New Page for Tool Requests

Stemming from recent discussion in the RootsMagic Community about the desire for a system to track Feature Requests for the RootsMagic application, I was curious to see what might be readily available and came across a free plugin for WordPress: Simple Feature Requests Free – User Feedback Board By Patrick Garman. I’m not offering to host one for RM but I thought it might be useful to add it to this site to handle the occasional request for a SQLite-based tool for interaction with a RM database. You’re welcome to float a trial balloon to see how the plugin works and then delete your request if it’s nothing more than that. You can access the page via the top menu bar or directly at: Tool Requests.

Custom functions in SQLiteSpy with sqlean extension are mighty and fast!


I first reported on the #sqlean extensions for SQLite3 in my 2022 post In Praise of SQLite. What I did not pick up then that I have just now discovered is that sqlean supports the creation of user-defined or custom functions using SQLite syntax. Maybe it did not at that time or my fluency in the language of code development is just too poor to have recognised it. Regardless, I have now been enthusiastically exploring that capability, hitting lots of bumps but thrilled that, at last, I’ve found a way to take complex SQL and package it into a function that greatly simplifies and eases the development of scripts that interact with the RootsMagic database structure. And there is an acceptable penalty in performance that only becomes noticeable on large datasets or slow systems.  

Moreover, a custom function can be easily created in #SQLiteSpy by copying a block of SQLite code from a working script into Notepad++ for minor changes and, thence, into the SQLiteSpy editor. To illustrate, I will focus on the conversion of the script in the post Date Decoder to the function rmDateDecode().


Custom functions may seem a simple matter for those with skills in a language that can interact with SQLite. For those of us closer to the luddite end of the spectrum, they seem out of reach. Some years ago when I saw that SQLite Studio supported custom SQLite functions, I dove in only to be greatly disappointed by its performance; that was a dead end. So I was delighted that there was no obvious penalty in moving a complex string parsing and conditional string building code from a script into a sqlean custom function, as reported in the table below.    

rmDateDecode() tested on the same database having 8368 rows in the EventTable, 3940 of which had a text or valid date:

Regular SQL Script in
SQLiteSpy 3.47.2 
SQL function in
SQLite Studio 3.4.13 
sqlean SQL function in
SQLiteSpy 3.47.2

Installing the extension

This message in the SQLiteSpy extensions dialog gave me pause (and still makes me a little unsure): 

While I have experienced many bumps building the rmDateDecode() function, I have tested many of the functions included in sqlean and they all work. And, once working, my custom function has been reliable.

Download Windows 64-bit package and extract either define.dll (and other extensions, if desired) or the bundle of extensions included in sqlean.dll to the same folder as your executable for SQLiteSpy.exe Win64-bit edition.

The SQLiteSpy extensions dialog is accessed via the menu Options > Options > Extensions.

Type in the name of the extension file and, if not in the same folder, the relative or full path. Mine is in a sub-folder named ‘sqlean’. The extension will load the next time SQLiteSpy opens or connects to a database. It manifests itself as an empty table named ‘sqlean_define’ when there is no connected database.

With the extension successfully loaded, you’re ready to begin using functions built into sqlean. Try some examples from the Main Set. For the rest of this post, our attention will be on the define set.

Building a custom function per the instructions

I was puzzled at the outset that the examples for scalar functions did not seem relevant to what I wanted for decoding values from the Date column of RM’s EventTable. However, with a test RM database connected, I blundered ahead at making a simple function that would extract the first yyyymmdd string from [Date].

SELECT define(‘rmDateExtract’, ‘SUBSTR(:rmDate, 4, 8)’);

Executing that statement added the following record to the sqlean_define table:

rmDateExtractscalarSUBSTR(:rmDate,4 ,8)

…and did whatever is necessary in memory to make the function accessible to the SQLite engine.

