0 HEAD 1 SOUR GEDitCOM 2 NAME GEDitCOM 2 VERS 2.9.4 2 CORP RSAC Software 3 ADDR 7108 South Pine Cone Street 4 CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84121 4 CONT USA 4 ADR1 RSAC Software 4 ADR2 7108 South Pine Cone Street 4 CITY Salt Lake City 4 STAE UT 4 POST 84121 4 CTRY USA 3 PHON +1-801-942-7768 3 PHON +1-801-555-1212 3 PHON +1-801-942-1148 (FAX) (last one!) 2 DATA Name of source data 3 DATE 1 JAN 1998 3 COPR Copyright of source data 1 SUBM @SUBMITTER@ 1 SUBN @SUBMISSION@ 1 _HME @PERSON1@ 1 DEST ANSTFILE 1 DATE 1 JAN 1998 2 TIME 13:57:24.80 1 FILE TGC55C.ged 1 COPR à 1997 by H. Eichmann, parts à 1999-2000 by J. A. Nairn. 1 GEDC 2 VERS 5.5 2 FORM LINEAGE-LINKED 1 LANG English 1 CHAR ANSEL 2 VERS ANSI Z39.47-1985 1 PLAC 2 FORM City, County, State, Country 1 NOTE This file demonstrates all tags that are allowed in GEDCOM 5.5. Here are some comments about the HEADER record 2 CONC and comments about where to look for information on the other 9 types of GEDCOM records. Most other records will 2 CONC have their own notes that describe what to look for in that record and what to hope the importing software will find. 2 CONT 2 CONT Many applications will fail to import these notes. The notes are therefore also provided with the files as a plain-text 2 CONC "Read-Me" file. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT The HEADER Record: 2 CONT This record has all possible tags for a HEADER record. In uses one custom tag ("_HME") to see what the software 2 CONC will say about custom tags. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT INDIVIDUAL Records: 2 CONT This file has a small number of INDIVIDUAL records. The record named "Joseph Tag Torture" has all possible 2 CONC tags for an INDIVIDUAL record. All remaining individuals have less tags. Some test specific features; for example: 2 CONT 2 CONT Name: Standard GEDCOM Filelinks 2 CONT Name: Nonstandard Multimedia Filelinks 2 CONT Name: General Custom Filelinks 2 CONT Name: Extra URL Filelinks 2 CONT These records link to multimedia files mentioned by the GEDCOM standard and to a variety of other types of 2 CONC multimedia files, general files, or URL names. 2 CONT 2 CONT Name: Chris Locked Torture 2 CONT Has a "locked" restriction (RESN) tag - should not be able to edit this record it. This record has one set of notes 2 CONC that is used to test line breaking in notes and a few other text-parsing features of the GEDCOM software. Read those 2 CONC notes to see what they are testing. 2 CONT 2 CONT Name: Sandy Privacy Torture 2 CONT Has a "privacy" restriction (RESN) tag. Is the tag recognized and how is the record displayed and/or printed? 2 CONT 2 CONT Name: Chris Locked Torture 2 CONT Name: Sandy Privacy Torture 2 CONT Name: Pat Smith Torture 2 CONT The three children in this file have unknown sex (no SEX tag). An ancestor tree from each should give five 2 CONC generations of ancestors. 2 CONT 2 CONT Name: Charlie Accented ANSEL 2 CONT Name: Lucy Special ANSEL 2 CONT The notes in these records use all possible special characters in the ANSEL character set. The header of this file 2 CONC denotes this file as using the ANSEL character set. The importing software should handle these special characters in a 2 CONC reasonable way. 2 CONT 2 CONT Name: Torture GEDCOM Matriarch 2 CONT All individuals in this file are related and all are descendants (or spouses of descendants) of Torture GEDCOM 2 CONC Matriarch. A descendant tree or report from this individual should show five generations of descendants. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT FAMILY Records: 2 CONT The FAMILY record for "Joseph Tag Torture" (husband) and "Mary First Jones" (wife) has all tags allowed in 2 CONC family records. All other family records use only a few tags and are used to provide records for extra family links in 2 CONC other records. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT SOURCE Records: 2 CONT There are two SOURCE records in this file. The "Everything You Every Wanted to Know about GEDCOM Tags" 2 CONC source has all possible GEDCOM tags for a SOURCE record. The other source only has only a few tags. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT REPOSITORY Record: 2 CONT There is just one REPOSITORY record and it uses all possible tags for such a record. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT SUBMITTER Records: 2 CONT This file has three SUBMITTER records. The "John A. Nairn" record has all tags allowed in such records. The 2 CONC second and third submitter are to test how programs input files with multiple submitters. The GEDCOM standard does 2 CONC not allow for notes in SUBMITTER records. Look in the "Main Submitter" to verify all address data comes through, 2 CONC that all three phone numbers appear, and that the multimedia file link is preserved. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT MULTIMEDIA OBJECT Record: 2 CONT The one MULTIMEDIA record has all possible tags and even has encoded data for a small image of a flower. There 2 CONC are no known GEDCOM programs that can read or write such records. The record is included here to test how 2 CONC programs might respond to finding multimedia records present. There are possible plans to eliminate encoded 2 CONC multimedia objects in the next version of GEDCOM. In the future all multimedia will be included by links to other files. 2 CONC To test current file links and extended file links, see the "Filelinks" family records described above. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT SUBMISSION Record: 2 CONT The one (maximum allowed) SUBMISSION record in this file has all possible tags for such a record. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT NOTE Records: 2 CONT This file has many NOTE records. These are all linked to other records. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT TRLR Records: 2 CONT This file ends in the standard TRLR record. 2 CONT 2 CONT -------------------------- 2 CONT ADDITIONAL NOTES 2 CONT This file was originally created by H. Eichmann at and posted on the 2 CONC Internet. 2 CONT 2 CONT (NOTE: email addresses are listed here with double "at" signs. A rule of GEDCOM parsing is that these should be 2 CONC converted to single "at" at signs, but not many programs follow that rule. In addition, that rule is not needed and may be 2 CONC abandoned in a future version of GEDCOM). 2 CONT 2 CONT This original file was extensively modified by J. A. Nairn using GEDitCOM 2.9.4 (1999-2001) at 2 CONC and posted on the Internet at . Some changes included many 2 CONC more notes, the use or more tags, extensive testing of multimedia file links, and some notes to test all special ANSEL 2 CONC characters. 2 CONT 2 CONT Feel free to copy and use this GEDCOM file for any non-commercial purpose. 2 CONT 2 CONT For selecting the allowed tags, the GEDCOM standard Release 5.5 (2 JAN 1996) was used. Copyright: The Church of 2 CONC Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, . 2 CONT 2 CONT You can download the GEDCOM 5.5 specs from: . You can read the 2 CONC GEDCOM 5.5 specs on the Internet at . 0 @SUBMISSION@ SUBN 1 SUBM @SUBMITTER@ 1 FAMF NameOfFamilyFile 1 TEMP Abbreviated Temple Code 1 ANCE 1 1 DESC 1 1 ORDI yes 1 RIN 1 0 @SUBMITTER@ SUBM 1 NAME John A. Nairn 1 ADDR Submitter address line 1 2 CONT Submitter address line 2 2 CONT Submitter address line 3 2 CONT Submitter address line 4 2 ADR1 Submitter address line 1 2 ADR2 Submitter address line 2 2 CITY Submitter address city 2 STAE Submitter address state 2 POST Submitter address ZIP code 2 CTRY Submitter address country 1 PHON Submitter phone number 1 1 PHON Submitter phone number 2 1 PHON Submitter phone number 3 (last one!) 1 LANG English 1 OBJE 2 FORM jpeg 2 TITL Submitter Multimedia File 2 FILE ImgFile.JPG 2 NOTE @N1@ 1 RFN Submitter Registered RFN 1 RIN 1 1 CHAN 2 DATE 7 Sep 2000 3 TIME 8:35:36 0 @SM2@ SUBM 1 NAME Secondary Submitter 1 ADDR Secondary Submitter Address 1 2 CONT Secondary Submitter Address 2 1 LANG English 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 10:38:33 1 RIN 2 0 @SM3@ SUBM 1 NAME H. Eichmann 1 ADDR email: h.eichmann@@mbox.iqo.uni-hannover.de 2 CONT or: heiner_eichmann@@h.maus.de (no more than 16k!!!!) 