Currently under RootsMagic 4, the only way to obtain the Database Properties for a file is to go to File > Properties and use Alt+Prnt Screen (or Ctrl+Prnt Scrn) to copy the screen to the clipboard and use CTRL+V to paste the contents to a program capable of rendering the result.
Solution pt 1
In the meantime, the following code can be used to set up and populate a temporary table (outside of one’s database): (the full solution is integrated in )
CREATE TEMP TABLE VariableTable ( Variable TEXT, VALUE INTEGER ); INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'People', COUNT(1) FROM PersonTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Families', COUNT(1) FROM FamilyTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Events', COUNT(1) FROM EventTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Alternate names', COUNT(1) FROM NameTable WHERE IsPrimary = 0; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Places', COUNT(1) FROM PlaceTable WHERE PlaceType = 0; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Sources', COUNT(1) FROM SourceTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Citations', COUNT(1) FROM CitationTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Repositories', COUNT(1) FROM AddressTable WHERE AddressType = 1; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'To-do tasks', COUNT(1) FROM ResearchTable WHERE TaskType = 0; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Multimedia items', COUNT(1) FROM MultimediaTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Multimedia links', COUNT(1) FROM MediaLinkTable; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Addresses', COUNT(1) FROM AddressTable WHERE AddressType = 0; INSERT INTO VariableTable SELECT 'Correspondence', COUNT(1) FROM ResearchTable WHERE TaskType = 1;
Solution pt 2
The following code can then be run to produce the results of the Database Properties List:
SELECT * FROM VariableTable;
Finally, this code can be run to drop that temporary table (or the SQLite manager can just be closed):
DROP TABLE VariableTable;
The results of the query should be able to be copied or exported in some useful format to a file, depending on the capabilities of the SQLite manager used.
The two items not currently a part of the result set on the first pass of trying to reproduce it include Database and Created.
Discussions & comments from Wikispaces site
Good idea!
29 January 2010 14:02:56
Good idea, Romer! You could add to the page that the results may be copied or exported in some useful format, depending on the sqlite manager used, to a file.