uc $Land Records, State and FederalState land states, public land states, land grant, homesteVBk1qHLeafletLeaflet, print version, authored by person or agency; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, QC-12, p 652]<[Author], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>, <[Format:Lower]|leaflet> (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>), [Page].<[Author:Surname], >[Tit\'names of first author in \ \.TrueAuthorRoleAuthor's roleTexte.g. translator, compiler, editor || abbreviated role name if desiredTrueTitleArticle title Texttitle of the articleTrueSubtitleArticle subtitleTextsubtitle of the articleTrueJournalJournal titleTexttitle of the journalFalseVolumeDataVolume DataTextvolumes and month/season and year of issues (for bibliography)e.g. volumes 7 (October 1924) through 22 (April 1940)TrueVolumeVolumeTextvolume number of the journalTruePagePageTextpage number(s)full version with optional shortened version for subsequent notes (separate by || )TrueItemOfInterestItem of InterestTextdetails of name, date, placeTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextexplanatory notes or analytical observations about the sourceTrue //Bl]U1c;gVLegal Document, unrecorded (family copy)Private Holdings: Legal Document, Unrecorded family copy, collection as lead element in bibliography[EE, QC-3, p 111] [Grantor]<, to [Recipient]>, [RecordID], [RecordDate], [ItemFormat:lower]<, [Collection]>; privately held by <[LastKnownOwner], >address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [DateHeld:Year]><. [Provenance]>.[Grantor:Surname]< to [Recipient:Surname]>, [RecordID:lower:Abbrev], [RecordDate:Year].<[Collection]. |[Grantor:Reverse], [RecordID]. >Privately held by [LastKnownOwner] address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><, [DateHeld:Year]>. GrantorGrantorNamethe name of the author, and position, if anyFalseRecipient JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalseAgencyAgencyTexte.g. Land OfficeFalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volumeTruePagePageTextfull||shortened version, e.g. p. 18||18TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series or record group, e.g. Patent Records, 1833-1842, Series S11FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse ,ld>TrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueCollectionCollectionTextname of collectione.g. Military Certificates nos. 1-9926, 1782-1786||Military Certificates nos. 1-9926 [short version for subsequent notes] (separated by double bars || )FalseSeriesSeriesTexttitle of series full & short versions, e.g. Memorial Books, 1731–1778||Memorial Books (full title used if short title missing)FalseVolumeVolumeTextvolume numbere.g. volume 1||vol. 1 (after double bars || )FalsePagePageTextpage number(s) or certificate number / shortened version after double bars ||TrueJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity or county, statefull & short versions, e.g. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse .version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalseAgencyAgencyTexte.g. Land OfficeFalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series or record group, e.g. Patent Records, 1833-1842, Series S11FalseRGRecord groupTextrecord group title and numberFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextplace where records are located, such as name of archivesFalse<//Field>RepositoryLocRepository locationTextlocation (city, state) where repository is situatedFalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volume, place quotes " " around exact titleTruePagePageTextfull||shortened version, e.g. p. 18||18TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. digital images [default]FalsePubTitlePublication titleTexttitle of the publicationFalsePubFormatPublication formatTexte.g. CD-ROMFalsePubLocPublication placePlaceplace (city, state) where CD/DVD was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publishing companyFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate when CD/DVD was publishedFalse DD,ykqgy1.Estray (Ranger) Books (local or county, FHL microfilm)Estray (Ranger) Books, FHL-GSU microfilm, local/county (EE); Manuscript (Filmed, Limited distribution) (E!) using EE template format; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 493, sec 10.23, p 515-17; E!, p 88] [Jurisdiction], [Volume], [PageDetails], [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; , [ItemNo]. [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume], [PageDetails:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. , [ItemNo]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. JurisdictionTextrecord group detailse.g. Non-military Registers and Land RecordsFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse }OI;) bLand Grants, loose (state/colony)State or colony Land Grants: Loose, original records; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, Sec 10.17, p 508] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Series], [RG]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate], [Series:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction].[Jurisdiction]. [Series]. [RG]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionNote: DAR national org#v[ k[wa|Dissertation, unpublished (microfilmed)Dissertation, unpublished manuscripts. microfilmed   yA]YFEstray (Ranger) Books, parties not identified (local or county)Estray (Ranger) Books, specific parties not identified, local or county (EE); jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, sec 10.23, p 515-17] [Jurisdiction], [Volume]: [PageDetails], ; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. [Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Volume]: [PageDetails:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Rep5 sec 11.25, p 585-86] <[Agency]|Bureau of Land Management>, [PubTitle]<: [PubSubtitle]>, [PubFormat] ([PubLoc]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]), [ItemOfInterest].<[Agency]|Bureau of Land Management>, [PubTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Agency]|Bureau of Land Management>. [PubTitle]<: [PubSubtitle]>. [PubFormat]. [PubLoc]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]. AgencyAgency/CreatorTexte.g. Bureau of Land Management [default]FalsePubTitlePublication titleTexttitle of the publicationFalsePubSubtitlePub. subtitleTextsubtitle of the publicationFalsePubFormatPublication formatTexte.g. CD-ROMFalsePubLocPublication placePlaceplace (city, state) where CD/DVD was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publishing companyFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate when CD/DVD was publishedFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrue 7gement>. [PubTitle]<: [PubSubtitle]>. [PubFormat:Caps]. [PubLoc]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]. FHL [FHL_Data]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. AgencyAgency/CreatorTextcreator of the recordse.g. Bureau of Land Management [default]FalsePubTitlePublication titleTexttitle of the publicationFalsePubSubtitlePub. subtitleTextsubtitle of the publicationFalsePubFormatPublication formatTexte.g. CD-ROMFalsePubLocPublication placePlaceplace (city, state) where CD/DVD was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of publishing companyFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate when CD/DVD was publishedFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueFHL_DataFHL CD numberTexte.g. CD-ROM 39False 9mmercial sites; emphasizing the image; Jurisdiction, Agency & database title as lead source list elements, image as lead footnote element[EE, sec 11.27, p 588-89; QS, inside right] [ItemOfInterest];< [Jurisdiction:Abbrev]>< [Agency]> "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, < [WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<; [CreditLine]>.[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]. [Jurisdiction:Abbrev] [Agency].<[Jurisdiction]. ><[Agency]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[itemType:Caps]|Digital images>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  ItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries & shortened item description for short reference noteTrueJurisdictionJurisdictionPlace(optional) e.g. United States & shortened to U.S. FalseAgencyAgencyTexte.g. Bureau of Land Management (optional for commercial databases)FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextexact title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. digital images [the default]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (can be left blank if owner indicated elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source (optional)False emphasizing the website; Jurisdiction, Agency & database title as lead elements[EE, sec 11.27, p 588-89; QS, inside right] <[Jurisdiction:Abbrev] ><[Agency], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower], >< [WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.[Agency], "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower] >[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Jurisdiction] ><[Agency], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[itemType:Caps]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  JurisdictionJurisdictionPlace(optional) e.g. United States & shortened to U.S. FalseAgencyAgencyTexte.g. Bureau of Land Management (optional for commercial databases)FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextexact title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. database (can be left blank if included in title)FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (can be left blank if owner indicated elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web address<LongHint/>FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries & shortened item description for short reference noteTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse W?YGIq/*Hi m/{S!6Land Records, State (online images, by document)State and Cm O?Ak?Land Grants, bound (state/colony)Property, Land grants, state or county, original registers, bound volumes, citing whole series (EE); jurisdiction and series as lead source list elements[EE, sec 10.16, p 506-08] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Collection:Abbrev], [Volume]: [Page]; [Series]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate:Year], [Collection:Abbrev], [Volume:Abbrev]: [Page:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. ItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in text<[RGNo], >[RefDetails]; <[FilmID:Abbrev]>, [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], <[RGName:Abbrev], ><[RGNo:Abbrev], >[RefDetails:Abbrev].<[Province:Reverse]. ><[RGName], ><[RGNo]. ><[FilmID]>. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. ProvinceProvincePlacename of provinceFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTexte.g. Samuel Street petition, 1836TrueRGNameRecord GroupTextrecord group namee.g. Upper Canada Land Petitions||UCLP (shortened version for subsequent footnotes after double bars || )FalseRGNoRecord Group numberTextrecord group numbere.g. Record Group 1||RG 1FalseRefDetailsReference detailsTextvolume, bundle, page, item, etc.TrueFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm number & reel numberFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city or city, province) where the repository is locatedFalse BgHint/>FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextthe title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database (can be left blank if included in title)FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (can be left blank if owner indicated elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull & shortened item description (for short reference note)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse  `oaWsy5Church Records, OPR, Scotland (FHL-GSU microfilm)Church records, old parish registers: microfilm FHL-GSU Preservation copy; church & series as lead element[EE, QC-7, p315, sec 7.43, p 365-68] [Church_Author]< ([Location])>, [RecordBook], [Code], [Page], [ItemOfInterest]; FHL microfilm [FilmID]<, [ItemNo]>.[Church_Author]< ([Location:Abbrev])>, [Code], [Page].[Church_Author]< ([Location])>. [RecordSeries]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. FHL microfilm [FilmID]. