Category: Facts and Events

Operations on facts and events

Death Year Mismatch #date #death

Lists individuals whose Death Year is missing from RootsMagic Explorer (and other views and reports where just the YEAR is outputted) or mismatches the value that has been stored in the Date field of the Death fact. Adapted from the query Birth Year Mismatch. New: see Rebuild Indexes and Update Birth and Death Years for…

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ReportNon_proven #events

List non-proven Facts. This SQL query will report non-proven facts. This is useful when going though a non-sourced acquired database so you can go though all of the events and find a source for them. Download: Proven.sql Discussions & comments from Wikispaces site ve3meo Does it depend on LDS support turned on? ve3meo 06 April…

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Events – Merge #events #merge

Intro John_James posted these requests for help in a post to the Home page: What I would like to do now is clean some data where indi’s have a death event and the gedcom contributor has used a custom “Cause of Death” event so in other words “Details” from “EventType 1021″ into “EventType 2″ where…

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Dates – SortDate Algorithm #date #sortdate

Initial SortDate Algorithm The SortDate column in the EventTable contains very large numbers that have defied until now any easy method of decoding. After many experiments with date entry and inspection of the stored values, I now have deduced an algorithm that works fine for encoding single, pure dates and decoding corresponding SortDates. Date modifiers…

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Role Types #datadefinitions #roles

RootsMagic 4+ Built-In Roles The built-in roles for RM4 and later can be found in RoleTable with RoleID up through 58. User-defined/custom types are assigned values of 59 and higher by the program when created. Built-in roles and their unedited values within the table are as follows: RoleID RoleName EventType RoleType Sentence 1 Witness 1…

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