ECHO OFF REM RM5copyMetadataToRM.bat REM Copies to blank RM5 captions the values from Caption-Abstract metadata stored REM in the corresponding image files REM Uses PicasaTable in RM-Media.db3 created by the related Compare routine REM and the MultiMediaTable of the target RootsMagic 5 database. REM Requires the sqlite3.exe command line shell REM REM Build and run sql script file that generates UPDATE statements for each caption to be copied ECHO ATTACH DATABASE '%~1' AS RM ; > RM5copyMetaData.sql TYPE RM5copyMetadataToRM.sql >> RM5copyMetaData.sql "C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLite\sqlite3.exe" RM-Media.db3 < RM5copyMetaData.sql > RM5UpdateCaptions.sql REM REM Build and run the sql script file that UPDATEs the target RootsMagic 5 database captions ECHO ATTACH DATABASE '%~1' AS RM ; > RM5copyMetaData.sql TYPE RM5UpdateCaptions.sql >> RM5copyMetaData.sql ECHO Check RM5copyMetaData.sql before running the caption UPDATEs PAUSE "C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLite\sqlite3.exe" RM-Media.db3 < RM5copyMetaData.sql ECHO Blank RM5 Captions Updated PAUSE END