Results of the query shown below for a database from RM v8.1.8.0 and available in this Google Sheets: SourceTemplatesByCategory (updated 2022-04-28 for RM8).
Category | Name | InRM4? |
[AQS inside left] | Article, online (unsigned) | Y |
[AQS, inside left] | Article, online archive (print publication) | Y |
[AQS, Front] | Basic Ancestry Database Template | Y |
[AQS, Front] | Basic Ancestry Images Template | Y |
[AQS inside left] | Book, database extractions (online) | Y |
[AQS inside left] | Census, U.S. Federal, 1890 Substitute (online) | Y |
[AQS inside left] | Directories (City or County) (databases, online) | Y |
[AQS inside left] | Directories (City or County) (images, online) | Y |
[AQS inside right] | Family Trees, Documented | Y |
[AQS inside right] | Family Trees, Undocumented | Y |
[AQS inside right] | Immigration-Emigration Rolls, Databases | Y |
[AQS inside right] | Immigration-Emigration Rolls, Images | Y |
[AQS, back cover] | Newspaper, Images | Y |
[AQS back cover] | PERSI Database | Y |
[based on EE, sec 7.32, p 346-7] | New FamilySearch, online database | Y |
[CYS, p 59-63] | Census Record (U.S.) | Y |
[CYS, p 71-73] | Church Records | Y |
[CYS, p 68] | Civil Vital Records | Y |
[CYS, p 69-71] | Courthouse Records | Y |
[CYS, p 63-66] | Family Bible Record | Y |
[CYS, p 71-73] | Grave Markers | Y |
[CYS, p 80-83] | Interviews (oral) | Y |
[CYS, p 73-76] | Land Records, State and Federal | Y |
[CYS, p 66-68] | Letters | Y |
[CYS, p 76-80] | Military Records | Y |
[CYS, p 53-59] | Miscellaneous Documents, Unpublished | Y |
[CYS, p 49–52] | Newspapers | Y |
[CYS, p 46–49] | Periodical (Serial) | Y |
[CYS, p 63] | Tax Lists (U.S.) | Y |
[E!, p 64] | Ancestral File | Y |
[E!, p 65] | Baptismal Record | Y |
[E!, p 65] | Bible Records | Y |
[E!, p 65] | Birth Certificate, local level | Y |
[E!, p 65] | Birth Registration, local level | Y |
[E!, p 66] | Birth Registration, state level | Y |
[E!, p 66; CYS, p 35] | Book (Agency as author) | Y |
[E!, p 99, CYS, p 38] | Book, Translated Work (author known) | Y |
[E!, p 72] | CD-ROM (produced from original records) | Y |
[E!, p 75] | Census, U.S. Federal (Local/State copy) | Y |
[E!, p. 73-74] | Census, U.S. Federal, 1790-1840 (Filmed) | Y |
[E!, p. 73-74] | Census, U.S. Federal, 1850-1870 (Filmed) | Y |
[E!, p. 73-74] | Census, U.S. Federal, 1880-1930 (Filmed) | Y |
[E!, p 75] | Census, U.S. State (off-site) | Y |
[E!, p 76] | Church Minute Books (filmed, off-site) | Y |
[E!, p 78] | Death Certificate, local level | Y |
[E!, p 78] | Death Certificate, state level | Y |
[E!, p 78] | Death Registration, local level | Y |
[E!, p 80] | E-mail message | Y |
[E!, p 73] | Grave Markers (Urban, large) | Y |
[E!, p 73] | Grave Markers (Rural, small) | Y |
[E!, p 84] | IGI Entry | Y |
[E!, p 85] | Interview | Y |
[E!, p 87] | Legal Case (Unpublished) | Y |
[E!, p87] | Letter (annotated citation) | Y |
[E!, p 88] | Manuscript (Unfilmed) | Y |
[E!, p 89] | Marriage Certificate (Church) | Y |
[E!, p 90] | Marriage Record (Church, copy) | Y |
[E!, p 89] | Marriage Record (Church, original) | Y |
[E!, p 90] | Marriage Record (Civil) | Y |
[E!, p 91] | Military Service File (filmed) | Y |
[E!, p 91] | NA (U.S.) Manuscript (Basic) | Y |
[E!, p 91] | NA (U.S.) Microfilm/fiche (Basic) | Y |
[E!, p 93] | Obituary/Newspaper item | Y |
[E!, p 97] | Passenger Lists (Filmed) | Y |
[E!, p 94] | Pension Files, NARA microfilm/fiche | Y |
[E!, p 94] | Photo, Portrait, Archived (Annotated) | Y |
[E!, p 81] | Photo, Portrait, Archived, Image File | Y |
[E!, p 95] | Photo, Portrait, Private (Annotated with Provenance) | Y |
[E!, p 95] | Probate Files, loose (local) | Y |
[E!, p 95] | Probate Files, loose (removed to other facility) | Y |
[E!, p 96] | Research Report | Y |
[E!, p 98] | Tax rolls (unfilmed) | Y |
[E!, p 98] | Town Records | Y |
[E!, p 100] | Wills (Recorded) | Y |
[E!, p 100] | Wills (Unrecorded, consulted off-site) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.32, p 346-7] | Ancestral File, CD-ROM database | Y |
[EE, sec 7.32, p 346-7] | Ancestral File, online database | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 102] | Archived Material, Vertical Files | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 93] | Artifact, archived | Y |
[EE, sec 3.38, p 151] | Artifact, Family, photographed (privately held) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p105] | Artifact, Family, privately held (by collection) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p105] | Artifact, privately held | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.33, p 682-83] | Atlas | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.34, p 683] | Atlas, online images | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p787] | Blogs | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p.647, with 651 and 671-675; E!, p 71, CYS, p 38] | Book Chapter | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 654] | Book, Audio | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 646; EE, QC-13, p 727; E!, p 66] | Book, Basic format | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 654] | Book, CD/DVD (Text) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 647, with 648, 651, sec. 12.13–12.20; EE, QC-13, 727; E!, p 66-71; CYS, p 31-35, 39-45] | Book, General (Author(s) known) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.5–12.20; E!, p 66, 68, CYS, p 36] | Book, General (Author(s) unknown or unidentified) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 658] | Book, Image copy (CD/DVD publication) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 660] | Book, Image copy (microfilm publication) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 661; E!, p 82; QS inside left] | Book, Image copy (online) | Y |
