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Opening database in SQLite causes damage??

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Support may be alarmed at the increasing number of users posting about SQLite in recent months.

I have to wonder if they are more concerned about more experience users finding bugs than  inexperienced user creating issues.  Lets hope they do not  password  protect etc


Lets hope they do not  password  protect etc

Don't give them ideas 🙂

I do make sure that my databases are only open in one place at a time, RootsMagic OR SQLite, never both at once and always do a Rebuild Indexes if I've done an Update query in SQLite.


kevync has reacted to this post.

Yes, I'm also extremely careful about using SQLite on my RM databases. However, if we no longer had that access, it would remove one of the main reasons I chose RootsMagic when The Master Genealogist went out of business.

Yes Cheryl - if the removed access I  would switch- presently  I might switch to FH (Family historian because of its sophisticated query lang and many plug ins) even though it does not sync with FS or Ancestry.

@patjones  yes agreed  do not want to give them any reason to drop the open database



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