Category: Database

Design, definitions, structure, operations…

Trying to find duplicate spouses

I am trying to find duplicate spousess. I created the following query: select fatherid, (select n1.surname || “, ” || n1.given from nametable n1 where fatherid = ownerid) as fathername, motherid, (select n2.surname || “, ” || n2.given from nametable n2 where motherid = ownerid) as mothername from familytable order by fatherid, motherid; 1. Should…

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Backup database open in both SQLite and RootsMagic #backup

Problem Neither the RootsMagic File>Backup nor File>Copy can proceed because the database file “is being used by another process” (RootsMagic’s own or your SQLite manager or other outboard SQLite connection). And if you’ve chosen Backup, RM gracelessly blocks you from further work with an always-on-top fake news message window “Creating backup file…” requiring closure of…

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DAT File Question #ancestrycom #treeshare #database

I found some discrepancies in RootsMagic and posted a question. This was in an answer: C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\RootsMagic\AMT (change the “Tom ” to your Windows username). In this folder is a .DAT file for each connected Ancestry Member Tree (AMT), named “AT-AncestryTreeID.DAT”, where AncestryTreeID is an integer. This file is a SQLite database containing tables named identically…

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Database is locked

Is it possible to open the databases as read only? Obviously SQLite is opening the database for edit capability. I am getting the database is locked when I have the database open in sqlite and try to open RootsMagic. I am 95% of the time using sqlite for query only. I rarely do an update…

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Where is this data?

I am trying to put query together that will get the information for the Date, Place, Place Details, Description, Citation, and media fields on the following screen: Pic 1 The put the following query together to get the above information: select et.ownerid, nt.surname, nt.given, et.eventid, et.eventtype, nt.birthyear, ft.Name, et.placeid, et.siteid, substr(,4,4) as Ev_Date, –(select…

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