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 17:07:32 1 RIN 3 0 @I14@ INDI 1 NAME Charlie Accented /ANSEL/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 15 JUN 1900 1 DEAT 2 DATE 5 JUL 1974 1 FAMS @F6@ 1 FAMC @F7@ 1 NOTE @N24@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:00:06 1 RIN 1 0 @I13@ INDI 1 NAME Lucy Special /ANSEL/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 12 AUG 1905 1 DEAT 2 DATE 31 DEC 1990 1 FAMS @F6@ 1 NOTE @N25@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:00:23 1 RIN 2 0 @PERSON6@ INDI 1 NAME Teresa Mary /Caregiver/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 6 JUN 1944 1 FAMS @ADOPTIVE_PARENTS@ 1 NOTE @N27@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:03:05 1 RIN 3 0 @I12@ INDI 1 NAME Extra URL /Filelinks/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1875 1 FAMC @F5@ 1 NOTE @N23@ 1 OBJE 2 FORM URL 2 TITL GEDCOM 5.5 documentation web site 2 FILE http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~pmcbride/gedcom/55gctoc.htm 1 OBJE 2 FORM URL 2 TITL FTP site with many GEDCOM files 2 FILE ftp://ftp.genealogy.org/genealogy/GEDCOM/ 1 OBJE 2 FORM URL 2 TITL GEDitCOM Macintosh genealogy software home page 2 FILE http://www.geditcom.com 1 OBJE 2 FORM URL 2 TITL Email comments on this GEDCOM file to here 2 FILE mailto:support@geditcom.com 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:01:19 1 RIN 4 0 @I11@ INDI 1 NAME General Custom /Filelinks/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1872 1 DEAT 2 DATE 7 DEC 1941 1 FAMC @F5@ 1 NOTE @N22@ 1 OBJE 2 FORM TEXT 2 TITL Plain TEXT document 2 FILE Document.tex 1 OBJE 2 FORM W8BN 2 TITL Microsoft Word document 2 FILE Document.DOC 1 OBJE 2 FORM RTF 2 TITL Rich text format document 2 FILE Document.RTF 1 OBJE 2 FORM PDF 2 TITL Portable document format file 2 FILE Document.pdf 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:01:03 1 RIN 5 0 @I10@ INDI 1 NAME Nonstandard Multimedia /Filelinks/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1870 1 DEAT Y 1 FAMS @F7@ 1 FAMC @F5@ 1 NOTE @N21@ 1 OBJE 2 FORM PICT 2 TITL Macintosh PICT file 2 FILE ImgFile.PIC 1 OBJE 2 FORM PNTG 2 TITL Macintosh MacPaint file 2 FILE ImgFile.MAC 1 OBJE 2 FORM TPIC 2 TITL TGA image file 2 FILE ImgFile.TGA 1 OBJE 2 FORM aiff 2 TITL Macintosh sound file 2 FILE enthist.aif 1 OBJE 2 FORM mov 2 TITL QuickTime movie file 2 FILE suntun.mov 1 OBJE 2 TITL Adobe Photoshop file 2 FORM 8BPS 2 FILE ImgFile.PSD 1 OBJE 2 FORM mpeg 2 TITL Mpeg Movie File 2 FILE top.mpg 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:00:39 1 RIN 6 0 @I9@ INDI 1 NAME Standard GEDCOM /Filelinks/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1835 1 FAMS @F5@ 1 NOTE @N18@ 1 OBJE 2 TITL Windows bit mapped image file 2 FORM bmp 2 FILE ImgFile.BMP 1 OBJE 2 TITL GIF image file 2 FORM gif 2 FILE ImgFile.GIF 1 OBJE 2 TITL JPEG image file 2 FORM jpeg 2 FILE ImgFile.JPG 1 OBJE 2 TITL Tagged image format file 2 FORM tiff 2 FILE ImgFile.TIF 1 OBJE 2 FORM pcx 2 TITL Windows paint brush file 2 FILE ImgFile.PCX 1 OBJE 2 TITL Windows sound File 2 FORM wav 2 FILE force.wav 1 OBJE @M1@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:02:06 1 RIN 7 0 @PERSON2@ INDI 1 NAME Mary First /Jones/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE BEF 1970 1 DEAT 2 DATE AFT 2000 1 FAMS @FAMILY1@ 1 NOTE @N31@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:58:16 1 RIN 8 0 @I15@ INDI 1 NAME Torture GEDCOM /Matriarch/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE 12 FEB 1840 1 DEAT 2 DATE 15 JUN 1915 1 FAMS @F5@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:01:59 1 RIN 9 0 @PERSON8@ INDI 1 NAME Elizabeth Second /Smith/ 1 SEX F 1 BIRT 2 DATE BET MAY 1979 AND AUG 1979 1 DEAT 2 DATE FROM APR 2000 TO 5 MAR 2001 1 FAMS @FAMILY2@ 1 NOTE @N32@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:58:58 1 RIN 10 0 @PERSON3@ INDI 1 NAME Chris Locked /Torture/ 1 BIRT 2 DATE MAR 1999 2 PLAC Las Vegas, Nevada USA 1 FAMC @FAMILY1@ 1 NOTE @N20@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:55:43 2 NOTE This date is the last time this record was changed 1 RESN locked 1 RIN 11 0 @PERSON1@ INDI 1 NAME Joseph Tag /Torture/ 2 NPFX Prof. 2 GIVN Joseph 2 NICK Joe 2 SPFX Le 2 SURN Torture 2 NSFX Jr. 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 2 NOTE These are notes about the first NAME structure in this record. These notes are 3 CONC embedded in the INDIVIDUAL record itself. 3 CONT 3 CONT The second name structure in this record uses all possible tags for a personal name 3 CONC structure. 3 CONT 3 CONT NOTE: many applications are confused by two NAME structures. 1 SEX M 1 NAME William John /Smith/ 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 55 3 EVEN Event type cited in source 4 ROLE Role in cited event 3 DATA 4 DATE 1 JAN 1900 4 TEXT Here is some text from the source specific to this source 5 CONC citation. 5 CONT Here is more text but on a new line. 3 QUAY 0 3 OBJE 4 TITL Multimedia link about this source 4 FORM jpeg 4 NOTE @N26@ 4 FILE ImgFile.JPG 3 NOTE @N7@ 2 NOTE This is a second personal NAME structure in a single INDIVIDUAL record 3 CONC which is allowed in GEDCOM. This second NAME structure has all possible 3 CONC fields for a NAME structure. 3 CONT 3 CONT These notes are embedded in the INDIVIDUAL record. 1 BIRT 2 DATE 31 DEC 1965 2 PLAC Salt Lake City, UT, USA 2 TYPE Normal 2 ADDR St. Marks Hospital 3 CONT Salt Lake City, UT 3 CONT USA 2 AGNC none 2 OBJE 3 TITL Link to multimedia file 3 FORM tiff 3 FILE ImgFile.TIF 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 QUAY 2 3 NOTE Some notes about this birth source citation which are embedded in the citation 4 CONC structure itself. 2 NOTE @N8@ 2 FAMC @PARENTS@ 1 DEAT 2 DATE ABT 15 JAN 2001 2 PLAC New York, New York, USA 3 FORM city, state, country 3 NOTE The place structure has more detail than usually used for places 3 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 2 AGE 76 2 TYPE slow 2 ADDR at Home 2 CAUS Cancer 2 AGNC none 2 OBJE 3 FORM jpeg 3 TITL Multimedia link about the death event 3 FILE ImgFile.JPG 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some death source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A death source note. 2 NOTE A death event note. 1 FAMS @FAMILY1@ 2 NOTE Note about the link to the family record with his first spouse. 2 NOTE Another note about the link to the family record with his first spouse. 1 FAMS @FAMILY2@ 1 FAMC @PARENTS@ 2 NOTE Note about this link to his parents family record. 2 NOTE Another note about this link to his parents family record 1 FAMC @ADOPTIVE_PARENTS@ 2 PEDI adopted 2 NOTE Note about the link to his adoptive parents family record. 1 BAPM Y 2 DATE ABT 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 AGE 3 months 2 TYPE BAPM 2 ADDR Church Name 3 CONT Street Address 3 CONT City Name, zip 3 CONT Country 2 CAUS Birth 2 AGNC The Church 2 OBJE 3 FORM jpeg 3 TITL JPEG File Link 3 FILE ImgFile.JPG 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample baptism Source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A baptism source note. 2 NOTE A baptism event note (the event of baptism (not LDS), performed in infancy or later. See also BAPL and CHR). 1 CHR 2 DATE CAL 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CHR 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample CHR Source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A christening Source note. 2 NOTE Christening event note (the religious event (not LDS) of baptizing and/or naming a 3 CONC child). 2 FAMC @ADOPTIVE_PARENTS@ 1 CHR 2 DATE EST 30 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CHR 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some christening source text. 5 CONT This is the second christening structure. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A christening Source note. 2 NOTE Alternative christening event note. GEDOM allows more than one of the same type 3 CONC of event. 1 BLES 2 DATE BEF 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE BLES 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some blessing source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A blessing source note. 2 NOTE Blessing event note (a religious event of bestowing divine care or intercession. 3 CONC Sometimes given in connection with a naming ceremony) 1 BARM 2 DATE AFT 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE BARM 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some Bar Mitzvah source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A Bar Mitzvah source note. 2 NOTE Bar Mitzvah event note (the ceremonial event held when a Jewish boy reaches age 3 CONC 13). 1 BASM 2 DATE FROM 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE BASM 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some Bas Mitzvah source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A Bas Mitzvah source note. 2 NOTE Bas Mitzvah event note (the ceremonial event held when a Jewish girl reaches age 13, 3 CONC also known as "Bat Mitzvah"). 1 ADOP Y 2 DATE TO 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE ADOP 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some adoption source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An adoption source note. 2 NOTE Adoption event note (pertaining to creation of a child-parent relationship that does 3 CONC not exist biologically). 2 FAMC @ADOPTIVE_PARENTS@ 3 ADOP BOTH 1 CHRA 2 DATE BET 31 DEC 1997 AND 1 FEB 1998 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CHRA 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some christening source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A christening source note. 2 NOTE Adult christening event note (the religious event (not LDS) of baptizing and/or 3 CONC naming an adult person). 