‘:rmDate’ is what I chose as the name of the one variable to be passed to the function. Then the SQLite statement:

 SELECT rmDateExtract([Date]) FROM EventTable;

…sends the value of the Date field from each row in the table to the function which returns the substring.


That’s certainly more readable than what is stored:


…but we want to do better. And here’s where the fun and frustration began.

Note that the define() syntax requires the SQL code to be a string within single quotes. However, the DateDecoder.sql script has string values to compare, to be concatenated, or empty strings to be issued. I ran into this issue using a Visual Studio C# years ago to build my old #rmtrix utility. Conversion of working, regular code of this sort into a string that would be correctly presented to the SQLite engine was a trial and error headache. A regular line like this:

Coalesce( Nullif( '-' || Substr( [Date] , 10 , 2 ) , '-00' ) , '' )

has to be converted to this:

Coalesce( Nullif( '||'''-'''||' || Substr( :rmDate , 10 , 2 ) , '||'''-00'''||' ) , '''' ) 

I got it almost right using Notepad++ the first time but “almost” is a fail. Ultimately, after many fails, I narrowed it down to the empty string '' (2 single quotes). While '''-''' is needed to pass '-' to SQLite, '''''' does not pass on ''; the sequence '''' does! (those are all single quotes)

An easier, more reliable way to build a custom function

Here was the Eureka! Moment. What ended up in the sqlite_define.[body] cell was the original regular code. Moreover, that is a permanent table unless explicitly DROPped from the database. And whatever sqlean put into memory for a custom function is gone once SQLiteSpy is closed, maybe even when the database is disconnected. That implies that sqlean reads the table on opening or when a custom function is called and does its magic in memory. So what if I inserted an empty record into the table and edited it with SQLiteSpy directly to add a function? I copied the block of regular SQL into the [body] cell and filled the other two cells appropriately. Closed and reopened SQLiteSpy on the database and tried the function. Voila!

This is so much easier and is what one can do in the SQLiteStudio interface; it’s a pity that it is such a slug. Here’s a shot of the sqlite_define table contents with three user-defined functions:

A Caution

One thing I am experiencing which remains concerning is that on closing a connection or the app, I frequently, if not always, get the following error message since diving deep into custom functions with sqlean: 

I also get a “database is locked” message at times when adding or editing a function in the sqlean_table. The two may be related but I do not know the cause. Hopefully, this is not a sign of possible corruption per the warning from the SQLiteSpy Extensions dialog window.

And there are sqlean instructions about memory:

Frees up occupied resources (compiled statements cache). Should always be called before disconnecting. E.g. select define_free();

I don’t know whether closing SQliteSpy releases the cache. If not, we’ll have to see if there is an erosion of available memory over time.


This is the block of SQL for pasting into the [body] cell for the rmDateDecode scalar function in the sqlean_define table.

RM9 (now 10) Data Documentation Initiative

Please join me in welcoming Kevin McLarnon ( @kmclarnon ) in the role of Editor on this site and, especially, for volunteering to lead a renewed initiative to improve the documentation we have on the design of the RootsMagic v9 #database. He is counting on users better-versed than himself in sqlite3 and #RM9 (#RM10) to collaborate, contribute to and comment on the #datadefinitions but brings to the process experience with Google Workspace teams, websites and pedagogy.

The locus of activity is the page RM10 Data Dictionary which links to the collaborative spreadsheet on which all are invited to comment. Some of you will be approached for special contributions and you can also contact him directly. You will hear more from Kevin about the project in blog posts and/or Forum messages.

Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts

Richard Otter is a skilled, professional developer who is also a RootsMagic user and has been building a library of scripts that are worthwhile checking out for possible solutions for your own needs. He publishes them on GitGub, list of them screenshotted below 2023-05-19. Check for updates and fuller descriptions. He has posted notices of significant ones in the Forum and, hopefully, will continue to do so.

Screen capture of scripts on May 19, 2023.

