Tag: #gedcom

GEDCOM & DnD transfer losses #gedcom

Background RM10 reportedly uses direct data transfer between databases for drag’n’drop, not GEDCOM, so it will have different issues, if any. 2024-06-20 RootsMagic Drag’n’Drop between the windows of two databases is a background GEDCOM export-import process. Both Drag’n’Drop and the explicit File>Export and Import process fail to fully transfer everything from one database to another.…

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Citations Invisible – Reveal and Revert #citations #sources #ftm2014 #ftm2012 #ancestrycom #gedcom

With the flurry of users of Family Tree Maker looking to migrate their database to RootsMagic, an outcry has gained volume because of the disappearance of some citations. This problem was described here in 2012 in Citations Invisible Revealed which offered two scripts, both of which are available in the RMtrix utility, one to find…

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