1 CONF 2 DATE FROM 31 DEC 1997 TO 2 JAN 1998 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CONF 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some CONF Source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A CONF Source note. 2 NOTE CONFIRMATION event note (the religious event (not LDS) of conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost and, among protestants, full church membership). 1 FCOM 2 DATE INT 31 DEC 1997 (a test) 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE FCOM 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some first communion source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An first communion source note. 2 NOTE First communion event note (a religious rite, the first act of sharing in the Lord's 3 CONC supper as part of church worship). 1 ORDN 2 DATE (No idea of the date) 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE ORDN 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some ordination source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An ordination source note. 2 NOTE Ordination event note (a religious event of receiving authority to act in religious 3 CONC matters). 1 GRAD 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE GRAD 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some graduation source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A graduation source note. 2 NOTE Graduation event note (an event of awarding educational diplomas or degrees to 3 CONC individuals). 1 EMIG 2 DATE 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE EMIG 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some emigration source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An emigration source note. 2 NOTE Emigration event note (an event of leaving one's homeland with the intent of residing 3 CONC elsewhere). 1 IMMI 2 DATE DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE IMMI 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some immigration source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An immigration source note. 2 NOTE Immigration event note (an event of entering into a new locality with the intent of 3 CONC residing there). 1 NATU 2 DATE 5 AUG 1100 B.C. 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE NATU 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some naturalization source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A naturalization source note. 2 NOTE Naturalization event note (the event of obtaining citizenship). 1 CENS 2 DATE 2 TVT 5758 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CENS 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some census source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A census source note. 2 NOTE Census event note (the event of the periodic count of the population for a designated 3 CONC locality, such as a national or state Census). 1 RETI 2 DATE 11 NIVO 0006 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE RETI 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some retirement source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A retirement source note. 2 NOTE Retirement event note (an event of exiting an occupational relationship with an 3 CONC employer after a qualifying time period). 1 PROB 2 DATE FROM 25 SVN 5757 TO 26 IYR 5757 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE PROB 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some probate source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A probate source note. 2 NOTE Probate event note (an event of judicial determination of the validity of a will. May 3 CONC indicate several related court activities over several dates). 1 BURI 2 DATE 5 VEND 0010 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE BURI 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some burial source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A burial source note. 2 NOTE Burial event note (the event of the proper disposing of the mortal remains of a 3 CONC deceased person). 1 WILL 2 DATE INT 2 TVT 5758 (interpreted Hebrew date) 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE WILL 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some will source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A will source note. 2 NOTE Will event note (a legal document treated as an event, by which a person disposes of 3 CONC his or her estate, to take effect after death. The event date is the date the will was 3 CONC signed while the person was alive. See also Probate). 1 CREM Y 1 EVEN 2 DATE 5 MAY 0005 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE EVEN 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some generic event source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A generic event source note. 2 NOTE Generic event note (a noteworthy happening related to an individual, a group, or an 3 CONC organization). The TYPE tag specifies the type of event. 1 BAPL 2 DATE 5 MAY 0005 B.C. 2 PLAC Salt Lake City 2 STAT Cleared 2 TEMP Mormon Temple 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 2 NOTE @N5@ 1 CONL Y 1 ENDL 2 DATE BET 5 APR 1712/13 AND 28 SEP 1714/15 1 SLGC 2 DATE 27 OCT 1699/00 2 FAMC @PARENTS@ 1 RESI 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 AGE 35 2 TYPE RESI 2 ADDR Address in Free Form Line 1 3 CONT Address in Free Form Line 2 3 CONT Address in Free Form Line 3 3 ADR1 Special Address Line 1 3 ADR2 Special Address Line 2 3 CITY City Name 3 STAE State name 3 POST Postal Code 3 CTRY USA 2 PHON +1-800-555-5555 2 CAUS Needed housing 2 AGNC None 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some residence source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A residence source note. 2 NOTE Residence attribute note (the act of dwelling at an address for a period of time). 1 OCCU Occupation 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 AGE 40 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE OCCU 2 ADDR Work address line 1 3 CONT Work address line 2 3 CONT Work address line 3 2 CAUS Need for money 2 AGNC Employer 2 OBJE 3 FORM gif 3 TITL GIF Image File 3 FILE ImgFile.GIF 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some occupation source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An occupation source note. 2 NOTE Occupation attribute note (the type of work or profession of an individual). 1 OCCU Another occupation 2 DATE 31 DEC 1998 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE OCCU 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some occupation source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An occupation source note. 2 NOTE Occupation attribute note. This is the second occupation attribute in the record. 1 EDUC Education 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE EDUC 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some education source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An education source note. 2 NOTE Education attribute note (indicator of a level of education attained). 1 DSCR Physical description 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE PHYS 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some physical description source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A physical description source note. 2 NOTE Physical description attribute note (the physical characteristics of a person, place, or 3 CONC thing). 1 RELI Religion 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE RELI 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some religion source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A religion source note. 2 NOTE Religion attribute note (a religious denomination to which a person is affiliated or for 3 CONC which a record applies). 1 SSN 6942 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE SSN 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some Social security number source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An Social security number source note. 2 NOTE Social security number attribute note (a number assigned by the United States Social 3 CONC Security Administration. Used for tax identification purposes). 1 IDNO 6942 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE IDNO 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some national identification number source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An national identification number source note. 2 NOTE National identification number attribute note (a number assigned to identify a person 3 CONC within some significant external system). 1 PROP Possessions 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE PROP 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some possessions source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE @N11@ 2 NOTE Possessions or property attribute note (pertaining to possessions such as real estate 3 CONC or other property of interest). 1 CAST Cast name 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CAST 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some caste name source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A caste name source note. 2 NOTE Caste name attribute note (the name of an individual's rank or status in society, based 3 CONC on racial or religious differences, or differences in wealth, inherited rank, profession, 3 CONC occupation, etc). 