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Family Search Table - Modified Field

Family Search Table - Modified Field

does anyone know exactly what it does?  I did not see explanation in data dictionary. The reason for my inquiry is when you reset its starts with a high #, My thought it should reset things from today.

The count in RM seem to match this query

SELECT Modified, count(RMID)
FROM FamilySearchTable
Group By Modified


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Charles Banks has reacted to this post.
Charles Banks

I would also be interested if someone would respond to Kevin's question.  Currently, the "what's new counter" is of  little use but has the potential to be extremely helpful.  It would be nice for RM to respond to this as there should be a way to reset the counter to 0.

it seems like there is no way to get the count to start today forward -within RM UI or by resetting flags -- guessing it has something to do with FSVER field?


Charles Banks has reacted to this post.
Charles Banks