Tag: #rm8

Colorcoding #RM8 #RM9

RM9 Color Picker Changed & Color Coding Sets Added Versions prior to RM9 have but one set of color codes; RM9 added 9 more sets for a total of 10, any one of which can be active. Each color in each set and each set can be uniquely labelled to make it easier to understand…

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RootsMagic 8 Community Preview was released Dec 31, 2020. Its database design has been substantially changed from the prior version, rendering much of the information and many of the scripts on this site inapplicable to or unusable with RM8 databases. This page attempts to collect in one spot references to posts and scripts for RM8…

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Query to Search Parents by Children’s Given Names #search #family

File above incorporates revision from discussion below to correct the count of children. Tested with #rm7 #rm8 and should be compatible with prior versions. TH 2021-03-03 The following script was developed in response to the discussion Search for family by given names of children (was RM-8) — three_childrens_names.sql– Jerry Bryan, 22 May 2020– This query…

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Events – Add to all Children a Parent event shared with parents #facttypes #sharedevent #relationships #rm8

TBA: Rev 2021-03-0x above script adapted for RM8 by Tom Holden from the #RM7 script described below by the original author, Jerry Bryan. Note that the custom fact type ‘Parents’ and the role ‘Birth_of_Child’ must be created separately in advance of executing this script. This is a query I wrote just for myself and I…

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