Sources – – Cleaner Footnotes and Simpler Bibliography


This project arose from a request Fix & Merge Hundreds of Sources in the Forum. The poster is a heavy consumer of the sources through RM’s TreeShare with and had issues with:

  1. A long Source List in the application and repetitiously long report Bibliographies due to a different Master Source for each page of a newspaper.
  2. Repetitious listing of “” in Source Names and in the Title in Bibliographies and in Footnotes. Her approach was to manually delete it in every Master Source but still had hundreds to do.
  3. Leading punctuation in the Footnotes and Bibliographies because the Author value is empty in sources from this Ancestry collection.
  4. “N.p.” and “n.d.” notations in Footnotes and Bibliographies when a value for Publisher, Publish Place or Publish Date is empty.


Because the sources were imported via TreeShare, they are Ancestry Record type, i.e., they are created using the built-in Ancestry Record Source Template. Built-in Source Templates are uneditable through the RM user interface but are defined in the same table that holds user-defined templates. Thus, the built-in templates can be modified by using SQLite to edit entries in the SourceTemplateTable. We can address Issues #3 and #4 by modifying the Footnote and Bibliography sentence templates in the Ancestry Record template. That will be of benefit also to citations having empty values from some other Ancestry Collections (see Ancestry TreeShare – Impact).

Issues #1 and #2 are more challenging because the values of the source and citation variables that appear in the Footnote and Bibliography sentences are stored in a XML data structure. To solve #1, we want to “lump” all citations of a given newspaper Title under one Master Source. That requires that the data that differentiates the Master Sources for a common newspaper must be deleted or transferred from the Master Source to the Citation Details. For example, the Page # must be extracted from the Source Name in the SourceTable and moved to the Detail ([Page] variable in XML) for each Citation of that Source in the CitationTable. There are more steps than that alone for each of that one newspaper’s multiple Master Sources and Citations.

Once all the data manipulations are complete, there will be multiple identical Master Sources for a given newspaper Title. RM’s AutoMerge Sources function can finish the job.

Before/After Screenshots

The database undergoing modification was from RM7, hence the screenshots are of RM7. However, the solution also works with RM8 and RM9.


Example of one source in the original database. Note that the Source Name and the Title variable (italics) are identical and contain the unwanted “”, the title of the newspaper, the publish date and the page number. The [Page] variable at the Citation level contains description of the item of interest and the publish date (repeated from the [Title] variable). All three sentences have unwanted leading punctuation and white space.
A Master Source for each page cited from a given newspaper. This example of ‘extreme splitting’ of sources is perfectly acceptable for some users while, for others, the long Source List and report Bibliographies are objectionable and ‘lumping’ to one Master Source per newspaper is preferred.


These Before/After shots of the Edit Source window show the operations needed to prepare Sources and Citations for lumping Sources by Newspaper Title and the resulting sentence previews from an improved Ancestry Record source template.


Now just one Arizona Republic in the Source List instead of many individual Page #’s. In some cases such as the Arizona Daily Star at the top of the list, RM’s Source AutoMerge leaves two Master Sources that look identical and it is necessary to Manual Merge the two to end with just one. Despite fields looking identical in the Source Editor, AutoMerge compares the full XML strings of each source and there’s no match if the order of otherwise identical fields is different.

Download Scripts


  1. Backup your database in case you need to revert to it.
  2. Open your database with a SQLite manager having RMNOCASE – faking it in SQLiteSpy or RMNOCASE – faking it in SQLite Expert, command-line shell et al and supporting the REGEXP_REPLACE() function.
  3. Load and execute Sources-NewspapersCom-LumpClean.sql.
  4. If the Ancestry Record source template does not have ” – cleaned” appended to it, load and execute SourceTemplate-AncestryRecord-cleaned.sql.
  5. On returning to RM, run Rebuild Indexes in Database Tools.
  6. In RM, open the Source List and run AutoMerge.
  7. If you have two or so remaining sources for the same newspaper using the Ancestry Record template and you wish to have only one, use RM’s Manual Merge for Sources.
  8. Repeat after you have added more sources via TreeShare.