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. Church_AuthorChurch (Author)Textthe name of the churchFalse JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity, statefull and shortened versions (short for subsequent notes), separate by double bars ||FalseSeriesSeriesTexttitle of series or record groupe.g. Old Plat BooksFalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volumee.g. Old Plat Book 1 (remains unquoted) (for quoted entry use Title)FalsePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueTitleTitleTextuse when quoting an exact title (quotes supplied)FalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse Gion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity, statefull and shortened versions (short for subsequent notes), separate by double bars ||FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series or record groupe.g. Old Plat BooksFalseVolumeVolumeTextSpecific volumee.g. Old Plat Book 1FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of item or format [default = digital images]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet electronic locationFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed the websiteTruePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textfull version with shortened version for subsequent notes, separated by double bars ( || )TrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrue ^^?YGIq/*Historical Records, abstracts (online)Historical Records: Abstracts; online (derivative); Jurisdiction and creator as lead elements[QS, inside right, 1st model] <[Jurisdiction:Abbrev] >[Creator]< [Role]>, "[ItemTitle]," <[ItemType:Lower]|abstracts>, <[Owner], > [WebsiteTitle]; [RG]; [Repository]; <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, < [WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]).[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [Series], <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, [WebsiteTitle].[Jurisdiction]. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Digital images>. <[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]<Ste.g. Samuel Street petition, 1836TrueSeriesSeriesTextseries nameFalseAgencyAgencyTextname of agency, and locationFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextfilm number & frame number(s)FalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rollsFalseFrameNoFrame numberTextframe number(s), e.g frames 10-11True  qGWA;GUhNA-LAC (Canada) LAC MicrofilmLAC microfilm at LibraryG!;3-_NLW (Wales) (online database)National Library, Wales, databases, online; Database title as lead element[EE, sec 11.68, p 639] <[Creator], >"[DataDqGWA;GUhNA-LAC (Canada) LAC MicrofilmLAC microfilm at Library and Archives Canada (previously National Archives); registers a lead element[EE, sec 11.59, p 628-29]"[Volume]," [ItemOfInterest]; [SeriesName]; [Collection]; LAC Microfilm [FilmID], <[Repository]|Library and Archives Canada>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Ottawa>."[Volume]," [ItemOfInterest].<[Country]. >"[Volume]." [SeriesName]. [RGName], [RGNo]. [Collection]. LAC Microfilm [FilmID]. <[Repository]|Library and Archives Canada>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Ottawa>. SeriesNameSeries naM-Entry Records: State Database (QS); jurisdiction & database title as lead elements[EE, QC-10, p 496, sec 10.19, p 510-512; QS, inside right, 7th model] <[Jurisdiction], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev], >< [WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Jurisdiction:Abbrev]. >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:Abbrev] >[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Jurisdiction]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]. ><[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  JurisdictionJurisdictionTexte.g. Virginia (optional)optional: if required to provide jurisdiction data ||shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexNtthe title of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database (can be left blank if included in title); full version||subsequent version for footnotes (after the double bars || ) FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website (can be left blank if owner indicated elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloadeddefault = accessedTrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries full version||shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bar || )TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse Pse title as lead element[EE, sec 10.19, p 510-12] <[Jurisdiction], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database>, < [WebsiteCreator], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [Creditline]>.<[Jurisdiction], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Jurisdiction]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database and digital images>. <[WebsiteCreator]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  JurisdictionJurisdictionTextname of the statee.g. VirginiaFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextthe title of the databaseFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where the records were locatedFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formatfull (for bibliography)||shortened version (for footnotes), e.g. Database and digital images||digital images (can be left blank if included in title) FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website can be left blank if owner indicated elsewhereFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed this sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull (for footnote)||shortened item description (for short footnote)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse ":"C=sA1{SRTax rolls (state/colony)Tax Rolls, state or county, original registers, bound volumes; jurisdiction and series as lead source list elements[EE, sec 10.42, p 532-34] [ItemOfInterest]<, [District]><, [PageDetails]>, [Volume]EaaA1{OHTax rolls, filmed, off-site (state/colony)Tax Rolls, state or county, original registers,ؙ mAMALand Records, State (online images, by database)State or Colony Grants, Online databases, Online database and images; emphasis on database; databaOC=sA1{SRTax rolls (state/colony)Tax Rolls, state or county, original registers, bound volumes; jurisdiction and series as lead source list elements[EE, sec 10.42, p 532-34] [ItemOfInterest]<, [District]><, [PageDetails]>, [Volume]<: [Folder_Box]>, [Series]; [AgencyRecords], [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInҐM/QEC=pTax rolls (local)Tax Rolls, local, original, bound volumes; basic format ; jurisdiction T/i>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. JurisdictionJurisdictionTextname of statee.g. Virginia (optional: for QS equivalency)FalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTextthe title of the databaseFalseSeriesSeriesTextname of the seriese.g. Revolutionary War Bounty WarrantsFalseRGRecord groupTextname and number of the record groupe.g. Executive Department of the Governor, Record Group 7FalseRepositoryURepositoryTextfacility where the records were locatedFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database (can be left blank if included in title)FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextcreator or owner of the website(should be left blank if owner indicated elsewhere)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull version||shortened item description for subsequent reference notesTrueVolumePageVolume & PageTextvolume and page number(s)separated by a colon :e.g. 2: 234True Wad, cash, "credit under", land office[CYS, p 73-76] "[Title]," [Entry]<, [Agency]><, [Location]><, [Page]><, [Form]><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>.[Title]<, [Entry]><, [Location]><, [Page]>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [Repository]<. [Agency]><. [Location]>. TitleTitleTexta specific descriptive titleTrueEntryEntryTexte.g. Cash Entry, Credit EntryTrueAgencyAgencyTextgovernment agency or land officeFalseLocationLocationTextspecific location of the record – book, volume, ex. Land Office Vol. 4, No. 3947, R.G. 49TruePagePageTextpage numberTrueFormForm usedTextif not the original record. state the form of record usedTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalse YOfInterest], >[RecordDate]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series:Abbrev], [VolumePage:Abbrev], <[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], >[RecordDate:Year].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecity or county, state || abbreviated version, ex. Polk County, Iowa||Polk Co., Iowa (if abbreviated version missing, full will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextfull title of series || short title, ex. Polk County Deed Records, 1833-1842||Deeds (full title used if short title missing)FalseVolumePageVolume and pageTexte.g. C: 305-306 or 4: 256 OR arrangement||shortened version for subsequent notesTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in text|| shortened version for subsequent notesTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located (state not required if same as Jurisdiction)False eldName>Record groupTexte.g. Non-military Registers and Land RecordsFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextitem of interest, parties, & type of document, if not in textTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatedate of recordTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextrepository where records were locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is locatedFalse z1=C!wA4Lecture (download)Lecture (Internet Download); Conference data optional;"conference" field data required to show conference data fields; Author and title as lead elements[EE, sec. 12.91, p 722-23] <[Author], >[Title]<: [Subtitle]><, <[LectureID]|l_K{k Wg[>Papers, Consolidated in Syllabus (by presenter)Syllabus Material (E!); Conference & Institute Papers: Consolidated, cited by individual presenter (EE); "SyllabusID" field used to control element placement; Author and title as lead elements[EE, sec. 12.47, p 687-89; E!, p 97] [Author], "[Title]," [SyllabusTitle], ([PubLoc]: [Publisher:Abbrev], [PubDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [ItemOfInterest].[Author:Reverse]. [Title]. [SyllabM]le:Abbrev], [Page].<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>. <[Format:Caps]|Leaflet>. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author of the leaflet, if an agency, surround with / /. Enclose multi-part surname with / /.FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the leaflet || short title (if no short title, full title will be used)FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the leaflet, if applicableFalseFormatFormatTexte.g. leaflet [default]FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the leaflet was published, if known; N.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the leaflet, if known; n.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the leaflet was published, if known; n.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appears, e.g front panelTrue  4@X}!-S{-Rp5mLand Records, State (online images, by document) #KLand Records, State5mLand Records, State (online images, by document) #KLand Records, State and Federalj%MLand Records, Tract Books, local*WLand Records, Warrants, loose (state) Leafletk1Lecture (download)$KLecture (recorded, tape/CD/DVD)=Legal Case (Unpublished).,]Legal Document, unrecorded (family copy)l7Legal Research ReportCLetter (annotated citation)m?Letter, Historic, privaten Letterso%MLibrary of Congress, Manuscripts>'QLibrary of Congress, Online imagesI%MLibrary of Congress, PhotographsB&QLineage Society, Application Filesp3iLineage Society, DAR GRC reports (local/state)0cLineage Society, DAR GRC reports (national)$MLineage Society, Online databaseq?Local Records, File itemsX0eLocal Records, Files moved to state archivesY-]Local Records, Registers (named volumes)0cLocal Records, Registers (numbered volumes)`ecture>>, [Conference]<: [ConfLoc]><, [ConfDate]>; <<[RecordingType]|audio> download>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : [DownloadDate])<, [Entry]>.<[Author:Surname], >[Title:Abbrev]<, [Entry]>.