1 NCHI 42 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE NCHI 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some number of children source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE Am number of children source note. 2 NOTE Number of children attribute note. 1 NMR 42 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE NMR 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some number of marriages source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An number of marriages source note. 2 NOTE Number of marriages attribute note. 1 TITL Nobility title 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE TITL 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some title source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A title source note. 2 NOTE Title attribute note (a description of a specific writing or other work, such as the title 3 CONC of a book when used in a source context, or a formal designation used by an 3 CONC individual in connection with positions of royalty or other social status, 3 CONT such as Grand Duke). 1 NATI National or tribe origin 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE NATI 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Some nationality source text. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE An nationality source note. 2 NOTE Nationality attribute note (the national heritage of an individual). 1 NOTE @N4@ 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 1 NOTE This is a second set of notes for this single individual record. It is embedded in the 2 CONC INDIVIDUAL record instead of being in a separate NOTE record. 2 CONT 2 CONT These notes also have a source citation to a SOURCE record. In GEDCOM 2 CONC this source can only be a single line and links to a SOURCE record. 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 1 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 2 PAGE 42 2 DATA 3 DATE 31 DEC 1900 3 TEXT Some sample text from the first source on this record. 2 QUAY 0 2 NOTE A source note. 1 SOUR @SR2@ 2 NOTE @N12@ 1 SOUR This source is embedded in the record instead of being a link to a 2 CONC separate SOURCE record. 2 CONT The source description can use any number of lines 2 TEXT Text from a source. The preferred approach is to cite sources by 3 CONC links to SOURCE records. 3 CONT Here is a new line of text from the source. 2 NOTE @N17@ 1 OBJE 2 FORM gif 2 TITL GIF Image File 2 FILE ImgFile.GIF 1 ALIA @I9@ 1 ASSO @I9@ 2 RELA Has multimedia links 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text about this source on an association. 2 NOTE Note on association link. 1 ASSO @PERSON5@ 2 RELA Father 1 SUBM @SUBMITTER@ 1 ANCI @SUBMITTER@ 1 DESI @SUBMITTER@ 1 REFN User reference number 2 TYPE Type of user number 1 RIN 12 1 RFN Record File Number 1 AFN Ancestral File Number 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Feb 2001 3 TIME 19:16:42 0 @PERSON7@ INDI 1 NAME Pat Smith /Torture/ 1 BIRT 2 DATE 1 JAN 2001 2 PLAC London, UK 1 FAMC @FAMILY2@ 1 NOTE @N30@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:56:49 1 RIN 13 0 @PERSON4@ INDI 1 NAME Sandy Privacy /Torture/ 1 RESN privacy 1 BIRT 2 DATE 15 FEB 2000 2 PLAC Chicago, IL, USA 1 FAMC @FAMILY1@ 1 NOTE @N29@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:56:15 1 RIN 14 0 @PERSON5@ INDI 1 NAME William Joseph /Torture/ 1 SEX M 1 BIRT 2 DATE ABT 1930 1 DEAT Y 2 DATE INT 1995 (from estimated age) 2 AGE 65 2 CAUS Old age 1 FAMS @PARENTS@ 1 FAMC @F6@ 1 NOTE @N28@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:59:40 1 RIN 15 0 @FAMILY1@ FAM 1 HUSB @PERSON1@ 1 WIFE @PERSON2@ 1 MARR 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE Man and Wife 2 ADDR A Church 3 CONT Main Street, USA 2 CAUS Love 2 AGNC Catholic Church 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE 42y 6m 2 OBJE 3 FORM jpeg 3 TITL Multimedia link about the marriage event 3 FILE ImgFile.JPG 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Text from marriage source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about the marriage source. 2 NOTE Marriage event note (a legal, common-law, or customary event of creating a family 3 CONC unit of a man and a woman as husband and wife). 1 CHIL @PERSON3@ 1 CHIL @PERSON4@ 1 NCHI 42 1 ENGA Y 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 AGE 42 2 TYPE ENGA 2 ADDR The house 3 CONT Anytown, USA 2 CAUS Desire 2 AGNC None 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE STILLBORN 2 OBJE 3 FORM bmp 3 TITL BMP Image File 3 FILE ImgFile.BMP 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from engagement source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this engagement source. 2 NOTE Engagement event note (an event of recording or announcing an agreement between 3 CONC two people to become married). 1 MARB 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE MARB 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE 42y 6m 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from marriage banns source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this marriage banns source. 2 NOTE Marriage banns event note (an event of an official public notice given that two people 3 CONC intend to marry). 1 MARC 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE MARC 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE >42y 6m 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from marriage contract source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this marriage contract source. 2 NOTE Marriage contract event note (an event of recording a formal agreement of marriage, 3 CONC including the prenuptial agreement in which marriage partners reach agreement about 3 CONC the property rights of one or both, securing property to their children). 1 MARL 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE MARL 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE <42y 6m 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from marriage license source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this marriage license source. 2 NOTE Marriage license event note (an event of obtaining a legal license to marry). 1 MARS 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE MARS 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE INFANT 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from marriage settlement source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this marriage settlement source. 2 NOTE Marriage settlement event note (an event of creating an agreement between two 3 CONC people contemplating marriage, at which time they agree to release or modify 3 CONC property rights that would otherwise arise from the marriage). 1 DIV 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE DIV 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 3d 2 WIFE 3 AGE 42m 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from divorce source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this divorce source. 2 NOTE Divorce event note (an event of dissolving a marriage through civil action). 1 DIVF 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42d 2 WIFE 3 AGE CHILD 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from divorce filing source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this divorce filing source. 2 NOTE DIVORCE_FILED event note (an event of filing for a divorce by a spouse). 1 ANUL Y 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 1 CENS 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE CENS 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 6m 9d 2 WIFE 3 AGE 6m 9d 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from census source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this census source. 2 NOTE Census event note (the event of the periodic count of the population for a designated 3 CONC locality, such as a national or state Census). 1 EVEN 2 DATE 31 DEC 1997 2 PLAC The place 2 TYPE EVEN 2 HUSB 3 AGE 42y 2 WIFE 3 AGE 42y 6m 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 PAGE 42 3 DATA 4 DATE 31 DEC 1900 4 TEXT Sample text from generic family event source. 3 QUAY 3 3 NOTE A note about this generic family event source. 2 NOTE Generic family vent note (a noteworthy happening related to an individual, a group, or 3 CONC an organization). 1 SLGS 2 DATE 12 DEC 1976 2 PLAC Temple 2 STAT Child 2 TEMP Temple Code 2 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 3 DATA 4 TEXT Sample text from LDS spouse sealing source. 3 NOTE @N19@ 2 NOTE @N6@ 1 NOTE Comments on "Joseph Tag Torture-Mary First Jones" FAMILY Record. 2 CONT 2 CONT This record contains all possible types of data that can be stored in a FAMILY 2 CONC (FAM) GEDCOM record. Here are some comments on the data tested here and 2 CONC things to look for when this file is imported into any GEDCOM application: 2 CONT 2 CONT 1. The marriage event (MARR) uses all possible tags for such a structure including 2 CONC notes, sources, and a link to a multimedia file. 2 CONT 2 CONT 2. This family has two children. 