  1. Should you have reason to revert the Ancestry Record source template to the format supplied by the application, load and execute in your SQLite manager SourceTemplate-AncestryRecord-Reset.sql, edited to find a RM database file of the same major version number to fetch the built-in format.
  2. Should you upgrade or drag’n’drop to another database, the “Ancestry Record – cleaned” template will revert to the built-in format. Run step #4 on the target database to restore it.
  3. The user reported that TreeShare does not report any change as a consequence of this procedure; it would seem to rely solely on the link to the Ancestry Record stored in the RM7 LinkAncestryTable (AncestryTable in RM8, RM9).
  4. The procedures should work also on RM8 and RM9.
  5. The main script is not what I would call ‘elegant’. It grew like Topsy as I explored the database and evolved the process through a sequence of building blocks. Someone cleverer than I with SQLite might well produce a better, faster version.

Database Revert RM9 to RM8 to RM7


Conversion from #RM9 to #RM8 is pretty trivial with little loss except for RM9’s new features. From RM8 to #RM7 is much more complex given the significant structural changes between the two. To convert from RM9 to RM7 is simply a two-stage process with a RM8 compatible file as an intermediary. It’s possible to combine the two into one procedure but that’s for another time.


Comparison of database properties between the original RM9 database and after having been converted down to RM7 via RM8 and then upconverted back to RM9. Demonstrates that the core data has been preserved with the only variance in the number of Citations (0.05% increase) and the number of Tasks (12% decrease).

That there should be a variance in Tasks is unsurprising because of the structural changes between RM7 and RM9; Task Folders from RM9 could be non-existent in RM7.

The tiny variance in Citations is perhaps more surprising as it might be expected to go in the opposite direction, e.g., citations for Associations in the original RM9 database would be absent in RM7 and unrecoverable in the re-upgrade to RM9. In this case, however, it is because a few of the original RM9 Citations were reused and there were 6131 Citation Links which were transformed to 6131 individual Citations in the downgrade from RM8 to RM7.

The loss of Associations in the downgrade has no effect on the Events count as they are records in a different table, only reported in RM9’s Enhanced Properties List which also reveals the loss of Task folders.

Original RM9 database on the left; to the right is the traveller from RM9 down to RM7 and back.

Of course, the database properties lists do not tell the whole story. It would also be unsurprising to find that Notes, especially formatting, may not be preserved in a downgrade or upgrade due to the major reiterations of the Note Editor code. Certainly, new features in RM8 or RM9 will not be supported in a lower version and those that are database dependent, including Associations, Color Code Sets and Labels, and Saved Search Criteria cannot survive a round trip from a higher version to lower and back.

Stage 1: From RM9 to RM8

The only barrier to RM8 opening a RM9 .rmtree file is the version number of the database. For RM8, it cannot deal with a version higher than 8000; RM9’s is 9000 while RM7’s is 6000 (as it is for RM6). This statement opens the door to RM8:

UPDATE ConfigTable
  SET DataRec=
         AS BLOB

The next step is only needed to prevent RM8 from offering the Association fact type (which it cannot support) as a conventional individual type which one could use to add such events, leading to confusion should the database be reopened in RM9.

DELETE FROM FactTypeTable WHERE FactTypeID=902; -- Association Fact Type

--DELETE FROM EventTable WHERE EventType=902; -- Association individual event, if any

The second statement is only needed should such Association individual events have been created before upgrading back to RM9.

A possible enhancement to this down-conversion from RM9 to RM8 might be to convert Associations in RM9 to either Shared Events or simple individual type events with the name of the other person in the event description.

Stage 2: From RM8 to RM7

The heavy work in developing a procedure for this down-conversion was covered in Convert RM8 Database to RM7.