<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]<: [Subtitle]>. <<[LectureID:Caps]|Lecture>>. [Conference]<: [ConfLoc]><, [ConfDate:Year]>. <<[RecordingType:Caps]|Audio> download>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [DownloadDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the recorded lectureif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle for lectureFalseLectureIDLecture IDTexttype of lecture and conference program numbere.g. lecture T-173 [default = lecture]FalseEntryEntryTexte.g. minute 12TrueConferenceConferenceTextname of sponsor and title of conference or evente.g. Federation of Genealogical Societies Annual Conference FalseConfLocConf. locationTextlocation of the conference (city or city, state) FalseConfDateConference dateDateyear of the conference, if applicableFalseRecordingTypeRecordingTypeTexttype of recordinge.g. audioFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextelectronic internet locationFalseDownloadDateDownload dateDatedate the recording file was downloadedFalse celdName>AuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the recorded lecture || shortened title (after double bars) for subsequent notesFalseLectureIDLecture IDTexttype of lecture and conference program number, e.g. lecture T-173 [default = lecture]FalseEntryEntryTexte.g. minute 12TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositorydLocRepository LocationPlacethe location of the repositoryFalseSponsorSponsorTextorganization sponsoring the conference, if applicableFalseConferenceConferenceTexttype of conference and//or title of conference, e.g. Annual Conference FalseConfLocConf. locationPlacelocation of the conference (city or city, state) FalseYearYearDateyear of the conference, if applicableFalse<Field>RecordingTitleRecording titleTexttitle of the recordingFalsePubLocPublish placePlaceplace (city. state) where the recording was producedFalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisher of the recordingFalsePubDatePublish dateDatedate the recording was publishedFalseRecordingTypeRecordingTypeTexttype of recording, e.g. audiocassette, CD-ROM, DVDFalse }OI;) bLand Grants, loose (state/colony)State or colony Land Grants: Loose, original records; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, Sec 10.17, p 508] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Series], [RG]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate], [Series:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction].[Jurisdiction]. [Series]. [RG]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalse[PaperTitle], <[PaperID], >[ConfName] ([PubLoc]: [Publisher:Abbrev], [PubDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[Author:Surname], "[Article:Abbrev]," [ItOationField>FalseSeriesShortSeries (short)TextSeries name for subsequent notes, e.g Superior CourtFalseVolumeVolumeTexte.g. Book (Box) 3TruePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextfacility where records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlaceplace (city) where repository is locatedFalse <; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author as lead element[EE, QC-12, p 654][Presenter]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]><, [Series]>, [Format:Abbrev] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>), [Title]<: [SubTitle]>, [Series:Abbrev] (<[PubPlace]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Records and Administrative Service>, <[PubDate]>), [PageDetails].[Author:Surname], [Title:Abbrev], [PageDetails].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [SubTitle]>. [Series]. <[PubPlace]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Records and Administrative Service>, [PubDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorRecipientTextthe name of the person who received the e-mail message (could also be "author")FalseRecordIDRecord IDTextidentification of the recordFalseRecordDateRecord DateDatethe date that appears on the messageFalseItemFormatItem formatTextthe format of item,e.g. original, family copyFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of collection, if items are grouped into, or part of, a collectionFalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerNamename of the current or last known holderFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of ownerFalseDateHeldDate heldDatedate when held (year) (optional)FalseProvenanceProvenanceTextprovenance and/or descriptive detailsFalse p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[#mC}!} Letter (annotated citation)Letter, correspondence; item and writer as lead elements[E!, p87] [ItemType:Caps] from [Writer], (address for private use]>) to [Recipient], [RecordDate]; held in< [DateOwned:Year]> by [LastKnownOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [Annotation]>.[ItemType:Caps], [Writer] to [Recipient:Abbrev], [RecordDate].[Writer:Reverse]. [ItemType:Caps]. [RecordDate], from address for private use]>, to [Recipient]. Privately held by [LastKnownOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>.<"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|acc5o+7]LettersIndividual letter, historic letter, loose papers, personal correspondence[CYS, p 66-68] [Title], [Date]<, [Location]><, [Page]><, [Form]><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>.[Title], [Date]<, [Location]><, [Page]>.<[RepositoryLoc:Reverse].>< [Repository].>< [Form].>< [Location].> TitleTitleTexte.g. John Doe to Richard RoeFalseDateDateDatedate writtenFalse[CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>, "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>," [Page]; <[Type]|report> to< [Recipient], >|[address for private use], ><[CityAdrs], >[ReportDate]; <[CopyType] >privately held by name, address for private use]>, [LastDate:Year].<[DocumentID]; >[CorpAuthor:Surname], "[ReportTitle]," [Page:Abbrev].[CorpAuthor:Reverse]< ([CorpLoc])>. "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>." <[Type:Caps]|Report> to< [Recipient]>address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]>. [ReportDate]. <[CopyType:Caps] privately|Privately> held by name, address for private use]>, [LastDate:Year]. CorpAuthorCorporate authorNamenname of the author (with professional credentials) who provided the reportenclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes /van Campen/FalseCorpLocCorporate locationPlacecity, stateFalseReportTitleReport titleTexttitle of the reportFalseRptSubtitleReport subtitleTexta subtitle of the report, if applicableFalseTypeTypeTexttype of item, i.e. reporte.g. report [default]FalseRecipientRecipientNamethe person for whom the report was preparedFalseRecipientAdrsRecipient's addressTextstreet address(kept private unless set to be shown)FalseCityAdrsCity AddressPlacecity and stateFalseReportDateReport dateDatedate when report was preparedFalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexttype of copy, if applicablee.g. copy, photocopyFalseLastOwnerLast ownerTextname and address of last known owner who held the report(kept private unless set to be shown)FalseLastDateLast date heldDatedate when report was last know to be heldFalseDocumentIDDocumentTexta specific document in the report, if applicableTruePagePageTextpage number full entry, with shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True qon="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> WriterWriterNamethe name of the writer (i.e. author)FalseWriterLocWriter's locationPlacee.g. city, stateFalseRecipientRecipientNamethe name of the person who received the letter || shortened form if neededFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type of item [default = letter]TrueRecordDateRecord DateDatethe date that appears on the messageTrueLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerNamename of the current or last known holderTrueStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the ownerTrueCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of ownerTrueDateOwnedDate ownedDatedate when owned (year)TrueAnnotationAnnotationTextdescriptive details or explanationTrue p73#cBasic Online TemplateCpQm-; [SocietyType] [Organization], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[FileType:Abbrev:Caps], [Applicant], [MembershipNo],p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AcceCpQm-; [SocietyType] [Organization], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[FileType:Abbrev:Caps], [Applicant], [MembershipNo],tC-3, p 109, p149-50] [Writer], ([WriterLoc]) to [Recipient], <[ItemType:lower]|letter>, [RecordDate];< [Collection],> privately held by [LastKnownOwner]. address for private use]|><, [CityAddress]><, [DateOwned:Year]><. [Details]><. [Provenance]>.[Writer] to [Recipient:Abbrev], [RecordDate]<, [Collection]>.[Writer:Reverse] ([WriterLoc]) to [Recipient]. <[ItemType:Caps]|Letter>. [RecordDate]. <[Collection:Caps], privately|Privately> held by [LastKnownOwner], address for private use]><, [CityAddress]><. [DateOwned:Year]>. WriterWriterNamethe name of the writer (i.e. author)FalseWriterLocWriter's locationPlacee.g. city, stateFalseRecipientRecipientTextthe name of the person the item was addressed to (could also be "author")FalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type of item [default = letter]FalseRecordDateRecord DateDatethe date that appears on the itemFalseLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerNamename of the current or last known holderFalseStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the ownerFalseCityAddressCity addressPlacethe city and state address of ownerFalseDateOwnedDate ownedDatedate when owned (year)FalseDetailsDetailsTextdescriptive details or explanationFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection (optional)FalseProvenanceProvenanceTextcustodial history of ownershipFalse d>LocationLocationTextspecific location of the letterFalseFormForm usedTextif not the original record. state the form of record usedFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalsePagePageTextpage numbersTrue KKqMQEOLineage Society, Online databaseCiting the entire file; members-only or open; Optional Title field with difference placement of the database type depending on whether there is a title entered or not; Organization as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 168, sec 4.19, p 193][SocietyType] [Organization], [ItemType], >[WebsiteTitle] ([URL], <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest].[SocietyType:Abbrev], [Organization:Abbrev], [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Organization], [SocietyType]. [ItemType:Caps]. >[WebsiteTitle]. ," [Magazine]<, [PubDate]><, [Creator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]yriesName]; [Collection]; [Division], <[Repository]|Library of Congress>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>.[DocID:Abbrev], [DocDate], [SeriesNo], [Collection], <[Repository]|Library of Congress>.[SeriesName], [SeriesNo]. [Collection]. [Division], <[Repository]|Library of Congress>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>. SeriesNameSeries nameTexte.g. Series 3, District of Columbia Miscellany, 1790–1808FalseSeriesNoSeries numberTexte.g. Series 3FalseCollectionCollectionTextname of collection, e.g. Thomas Jefferson PapersFalseDivisionDivisionTexte.g. Manuscripts DivisionFalseRepositoryRepositoryTexte.g. Library of CongressFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationTextlocation of the repository, i.e. city, state||shortened version for subsequent notesFalseDocIDDocument IDTextdocument details (item description, persons named, author, recipient, etc.)TrueDocDateDocument dateDatedate in the documentTrue {wnerTextcreator/owner of the database & websiteFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. digital images [default] & alternate for Bibliography (after double bars || )FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries & short description for short note (after double bars || )TrueDigitalIDDigital IDTextdigital ID number/codeTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse aLUg]GK3NA (U.K.) (online images & database)National Archives (,G_ 33c="Patent & Trademark Office (U.S.) (online)Text and Image databases, online; Database title as lead element[EE, QC-11, p 556] "[DatabaseTitle]," [ItemType:Abbrev:loweraHAA3sgedNA (U.S.) Database, OnlineNational Archives (U.S.), Text and Image databases, online; Database title as lead element[EE, QC-11, p 551] "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<, [DigitalID]><; [CreditLine]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital images>, [WebsiteTitle]>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country], >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Abbrev:Caps]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CountryCountry[WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<, [DigitalID]><; [CreditLine]>.