Category: Search

Search techniques

Search – Find Almost Everywhere #search #fts

RootsMagic 6 has a very powerful search tool under the main menu item Search > Find Everywhere… However, it really falls short of everywhere, omitting a number of tables and fields within the tables it does search. Notably, it omits the: AddressTable (Repositories, Contacts, Correspondence) FactTypeTable (Fact Types) SourceTemplateTable (Source Templates) URLTable (WebTags) WitnessTable (non-Principals…

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Name Find query #search

Producing a list of names from your database similar to what is found by RootsMagic 4’s Search > Person List > NameFind, this query does it faster. Moreover, you can sort and filter the results, not supported in RootsMagic Explorer’s NameFind. As a list, it may prove handy to use in conjunction with RM Explorer’s…

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