[EE, ref: sec. 12.34, p 683] | Book, Image copy (online, reprint) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 659] | Book, Image copy (publication, FHL-GSU preservation film) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 649, with 648, sec. 12.13–12.20; E!, p 68; CYS, p 36-37] | Book, Multivolume (Author(s) known) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 650, with 648, 651, sec. 12.13–12.20; E!, p 66-71] | Book, Reprint (Author(s) known) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.86, p 718; E!, p 69] | Book, Series, by collection (Author(s) known) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.28, p 589-590] | Bounty Land files (entire file) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.28, p 589-590, E!, p 71] | Bounty Land files (single document) | Y |
[EE, sec 12.43, p 686] | Broadside, original | Y |
[EE, sec 12.43, p 686] | Broadside, reprint | Y |
[EE, QC-13, 729, sec 13.18, p 750-51] | Case Reporter, Federal (standardized series) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, 728, sec 13:20, p 752; E!, p 86] | Case Reporter, State (series named for editor) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 212, sec 5.7, p 222-23] | Cemetery Office Records (emphasis on single register) (FHL-GSU film) | Y |
[EE, sec 5.7, p 222-23] | Cemetery Office Records (emphasis on whole series) (FHL-GSU film) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 211, sec. 5-17, p 223-24] | Cemetery Office Records (online images) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 209, sec. 5-17, p 222] | Cemetery Office Records (personally used) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 210] | Cemetery Office Records (supplied by staff) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 218, sec 5.18, p 231] | Cemetery Records, Abstracts (card file) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 217] | Cemetery Records, Abstracts (vertical file) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 219, sec 5.19, p 233] | Cemetery Records, Compiled (online databases) | Y |
[EE, sec 5.21, p 234; E!, p73] | Cemetery Records, Compiled (published) | Y |
[EE, sec 5.22, p 234] | Cemetery Records, Compiled (typescripts) | Y |
[EE, sec 6.49, p 298-99] | Census, Australia (microfilm, FHL copy) | Y |
[EE, based on QC-12, p 646: Book: basic format] | Census, Canada (index, published) | Y |
[EE, sec 6.46, p 299-302] | Census, Canada (microfilm, FHL copy) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 254, sec 6.50, p 301] | Census, Canada (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 6.50, p 302] | Census, Canada (online images) | Y |
[EE, sec 6.51, p 302-03] | Census, England, Wales (microfilm, FHL copy) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 254, sec 6.50, p 301] | Census, England, Wales (online database) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 241] | Census, France (Online images) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 242] | Census, U.K., Wales (Online images) | Y |
[EE, sec 6.46, p 296] | Census, U.S. County (state microfilm) | Y |
[EE, sec 6.48, p 297-98; QS, inside left] | Census, U.S. Enumeration Instructions (online) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 253] | Census, U.S. Federal (CD/DVD database) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 239] | Census, U.S. Federal (CD/DVD images) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 254; QS, inside left] | Census, U.S. Federal (Database/Index) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 240; QS, front cover] | Census, U.S. Federal (Online images) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 237] | Census, U.S. Federal (Original, Local) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 238] | Census, U.S. Federal (Original, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 251] | Census, U.S. Federal (State copy, microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] | Census, U.S. Federal, mil. sch. 1900— (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 245, sec 6.46, p 296] | Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (FHL-GSU microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 244, sec 6.34, p 285] | Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (NARA film) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 245, sec 6.34, p 287-88] | Census, U.S. Federal, non-pop. sch. (UNC film) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] | Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] | Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1790-1840 (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] | Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1850-1870 (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] | Census, U.S. Federal, pop. sch. 1880-1930 (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 247-250] | Census, U.S. Federal, slave sch. 1850-1860 (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, sec. 6.37, p. 2889] | Census, U.S. Federal, veterans sch. 1890 (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 243] | Census, U.S. Native American Tribal (Microfilm, NA) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p. 255, sec 6.41, p 292] | Census, U.S. Soundex & Miracode (microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 252, sec 6.46, p 296-97] | Census, U.S. State (FHL microfilm) | Y |
[EE, sec. 6.47, p 297; E!, p 75] | Census, U.S. Statistical Compendium | Y |
