Color Set Text

Quote from thejerrybryan on 2024-12-22, 6:57 pmDoes anybody know where the text for the various color set labels is located? I can't find it in either the RM10 data dictionary nor in my own searches of my RM10 database. Thanks.
Does anybody know where the text for the various color set labels is located? I can't find it in either the RM10 data dictionary nor in my own searches of my RM10 database. Thanks.

Quote from Richard Otter on 2024-12-22, 8:19 pmIt's in the ConfigTable.
The DataRec column for row 1, title=blank, has a fairly large XML document.
The actual key name schema is not pretty, butt it's simple.
Here is the section for the second set shown in the UI (in the person table, its named Color1 as in the XML)
The color set is named "In use"
and several of the colors have text associated.
<ColorCode1><Name>In use</Name><FieldName0></FieldName0><FieldName1>Died before 16</FieldName1><FieldName2></FieldName2><FieldName3></FieldName3><FieldName4>not related</FieldName4><FieldName5></FieldName5><FieldName6></FieldName6><FieldName7></FieldName7><FieldName8></FieldName8><FieldName9></FieldName9><FieldName10>Cousins_CAO+spouse+par</FieldName10><FieldName11></FieldName11><FieldName12>CP=STOP</FieldName12><FieldName13></FieldName13><FieldName14>Cousins_CAO_ext</FieldName14><FieldName15></FieldName15><FieldName16></FieldName16><FieldName17>CP=Start of line.</FieldName17><FieldName18></FieldName18><FieldName19></FieldName19><FieldName20>CP=TODO</FieldName20><FieldName21></FieldName21><FieldName22></FieldName22><FieldName23></FieldName23><FieldName24></FieldName24><FieldName25></FieldName25><FieldName26></FieldName26><FieldName27>CP=TODO Start of line.</FieldName27></ColorCode1>
It's in the ConfigTable.
The DataRec column for row 1, title=blank, has a fairly large XML document.
The actual key name schema is not pretty, butt it's simple.
Here is the section for the second set shown in the UI (in the person table, its named Color1 as in the XML)
The color set is named "In use"
and several of the colors have text associated.

Quote from thejerrybryan on 2024-12-22, 10:15 pmAha! Much thanks.
I had actually looked in the Config Table, but I had missed it.
Aha! Much thanks.
I had actually looked in the Config Table, but I had missed it.