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Notifications? #admin

I'm wondering if any of you are experiencing the same thing as me, if you are "subscribed to all topics". Have email notifications from this Forum stopped since late July? That's what I've found when I searched my Gmail for from:sqlite...

I wonder if the Forum plugin has been broken in some way when I upgraded the site from WordPress 4.x to 5.x - that was around that time.

Please reply to this post when you see it and let me know whether or not you did receive a notice.


Turns out that the PHP SendMail service for our WordPress site has not been doing what it was supposed to for two months without any error message back to me. Hostinger support restarted it and voila!

Unfortunately, the messages since August 9 cannot be regenerated so exploring the Recent Posts, Recent Comments and inspecting the Forum is the only way to find stuff you have missed.

For new users who registered between Aug 10 and Oct 13, you won't have received your confirmation email that would allow you to set your password and login. I will look into how that may be dealt with. It may mean deleting you from the user database and adding you back in.