Source Names – Append Surnames

Sources view in RM9 after running the script to append Surnames of people using each Source.

In response to a request in the Forum, Adding Surname to Truncated Source Names in RM9, posted here is a script that may be of use to others. The user’s objective is to facilitate distinguishing which Master Sources (among many similar source names derived from imports from FamilySearch, Ancestry, et al) are relevant to families or persons of interest without clicking down through Citations, Citation Uses and dead ends from which he needs to back out to go onto the next. With 32k Sources, 32k Citations (he’s a ‘source-splitter’) and 113k ‘uses’ among 7k people and 3k families, one can appreciate the scope of his challenge.


This batch script appends to the Source Name the unique surnames of all persons in the database who have a citation or ‘use’ of a Master Source in their profile. The list of surnames is enclosed in drawing symbols: ╣surnamelist╠ acting as bookends. The resulting extended name is gracefully truncated at 256 characters if caused by the operation, the maximum RM9 supports in a drag’n’drop transfer; the value is easily changed in four places in the same statement.

The script execution creates a series of temporary Views (in-memory queries) to build
the final View “TruncNewName” from which the SourceTable is updated with the
surnamelist╠ appended. These Views are lost when the SQLite manager closes the database.

At the start of the script after REINDEXing against the fake RMNOCASE collation, the SourceTable is updated with Names stripped of previous ╣surnamelist╠. Therefore, the script can be rerun again after changes have been made in the database.

Because the database has been REINDEXed against the fake RMNOCASE, the RM Rebuild Indexes tool must be run on returning to work on the database with the RootsMagic app.

Execution time for the script on the sample database with 32k sources is 20-25 seconds on a 5-yr old i5, middling laptop with HDD so it is not prohibitively long to use repeatedly. I do not know how the time would scale with larger databases.


Requires a SQLite manager that has a “fake RMNOCASE collation” and supports REGEXP_REPLACE(). Script was developed and tested with SQLiteSpy 1.9.16 64-bit and the fake RMNOCASE extension from
RMNOCASE – faking it in SQLiteSpy. Backup before using!

Script File Download


For source ‘lumpers’, the string of surnames might well be too long for the Source Name. Even for ‘splitters’, some source such as a census page for a residential school, hospital, prison could have a long list of surnames. The current Sources view in RM9 is amenable to showing only 100-150 characters depending on screen size and the position of the divider while a drag’n’drop truncates at 256. That may call for two things:

  1. A similar procedure to append surnames to the Citation Name instead of the Surname which still risks field overflow and truncation for heavily ‘reused’ Citations, e.g., the above example and those sometimes resulting from the “Merge all duplicate citations” tool.
  2. An enhancement to RM to provide a popout of the full content of the Source and Citation Names when hovered over or selected.

Working on this project has got me thinking about a means to differentiate what RM thinks are duplicate citations when they differ in Media or Web tags. Stay tuned…

And please comment here or in the Forum on whether this script does anything positive or negative for you!

DBeaver Heredis 2023 and RootsMagic 9

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This page compares pictures of the #RM9 and Heredis 2023 databases (both SQLite 3) as automatically created by the same tool.

Entity Relationship Diagrams

An Entity-relationship Diagram (ERD) says a lot about a database. @patjones recently posted a RM9 Database Diagram with many of the linkages or relationships among its tables that are made on-the-fly by the SQL queries from the RM software or the ones found on this site. What a database Entity Relationship Diagram editor generates from a database’s self-definition includes the tables, fields and types, stored Triggers (actions on 1 or more tables by some database event) and stored Views (stored queries). So it is interesting to compare the automatically generated ERDs of the RM9 database against that of the Heredis 2023, from the same editor, DBeaver.

