The result of this query is a list of the Record Numbers of the birth or bloodline ancestors of a given person. Not very useful by itself, it is a first effort at a recursive query exploiting the WITH RECURSIVE syntax and common-table-expressions support introduced in SQLite 3.8.3 2014-02-03. The earlier RecursiveAncestors.sql
-- RecursiveAncestors.sql /* 2014-04-13 Tom Holden ve3meo Generates the list of RINs for the ancestors of a person. Uses the WITH RECURSIVE syntax introduced in SQLite 3.8.3 2014-02-03 */ /* modelled on example: The next example uses two common table expressions in a single WITH clause. The following table records a family tree: CREATE TABLE family( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, mom TEXT REFERENCES family, dad TEXT REFERENCES family, born DATETIME, died DATETIME, -- NULL if still alive -- other content ); The "family" table is similar to the earlier "org" table except that now there are two parents to each member. We want to know all living ancestors of Alice, from oldest to youngest. An ordinary common table expression, "parent_of", is defined first. That ordinary CTE is a view that can be used to find all parents of any individual. That ordinary CTE is then used in the "ancestor_of_alice" recursive CTE. The recursive CTE is then used in the final query: WITH RECURSIVE parent_of(name, parent) AS (SELECT name, mom FROM family UNION SELECT name, dad FROM family), ancestor_of_alice(name) AS (SELECT parent FROM parent_of WHERE name='Alice' UNION ALL SELECT parent FROM parent_of JOIN ancestor_of_alice USING(name)) SELECT FROM ancestor_of_alice, family WHERE AND died IS NULL ORDER BY born; */ WITH RECURSIVE parent_of(ChildID, ParentID) AS (SELECT PersonID, FatherID AS ParentID FROM PersonTable LEFT JOIN ChildTable ON PersonID=ChildTable.ChildID LEFT JOIN FamilyTable USING(FamilyID) WHERE RelFather=0 --birth father (remove WHERE constraint to include all relationships) UNION SELECT PersonID, MotherID AS ParentID FROM PersonTable LEFT JOIN ChildTable ON PersonID=ChildTable.ChildID LEFT JOIN FamilyTable USING(FamilyID) WHERE RelMother=0 --birth mother (remove WHERE constraint to include all relationships) ), ancestor_of_person(AncestorID) AS (SELECT ParentID FROM parent_of WHERE ChildID=$Person(RIN) --enter RIN of starting person at runtime UNION --ALL SELECT ParentID FROM parent_of INNER JOIN ancestor_of_person ON ChildID = AncestorID) SELECT AncestorID FROM ancestor_of_person, PersonTable WHERE ancestor_of_person.AncestorID=PersonTable.PersonID ;
Don’t ask me how it works – I’m not sure…