[Creator], "[DatabaseTitle:Abbrev]," [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]<, [DigitalID]>.[Creator]. "[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]. >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CreatorCreator-Ozsitory]|Library of Congress>.[Subseries]. [SeriesName]. [Collection]. [Division], <[Repository]|Library of Congress>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>. SeriesNameSeries nameTextname and number of the seriese.g. Series 3, District of Columbia Miscellany, 1790–1808FalseSubseriesSubseriesTextname of subseriesFalseCollectionCollectionTextname of collectione.g. Thomas Jefferson PapersFalseDivisionDivisionTextname of the divisione.g. Prints and Photographs DivisionFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatede.g. Library of Congress [Default]FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city or city, state) where the repository is locatedcity, state, full||shortened version (for subsequent notes)FalsePhotoTitlePhotograph titleTexttitle of photographTruePhotoNoPhotograph numberTextnumber assigned to the photoTrue  [Organization].[Organization], [SocietyType]. [Collection:Caps]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. OrganizationOrganizationNamee.g. Mayflower DescendantsFalseSocietyTypeSocietyTexttype, e.g. General Society of, National Society (include 'of' or 'of the' as necessary)FalseFileTypeFile typeTextthe type the file || enter an abbreviate name - if applicable - after double barsTrueApplicantApplicantNamename of the person applyingTrueMembershipNoMembership no.Textthe membership number of applicantTrueAppDetailsApplication detailTextrelevant detailsTrueCollectionCollectionTextthe type of collection, i.e. Application filesFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repositoryFalse c]. AuthorAuthorNameperson who authored the workFalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the report (optional)e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, indexer, abstractorFalseReportTitleReport titleTextquoted exactlyFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type of item, e.g. typescriptFalseDatesDatesTextdates covered in the reportFalseSocietySocietyTextname of local or state sponsoring societyFalseOrganizationOrganizationNamee.g. Daughters of the American Revolution [default]FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe location of the repositoryFalsePagePageTextpage number or numbersTrue Ww3gk>Thesis, unpublishedThesis, unpublished manuscripts; author may be known or unknown (optional); Author and title as lead elements[EE, sec. 3.22, p 134-37 with sec 3.5, p 120] <[Author], >"[ManuscriptTitle]<: [ManuscriptSubtitle]>," (<[ItemType]|thesis> [Institution], <[CompileDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [Page]>. <[Author:Surname], >"[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev],"< [Page]>.<[Author:Reverse]. >"[ManuscriptTitle]<: [ManuscriptSubtitle]>." <[ItemType:Caps]|Thesis>. [Institution], <[CompileDate:Year]|n.d.>. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the unpublished manuscript || shortened title for subsequent notesFalse<ence Explained (2007), p 195); Author & Title as lead elements[EE, sec 4.20, p 194-95; E!, p 77] [Author]<, [Role]>, "[ReportTitle]," [Jurisdiction] DAR, Genealogical Records Committee Report, [Series], [Volume] ([Date:Year])<: [Page]>.[Author:Surname], "[ReportTitle:Abbrev]," [Page].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[ReportTitle]." [Jurisdiction] DAR, Genealogical Records Committee Report, [Series], [Volume] ([Date:Year]). AuthorAuthorNameperson who authored the workFalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the work (optional)e.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, indexer, abstractorFalseReportTitleReport titleTextquoted exactlyFalseJurisdictionJurisdictionPlacee.g. KentuckyFalseSeriesSeriesTexte.g. series 1FalseVolumeVolumeTextvolume numberfull and short versions, e.g. volume 129||vol. 129FalseDateDateDatedate of the reportFalsePagePageTextpage number or numbersTrue WW}OI;) bLand Grants, loose (state/colony)State or colony Land Grants: Loose, original records; jurisdiction and series as lead elements[EE, Sec 10.17, p 508] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate]; [Series], [RG]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest], [RecordDate], [Series:Abbrev], [Jurisdiction].[Jurisdiction]. [Series]. [RG]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestateFalseSeriesSeriesTexttitle of seriesfull & shortened version, e.g. Patent Records, 1833-1842, Series S11||Patent Records, Series S11FalseRGRecord 1emTitle]||[ItemType:Caps]. >[URL], [AccessDate:Year]. OrganizationOrganizationNamee.g. Mayflower DescendantsFalseSocietyTypeSocietyTexttype, e.g. General Society of, National Society (include 'of' or 'of the' as necessary) in alternate (after || )FalseItemTitleItemTitleTextfull title for Bibliography || shortened title for Reference noteFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. database or members-only databaseFalseWebsiteTitleWebsiteTitleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet digital addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you viewed the itemTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of interest || shortened version for subsequent notes, if desiredTrue 22tvp73#cBasic Online Te7s ;1'c7Magazine Article, printMagazine articles, print editions; author as lead element[EE, QC-14, p782] [Author], "[Title]<: [S7s ;1'c7Magazine Article, printMagazine articles, print editions; author as lead element[EE, QC-14, p782] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Magazine]< ([IssueDate])>, [Page].[Author:Surname], "[Title]," [Page:Abbrev].[Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [Magazine]< ([IssueDate])>, [Page]. AuthorAuthorNamenames of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in / /.}t7e!{Iy, [RecordID:lower] vwkC/i/?>Manuscript Records, Archived (document as lead)Archived Material: Manuscript Records; wip73#cBasic Online TemplateAuth9uO}[? ;~Manuscript, unpublished narrativeArchived Material, unpublished manuscripts, author may be known or unknown (optional); Author and title as lead elements[EE, QC-3, p 101, sec. 3.22, p 134-37] <[Author], >"[ManuscriptTitle],"< [Page]>; [ManuscriptNo], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].<[Author:Surname], >"[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev],"< [Page:Abbrev]>.<[Author:Reverse]. >"[ManuscriptTitle]." [ManuscriptNo]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseMan{vo-/ eVManuscript Records, Archived (collection as lead)Archived Material: Manuscript Records; collection as lead element inield>ItemNoItem arrangementTextitem number or arrangement of itemsTrueItemIDItem of interestTextname of item of interest (generic) || shortened versionTrueRecDateRecord dateDaterecord date (or undated)TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextname of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity where repository is locatedFalse 7\?Yye Genetic Test (DNA) reportProfessional Reports: Genetic Testing; Corporate author as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 171, sec 4.27, p 201-202][CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>, "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>,"< [type] prepared for| prepared for>< [Recipient]> address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]>, [ReportDate]<, privately held by [LastOwner]><, [LastDate:Year]>.[CorpAuthor], "[ReportTitle]," [ReportDate].[CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>. "[ReportTitle]<: P[?CGenetic Test (DNA) letterProfessional Reports: Genetic Testing; Corporate author as lead element[EE, Sec. 4.27, pp 201-202][CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>< to [Recipient]> address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]>; [LetterTitle], [LetterDate]<; privately held by [LastOwner]><, [LastDate:Year]>.[CorpAuthor]<, [RecDate]>; [Collection], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev],< file: "[File],"> [ItemID:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series]. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  JurisdictionJurisdictionTextstate and county || abbreviated versionFalseSeriesSeriesTextseries or collectionFalseFileFileTextname of fileTrueItemArrangeItem arrangementTextitem number or arrangement of itemsTrueItemIDItem of interestTextname of item of interest (generic) || shortened versionTrueRecDateRecord dateDaterecord date or undated - (optional, if date included in record name) TrueCollectionCollectionTexte.g. County Government RecordsFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextname of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity where repository is locatedFalse 7\?Yye Genetic Test (DNA) reportProfessional Reports: Genetic Testing; Corporate author as lead element[EE, QC-4, p 171, sec 4.27, p 201-202][CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>, "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]>,"< [type] prepared for| prepared for>< [Recipient]> address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]>, [ReportDate]<, privately held by [LastOwner]><, [LastDate:Year]>.[CorpAuthor], "[ReportTitle]," [ReportDate].[CorpAuthor]< ([CorpLoc])>. "[ReportTitle]<: [RptSubtitle]><." [Type:Caps]. Prepared for|," prepared for>< [Recipient]> address for private use]><, [CityAdrs]>. [ReportDate]<. Privately held by [LastOwner]><, [LastDate:Year]>. CorpAuthorCorporate author JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacecounty and statefull || abbreviated versionFalseSeriesSeriesTextseries or collectionFalseVolumeVolumeTextspecific volume nameTruePageArrangePage arrangementTextpage number or arrangement of itemsTruePagePageTextpage numberTrueItemIDItem of interestTextname of item of interest (generic)full || shortened versionTrueRecDateRecord dateDaterecord date or "undated" optional, if date included in record nameTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextname of the facility where the records are locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city or city, state) where where repository is locatedFalse ZZNYo#o}1`Church Minute Books (filmed, off-site)Church Minute Books, filmed, off-site; jurisdiction as lead source element; Item of interest as lead note element[E!, p 76] [ItemOfInterest], [RecordBook], [Page], [Church] [Series], [Location]; <[FilmID], >[Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemOfInterest:Abbrev], [RecordBook]: [Page], [Church].[Location:Reverse]. [Church]. [Series]<. [FilmID]>. [Repository], [RtoryLoc].[Jurisdiction:Abbrev], [Series], [Volume]: [Page], [ItemID].[Jurisdiction:Reverse]. [Series:Abbrev]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  JurisdictionJurisdictionPlacestate and county || abbreviated versionFalseSeriesSeriesTextseries name (for reference notes) || series name with date range (for bibliography)FalseVolumeVolumeTextspecific volume nameTruePageArrangePage arrangementTextpage number or arrangement of itemsTruePagePageTextpage numberTrueItemIDItem of interestTextname of item of interest (generic) || shortened versionTrueRecDateRecord dateDaterecord date or "undated" (optional, if date included in record name) TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextname of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity where repository is locatedFalse dd50 +}#wU&Research ReportPrivate Holdings, Research Report, title as lead element[E!, p 96] "[Title]," [ReportDate], [Author] (address for private use]>< [AuthorCitySt]>) to [Recipient] (address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>), [Page]; [ItemFormat] held by <[Owner]>|, [address for private use]><, [OwnerCityAdrs]>.