2 CONT 2 CONT 3. This family has all possible family events (including a generic event or EVEN 2 CONC structure). Some notes are: 2 CONT a. The engaged structure has all possible tags for event detail. 2 CONT b. The annulment event (ANUL) has no data except a "Y" in the first line to 2 CONC indicate that the event has occurred. The importing software should keep this event in 2 CONC this record even though it contains no data. 2 CONT c. The LDS Spouse Sealing event tests all possible detail tags for an LDS. 2 CONT d. The TYPE tag of each event has the name of the GEDCOM tag for that event. 2 CONC There is no TYPE tag in the annulment event because that structure is empty. 2 CONT 2 CONT 4. This record has this one note structure which is to a set of embedded notes (and 2 CONC which you are reading now). 2 CONT 2 CONT 5. This record has one source citation. 2 CONT 2 CONT 6. This record is linked a submitter. 2 CONT 2 CONT 7. This record has all remaining tags allowed in FAMILY records for user reference 2 CONC number, record ID, and the changed date. 1 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 2 PAGE 42 2 DATA 3 DATE 31 DEC 1900 3 TEXT A sample text from a source of this family 2 QUAY 0 2 NOTE A note this source on the FAMILY record. 1 OBJE 2 FORM bmp 2 TITL BMP Image File 2 FILE ImgFile.BMP 1 SUBM @SUBMITTER@ 1 REFN User Reference Number 2 TYPE Type of user number 1 RIN 1 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:18:40 0 @PARENTS@ FAM 1 HUSB @PERSON5@ 1 CHIL @PERSON1@ 1 NOTE @N33@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 17:00:35 1 RIN 2 0 @ADOPTIVE_PARENTS@ FAM 1 WIFE @PERSON6@ 1 CHIL @PERSON1@ 1 NOTE @N34@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 17:01:18 1 RIN 3 0 @FAMILY2@ FAM 1 HUSB @PERSON1@ 1 WIFE @PERSON8@ 1 CHIL @PERSON7@ 1 NOTE @N35@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 17:01:46 1 RIN 4 0 @F5@ FAM 1 HUSB @I9@ 1 WIFE @I15@ 1 CHIL @I10@ 1 CHIL @I11@ 1 CHIL @I12@ 1 NOTE @N36@ 1 RIN 5 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:50:37 0 @F6@ FAM 1 HUSB @I14@ 1 WIFE @I13@ 1 CHIL @PERSON5@ 1 NOTE @N37@ 1 RIN 6 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:51:48 0 @F7@ FAM 1 WIFE @I10@ 1 CHIL @I14@ 1 NOTE @N38@ 1 RIN 7 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:52:53 0 @SOURCE1@ SOUR 1 TITL Everything You Every Wanted to Know about GEDCOM Tags, But 2 CONC Were Afraid to Ask! 2 CONT You can start new lines in this field too. 1 ABBR All About GEDCOM Tags 1 AUTH Author or Authorss of this Source using multiple lines if 2 CONC necessary. 2 CONT Here is a new line in this field 1 PUBL Details of the publisher of this source using multiple lines 2 CONC if necessary. 2 CONT Here is a new line in this field 1 REPO @R1@ 2 CALN 920.23 3 MEDI Book (or other description of this source) 2 NOTE A short note about the repository link. This note is about the repository (if more 3 CONC information is needed other than call number and simple description). Notes about 3 CONC the Source itself are usually entered elsewhere. 1 TEXT This section is used to generic text from the course. It will usually be a 2 CONC quote from the text that is relevant to the use of this source in the current 2 CONC GEDCOM file. 2 CONT 2 CONT It may use as many lines as needed. 1 DATA 2 EVEN BIRT, CHR 3 DATE FROM 1 JAN 1980 TO 1 FEB 1982 3 PLAC Anytown, Anycounty, USA 2 EVEN DEAT 3 DATE FROM 1 JAN 1980 TO 1 FEB 1982 3 PLAC County Some, Ireland 2 AGNC Responsible agency for data in this source 2 NOTE A note about data in source. 3 CONT 3 CONT This note includes a blank line before this text. These notes are used to describe the 3 CONC data in this source. Notes about the source itself are usually entered in a different set 3 CONC of notes. 1 NOTE @N15@ 1 NOTE These are notes embedded in the SOURCE Record instead of in a separate NOTE 2 CONC RECORD. 1 OBJE 2 TITL JPEG image file link 2 FORM jpeg 2 NOTE @N14@ 2 FILE ImgFile.JPG 1 REFN User Reference Number 2 TYPE User Reference Type 1 RIN 1 1 CHAN 2 DATE 14 Jan 2001 3 TIME 14:29:25 0 @SR2@ SOUR 1 TITL All I Know About GEDCOM, I Learned on the Internet 1 ABBR What I Know About GEDCOM 1 AUTH Second Source Author 1 NOTE @N16@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:21:39 1 RIN 2 0 @R1@ REPO 1 NAME Family History Library 1 ADDR 35 North West Temple 2 CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84111 2 CONT USA 2 ADR1 35 North West Temple 2 ADR2 Across the street from Temple Square 2 CITY Salt Lake City 2 STAE Utah 2 POST 84111 2 CTRY USA 1 PHON +1-801-240-2331 (information) 1 PHON +1-801-240-1278 (gifts & donations) 1 PHON +1-801-240-2584 (support) 1 NOTE @N2@ 1 REFN User Ref Number 2 TYPE Sample 1 RIN 1 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 10:36:02 0 @N1@ NOTE 1 CONC Test link to a graphics file about the main Submitter of this file. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 24 May 1999 3 TIME 16:39:55 0 @N2@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Family History Library" REPOSITORY Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record uses all possible GEDCOM tags for a REPOSITORY record. Some 1 CONC things to look for are: 1 CONT 1 CONT 1. The address is specified twice. Once in a multi-line address record and once in 1 CONC separate lines. The first method is usually enough. The second method is to be more 1 CONC specific about parts of the address. Is everything imported? 1 CONT 1 CONT 2. There are multiple phone numbers. Are they all imported? 1 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 2 PAGE 1 2 DATA 3 DATE 1 MAY 1999 3 TEXT Text from the source about this repository. 2 QUAY 3 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 11:44:05 0 @N4@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Joseph Tag Torture" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record contains all possible types of data that can be stored in an INDIVIDUAL (INDI) 1 CONC GEDCOM record. Here are some comments on the data tested here and things to look for 1 CONC when this file is imported into any GEDCOM application: 1 CONT 1 CONT 1. This record has two NAME structures. How will a program handle this type of data which 1 CONC is allowed in GEDCOM? (Because some GEDCOM files get very bothered by a second 1 CONC name, the files TGC551.ged and TGC551LF files are identical to the TGC55.ged and 1 CONC TGC55LF.ged files except only one name structure is used for this individual - hence the "1" 1 CONC in their names). 1 CONT 1 CONT 2. The first NAME structure has all possible subordinate tags for a NAME structure 1 CONC including source and notes a source citation and some notes. The second NAME structure 1 CONC (when used) has a source citation and some notes. Are these all imported? 1 CONT 1 CONT 3. The Birth and Death events use all possible fields including subordinate tags, sources, 1 CONC multimedia links (in Birth), and notes. The birth data has an attached family link which is 1 CONC sometimes needed in case of ambiguous parentage. 1 CONT 1 CONT 4. This individual has two spouses. The links to the spouses have attached notes. 1 CONT 1 CONT 5. This individual has two sets of parents - natural parents and adoptive parents. Each parent 1 CONC link has attached notes. The adoptive parents has a subordinate pedigree (PEDI) tag. 1 CONT 1 CONT 6. This individual has all possible events (including a generic event or EVEN structure). The 1 CONC GEDCOM tags for the events are given in the TYPE tag of each event. Some comments are: 1 CONT a. The baptism record has all possible tags for event detail. 1 CONT b. There are 2 christening records to see how programs react to duplicate events (which 1 CONC are allowed). 1 CONT c. The adoption event has a family link to give more information about adoptive parentage. 1 CONT d. The cremation event (CREM) has no data except a "Y" in the first line to indicate that 1 CONC the event has occurred. The importing software should keep this event in this record even 1 CONC though it contains no data (The GEDCOM tag is not in this TYPE tag). 1 CONT e. The LDS Baptism event tests all possible detail tags for an LDS ordinance. 1 CONT f. The LDS confirmation has no data except a "Y" in the first line to indicate that the event 1 CONC has occurred. The importing software should keep this event in this record even though it 1 CONC contains no data. 1 CONT g. The date fields in the various events test the possible GEDCOM methods for 1 CONC expressing dates, approximate dates, date ranges, and interpreted dates. There are also a few 1 CONC Hebrew dates, French Republic dates. and "B.C" dates. 1 CONT 1 CONT 7. The residence structure use all possible subordinate tags in the address part of the 1 CONC residence. 1 CONT 1 CONT 8. This individual has all possible attributes. The GEDCOM tags for the attributes are given 1 CONC in the TYPE tag of each attribute. Some notes are: 1 CONT a. There are 2 occupation attributes to test how programs handle multiple tags of the same 1 CONC type (which is allowed). 1 CONT b. The first OCCU attribute uses all possible subordinate tags for an attribute. 