Tag: #ancestrycom

DAT File Question #ancestrycom #treeshare #database

I found some discrepancies in RootsMagic and posted a question. This was in an answer: C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\RootsMagic\AMT (change the “Tom ” to your Windows username). In this folder is a .DAT file for each connected Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), named “AT-AncestryTreeID.DAT”, where AncestryTreeID is an integer. This file is a SQLite database containing tables named identically…

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TreeShare – Link Pasted Ancestry Sources #ancestrycom #TreeShare #citations #sources

Facebook Discussion Forums Discussion EXPERIMENTAL When a TreeShare linked Ancestry Source is Memorised and Pasted through RootsMagic Citation Manager, the pasted source loses its TreeShare link. The TreeShare update to the Ancestry Tree creates a new Other Source rather than linking to the Ancestry Source. This script creates a TreeShare link for such pasted Ancestry…

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Citations Invisible – Reveal and Revert #citations #sources #ftm2014 #ftm2012 #ancestrycom #gedcom

With the flurry of users of Family Tree Maker looking to migrate their database to RootsMagic, an outcry has gained volume because of the disappearance of some citations. This problem was described here in 2012 in Citations Invisible Revealed which offered two scripts, both of which are available in the RMtrix utility, one to find…

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WebTags – from Ancestry.com and FTM #ancestrycom #webtags

A GEDCOM downloaded from Ancestry.com contains an URL in the Citation Comments pointing to the online source. Previously, in Ancestry.com and RootsMagic 5, I outlined a method to marry images automatically downloaded to a synchronised FamilyTreeMaker 2012 database with the citation URLs from the Ancestry GEDCOM in a common RootsMagic database. RootsMagic 6 introduced the…

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