[Autho1 ?Q1c*Research Report, ArchivedArchived Material, Research Report[EE, QC-3, p 100] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," <[Page]>; [Type:lower]< to [Recipient]>, [ReportDate]; [Collection], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[Author:Surname], "[Title]," [Page:Abbrev].[Author:Reverse]. "[Title]72KW-UhResearch Report, Privately heldPrivate Holdings, Research Report (personal File Copy); title as lead element, author’s address included but privatized[EE, QC-3, p 114, sec 3.44, bsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [SpecificContent]><; [CreditLine]>.[Author:Surname], [Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." [Magazine]<, [PubDate:Caps]>. ><[ItemType:Caps]. ><[Creator], >[WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s)enclose multi-part surnames of first author in /van Campen/FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseMagazineMagazine titleTextthe title of the magazineFalsePubDatePublished dateTextthe original date published - month/season and yearFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. online archivesFalseCreatorWebsite creatorTextthe owner or creator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed/viewed the siteTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the articleTrueCreditLineCredit LineTextsource of the sourceFalse )<, [SpecificContent]><; [ItemType:lower:Abbrev]><, [CreditLine]>.[Author:Surname], [Author:Reverse]. "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>." <[Magazine].>< [PubDate:Caps].>< [ItemType:Caps]><, [Creator]>, [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe names of the author(s)enclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes, e.g. /van Campen/FalseTitleArticle title Textthe title of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextthe subtitle of the articleFalseMagazineMagazine titleTextthe title of the magazineFalsePubDatePublished dateTextthe original date published - month/season and yearFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. reprint [the default]FalseCreatorWebsite creatorTextthe owner or creator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLInternet locationTextweb address, e.g. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed/viewed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed/viewed the siteTrueSpecificContentSpecific contentTextthe location of specific in the article (optional)TrueCreditLineCredit LineTextsource of the sourceFalse FalseTitleArticle title Texttitle of the articleFalseSubtitleArticle subtitleTextsubtitle of the articleFalseMagazineMagazine titleTexttitle of the magazineFalseIssueDateIssue DateDateEnter the month/season and year of issueFalsePagePageTextpage number(s) of article || specific page numbers that are pertinentTrue Utz9gA=w~Maps, Histz9gA=w~Maps, Historic, OnlineMaps, Historic Maps, print copy placed onlinetz9gA=w~Maps, Historic, OnlineMaps, Historic Maps, print copy placed online[EE, sec. 12.67, p 70P{/OQi3VMaps, TopographicTopographic Maps; Map (Topographic); shortened subtitle used if provided in title field after ||.[EE, sec. 12.68, p 704; E!, p 89] [Agency:Abbrev], [Title]<: [Subtitle]>,< [MapCode],> [Series],< [RevisionType]> [Date]<. [Annotation]>.[Agency:Abbrev], [Title]<: [Subtitle:Abbrev]>, [Series:Abbrev],|G9#!ioPMarriage Certificate (Church)Marriage certificate issued by church, privately held; (vital); couple as lead element[E!, p 89] [Names] marriage, [ItemDate], [Church]<, [ChurchCity]>< ([ChurchParish])><, [ChurchSt]>. [ItemType]< supplied by [DateSupplied]><, [PageDetail]>; held< in [DateOwned:Year]> by [LastKnownOwner] (address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>).[Itemtype:Cap, [RecordDate]; [MSNo], [Collection], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc:Abbrev]. [Author:Last]< to [Recipient:Last], [RecordID:Abbrev], [RecordDate:Year], [Collection:Abbrev].[Author:Reverse]< to [Recipient]>. [RecordID:Caps], [RecordDate]. [MSNo]. [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. AuthorAuthorNamename of author, such as the name of the grantor; enter multiple surnames between / /.TrueRecipientRecipientNamename of recipientTrueRecordIDRecord IDTextID of the record (generic) || shortened versionTrueRecordDateRecord DateDatedate when the item was recordedTrueMSNoMS numberTextmanuscript (MS) numberTrueCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, City only, if state included in repository nameFalse  source list[EE, QC-3, p 95] "[RecordTitle]," [RecordDate];< [ItemType:lower],> [ItemNo]; [Collection]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]<. [DescriptiveDetail]>."[RecordTitle:Abbrev]," [RecordDate:Year], [Collection:Abbrev], [ItemNo].[Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. RecordTitleRecord titleTexttitle of the record, quoted exactly || shortened titleTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. letter bookTrueRecordDateRecord DateDatedate when the item was recordedTrueItemNoItem numberTextitem or piece numberTrueCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, City only, if state included in repository nameFalseDescriptiveDetailDescriptive detailsTextdescriptive details that affect your analysis of the documentTrue th series; document as lead element in source list[EE, QC-3, p 96] "[DocumentTitle]," [SeriesNo], [SeriesName], [LocInSeries]; [Collection], [Repository], [RepositoryLoc:First]."[DocumentTitle:Abbrev]," [SeriesNo], [LocInSeries:Abbrev], [Collection:Abbrev]."[DocumentTitle]." [SeriesNo], [SeriesName], [Collection]. [Repository], [RepositoryLoc]. DocumentTitleDocument titleTexttitle of the document, quoted exactly || shortened titleFalseSeriesNoSeries numberTextnumber of the series, e.g Series XXFalseSeriesNameSeries nameTextname of seriesFalseLocInSeriesLocation in seriesTextlocation of item of interest within the series and shortened version, e.g. vol. 1, p. 6 || 1: 6TrueCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, city, only if state mentioned in RepositoryFalse >rAz@c%OMagazine Article, online reprintsr;Magazine Article, prints7Manuscript (Unfilmed)t5oMan%OMagazine Article, online reprintsr;Magazine Article, prints7Manuscript (Unfilmed)t5oManuscript Records, Archived (collection as lead)v3kManuscript Records, Archived (document as lead)w1gManuscript Records, Archived (series as lead)x0cManuscript, Filmed (commercially published)=}Manuscript, Preservation film (compiled series, FHL-GSU)-]Manuscript, Preservation film (in-house)8sManuscript, Preservation film (individual FHL film)%OManuscript, unpublished narrativeu)Maps, Historicy9Maps, Historic, Onlinez+Maps, NA (U.S.)C/Maps, Topographic{!GMarriage Certificate (Church)|$KMarriage Record (bound volumes)"IMarriage Record (Church, copy)~&QMarriage Record (Church, original);Marriage Record (Civil)-_Marriage Record (loose, licenses & bonds)}+Memorial Plaque-Military Recordsnt/>TrueRecipientRecipientNamename of recipientTrueRecordIDRecord IDTextID of the record (generic) || shortened versionTrueRecordDateRecord DateDatedate when the item was recordedTrueFileNoFile numberTexte.g. folder f.8TrueFileNameFile nameTextname of the fileTrueSeriesSeriesTextname of the series || shortened nameFalseSeriesNoSeries numberTexte.g (C3676)FalseCollectionCollectionTextname of the collection in the repository || shortened nameFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility that houses the collectionFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity and state where the repository is located, City only, if state included in repository nameFalse am[1sI{LCorrespondence, personal, private, in collectionPrivate Holdings, Personal Correspondence; fam[1sI{LCorrespondence, personal, private, in collectionPrivate Holdings, Personal Correspondence; filed as part of a collection; collection as lead element in bibliography; minimum fields requiring data are: Writer, Collection, Subject and Record date; see also Letters, Historic, Artifact, privately held and E-mail, personal...[EE, QC-3,;\19cdPersonal KnowledgeFirst hand witness to, or participant in, event or fact [for first-hand information obtained from another person, see Interview..., or for family tradition (or lore), see Tradition...[EE, sec 3.43, p 155] Personal knowledge of the author<, [Name],> |[address for private use]|><. [Details]>.Personal knowledge of the author<, [Name]>.<[Name:Reverse]. >Personal knowledge<"[ItemTitle]," >[ManuscriptTitle]<, [SupAuthor]><, [SupRole]>, [FilmType:lower], [Rolls] ([PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]), [ItemID]<, [Roll]>. <[Author:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle]," >[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev], [ItemID:Abbrev].<[Author:Reverse]. >[ManuscriptTitle]. [FilmType:Caps], [Rolls]. [PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the author (optional)FalseItemTitleItemTitleTexttitle of item (optional, for film edition of manuscripts assembled from many sources}FalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the manuscript || shortened title FalseSupAuthorSupplemental authorTextname of editor, etc., other than the principal authorFalseSupRoleSupplemental roleTextrole of supplemental author in producing the workFalseFilmTypeFilm typeTexte.g. microfilm publication, micropublication, microfilm edition, etc.FalseRollsRollsTextnumber of rolls of filmFalsePubPlacePublication placePlaceplace the work was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextname of the publisher of the workFalsePubDatePublication dateDatedate when the work was publishedFalseItemIDItem IDTextidentification of item of interestif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)TrueRollRollTextroll number, if requiredTrue   {$ZS5Uk{&Bounty Land files (single document)Special Land Files, Bounty Land Records, citing a single document; Federal, unfilmed[EE, sec 11.28, p 589-590, E!, p 71]<[ItemOfInterest]_Sgyu-fNA (U.S.) Microfilm (Evidence Style Citation)Evidence style citation; Basic Formats: Microfilm Records, National Archives; publications; Film title as lead element[EE, sec. 11.8, p 362-68, template based on p 364] [Title], [FilmID:lower], [Rolls] (<[PubPlace]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives><, [PubDate:Year]>), [RoluTE#+A 4NA (U.S.) Manuscript (Basic)Basic National Archives/NARA manuscript template; Evidence! style[E!, p 91] [DocName]<, [PageID]>: [FileName]<, [SeriesTitle]><; [RG]> (<[PublishLoc]|Washington, D.C.>: <[Publisher]|National Archives><, [PublishDate]>).[DocName]<, [PageID]>: [FileName]<, [SeriesTitle]><; [RG]><[Publisher]|National Archives>.United States. <[Publisher]|SeriesTitle],"< [NoOfVols]> ([ItemType:lower], [CreationDate], [OwnerRepository], [OwnerLoc])<, [VolUsed]><, [Section]>: [ItemOfInterest]<; FHL microfilm [FilmID]>.[Compiler:Surname], "[ManSeriesTitle:Abbrev]," <, [Section]>:|<[Section]>:> [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].[Compiler:Reverse]. "[ManSeriesTitle]."< [NoOfVols]|."> <[ItemType:Caps]>. [CreationDate]. [OwnerRepository], [OwnerLoc].< FHL microfilm [FilmID]><, [NoOfRolls]>. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. CompilerCompilerNamethe person(s) who compiled the contents of the publicationFalseManSeriesTitleManuscript seriesTextthe title of manuscript seriesFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. database [default]FalseCreationDateCreation dateDatedate the item was createdFalseNoOfVolsNumber of volumesTextnumber of volumes in the series, if applicableFalseOwnerRepositoryOwner repositoryTextowner of the original manuscriptFalseOwnerLocOwner locationPlacecity or city, stateFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextidentification of the film, e.g. FHL microfilm [default]FalseNoOfRollsNumber of rollsTextnumber of rolls that covers the collectionFalseVolUsedVolume usedTextfull || short, e.g. volume 14||vol. 14TrueSectionSection usedTexte.g. Town of GoshenTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries || shortened item description for short reference noteTrue ollNo]>; [Repository]<, [RepositoryLoc]>."[RecordsTitle:Abbrev],"< [RecordDate:Year]><, [File]><, [Collection]>.