1 CONT 1 CONT 9. This record has three note structures. The first is this set of notes which is in a separate 1 CONC NOTE record. The other two are NOTE structures embedded in the record. Are all imported 1 CONC and kept separate? Furthermore, the two embedded note structures have subordinate source 1 CONC citations. The second set of notes has a source citation to a SOURCE record and the third set 1 CONC of notes has an embedded source citation. 1 CONT 1 CONT 10. This record has three source citations. Two are citations to a SOURCE record; one is an 1 CONC embedded source citation (used in older GEDCOM files). 1 CONT 1 CONT 11. This record has one link to a multimedia file. For more testing of multimedia links, see 1 CONC the "Standard GEDCOM Filelinks," "Nonstandard Multimedia Filelinks," "General Custom 1 CONC Filelinks," and "Extra URL Filelinks" INDIVIDUAL records. 1 CONT 1 CONT 12. This individual has one alias and two associations. All possible tags in the first 1 CONC association link are used. 1 CONT 1 CONT 13. This record is linked to a submitter and to two submitters with interest in the ancestors 1 CONC and descendants of this individual. 1 CONT 1 CONT 14. This record has all remaining tags allowed in individual records for user reference 1 CONC number, record ID, record file number, ancestral file number, and the changed date. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Jan 2001 3 TIME 0:36:39 0 @N5@ NOTE 1 CONC Notes on this LDS event. All possible LDS ordinance detail tags are used in 1 CONC this event. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 6 Mar 2000 3 TIME 22:05:42 0 @N6@ NOTE 1 CONC Notes on this LDS Spouse Sealing Event. 1 SOUR @SOURCE1@ 1 CHAN 2 DATE 26 May 1999 3 TIME 22:38:25 0 @N7@ NOTE 1 CONC This source citation has all fields possible in a source citation to a separate SOURCE 1 CONC record. Besides the link to the SOURCE record there are possible fields about this 1 CONC citation (e.g., PAGE, TEXT, etc.) 1 CONT 1 CONT These notes on the source citation are in a separate NOTE record. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 16:02:33 0 @N8@ NOTE 1 CONC Some specific note about the birth event. 1 CONT 1 CONT These notes are in a separate NOTE record. These notes also have their own source 1 CONC citation structure. 1 SOUR @SR2@ 2 DATA 3 DATE 1 JUN 1945 3 TEXT Here is some text from the source. The source is about the notes 4 CONC for the birth event. 2 QUAY 3 2 NOTE @N9@ 2 PAGE 102 2 EVEN Event type cited in source 3 ROLE Role in cited event 1 CHAN 2 DATE 18 Jun 2000 3 TIME 1:09:46 0 @N9@ NOTE 1 CONC These are notes in a NOTE record. It is a bit redundant, but you can add source 1 CONC citations directly to NOTE records in addition to adding source citations to the 1 CONC initial GEDCOM structure that the notes are about. 1 CONT 1 CONT This example source citation in a NOTE record has all possible source citation 1 CONC fields filled in. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 9 Jun 1999 3 TIME 13:16:57 0 @N11@ NOTE 1 CONC A possessions source note. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 18 Jun 2000 3 TIME 1:37:42 0 @N12@ NOTE 1 CONC This is a second source citation in this record. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 6 Mar 2000 3 TIME 22:18:51 0 @N14@ NOTE 1 CONC These notes can be used to add more information about the multimedia file linked to 1 CONC this SOURCE record. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 9:49:23 0 @N15@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Everything You Every Wanted to Know about GEDCOM Tags" SOURCE Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This is a set of notes about this SOURCE record. These notes are for anything else 1 CONC needed. There are other places to enter notes about the storage of the source (in the 1 CONC Repository link) and about the data in the source (in the DATA structure). 1 CONT 1 CONT This particular SOURCE record uses all possible GEDCOM tags for a SOURCE 1 CONC record. Some things to check are: 1 CONT 1 CONT 1. Are the separate notes structures in the Repository link and the DATA structure 1 CONC preserved on importing? 1 CONT 1 CONT 2. Does the software recognize two sets of event types in the DATA structure? 1 CONT 1 CONT 3. Are the multimedia links preserved? 1 CONT 1 CONT 4. This record as two sets of notes - this one in a separate record and a second one 1 CONC embedded in the SOURCE record. Are they both imported and kept separate? 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 17:04:24 0 @N16@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "All I Know About GEDCOM, I Learned on the Internet" SOURCE record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This is another SOURCE record. How does the importing software handle multiple 1 CONC sources in the GEDCOM file? This source only fills a few GEDCOM structures. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 12:46:21 0 @N17@ NOTE 1 CONC How does software handle embedded SOURCE records on import? Such source 1 CONC citations are common in old GEDCOM files. More modern GEDCOM files should 1 CONC use source citations to SOURCE records. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 10:56:56 0 @N18@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Standard GEDCOM Filelinks" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT The GEDCOM standard lets you link records to multimedia objects kept in separate 1 CONC files. When GEDCOM 5.5 was released, it only mentioned allowing links to a small 1 CONC number of multimedia files types and some of them are Windows-only file types. 1 CONC The recommended list is 1 CONT 1 CONT bmp - Windows but map file 1 CONT gif - Bit map, 256 color GIF files (common on the Internet) 1 CONT jpeg - Bit-mapped files developed for photographs (also common on the Internet) 1 CONT ole - Linked object 1 CONT pcx - Windows paintbrush file 1 CONT tiff - Tagged image format file 1 CONT wav - Windows sound file 1 CONT 1 CONT This INDIVIDUAL record has links to this limited set of multimedia files (except 1 CONC for ole). These links are created by having an OBJE structure with the path name to 1 CONC the file in a subordinate FILE tag and the format of the file in a subordinate FORM 1 CONC tag. 1 CONT 1 CONT It does not make sense to limit files links to this small set of file types. It does not 1 CONC allow for future file types and, for example, it ignores movie files types. You can visit 1 CONC the "Nonstandard Multimedia Filelinks" record to see links to other types of multimedia files. 1 CONC You can visit the "General Custom Filelinks" and the "Extra URL Filelinks" records to see links to 1 CONC any file type and to universal resource locators. 1 CONT 1 CONT NOTE: The path names for the linked files here are just the file names. A good 1 CONC GEDCOM program should search for the files and might look first in the same 1 CONC folder as this test GEDCOM file. A weaker program might be unable to locate these 1 CONC files and you will have to enter the full path names. 1 CONT 1 CONT EMBEDDED Multimedia Object: 1 CONT GEDCOM 5.5 has a method for encoding multimedia objects and storing them in 1 CONC MULTIMEDIA Records. This INDIVIDUAL has a link to such an embedded 1 CONC object. The object has encoded data, written using the GEDCOM 5.5 encoding 1 CONC algorithm, for the image of a small flower. To my knowledge, there are no genealogy 1 CONC programs that can actually read and decode such objects. The main reason for 1 CONC inclusion of the object here is to see how programs will treat this record. Good 1 CONC programs will leave them in the file (it is bad manners to delete someone's data). Bad 1 CONC programs will simple delete the object from the file. 1 REFN User Reference Number 2 TYPE User Reference Type 1 RIN 1 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:41:51 0 @N19@ NOTE 1 CONC A note about this LDS spouse sealing source. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Mar 2000 3 TIME 12:32:13 0 @N20@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Chris Locked Torture" record. 1 CONT 1 CONT These notes test line breaking in note records with multiple lines. These notes are for 1 CONC a locked individual and thus you should not be able to edit them. 1 CONT 1 CONT TEST #1: Line breaks in the middle of a word 1 CONT These lines appear together. The word TE 1 CONC ST should appear as a single word and 1 CONC not be broken onto two lines. 1 CONT 1 CONT TEST #2: Translation of "at" signs 1 CONT The GEDCOM standard says the "@@" sign should appear in any text in the file 1 CONC as double "@@@@" signs. This recommendation is superfluous, because there is 1 CONC never a case when an "@@" sign in data can be confused with other GEDCOM uses 1 CONC of the "@@" sign. The question here is how does the software import: 1 CONT 1 CONT A single @@ sign in some notes entered by using two characters. 1 CONT 1 CONT If all "at" signs above appear above as 2 or 4 at signs, that GEDCOM software is not 1 CONC converting double at signs to single at signs. 