RootsMagic 9.0 Diagram

Heredis 2023 Diagram


ObjectRootsMagic 9.0Heredis 2023
Table Triggers0156

The comparison table and diagram show that the Heredis database is considerably more complex than RootsMagic 9 with more than double the number of tables and nearly triple the number of indexes which accelerate the association of rows across tables and speed up searches. And more divergent is the extensive use of Triggers by H and their complete absence in RM. What do these numbers say about the two databases?


That there are more tables in H than RM is from a couple of causes:

  • data normalisation: I think H is more rigorous in applying the principal, e.g., it has a separate table for the Alternate Name while RM has but one for all types of names and uses a field to flag which is the Primary record for a given person. Moreover, H has names in multiple tables: the Primary appears to be in the equivalent of RM’s PersonTable (Individus) while there is another for Surnames (Noms) and one for Given Names (Prenoms). Similarly, RM’s MediaLinkTable which relates a media item to a Person, Couple, Event, Source, Citation, Place… (according to an OwnerType value) is achieved in H by separate tables for each ‘OwnerType’.
  • a larger feature set? Hard to say. I’m not using H sufficiently to identify the differences and my understanding of table and field names in French is not thorough.


Neither has stored views (stored queries) so that tells us nothing. I’ve used temporary Views on RM databases, lasting until the database is closed by the sqlite manager. It’s possible that both applications do, too, but we cannot see them from outside the app’s sqlite engine.


With double the number of tables, it stands to reason that there could be double the number of indexes. I don’t know why there should be triple but, in the past, I’ve suggested an index be added or revised in RM. SQLite is itself very good at optimising queries and may spawn an index that it thinks is appropriate unless there is a pre-defined one that includes all the key fields of the query. Maybe H developers have attempted to cover all the possible bases with explicit indexes.

What I have yet to find out is if there is any custom collation sequence in H as there is in RM which has given us database explorers so much grief.


This is the most pronounced difference between RM and H. H has many routine operations embedded in the database, being executed by the database engine, rather than in the higher level code which then has to talk to the database engine to make the same thing happen. For example, H has a trigger named “MajDateMediasEvenementInsert” which automatically updates the ‘Date modified’ value in its ‘EventTable’ when a link has been added to their ‘MediaLinkTable’. Looks like this:

CREATE TRIGGER "MajDateMediasEvenementInsert"
AFTER INSERT ON LiensMediaEvenement
UPDATE Evenements SET DateModification=MAX(NEW.DateModification, Evenements.DateModification) WHERE Evenements.CodeID=NEW.XrefEvenement;

Maybe not the best example for comparison because I don’t think RM would update the EventTable when a media item is tagged to an event.


Having searched around for a (free) application that could create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) from a SQLite 3 database, I landed on one that might be described as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for databases, the DBeaver Community Edition. It is self-described as a “Universal Database Tool” and I’ve only superficially scratched its surface figuring out how to connect a SQLite database, generate the ERD from its definition and edit it to illustrate relationships. But it is much more powerful than that as it looks to be a multi-database manager with which one can query the database data. And there is a Pro version which adds many more capabilities.

RM9 Data Definitions #datadefinitions

RootsMagic was released on Feb 27, 2023 with some new features necessitating changes to the database design. All previous version #database files undergo an upgrade procedure to the RM9 structure and are not backward compatible. However, #RM9 and #RM8 table structures are identical with the following exceptions:


9 new fields named color1, …, color9 have been added in support of the ColorCode sets 1 through 10. The original “color” field is set 1.

FanTable, FanTypeTable

New tables added in support of the new Associations feature. They bear a resemblance, respectively, to the EventTable and FactTypeTable.


New table added in support of Saved Criteria Search and Saved Criteria Group. So far:


New OwnerType values have been added in support of the new tables. These will be identified as encountered through usage and testing.

Payload1 (SavedCriteriaSearch)80
Payload2 (SavedCriteriaGroup)20TagTable.TagValue, GroupTable.GroupID
FANTable19CitationLinkTable, MediaLinkTable,…

Table Specs

This is a tab-delimited result of a query of the tables.