[Collection]. [FilmID]<, [NoOfRolls]>. [Repository]<, [RepositoryLoc]>. CollectionCollectionNamethe name of the collectionFalseFilmIDFilm IDTextidentification dataFalseNoOfRollsNumber of rollsTextnumber of rolls in the collectionFalseRecordsTitleRecords titleTextthe title of the unpublished records - quoted exactly|| enter a shortened title after double bars for subsequent notesTrueRecordDateRecord dateDatethe date of the recordTrueFileFileTextFile number, e.g. folder 281TrueRollNoRoll numberTexte.g. roll 1TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe location of the repository, city and stateFalse "< [MSType]>, < [CreationPlace]| n.p.><, <[CreationDate:Year]|n.d.>>. FHL microfilm [FilmNo]<, [ItemNo]>. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. AuthorAuthorNamethe name of the authorFalseManuscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the unpublished manuscriptif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseMSTypeManuscript typeTexttype or form of manuscript, e.g. typescriptFalseCreationPlaceCreation placePlaceplace where the manuscript was createduse n.p. or [no place] if no place given [default = n.p.]FalseCreationDateCreation dateDatethe date the item was createdFalseFilmNoFilm numberTextthe number of the film, e.g. 798,288FalseItemNoItem numberTexte.g. item 8FalsePagePageTextthe page number(s)full & short version (for subsequent notes), e.g. p. 38||38True xxLW@}'Yw-Manuscript, Preservation film (compiled series, FHL-GSU)Filmed manuscripts, preservation copy, FHL,GSU film; compiler as lead element[EE, QC-3, p 103, sec 3.19, p 130-31] [Compiler], "[Man{]MYiManuscript, Preservation film (in-house)In-house, archival Preservation film, unpublished manuscripts; Collection as lead source element[EE,QC-3, p 104, sec. 3.19, p 130-31] "[RecordsTitle]," [RecordDate];< [File]>, [Collection]; [FilmID]<, [R s7;%NManuscript, Preservation film (individual FHL film)FHL-GSU Preservation film, unpublished individual manuscripts; Author as lead element[EE, sec. 3.19, p 131] [Author], "[ManuscriptTitle]," (<[MSType]>, <[CreationPlace]| n.p.><, <[CreationDate]|n.d.>>)<, [Page]>; FHL microfilm [FilmNo]<, [ItemNo]>.[Author:Surname], "[ManuscriptTitle:Abbrev]<," [Page:Abbrev].|.">[Author:Reverse]. "[ManuscriptTitle].uscriptTitleManuscript TitleTextthe title of the unpublished manuscript || enter a short title after double barsFalseManuscriptNoManuscript numberTextthe Manuscript numberFalsePagePageTextthe page number(s); include p. or pp.TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe name of the repositoryFalseRepositoryLocRepository LocationPlacethe location of the repositoryFalse m~I'#1#*Marriage Record (Church, copy)Marriage, in church record (copyist unknown); (vig}_ 7A}Marriage Record (loose, licenses & bonds)Marriage licenses and intents (bonds), loose papers (vital records); enter date of bond in title; state/county as lead element[EE, sec 9.5, p 437] [RepositoryLoc], [ItemTitle], [ItemNo], [Names]<, [Date]>; [Repository], [RepositoryCity].[RepositoryLoc:Abbrev], [ItemTitle], [ItemNo]<, [Date]>.[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [ItemTitle]. [Repository], [RepositoryCity]. NamesNamesNamesurnames (or full names if required to separately identify multiple records)TrueDateDateDatedate of the bond or licenseTrue[Title] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [Annotation]>.[Author:Last], [Title:Abbrev]< ([PubDate:Year])| (n.d.)>.[Author:Reverse]. [Title]. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d>. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the mapif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no shortened, full version will be used)FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseAnnotationAnnotationText(optional) description of map & where a copy can be foundFalse 3-04]<[Author], >[Title] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>); <[ItemFormat:lower]|digital image>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]>.<[Author:Last], >[Title:Abbrev]< ([PubDate:Year])| (n.d.)>.<[Author:Reverse]. >[Title]. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d>. <[ItemFormat:Caps]|Digital image>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the mapif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalsePubPlacePublish PlacePlacethe place the book was published, if knownN.p. [no place] inserted if field blankFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the book, if knownn.p. [no publisher] inserted if field blankFalsePubDatePublish DateDatethe date the book was published, if knownn.d. [no date] inserted if field blankFalseItemFormatItemFormatTexte.g. digital image (the default)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextwebsite titleFalseURLURLTextinternet site addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, etc. [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails of interestTrue ; [SeriesName]; [RGTitle], [RGNo]; <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|College Park, Maryland>."[FileUnitName]," [PubDate:Abbrev], [SeriesName:Abbrev], [RGNo:Abbrev], <[Repository:Abbrev]|NA–><[RepositoryLoc:First]|College Park>."[FileUnitName]." [PubDate:Caps]. [SeriesName]]. [RGTitle], [RGNo]. <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|College Park, Maryland>. FileUnitNameFile unit nameTextfile details & date (or inclusive dates) and file number||shortened version for subsequent notesTruePubDateDate publishedTexte.g. published 1847TrueSeriesNameSeries nameTexte.g. Civil Works Map File, 1800-1947FalseRGTitleRG titleTextRecord group title, with inclusive datesFalseRGNoRG numberTexte.g. Record Group 77 & RG 77 (shortened version for subsequent notes, after double bars || )FalseRepositoryRepositoryTexte.g. National Archives||shortened version for subsequent notesFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacelocation of the repository, i.e. city, state||shortened version for subsequent notesFalse  [Date:Year].[Agency]. [Title]. [Series].< [RevisionType:Caps]> [Date:Year]. AgencyAgencyTextthe department which produced the mapif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the map FalseSubtitleSubtitleTextsubtitle of map, if applicableif lengthy, add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)FalseSeriesSeriesTextname of the seriese.g. 15' Series; or Series 95072; or 7.5' Series (Topographic)||7.5' SeriesFalseMapCodeMap codeTextmap code, e.g. Map N1 15-5FalseRevisionTypeRevision typeTexte.g. photo revisedFalseDateDateDatethe date the map was revised, if knownFalseAnnotationAnnotationText(optional) description of map & where a copy can be foundFalse ,,,p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemTyp73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitationDetail]>.<[ItemAuthor:Abbrev:Reverse]. >"[ItemTitle]." [ItemType:Caps]<. [WebsiteCreator]>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. <, [ChurchSt]>. Issued by [Church]<, [ChurchCity]>. Copy held< in [DateOwned:Year]> by [LastKnownOwner]; address for private use]><, [CityAddress]>. NamesNamesNamesurname of individuals (or full names if required to separately identify couples)TrueItemDateItem dateDatedate of eventTrueItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. Certificate [default = certificate]FalseChurchChurchTextname of the churchFalseChurchCityChurch locationTextcity where church was locatedFalseChurchParishChurch parishTextparish where the church was locatedFalseChurchStChurch stateTextstate where the church was locatedFalseDateSuppliedDate suppliedDatedate the item was suppliedTrueSuppliedBySupplied byTextname of the person who supplied the itemTruePageDetailPage or book detailTextdetails of page or book cited TrueDateOwnedDate ownedDatelast known date held by last ownerTrueLastKnownOwnerLast known ownerNamename of personTrueStreetAddressStreet addressTextaddress of the last ownerTrueCityAddressCity addressPlacecity and stateTrue --m~I'#1#*Marriage Record (Church, copy)Marriage, in church record (copyist unknown); (vital); couple as lead element[E!, p 90] [Names] marriage, [Date], [RecordBook]< ([CopyType])><: [Entry]>, [Church]<, [ChurchLoc]>< ([ChurchParish])><, [ChurchSt]>.[Names:Abbrev] marriage, [Date], [RecordBook]< ([CopyType])><: [Entry]>, [Church].[ChurchSt]<, [ChurchParish]>. [ChuǔHQ##Marriage Record (Church, original)Marriage, in church record (original); (vital); couple as lead element[E!, p 89] [Names] marriage, [Date], <, [Page]><, [Arrangement]><, [Church]><, [ChurchLoc]>< ([ChurchParish])><, [ChurchSt]>.[RecordBook]<: entry for [Names:Abbrev]>, [Church]<, [Page]>.[ChurchSt]<, [ChurchParish]>. [Church]<, [ChurchLoc]><. [ItemType:Caps]>.  NamesNamesNamesurname of individualsfull namedName>RepositoryRepositoryTextplace where the records were fromFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecity where repository is locatedFalseVolumeVolumeTextname of book and volumefull || shortened for subsequent notesTruePagePageTextpage number(s)TrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname or names and year, e.g. Hawking-O'Toole, 1861True "hOi;S+k0Magazine Article, online archivesMagazine articles: online copies, random items[EE, sec 14.20, p 804] [Author], "[Title]<: [Subtitle]>," [Magazine]<, [PubDate]>; ><[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]h=O3!3dNA (U.S.) Images, OnlineNational Archives (U.S.), Text and Image databases, online images; Database title as lead element[EE, QC-11, p 555] "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital image>, <[WebsiteTitle]|The National Archives> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<, [DigitalID]><; [CreditLine]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|digital image>, <[WebsiteTitle]|The National Archives>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country], >"[DatabaseTitle]." <<[ItemType:Caps]|Database and images>. ><[WebsiteTitle]|The National Archives>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CountryCountry<. [ItemType:Caps]>.  NamesNamesNamesurname of individuals (or full names if required to separately identify couples)TrueDateDateDatedate of marriageTrueRecordBookRecord bookTextname of the book in which the record appearedFalseCopyTypeCopy typeTexttype of copy, if applicable, e.g. Latin CopyFalseEntryEntry numberTexte.g. entry 32TrueChurchChurchTextname of the churchFalseChurchLocChurch locationTextcity where church was locatedFalseChurchParishChurch parishTextparish where the church was locatedFalseChurchStChurch stateTextstate where the church was locatedFalseItemTypeItem typeTexte.g. marriage registersFalse s can be used, if required to separately identify couples; can add an abbreviated version (after double bars || ) for subsequent footnotes (if no short version, full version will be used)TrueDateDateDatedate of marriageTrueRecordBookRecord bookTextname of the book in which the record appearedFalseChurchChurchTextname of the churchFalseChurchLocChurch locationTextcity where church was locatedFalseChurchParishChurch parishTextparish where the church was locatedFalseChurchStChurch stateTextstate where the church was locatedFalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of recordse.g. marriage registersFalsePagePageTextpage number, if availablealternately, enter: unpaginatedTrueArrangementArrangementTexthow the entries are arrangede.g. arranged by dateTrue am[1sI{LCorrespondence, personal, private, in collectionPrivate Holdings, Personal Correspondence; filed as part of a collection; collection as lead element in bibliography; minimum fields requiring data are: Writer, Collection, Subject and Record date; see also Let; #]+DMarriage Record (Civil)Marriage registers; bound volumes; (vital); jurisdiction as lead source list element; item of interest as lead footnote element[E!, p 90] <[ItemOfInterest], ><([ItemDate]), >[ItemTitle]: [Page]; [Repository], [RepositoryCity],̒ +Wu}_Memorial Plaquememorial plaque, Yahrzeit plaque, cenotaph; cemetery as lead element[EE, QC-5, p 216, sec 5.11, p 225-6] [Cemetery] ([Location]; [AccessData]), [ItemOfInterest]<, [Section]>; [CollectionInfo], [DateRead]. [ItemType:Caps].[Cemetery] ([Location:Abbrev]), [ItemOfIntere [RepositorySt].<[ItemOfInterest], ><([ItemDate:Year]), >[ItemTitle]: [Page].