
RM9 (now 10) Data Documentation Initiative

Please join me in welcoming Kevin McLarnon ( @kmclarnon ) in the role of Editor on this site and, especially, for volunteering to lead a renewed initiative to improve the documentation we have on the design of the RootsMagic v9 ...

Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts Richard Otter is a skilled, professional developer who is also a RootsMagic user and has been building a library of scripts that are worthwhile checking out for possible solutions for your own needs. He publishes them on GitGub, list ...

Sources – – Cleaner Footnotes and Simpler Bibliography

Issues This project arose from a request Fix & Merge Hundreds of Sources in the Forum. The poster is a heavy consumer of the sources through RM's TreeShare with and had issues with:
  1. A long Source ...

Database Revert RM9 to RM8 to RM7

Introduction Conversion from #RM9 to #RM8 is pretty trivial with little loss except for RM9's new features. From RM8 to #RM7 is much more complex given the significant structural changes between the two. To convert from RM9 to RM7 is ...

Source Names – Append Surnames

Sources view in RM9 after running the script to append Surnames of people using each Source. In response to a request in the Forum, Adding Surname to Truncated Source Names in RM9, posted here is a script that may be ...

DBeaver Heredis 2023 and RootsMagic 9

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This page compares pictures of the #RM9 and Heredis 2023 databases (both SQLite 3) as automatically created by the same tool. Entity Relationship Diagrams An Entity-relationship Diagram (ERD) says a lot ...

RM9 Database Diagram #rm9 #database

Database Diagram for RootsMagic version 9 – there are probably more table relationships to be added. RM9Database Diagram to Download ...

RM9 Data Definitions #datadefinitions

RootsMagic was released on Feb 27, 2023 with some new features necessitating changes to the database design. All previous version #database files undergo an upgrade procedure to the RM9 structure and are not backward compatible. However, #RM9 and #RM8 ...

Remove Duplicate Merged Notes

Introduction This script was prompted by a discussion in the RootsMagic Community on Feb 10 '23: Notes are duplicated. The duplicate begins with MERGED NOTE. It is not uncommon, viz this Google search for the MERGED NOTE flag generated by ...

Using ChatGPT AI to get help on querying the RM database

Introduction With all the excitement surrounding how well Artificial Intelligence is doing to write papers that can fool teachers and having seen someone post a message about using it to generate some software coding, I was curious to see what ...