Updates responding to TreeShare

Working out the wrinkles in a new script addressing some TreeShare issues, I was using some other scripts to help me understand what was going on and ran into a couple of issues that I’ve fixed: RM7_5_WaymarksViews.sql was not reporting family events (e.g., Marriage) and that affected other views which relied on the EventWay view. DeletePhantoms3.sql did…

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Delete Phantoms #database #delete #phantom

Rev 2019-02-12 Whether you have deleted or merged within RootsMagic itself or used one of the Delete Many procedures, there remain in various tables residues from the deleted targets that unnecessarily clutter the database and may give rise to phantom appearances related to the deleted targets. For very large databases built from many merges, the…

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Media – Delete Unused #media #delete

Deletes records from MultiMediaTable untagged by any Person, Family, Fact, Place, Source or Citation. Was formerly included in Delete Phantoms. MediaDeleteUnused.sql — MediaDeleteUnused.sql /* 2013-01-21 Tom Holden ve3meo   Deletes records from MultiMediaTable untagged by any Person, Family, Fact, Place, Source or Citation.   Extracted from DeletePhantoms.sql */ DELETE FROM MultimediaTable WHERE MediaID NOT IN…

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Delete Many #delete

Problem statement A problem for many users is that, even as of RootsMagic, there is still no way of deleting persons from the database other than one at a time. Workarounds using RM to partially export to GEDCOM or partially transfer to a new database lose Named Groups, To-Do lists and truncate long event…

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