[RepositorySt]. [RepositoryCnty]. [Repository], [RepositoryCity]. [RecordType]. ItemOfInterestItem of InterestTextname of individual and document. i.e. marriage recordTrueItemDateItem dateDatedate of the marriageTrueItemTitleItem titleTexttitle of item including book number. e.g. Laramie County Marriage Book 1FalseRepositoryRepositoryTextname of repository where item locatedFalseRepositoryCntyRepository countyTexte.g. Brooke County – where repository is locatedFalseRepositoryStRepository stateTextState - where repository is locatedFalseRepositoryCityRepository cityTextcity where repository is locatedFalseRecordTypeRecord typeTexte.g. Marriage RegistersFalsePagePageTextpage numberTrue d>ItemTitleItem titleTexttitle (or description) of itemFalseItemNoLicense numberTextnumber on license or bondTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextname of facility where record is locatedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacecounty and state where repository is locatedFalseRepositoryCityRepository cityTextcity where repository is locatedFalse p73#cBasic Online TemplateAuthor lead element[QS-Front] <[ItemAuthor], ><"[ItemTitle]," ><[ItemType], ><[WebsiteCreator]>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [CitationDetail]><; [CreditLine]><[ItemAuthor:Surname], ><"[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," ><[CitatioC -+;7ybMilitary RecordsFederal service records, federal veterans benefit files, military service[CYS, p 76-80] "[Title],'" [Details]<, [Government]><, [Location]><, [Repository]><, [RepositoryLoc]>."[Title]." [Details].[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. [Repository]<. [Government]>. TitleTitleTexta specific descriptive titleTrueDetailsDetails CemeteryCemeteryTextthe name of the cemeteryFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the cemetery – township, county, state.FalseAccessDataAccess dataTextdirections to small rural sanctuariesthe distance from nearest town, directions, legal place description, GPS reading, etc.FalseItemTypeItem typeTexttype of plaquese.g. Memorial plaques, Yahrzeit plaquesFalseSectionSectionTextlocation within large urban sanctuariesthe section, lot, or row of this markerTrueCollectionInfoCollection infoTextwho gathered the data, and how the info was recordede.g. "personally read", "photo by researcher", etc.TrueDateReadDate readDatedate the marker was readTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname and type of plaquefull || shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )True 2 I7!u] Military Service File (filmed)Military service file[E!, p 91][Name], compiled military record ([ServiceData]), [Title], [FilmDetails] ([PubPlace]: [Publisher]), [RollNo].[Name], [Title:Abbrev], [RollNo].[Title]. [FilmDetails], [RollNo]. [PubPlace]: [Publisher]. NameNameNamename of person in the serviceTrueServiceDataService dataTexte.g. Private, Company C, Pernell's Legion, Cavalry[Title], [FilmDetails]<, [NoRolls]> ([PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]), [RollNo], [ItemOfInterest], [ServiceData].[Title:Abbrev], [FilmDetails:Abbrev]<, [RollNo]>, [Itemme>Textfile title/name and numberTrueGovernmentGovernment serviceTextname of government served and service referenceFalseLocationLocationTextspecific location, e.g. Records of the Veteran's Administration, R.G. 15TrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalse  TQEW-S\State Records, miscellaneous filesMilitary Rolls, Miscellaneous files; Jurisdiction and Series as lead elements in source list[EE, QC-9, p 429, sec 9.11, p 442-43][ItemID], [Document], [Date]; [Series]; [RGData]; [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].[ItemID:Abbrev], [Document:Abbrev].[Jurisdiction].< [Series].>< [RGData].> [Repository], [RepositoryLoc].  JurisdictionJurisdictionTextname of stateFalseItemIDItem of interestTextname of item of interest (generic) || shortened versionTrueDocumentDocumentTextdocument containing item of interest || shortened"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><; citing [CreditLine]><; [Annotation]>.<[Agency], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.<[Agency]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Database>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  AgencyAgencyText(optional) agency responsible for creating the recordsFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. database[default = database]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, register, name, date and place, etc.full version || shortened version of the item name (if no short item name, full item name will be used in subsequent notes)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source, e.g. book, film number, roll numberTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue POW.[EE, sec 11.32, 11.34-35, p 596-600; AQS back cover]<[Agency], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|digital images>,< [Creator],> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [ItemOfInterest]><; citing [CreditLine]><; [Annotation]>.<[Agency], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[Format:lower]|digital image>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com><, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev]>.<[Agency]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[Format:Caps]|Digital images>.< [Creator].> <[WebsiteTitle]|Ancestry.com>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  AgencyAgencyText(optional) agency responsible for creating the recordsFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseFormatFormatTextthe format used, e.g. digital image[default = digital image]FalseCreatorCreator/ownerTextcreator or owner of the website (optional)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websitedefault = Ancestry.comFalseURLURLTextwebsite address, e.g. http://www.ancestry.comFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextentry details, register, name, date and place, etc.full version || shortened version of the item name (if no short item name, full item name will be used in subsequent notes)TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the source, e.g. book, film number, roll numberTrueAnnotationAnnotationTextAnnotated remarksTrue >TrueTitleTitleTexttitle of the compilation || shortened title for subsequent notesFalseFilmDetailsFilm detailsTexte.g. micropublication M384FalsePubPlacePublication placePlacecity or city,state of publicationFalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisherFalseRollNoRoll numberTexte.g. roll 40False  Os9+Y98Newsletter Article, online imagesNewsletter articles, online images of print edition[EE, sec 14.21, p806] <[Author], >"[Title]," [Newsletter]<, [Identifier]|newsletter><, [Volume]>< ([IssueDate])><: [Page]><; [Format]|;> ([URL])<, [Details]>.<[Author:Surname], >"[Title]," 9EMM BNaturalization RecordsNational-level Court records; declaration of intention, certificate of arrival; Location optional for E! compatibility; Court as lead element in source list[EE, sec 11.49, p 618; E!, p 92][Name], <[ItemOfInterest], >[CaseFile], [USCourt:Abbrev]<; [ Ie1;-,Newsletter Article, electronic (distributed)Newsletter articles, electronic edition, e-newsletters, electronically distributed[EE, sec 14.29, p 815] <[Author], >"[Title]," [NewsletterTitle], [Date]<[Distribution]>, [Publisher]> ([URL])<, [Details]>. <[Author:Surname], >"[Title])OfInterest], [ServiceData:Abbrev].[Title]. [FilmDetails:Caps]<, [NoRolls]>. [PubPlace]: [Publisher], [PubDate:Year]. ItemOfInterestItem of interestNamee.g. card index for ...TrueServiceDataService dataTextservice detailsfull entry || shortened data (for subsequent notes), e.g. Private, Company C, Pernell's Legion, Cavalry||Pvt, Co. C, Pernell's Legion, Cav.TrueTitleTitleTexttitle of the compilation || shortened title for subsequent notesFalseFilmDetailsFilm detailsTexte.g. micropublication M384FalseNoRollsNo. of rollsTextnumber of rolls, e.g. 9 rollsFalsePubPlacePublication placePlacecity or city,state of publicationFalsePublisherPublisherTextpublisherFalsePubDatePubDateDateyear of publicationFalseRollNoRoll numberTexte.g. roll 40True ster rolls of Co. C, 8th Infantry, ... (with dates) (Full & short versions separated by double bars || )FalseSubSeriesSubseriesTextsubseries nameFalseSeriesTitleSeries titleTexttitle of the seriesfull and short versions (separated by double bars || )FalseRGTitleRec. group titleTextrecord group titleFalseRGRecord groupTextrecord group number, Record Group 94 & RG 94 (separated by double bars || )False :b@7UUNA (U.S.) ManuscriptsManuscripts at the National Archives[EE, QC-11, p 541, sec 11.43, p 608][DocID], [DocDate]; <[FileUnitName], ><[FileUnitNo], ><[Subseries], >[SeriesName]; <[SubGroupName]; >[RGName], [RGNo]; <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[Reposi>Mu1+=~Library of Congress, ManuscriptsManuscripts, Library of Congress, original materials[EE, QC-11, p 540][DocID], [DocDate]; [SeriesNo], [Sexb@7UUNA (U.S.) ManuscriptsManuscripts at the National Archives[EE, QC-11, p 541, sec 11.43, p 608][DocID], [DocDate]; <[FileUnitName], ><[FileUnitNo], ><[Subseries], >[SeriesName]; <[SubGroupName]; >[RGName], [RGNo]; <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>.[DocID], [FileUnitID], [SeriesName:Abbrev], [RGNo:Abbrev], <[Repositor En,L<^ygE!ENA =Military Records, Images#IMilitary Service File (filmed)0cMilitary, Compiled Serv=Military Records, Images#IMilitary Service File (filmed)0cMilitary, Compiled Service Records (filmed)(SMilitary, Muster Rolls (manuscript)6(UMiscellaneous Documents, UnpublishedO;Monumental Inscriptions]"GNA-LAC (Canada) LAC Microfilm._NA-LAC (Canada), Online images & databaseM)UNA (U.K.) (online images & database)L%MNA (U.S.) Audio/Video Recordings=ANA (U.S.) Database, OnlineH4kNA (U.S.) Guides, Descriptive Pamphlet (Online)9+YNA (U.S.) Guides, Guides (cited by ed)5mNA (U.S.) Guides, Guides (online edition, by ed):wNA (U.S.) Guides, Preliminary Inventory (microfilmed):=NA (U.S.) Images, Online!ENA (U.S.) Manuscript (Basic)7NA (U.S.) Manuscripts@$KNA (U.S.) Manuscripts, RegionalA2gNA (U.S.) Microfilm (Evidence Style Citation)._NA (U.S.) Microfilm (NARA Style Citation)J[RollNo]>."[Title],"< [Details], ><[PageDetails]>.<[RepositoryLoc:Reverse]. ><[Repository]. ><[Location]. ><[FilmData].> TitleTitleTexta specific descriptive title, otherwise use Document nameFalseDocNameDocument nameTextalternate descriptive name (if no specific title)FalseDetailsDetailsTextsignificant date or datesTrueLocationLocationTextspecific location of the record, including volume, page, and file dataTruePageDetailsPage detailsTextpage and file numbersTrueRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the record was consultedFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place where the repository is located, i.e. city, stateFalseFilmDataFilm detailsTextfilm description, film number, roll numberFalseRollNoRoll numberTextnumber of the roll, e.g. roll 270True . ChurchyardChurchyardTextname of the churchyard, and churchFalseLocationLocationPlacelocation of the churchyard – town, county, countryfull & abbreviated location (shortened version for subsequent notes - after double bars || )FalseCollectionCollectionTexttype of markerse.g., monumental inscriptionsFalseDirectionsDirectionsTextdistance from nearest town, directions, legal place description, GPS reading, etc.usually for rural churchyardsFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextname of person and description of itemfull details, with alternate version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )TrueSectionSectionTextthe section, lot, or row of this markerusually for larger churchyardsTrueCollectionInfoCollection dataTexthow the data was collected (e.g. "personally read")TrueDateDateDatedate the item was read or photographedTrue meTextseries namee.g. Case Files of Pension and Bounty Land Applications Based on Service ...FalseRGNameRG nameTextrecord group name, with inclusive datesFalseRGNoRG numberTextRecord Group numbere.g. Record Group 15||RG 15 (shortened version for subsequent notes)FalseCollectionCollectionTextname of collectionFalseFilmIDFilm numberTextLAC film numberFalseRepositoryRepositoryTextthe facility where the records are locatede.g. National Archives||NA- (shortened version for subsequent notes)FalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacethe place (city or city, state) where the repository is locatede.g. city, state||abbreviated version for subsequent notesFalseItemOfInterestItem of interestTextdetails about item of interestsuch as serial no., port no., name, certificate, dateTrueVolumeVolumeTextname of the registerTrue XXH \]%C7^Directories (City or County) (microfilm)citing one specific directory, published microfilm; compiler as lead element[EE, sec. 12.55, p 695-96] [Compiler]<, [Role]>, [Title], <[ItemType]|microfilm reprint>, '19)&Broadside, reprintBroadside, reprint version, authored by person or agency; N.p. [no place], n.p. [no publisher], n.d. [no date] inserted if field blank[EE, sec 12.43, p 686]<[Author], >[Title]<: [SubTitle]>, <[Format:Lower]|broadside> (reprint, <[PubPlace]|n.