Category: Database

Design, definitions, structure, operations…

ConfigTable RecID 1 #datadefinitions #config

ConfigTable RecID 1 DataRec Default The first record of ConfigTable consists of XML in the RecID field that stores various database file settings. The current version and its data can be restructured and displayed as follows (Values column to be verified): See sheet “ConfigTableDefaultRec1” on Database Design Spreadsheets.

Data Definitions #datadefinitions

RootsMagic 4+ Data Definitions See spreadsheets “DataDefsMstr” and “DataDefsFieldSort” on Database Design Spreadsheets. Discussions & comments from Wikispaces site romermb Adding To/Updating File romermb 08 January 2010 21:35:48 A few of us so far have been trying to add the Notes, etc details to the various table fields in the file referenced in this page.…

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RootsMagic 7

RootsMagic 7 was released on 25 Nov 2014. It will take some time to answer the following questions: Which SQLite scripts on this wiki need to be revised? Identifying changes in the database design will trigger areas to investigate. Which ones can be retired? Requires comparing the functional capabilities of RootsMagic 7 to those of…

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Database – Copy Master Lists to Shell

A feature oft-requested that, as of version, RootsMagic still does not offer while other software does is the ability to create a new database with custom elements from an existing database. This script works around that shortcoming by copying what might be called “Master Lists” from a developed database to a shell database newly…

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