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Yet another color coding script(s)

I was already working on a new version of Jerry's color coding scripts, by learning recursive CTEs.

What's different about my scripts:

  1. Unlike Jerry's (I think), my scripts only include blood related people, and do not include ancestors/descendants that are step-, foster-, or adoptive.
  2. Like Jerry's, these scripts use parents to determine relationships, not relate1/relate2, which have been muddied starting in RM v10 with the "spouse of".  FYI, I've filed two bug reports on this: 1) when two related people marry, RM calls one of them "spouse of" instead of what blood relation they are, and 2) advanced search/groups, when doing "ancestors and descendants", it is including spouses in descendants without the option to exclude them.  A spouse is not a descendant.
  3. One script colors ALL blood relatives of the chosen person black (slate). My purpose for this is that I use another database that was given to me with over 200,000 people from the area. I often search his database to see if the person of interest is related to me, so having them colored black makes them stand out.
  4. The other script colors each of my eight great grandparents a different color.  It colors all ancestors of that great grandparent a bright color, and all descendants of that line a lighter, related color.  I have corresponding useful descriptions of the color code in the color table.  You have to color code your parents and 4 great grandparents manually with the bright ancestor colors, unfortunately.  (Fortunately it's only 7 people, including yourself.)
  5. It was my desire to color code children of parents who were both related to me with the color of the parent that was more closer related to me, but I was not (yet?) able to learn how to do that.  Baby steps.  Me learning how to do recursive CTEs was hard enough.

Example of color coding my 8 great grandparents and their ancestors:


Here you can see the bright ancestor colors, and lighter descendant colors, and also how one distant cousin (Stroik) married into this related family.


And here's how I labeled the colors, with 'ancestor' of a great grandparent, or that they're 'relation' of them (descendants of that line).


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Tom Holden and kevync have reacted to this post.
Tom Holdenkevync

Correct. Mine does not distinguish birth parents, adoptive parents, etc. That was by design, but it would be trivial to make the distinction with a small tweak to my script.

kevync has reacted to this post.

looking at those recursive techniques - I believe it could be adapted to find cousin marriages.