1 CONT 1 CONT TEST #3: Bad line breaks between word but a forgotten space 1 CONT A little below, the words "End" and "Start" are on two lines in the note record. 1 CONC The line with "End," however, forgot the required trailing blank. Thus, a proper 1 CONC importing of these bad notes should combine the two words with no space between 1 CONC "End" and "Start". Here is End 1 CONC Start as described above. They should appear as one 1 CONC word. 1 CONT 1 CONT TEST #4: Blank lines 1 CONT The above paragraphs should have blank lines between them. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:35:25 0 @N21@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Nonstandard Multimedia Filelinks" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT File links in GEDCOM are created by having an OBJE structure with the path name 1 CONC to the file in a subordinate FILE tag and the format of the file in a subordinate 1 CONC FORM tag. It does not make sense to limit file links to the small set of file types 1 CONC mentioned in the GEDCOM standard (see INDIVIDUAL record "Standard GEDCOM Filelinks" 1 CONC for those file types). This INDIVIDUAL record has links to 1 CONC other types of multimedia files including movie files, other image file types, and some 1 CONC Macintosh file types. 1 CONT 1 CONT What will a genealogy program do when in encounters to logical extensions to 1 CONC GEDCOM file links? Good programs will follow the links. Weaker programs will 1 CONC simply delete them from your file (it is bad manners to delete someone's data). 1 CONT 1 CONT Some other possible multimedia file type not yet linked to this record are: 1 CONT avi - Microsoft movie file 1 CONT midi - sound file 1 CONT mp3 - music file 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:43:04 0 @N22@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "General Custom Filelinks" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT File links in GEDCOM are created by having an OBJE structure with the path name 1 CONC to the file in a subordinate FILE tag and the format of the file in a subordinate 1 CONC FORM tag. It does not make sense to limit file links to the small set of multimedia 1 CONC file types mentioned in the GEDCOM standard (see INDIVIDUAL record 1 CONC "Standard GEDCOM Filelinks" for those file types). The INDIVIDUAL record 1 CONC "Nonstandard Multimedia Filelinks" has sample links to other types of multimedia files not 1 CONC included in the standard GEDCOM list. This INDIVIDUAL record has links to 1 CONC some non-multimedia files types. 1 CONT 1 CONT What will a genealogy program do when it encounters such logical extensions to 1 CONC GEDCOM file links? Good programs will follow the links. Weaker programs will 1 CONC simply delete them from your file (it is bad manners to delete someone's data). 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 Jun 2000 3 TIME 1:06:34 0 @N23@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Extra URL Filelinks" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT File links in GEDCOM are created by having an OBJE structure with the path name 1 CONC to the file in a subordinate FILE tag and the format of the file in a subordinate 1 CONC FORM tag. It does not make sense to limit file links to the small set of multimedia 1 CONC file types mentioned in the GEDCOM standard (see INDIVIDUAL record 1 CONC "Standard GEDCOM Filelinks" for those file types) or even to limit them to local 1 CONC files. This INDIVIDUAL record has a series of links with universal resource 1 CONC locators (URL) in the FILE tag and the file "URL" in the FORM tag. 1 CONT 1 CONT The sample URL links include links to a web sites, a link to an FTP site, and a link to 1 CONC send email. 1 CONT 1 CONT This extension of file links to URL links is non-standard GEDCOM. What will a 1 CONC genealogy program do when in encounters URL file links? Cleaver programs will 1 CONC find the file on the Internet using your default browser, FTP program, or email 1 CONC program. Weaker programs will simply delete them from your file (it is bad manners 1 CONC to delete someone's data). 1 CHAN 2 DATE 20 Jun 2000 3 TIME 1:09:48 0 @N24@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Charlie Accented ANSEL" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT To represent accented characters, the ANSEL character set uses two-byte codes. The 1 CONC first byte is E0 to FB or FE (hexadecimal); the second byte is the letter to be 1 CONC accented. 1 CONT 1 CONT These notes have all possible accented characters. How many of the characters are 1 CONC represented correctly? Even programs that fully support ANSEL will not draw all 1 CONC these accented characters correctly. Many of them correspond to accents that can not 1 CONC be found in any langauge and therefore do not correspond to any computer fonts. 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E0 (Unicode: hook above, 0309) low rising tone mark 1 CONT àAàBàCàDàEàFàGàHàIàJàKàLàM 1 CONT àNàOàPàQàRàSàTàUàVàWàXàYàZ 1 CONT àaàbàcàdàeàfàgàhàiàjàkàlàm 1 CONT ànàoàpàqàràsàtàuàvàwàxàyàz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E1 (Unicode: grave, 0300) grave accent 1 CONT áAáBáCáDáEáFáGáHáIáJáKáLáM 1 CONT áNáOáPáQáRáSáTáUáVáWáXáYáZ 1 CONT áaábácádáeáfágáháiájákálám 1 CONT ánáoápáqárásátáuáváwáxáyáz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E2 (Unicode: acute, 0301) acute accent: 1 CONT âAâBâCâDâEâFâGâHâIâJâKâLâM 1 CONT âNâOâPâQâRâSâTâUâVâWâXâYâZ 1 CONT âaâbâcâdâeâfâgâhâiâjâkâlâm 1 CONT ânâiâpâqârâsâtâuâvâwâxâyâz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E3 (Unicode: circumflex, 0302) circumflex accent 1 CONT ãAãBãCãDãEãFãGãHãIãJãKãLãM 1 CONT ãNãOãPãQãRãSãTãUãVãWãXãYãZ 1 CONT ãaãbãcãdãeãfãgãhãiãjãkãlãm 1 CONT ãnãoãpãqãrãsãtãuãvãwãxãyãz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E4 (Unicode: tilde, 0303) tilde 1 CONT äAäBäCäDäEäFäGäHäIäJäKäLäM 1 CONT äNäOäPäQäRäSäTäUäVäWäXäYäZ 1 CONT äNäbäcädäeäfägähäiäjäkäläm 1 CONT änäoäpäqäräsätäuäväwäxäyäz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E5 (Unicode: macron, 0304) macron 1 CONT åAåBåCåDåEåFåGåHåIåJåKåLåM 1 CONT åNåOåPåQåRåSåTåUåVåWåXåYåZ 1 CONT åaåbåcådåeåfågåhåiåjåkålåm 1 CONT ånåoåpåqåråsåtåuåvåwåxåyåz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E6 (Unicode: breve, 0306) breve 1 CONT æAæBæCæDæEæFæGæHæIæJæKæLæM 1 CONT æNæOæPæQæRæSæTæUæVæWæXæYæZ 1 CONT æaæbæcædæeæfægæhæiæjækælæm 1 CONT ænæoæpæqæræsætæuævæwæxæyæz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E7 (Unicode: dot above, 0307) dot above 1 CONT çAçBçCçDçEçFçGçHçIçJçKçLçM 1 CONT çNçOçPçQçRçSçTçUçVçWçXçYçZ 1 CONT çaçbçcçdçeçfçgçhçiçjçkçlçm 1 CONT çnçoçpçqçrçsçtçuçvçwçxçyçz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E8 (Unicode: diaeresis, 0308) umlaut (dieresis) 1 CONT èAèBèCèDèEèFèGèHèIèJèKèLèM 1 CONT èNèOèPèQèRèSèTèUèVèWèXèYèZ 1 CONT èaèbècèdèeèfègèhèièjèkèlèm 1 CONT ènèoèpèqèrèsètèuèvèwèxèyèz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: E9 (Unicode: caron, 030C) hacek 1 CONT éAéBéCéDéEéFéGéHéIéJéKéLéM 1 CONT éNéOéPéQéRéSéTéUéVéWéXéYéZ 1 CONT éaébécédéeéfégéhéiéjékélém 1 CONT énéoépéqérésétéuévéwéxéyéz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: EA (Unicode: ring above, 030A) circle above (angstrom) 1 CONT êAêBêCêDêEêFêGêHêIêJêKêLêM 1 CONT êNêOêPêQêRêSêTêUêVêWêXêYêZ 1 CONT êaêbêcêdêeêfêgêhêiêjêkêlêm 1 CONT ênêoêpêqêrêsêtêuêvêwêxêyêz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: EB (Unicode: ligature left half, FE20) ligature, left half 1 CONT ëAëBëCëDëEëFëGëHëIëJëKëLëM 1 CONT ëNëOëPëQëRëSëTëUëVëWëXëYëZ 1 CONT ëaëbëcëdëeëfëgëhëiëjëkëlëm 1 CONT ënëoëpëqërësëtëuëvëwëxëyëz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: EC (Unicode: ligature right half, FE21) ligature, right half 1 CONT ìAìBìCìDìEìFìGìHìIìJìKìLìM 1 CONT ìNìOìPìQìRìSìTìUìVìWìXìYìZ 1 CONT ìaìbìcìdìeìfìgìhìiìjìkìlìm 1 CONT ìnìoìpìqìrìsìtìuìvìwìxìyìz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: ED (Unicode: comma above right, 0315) high comma, off center 1 CONT íAíBíCíDíEíFíGíHíIíJíKíLíM 1 CONT íNíOíPíQíRíSíTíUíVíWíXíYíZ 1 CONT íaíbícídíeífígíhíiíjíkílím 1 CONT íníoípíqírísítíuívíwíxíyíz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: EE (Unicode: double acute, 030B) double acute accent 1 CONT îAîBîCîDîEîFîGîHîIîJîKîLîM 1 CONT îNîOîPîQîRîSîTîUîVîWîXîYîZ 1 CONT îaîbîcîdîeîfîgîhîiîjîkîlîm 1 CONT înîoîpîqîrîsîtîuîvîwîxîyîz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: EF (Unicode: candrabindu, 0310) candrabindu 1 CONT ïAïBïCïDïEïFïGïHïIïJïKïLïM 1 CONT ïNïOïPïQïRïSïTïUïVïWïXïYïZ 1 CONT ïaïbïcïdïeïfïgïhïiïjïkïlïm 1 CONT ïnïoïpïqïrïsïtïuïvïwïxïyïz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F0 (Unicode: cedilla, 0327) cedilla 1 CONT ðAðBðCðDðEðFðGðHðIðJðKðLðM 1 CONT ðNðOðPðQðRðSðTðUðVðWðXðYðZ 1 CONT ðaðbðcðdðeðfðgðhðiðjðkðlðm 1 CONT ðnðoðpðqðrðsðtðuðvðwðxðyðz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F1 (Unicode: ogonek, 0328) right hook 1 CONT ñAñBñCñDñEñFñGñHñIñJñKñLñM 1 CONT ñNñOñPñQñRñSñTñUñVñWñXñYñZ 1 CONT ñañbñcñdñeñfñgñhñiñjñkñlñm 1 CONT ñnñoñpñqñrñsñtñuñvñwñxñyñz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F2 (Unicode: dot below, 0323) dot below 1 CONT