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.z3I9e5qnBroadside, originalBroadside, original version in archival collection, authored by person or agency; N.p. [no place], n_U-9y }>Frakturs (certificate) (single item)Fraktur (certificate), single copy, in private ownership; person as lead element[EE, sec 3.31, p 145] [Person] <[ItemType]|Fraktur (certificate)>[ItemOfInterest] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <line (previously National Archives); Database title as lead element[EE, QC-11, p 549] <[Creator], >"[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:Abbrev]|database>, <[WebsiteOwner]|Library and Archives Canada>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Canadian Genealogy Centre> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>.<[Creator], >"[DatabaseTitle:Abbrev]," <[ItemType]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|Canadian Genealogy Centre>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country]. ><[Creator]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. <[WebsiteOwner]|Library and Archives Canada>. <[WebsiteTitle]|Canadian Genealogy Centre>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CountryCountryTextname of countryFalseCreatorCreatorTextCreator of the databaseFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format e.g. digital images [default = database] & alternate for footnotes (after double bars || ; double bars alone suppress output)FalseWebsiteOwnerWebsite ownerTextowner-creator of the websiteFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries & short description for short note (after double bars || )TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse >DatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseCreatorCreatorTextowner/creator of the database & website[default = The National Archives]FalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or formate.g. database, digital images [default = database] with alternate for footnotes (after double bars || )FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entriesfull & short description, for subsequent footnotes (after double bars || )TrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse [[LUg]GK3NA (U.K.) (online images & database)National Archives (U.K.), Text and Image databases, online; publication style; Database title as lead element[EE, QC-11, p 550, sec 11.60, p 630-32] <[Creator]|The National Archives>< (<[Country:Abbrev]|U.K.>)>, "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower:Abbrev]|database>, [WebsiteTitle] ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>."[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, [WebsiteTitle], [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country]. ><<[Creator]|The National Archives>. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps]|Database>. [WebsiteTitle]. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  CountryCountryTextname of country[default = England||U.K.]FalseFalseRGNameRG nameTextRecord group name, with inclusive datesFalseRGNoRG numberTexte.g. Record Group 15||shortened version for subsequent notesFalseRepositoryRepositoryTexte.g. National Archives||shortened version for subsequent notesFalseRepositoryLocRepository locationPlacelocation of the repository, i.e. city, state||shortened version for subsequent notesFalseFileUnitNameFile unit name</DisplayName>Textfile details (interviewee, title, occupation, interviewer(s), etc.) & shortened version for subsequent notes (after double bars || )TrueFileDateFile dateDatedate of recordingTrueSpecificDataSpecific dataTexte.g. minute 8TrueFileUnitNoFile unit numberTexte.g. audiotape NWDNM(s)-16.332BTrueFormatFormatText(optional) mechanical recording format, e.g. 7" reel-to-reelTrue II(J_55#SJNA (U.S.) Microfilm (NARA Style Citation)NARA style citation; National Archives microfilm; Series as lead source list element[EE, QC-11, p 552] [FileUnit], [FileDate]; [Series] (<, [Roll]>); <[Subgroup]; >[RGTitle], [RGNo]; <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>.[FileUnit:Abbrev], [FileDate]; [Series] ([FilmID:Abbrev]<, [Roll]>), [RGNo:Abbrev], <[Repository]|NA–><[RepositoryLoc:First]|Washington>.[Series] (<, [Rolls]>). <[Subgroup]. >[RGTitle], [RGNo]. <[Repository]|National Archives>, <[RepositoryLoc]|Washington, D.C.>. SeriesSeriesTextthe name of the seroKm/3'YDNA (U.S.) Microfilm (Publication Style Citation)NARA Microfilm, images copies, publication style citatioisplayName>Textname of countryFalseDatabaseTitleDatabase titleTexttitle of the databaseFalseItemTypeItem typeTextitem type or format, e.g. digital images [default] & alternate for Bibliography (after double bars || ; double bars alone suppress output)FalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextinternet web addressFalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexte.g. accessed, viewed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date you accessed the siteTrueItemOfInterestItem of interestTextnames, type of records and date for unpaginated entries & short description for short note (after double bars || )TrueDigitalIDDigital IDTextdigital ID number/codeTrueCreditLineCredit lineTextsource of the sourceFalse qLUg]GK3NA (U.K.) (online images & database)National Archives (U.K.), Text and Image databases, online; publication style; Database title mM_3kLNA-LAC (Canada), Online images & databaseLibraries and Archives Canada (LAC), Text and Image databases, onNaM3}9NAA (Australia) (online images & database)National Archives of Australia, Text and Image databases, online; Database title as lead element[EE, QC-11, p 548] "[DatabaseTitle]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|National Archives of Australia> ([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate]), [ItemOfInterest]<; [CreditLine]>."[DatabaseTitle:Abbrev]," <[ItemType:lower]|database>, <[WebsiteTitle]|National Archives of Australia>, [ItemOfInterest:Abbrev].<[Country]. >"[DatabaseTitle]." <[ItemType:Caps:Abbrev]|Database>. <[WebsiteTitle]|National Archives of Australia>. [URL] : [AccessDate:Year].  AuthorAuthorNamethe author(s) of the bookFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of pamphlet & short title, separated by double bars || )FalseSeriesIDSeries IDTextname of the seriesfull & short (separated by double bars || ), e.g. Descriptive Pamphlet M1066||DP M1066FalseEditionEditionTextthe edition full || abbreviated, i.e. "fourth edition||4th ed." or "revised edition||rev. ed."FalsePagePageTextthe page number(s) where the information appearsTrueWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTexttitle of the websiteFalseURLURLTextweb address, i.e. http://www...FalseAccessTypeAccess typeTexthow you accessed the sitee.g. accessed, viewed, printed, downloaded [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatedate you visited the siteTrue &&<; #u1Oq1Book, AudioAudio book on audio cassette; author as lead element[EE, QC-12, p 654][Presenter]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]><, [Series]>, [Format:Abbrev] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [SpecificLoc]>.[Author:surname], [Title]<, [SpecificLoc]>.[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [Subtitle]><. [Series]>. [Format:Caps]. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>. 4< 3g13c1Book, CD/DVD (Text)Book on CD-ROM or DVD; author as lead element[EE, QC-12, p 654][Presenter]<, [Role]>, [Title]<: [Subtitle]><, [Series]>, [Format] (<[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>)<, [Page]>.[Author:surname], [Title]<, [Page]>.[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. [Title]<: [Subtitle]><. [Series]>. [Format:Caps]. <[PubPlace]|N.p.>: <[Publisher]|n.p.>, <[PubDate:Year]|n.d.>.AuthorNamethe author(s) of the workEnclose multi-part surnames of first author in slashes /van Campen/.FalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the publicatione.g. editor, compilerFalseItemTitleItem titleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemSubtitleItem subtitleTextsubtitle of workFalseVolumesVolumesTextnumber of volumes in set, e.g. 3 volumesFalseEdition</FieldName>EditionTextedition number, if applicablee.g. Third edition||3rd ed.FalsePubPlacepublication placeTextplace (city, state) where the item was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the itemFalsePubDatePublication dateDatethe date (year) the item was publishedFalseCitationDetailCitation DetailTextthe detailse.g. para. 13True hh Y;;18NA (U.S.) Guides, Guides (cited by ed)National Archives (U.S.) Finding Aids, Guides; cited by editors; Author as lead element[EE, sec 13.43, p 766] [Author], <[Role:Abbrev], >"[ItemTitle]<: [ItemSubtitle]>," |<[Edition:Abbrev]> >(<[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher:Abbrev], ><[PubDate:Year]>), [CitationDetail].[Author:Surname], "[ItemTitle:Abbrev]," [CitationDetail].[Author:Reverse]<, [Role]>. "[ItemTitle]<: [ItemSubtitle]>." <[Volumes]. ><[Edition]. ><[PubPlace]: ><[Publisher], ><[PubDate:Year]. Author"[Title]," [NewsletterTitle], [Date]<, <[Distribution] ><[Publisher] >>([URL] : <[AccessType]|accessed> [AccessDate])<, [Details]>. <[Author:Surname], >"[Title]," [NewsletterTitle]<, [Date]>.[NewsletterTitle]. [Date:Abbrev].< [ItemType].> <[Publisher] >[URL] : [AccessDate:Year]. AuthorAuthorNamenames of the author(s), enclose multiple surnames of first author in / /.TrueTitl&isplayName>Namethe author(s) of the item ; if secondary authors add list of primary authors with "et al" after double bars ||FalseRoleRoleTextrole in preparing the publicatione.g. editor, compilerFalseItemTitleItem titleTextthe title of the itemFalseItemSubtitleItem subtitleTextsubtitle of workFalseVolumesVolumesTextnumber of volumes in set, e.g. 3 volumesFalsePubPlacepublication placeTextplace (city, state) where the item was publishedFalsePublisherPublisherTextthe publisher of the itemFalsePubDatePublication dateDatethe date (year) the item was publishedFalseItemTypeItem typeTextthe type or format of item [default = web edition]FalseWebsiteCreatorWebsite creatorTextthe name of the website creator or ownerFalseWebsiteTitleWebsite titleTextthe title of the websiteFalseURLURLTextthe internet URL addressFalseAccessTypeAccess type Textthe type of postinge.g. posted, accessed, updated [default = accessed]TrueAccessDateAccess dateDatethe date the data was posted, accessed, updatedTrueCitationDetailCitation DetailTextthe detailse.g. para. 13True QQ)%i;eu%[Case Reporter, State (serie-W%#O1pPhoto, Portrait, Archived (Annotated)Photo, Photograph, Portrait, Illustration, Sketch, Painting in physical form[E!, p 94] [Subject]< [LifeSpan]> [ItemID]<, [ItemTyp{#? ;S]"Deed Books (state/colony)State -W%#O1pPhoto, Portrait, Archived (Annotated)Photo, Photograph, Portrait, Illustration, Sketch, Paint-W%#O1pPhoto, Portrait, Archived (Annotated)Photo, Photograph, Portrait, Illustration, Sketch, Painting in physical form[E!, p 94] [Subject]< [LifeSpan]> [ItemID]<, [ItemTyp{^OWSis1rPhoto, Portrait, Private, scanned(based on Artifact, Private Holdings); Electronic File (Image from private file Annotated) (E!); photo, photograph, portrait, sketches, illustrations; scanned image[EE, sec 3.37, p 150->Namethe author(s) of the guideFalseRoleRoleText(optional) role name, only if applicablee.g. compiler, editor, transcriber, abstractor, indexer, translatorFalseTitleTitleTextthe title of the guidefull & short title, separated by double bars ||FalseSubTitleSub-titleTextsub-title for the guide, if applicableFalseSeriesSeriesTexttype of recordse.g. Preliminary Inventory 177False