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Color Coding Relatives and Spouses Without Reference To RM's Relationship Codes

I have a solution that works for me despite the new Set Relationships code in RM 10.0.1.  In fact, it doesn't use RM's relationship fields at all. It's not perfect because I'm not set up to run recursive or repetitive SQLite queries.

That means that part of my process has to be repeated manually until everybody is marked. But doing so is so easy that's it not onerous. I use SQLiteSpy which uses F9 to run a script. I just hit F9 multiple times until it's done, and it only takes a few seconds to do so. I'm sure that several of you all know how to convert this into a recursive query that only has to be run once.

That in turn means that I had to break what was one script into four.

  1. Initialization. Clear all color codes. Assign a color code of red to one person to be the base of the relationship, usually yourself. Actually, it's set up so there could be multiple base people such as yourself and your spouse. This step only has to be run once and there is no repeating.
  2. Color code as red all the direct ancestors of the base person (or base people) as red. This step only color codes one generation at a time. Therefore, it requires hitting F9 multiple times until all the generations of ancestors are color coded.
  3. Color code as red all the children of all the people who are color coded as red. This step only color codes one generation at a time. Therefore, it requires hitting F9 multiple times until all the generations of descendants are color coded. This specifically doesn't color code spouses of relatives, unless it happens by accident that a spouse of a relative is also a relative.
  4. Run the rest of my original color coding script. This color codes spouses of relatives as green, parents of green people as purple, siblings of green people as brown, etc. This only has to be run once and there is no repeating. A person is color coded green only if they are a spouse of a relative without also being a relative in their own right.

That's pretty much it. There's a bit more details as comments in the source code itself.

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I have a solution that works for me despite the new Set Relationships code in RM 10.0.1. In fact, it doesn't use RM's relationship fields at all. It's not perfect because I'm not set up to run recursive or repetitive SQLite queries.

I have thought that a recursive scripts to do coloring  should be possible (Maybe challenging to combine into one long script.)  My experience with recursive scripts is very limited  - so  maybe when I have a weekend to kill I attempt.

Thanks for sharing



My feeling is that one should always create a group that meets the criteria and then color code using the group.

I have recursive SQL's and a utility app on my site to do relationship grouping in one step.
Maybe it's time to add the color coding as an option

kevync has reacted to this post.

Maybe it's time to add the color coding as an option

not sure how many make use of your site -- I am sure some users would appreciate it.