Tag: #TreeShare

Updates responding to TreeShare

Working out the wrinkles in a new script addressing some TreeShare issues, I was using some other scripts to help me understand what was going on and ran into a couple of issues that I’ve fixed: RM7_5_WaymarksViews.sql was not reporting family events (e.g., Marriage) and that affected other views which relied on the EventWay view. DeletePhantoms3.sql did…

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DAT File Question #ancestrycom #treeshare #database

I found some discrepancies in RootsMagic and posted a question. This was in an answer: C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\RootsMagic\AMT (change the “Tom ” to your Windows username). In this folder is a .DAT file for each connected Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), named “AT-AncestryTreeID.DAT”, where AncestryTreeID is an integer. This file is a SQLite database containing tables named identically…

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TreeShare – Rename Cryptic Filenames for Citation Media #TreeShare #media #citations #batch

TreeShare downloads Ancestry media for citations with cryptic file names that mean nothing to humans. This set of scripts and batch or command-line operations prepends to the media filenames the name of one of the persons to whom the citation applies, their BirthYear-DeathYear and the name of the source cited, separated from the cryptic name…

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TreeShare – Link Pasted Ancestry Sources #ancestrycom #TreeShare #citations #sources

Facebook Discussion Forums Discussion EXPERIMENTAL When a TreeShare linked Ancestry Source is Memorised and Pasted through RootsMagic Citation Manager, the pasted source loses its TreeShare link. The TreeShare update to the Ancestry Tree creates a new Other Source rather than linking to the Ancestry Source. This script creates a TreeShare link for such pasted Ancestry…

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Groups – Extract most everything for one to a new database #namedgroup #TreeShare

RootsMagic GEDCOM and Drag’n’Drop transfer capabilities and performance leave some things to be desired. Its own File Compare tool shows that differences crop up from the loss of trailing blanks from Notes. Other things are not transferred at all, such as custom default sentences for built-in fact types and roles. The introduction of Ancestry TreeShare…

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