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Hi all,

I have been working on an ERD for the RM data model and I have identified an important column with no associated lookup table: OwnerType. This column is present in a few tables (EventTable, CitationTable, etc.) and works in conjunction with the OwnerID columns.

There are a number of distinct OwnerTypes that I have uncovered and I have managed to identify exactly what some of them mean, but I am still trying to determine the remainder. Can any help fill in the gaps?


  • 0 = Person
  • 1 = Family
  • 2 = ?
  • 3 = Source
  • 5 = Place
  • 6 = Research Task
  • 7 = ?
  • There may be more, but just not in my data


Your question is answered as best as we know in pages that I now realise aren't linked as visibly as they were on the old site. If you find any errors or omissions that you can correct, please share. A good starting point is

BillGirimonti has reacted to this post.

Thanks Tom!  This is GOLD!

When I finish the ERD I will share a copy for comments/corrections.

You're welcome, Bill. Sorry the database design stuff wasn't more obviously listed.

I'm looking forward to seeing your diagram(s) and curious to know how one goes about diagramming the switching of relationships according to OwnerType.

Hi Tom,

I have uploaded the ERD under a different thread. In short, the relationships, based on OwnerType, can be shown as multiple lines emanating from the same OwnerID field to their respective entity relationships. Then we label each line with the respective OwnerType the relationship is relevant to.

If you look at the ERD, it will become a bit clearer. Be sure to review the legend as it is not just OwnerType that exhibits this behavior.

Kind regards,