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Question about webtags


Never mind I found the one on your blog and got it to work.




There is a tab to enter a webtag for sources. When I create a gedcom and don't bring in all of the RM unique items I don't get the webtag.(there may be other items I am missing I don't know about?)

Is it possible to add a field to the detail section of the source template and have a sql move/copy the webtag for the source to that new field? If so can you give me a suggestion on how?

Or maybe just append it to the research notes or comments?




I think this is one of those messages that I didn't see originally because email notices were not being sent out about new messages. In any case, your problem could be solved with an SQLite script, but probably not quite in the manner you describe.

Well, adding a new field for the web tag to the detail section of the source template would be a humongous mess. Appending the web tag to the research notes or comments perhaps wouldn't be so hard. But a better approach might be simply to copy the web tags for Master Source to the Source Details associated with that Master Source.

The structure of RM's database has to be kept in mind in this regard. There is no field in the Master Source for a web tag nor is there a field in the Source Details for a web tag. In fact, there is not a field for a web tag for a person or for a fact or for anything else. Rather, there is a table called URLTable for all the web tags, no matter the kind of item in RM with which the web tag is associated. Then items in URLTable are linked to other tables such as SourceTable for Master Sources and CitationTable for Source Details.

So one approach would be to add additional rows to URLTable. For each row in URLTable linked to SourceTable, add a new row in URLTable linked to an associated row in CitationTable. The tricky part would be not to create duplicate web tags, especially if you had already linked some citations to Source Details manually, or if you ran the script more than once.


I think Roger found an answer to his question in one of the posts in the #webtags category.

Hope you are receiving notifications, Jerry. My next issue with WordPress is weeding out potential spammers and other threats from the user list and making it difficult for them to register.