òAòBòCòDòEòFòGòHòIòJòKòLòM 1 CONT òNòOòPòQòRòSòTòUòVòWòXòYòZ 1 CONT òaòbòcòdòeòfògòhòiòjòkòlòm 1 CONT ònòoòpòqòròsòtòuòvòwòxòyòz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F3 (Unicode: diaeresis below, 0324) double dot below 1 CONT óAóBóCóDóEóFóGóHóIóJóKóLóM 1 CONT óNóOóPóQóRóSóTóUóVóWóXóYóZ 1 CONT óaóbócódóeófógóhóiójókólóm 1 CONT ónóoópóqórósótóuóvówóxóyóz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F4 (Unicode: ring below, 0325) circle below 1 CONT ôAôBôCôDôEôFôGôHôIôJôKôLôM 1 CONT ôNôOôPôQôRôSôTôUôVôWôXôYôZ 1 CONT ôaôbôcôdôeôfôgôhôiôjôkôlôm 1 CONT ônôoôpôqôrôsôtôuôvôwôxôyôz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F5 (Unicode: double low line, 0333) double underscore 1 CONT õAõBõCõDõEõFõGõHõIõJõKõLõM 1 CONT õNõOõPõQõRõSõTõUõVõWõXõYõZ 1 CONT õaõbõcõdõeõfõgõhõiõjõkõlõm 1 CONT õnõoõpõqõrõsõtõuõvõwõxõyõz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F6 (Unicode: line below, 0332) underscore 1 CONT öAöBöCöDöEöFöGöHöIöJöKöLöM 1 CONT öNöOöPöQöRöSöTöUöVöWöXöYöZ 1 CONT öaöböcödöeöfögöhöiöjökölöm 1 CONT önöoöpöqörösötöuövöwöxöyöz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F7 (Unicode: comma below, 0326) left hook 1 CONT ÷A÷B÷C÷D÷E÷F÷G÷H÷I÷J÷K÷L÷M 1 CONT ÷N÷O÷P÷Q÷R÷S÷T÷U÷V÷W÷X÷Y÷Z 1 CONT ÷a÷b÷c÷d÷e÷f÷g÷h÷i÷j÷k÷l÷m 1 CONT ÷n÷o÷p÷q÷r÷s÷t÷u÷v÷w÷x÷y÷z 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F8 (Unicode: left half ring below, 031C) right cedilla 1 CONT øAøBøCøDøEøFøGøHøIøJøKøLøM 1 CONT øNøOøPøQøRøSøTøUøVøWøXøYøZ 1 CONT øaøbøcødøeøføgøhøiøjøkøløm 1 CONT ønøoøpøqørøsøtøuøvøwøxøyøz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: F9 (Unicode: breve below, 032E) half circle below 1 CONT ùAùBùCùDùEùFùGùHùIùJùKùLùM 1 CONT ùNùOùPùQùRùSùTùUùVùWùXùYùZ 1 CONT ùaùbùcùdùeùfùgùhùiùjùkùlùm 1 CONT ùnùoùpùqùrùsùtùuùvùwùxùyùz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: FA (Unicode: double tilde left half, FE22) double tilde, left half 1 CONT úAúBúCúDúEúFúGúHúIúJúKúLúM 1 CONT úNúOúPúQúRúSúTúUúVúWúXúYúZ 1 CONT úaúbúcúdúeúfúgúhúiújúkúlúm 1 CONT únúoúpúqúrúsútúuúvúwúxúyúz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: FB (Unicode: double tilde right half, FE23) double tilde, right half 1 CONT ûAûBûCûDûEûFûGûHûIûJûKûLûM 1 CONT ûNûOûPûQûRûSûTûUûVûWûXûYûZ 1 CONT ûaûbûcûdûeûfûgûhûiûjûkûlûm 1 CONT ûnûoûpûqûrûsûtûuûvûwûxûyûz 1 CONT 1 CONT code: FE (Unicode: comma above, 0313) high comma, centered 1 CONT þAþBþCþDþEþFþGþHþIþJþKþLþM 1 CONT þNþOþPþQþRþSþTþUþVþWþXþYþZ 1 CONT þaþbþcþdþeþfþgþhþiþjþkþlþm 1 CONT þnþoþpþqþrþsþtþuþvþwþxþyþz 1 CHAN 2 DATE 12 Jan 2001 3 TIME 0:32:24 0 @N25@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Lucy Special ANSEL" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT The following are the special characters supported by the ANSEL character set. The first two letters 1 CONC are the Hex code. The following text describes the character. 1 CONC Finally, that character, or a character as close as possible to that 1 CONC character, should appear in the parentheses. 1 CONT 1 CONT A1 slash l - uppercase (¡) 1 CONT A2 slash o - uppercase (¢) 1 CONT A3 slash d - uppercase (£) 1 CONT A4 thorn - uppercase (¤) 1 CONT A5 ligature ae - uppercase (¥) 1 CONT A6 ligature oe - uppercase (¦) 1 CONT A7 single prime (§) 1 CONT A8 middle dot (¨) 1 CONT A9 musical flat (©) 1 CONT AA registered sign (ª) 1 CONT AB plus-or-minus («) 1 CONT AC hook o - uppercase (¬) 1 CONT AD hook u - uppercase (­) 1 CONT AE left half ring (®) 1 CONT BO right half ring (°) 1 CONT B1 slash l - lowercase (±) 1 CONT B2 slash o - lowercase (²) 1 CONT B3 slash d - lowercase (³) 1 CONT B4 thorn - lowercase (´) 1 CONT B5 ligature ae - lowercase (µ) 1 CONT B6 ligature oe - lowercase (¶) 1 CONT B7 double prime (·) 1 CONT B8 dotless i - lowercase (¸) 1 CONT B9 british pound (¹) 1 CONT BA eth (º) 1 CONT BC hook o - lowercase (¼) 1 CONT BD hook u - lowercase (½) 1 CONT BE empty box - LDS extension (¾) 1 CONT BF black box - LDS extensions (¿) 1 CONT CO degree sign (À) 1 CONT C1 script l (Á) 1 CONT C2 phonograph copyright mark (Â) 1 CONT C3 copyright symbol (Ã) 1 CONT C4 musical sharp (Ä) 1 CONT C5 inverted question mark (Å) 1 CONT C6 inverted exclamation mark (Æ) 1 CONT CD midline e - LDS extension (Í) 1 CONT CE midline o - LDS extension (Î) 1 CONT CF es zet (Ï) 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 16:28:45 0 @N26@ NOTE 1 CONC These are some notes of this multimedia link in the NAME structure. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 16 Jun 2000 3 TIME 1:20:11 0 @N27@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Teresa Mary Caregiver" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record is the adoptive mother of "Joseph Tag Torture". She is linked to a family 1 CONC record, but there is no husband in that record. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 13 Jun 2000 3 TIME 17:14:28 0 @N28@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "William Joseph Torture" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record is the natural father of "Joseph Tag Torture". He is linked to a family 1 CONC record, but there is no wife in that record. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:31:12 0 @N29@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Sandy Privacy Torture" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record has a restriction setting of "privacy." In public applications of 1 CONC GEDCOM files, "privacy" records should be hidden from all viewing and printing. It 1 CONC is less clear how GEDCOM software on your own PC reading your own copies of 1 CONC GEDCOM files should treat "privacy" records. At a minimum, it should import and 1 CONC preserve the "privacy" setting. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:36:50 0 @N30@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Pat Smith Torture" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT The record simply provides a child to "Joseph Tag Torture" in his family with "Mary First 1 CONC Jones" as his spouse. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:40:04 0 @N31@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Mary First Jones" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record is used to provide the first wife to "Joseph Tag Torture." Not many other 1 CONC tags are used. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:38:17 0 @N32@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Elizabeth Second Smith" INDIVIDUAL Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record is used to provide a second wife to "Joseph Tag Torture." Not many 1 CONC other tags are used. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 15:38:55 0 @N33@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "William Joseph Torture-" FAMILY Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record has the natural father of "Joseph Tag Torture." The wife is not known. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:49:33 0 @N34@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "-Teresa Mary Caregiver" FAMILY Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record has the adoptive mother of "Joseph Tag Torture." The husband is not 1 CONC known. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:50:06 0 @N35@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Joseph Tag Torture-Elizabeth Second Smith" FAMILY Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT This record has a second marriage for "Joseph Tag Torture" and the family has one 1 CONC child. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:50:21 0 @N36@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Standard GEDCOM Filelinks-Torture GEDCOM Matriarch" 1 CONC FAMILY record. 1 CONT 1 CONT The children in this family test logical extensions to the GEDCOM method for 1 CONC linking to a multimedia file. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:51:33 0 @N37@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "Charlie Accented ANSEL-Lucy Special ANSEL" FAMILY Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT The two spouses in this family test reading of the ANSEL character set. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:52:38 0 @N38@ NOTE 1 CONC Comments on "-Nonstandard Multimedia Filelinks" FAMILY Record. 1 CONT 1 CONT The record is simply used to make family connections between records in this file. 1 CHAN 2 DATE 11 Jan 2001 3 TIME 16:53:38 0 @M1@ OBJE 1 TITL Dummy Multimedia Object 1 FORM PICT 1 BLOB 2 CONT .HM.......k.1..F.jwA.Dzzzzw............A....1.........0U.66..E.8 2 CONT .......A..k.a6.A.......A..k.........../6....G.......0../..U..... 2 CONT .w1/m........HC0..../...zzzzzzzz..5zzk..AnA..U..W6U....2rRrRrRrR 2 CONT .Dw...............k.1.......1..A...5ykE/zzzx/.g//.Hxzk6/.Tzy/.k1 2 CONT /Dw/.Tvz.E5zzUE9/kHz.Tw2/DzzzEEA.kE2zk5yzk2/zzs21.U2/Dw/.Tw/.Tzy 2 CONT /.fy/.HzzkHzzzo21Ds00.E2.UE2.U62/.k./Ds0.UE0/Do0..E8/UE2.U62.U9w 2 CONT /.Tx/.20.jg2/jo2..9u/.0U.6A.zk 1 NOTE Here are some notes on this multimedia object. 2 CONT If decoded it should be an image of a flower. 1 REFN User Reference Number 2 TYPE User Reference Type 1 RIN 1 1 CHAN 2 DATE 14 Jan 2001 3 TIME 14:10:31 0 TRLR