[EE, QC-6, p 259, sec. 6.48, p 297] | Census, U.S. Statistical Database (Online) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p311, sec 7.13, p 327] | Church Books (named volume) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p312] | Church Books (named volume, off-site) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p313] | Church Books (numbered volume, off-site) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p319] | Church Books (recopied) | Y |
[EE, sec. 7.28, p. 344 (ref: sec 12.3)] | Church Histories, published | Y |
[EE, sec 7.24, p 340-41] | Church Issued Certificates (collection) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.24, p 340-41] | Church Issued Certificates (family collection) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.24, p 340-41] | Church Issued Certificates (single item) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p315] | Church Records (FHL-GSU microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p316] | Church Records (filmed LDS image copies) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.20, p 335-36] | Church Records (filmed, archives) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.20, p 335-36] | Church Records (filmed, local) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p 317, sec 7.23, p 339] | Church Records (microfilm publication) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p320, sec 7.27, p 343-44] | Church Records (online databases) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p314] | Church Records (online image copies) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.29, p 345] | Church Records, Canada, Repértoire (CD) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.29, p 345] | Church Records, Canada, Repértoire (print) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p315, sec 7.43, p 365-68] | Church Records, OPR, Scotland (FHL-GSU microfilm) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.43, p 265-68] | Church Records, OPR, Scotland (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.43, p 365-68] | Church Records, OPR, Scotland (original) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.38, p 352-356] | Church Records, Parish Registers (FHL-GSU microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p311] | Church Records, Parish Registers (original) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.29, p 345] | Church Records, Parish Registers (transcripts/abstracts) | Y |
[EE, sec. 7.31, p 346; E!, p 90] | Church Records, Parish Registers (typescripts) | Y |
[EE, QC-7, p314] | Church Records, Parish Registers, UK (online image copies) | Y |
[EE, sec. 7.31, p. 346-47] | Church Records, Typescript of Registers | Y |
[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] | Civil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (FHL-GSU microfilm) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] | Civil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.56, p 482-83] | Civil Reg., Statutory Registers, Scotland (online images) | Y |
[EE, sec. 9.46, p471-73] | Civil Registrations, Canada (AO microfilm) | Y |
[EE, sec. 9.46, p471-73] | Civil Registrations, Canada (FHL microfilm) | Y |
[EE, based on sec. 9.46, p471-73] | Civil Registrations, Canada (online images) | Y |
[EE, sec. 9.48, p474-76] | Civil Registrations, England | Y |
[EE, sec. 9.46, p471-73] | Civil Registrations, England (online databases) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.9, p 744-45] | Codes, Municipal Code | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 730, sec 13.10, p 746-47] | Codes, State (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.10, p 746-47] | Codes, State (online images) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.10, p 746-47] | Codes, State (printed) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 731, sec 13.8, p 744] | Codes, U.S. Code (online) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.8, p 744] | Codes, U.S. Code (online, legal style) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.8, p 744] | Codes, U.S. Code (online, short legal style) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 735, sec 13.35, p 760-61] | Congressional Records (ID from title page) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.32, p 757-58; E!, p 96] | Congressional Records, American State Papers (Gales & Seaton) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 736, sec 13.38, p 762-63] | Congressional Records, House & Senate (academic style) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 737, sec 13.35, p 671-72] | Congressional Records, Online Image | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 161] | Corporate Records (bound volumes) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 163] | Corporate Records (extract by staff) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 162] | Corporate Records (loose document) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 164] | Corporate Records (microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 165] | Corporate Records (online database) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 166] | Corporate Records (online images) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 112] | Correspondence, personal, private, in collection | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 373] | Court Case Files, local | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 374] | Court Record Books, local | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 375] | Court Record Books, local (archived off-site) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 376] | Court Record Books, state (appeals) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 377] | Court Record Books, state (petitions) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 378] | Court Records (CD/DVD images) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p382] | Court Records (online databases) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 381] | Court Records (online images) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 380] | Court Records, bound volume (FHL-GSU film) | Y |
[EE, QC-8, p 379] | Court Records, loose (preservation film) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 495] | Deed Abstracts (online) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.14, p 505] | Deed Books (state/colony) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 488, sec. 10.5, pp 498-500, sec 10.16, p 506-08; E!, p 78] | Deeds, local registers | Y |
[EE, sec. 10.6, p 500] | Deeds, local registers (FHL microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 106; E!, p 79] | Diary or Journal | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 94, sec 3.16, p 127-29] | Digital archives | Y |
[EE, sec. 3.39, p 152] | Diploma, private | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.55–59, p 695-98; E!, p 76] | Directories (City or County) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.55, p 695-96] | Directories (City or County) (microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p 788, sec 14.27, p 813; [E!, p 82]] | Discussion Forum & List | Y |
[EE, sec. 3.22, p 134-37 with sec 3.5, p 120] | Dissertation, unpublished | Y |
[EE, sec. 3.22, p 134-37 with sec 3.5, p 120] | Dissertation, unpublished (microfilmed) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.47, p 473] | Divorce Records (Canada) (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec. 11.33, p 598; AQS inside right] | Draft Registrations, Images | Y |
[EE, sec 7.37, p 352] | Drouin Collection (microfilm) | Y |
[EE, p 154-155 (Ref: QC-3, p 113)] | E-mail, personal, privately held, by writer | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 113] | E-mail, personal, privately held, filed by collection | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 493, sec 10.23, p 515-17; E!, p 88] | Estray (Ranger) Books (local or county, FHL microfilm) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.23, p 515-17] | Estray (Ranger) Books, parties identified (local or county) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.23, p 515-17] | Estray (Ranger) Books, parties not identified (local or county) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 107] | Family Bible, private | Y |
[EE, QC, p 108; E!, p 83] | Family Chart/Group Sheet, privately held | Y |
[EE, sec 7.33, p 347-8] | Family Group Record Collection, LDS | Y |
[EE, sec 3.30, p 146] | Family Records, non-bible (privately held) | Y |
[EE, sec 3.31, p 145] | Frakturs (certificate) (single item) | Y |
[EE, sec 3.31, p 145] | Frakturs (online images) (single item) | Y |
[EE, sec 4.8, p 181] | Funeral Home Records (extract by staff) | Y |
[EE, sec 4.9, p 181-82] | Funeral Home Records (held by library) | Y |
[EE, sec 4.8, p 181] | Funeral Home Records (privately held) | Y |
[EE, based on sec 3.44, p 156] | GEDCOM File (downloaded) | Y |
[EE, sec 4.10, p 183] | Genetic Databases (online) | Y |
[EE, Sec. 4.27, pp 202] | Genetic Test (DNA) CD | Y |
[EE, Sec. 4.27, pp 201-202] | Genetic Test (DNA) letter | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 171, sec 4.27, p 201-202] | Genetic Test (DNA) report | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 215] | Grave Markers (online images) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, pp 213–214, sec. 5-10-13, pp 225–227] | Grave Markers (Urban or Rural) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.6, p 438] | Historical Records, abstracts (online) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.16, p 577; QS, right side, 4th model] | Historical Records, transcripts (online) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 172] | Historical Research Report (Corporate) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 173] | Historical Research Report (Online) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.34, p 348-9] | IGI, CD-ROM database | Y |
[EE, sec 7.34, p 348-9] | IGI, online database | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 110] | Interview, privately held | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p 814; QS inside left] | Journal Article, electronic edition/e-journal | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p781; QS inside left] | Journal Article, online | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p779, sec 14.16, p 798; E!, p 64] | Journal Article, print | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p780] | Journal Article, print, archived online | Y |
[EE, Sec. 14.17, p 800; E!, p 64, 94] | Journal Article, serialized | Y |
[EE, sec 10.16, p 506-08] | Land Grants, bound (state/colony) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 492, sec 10.18, p 509-10] | Land Grants, image copies, CD/DVD (state or colony) | Y |
[EE, Sec 10.17, p 508] | Land Grants, loose (state/colony) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 547, sec 11.25, p 585-86] | Land Office Records, database, CD/DVD (GLO) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 547, sec 11.25, p 585-86] | Land Office Records, database, CD/DVD (GLO, FHL copy) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.27, p 588-89; QS, inside right] | Land Office Records, Federal (online images) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.27, p 588-89; QS, inside right] | Land Office Records, Federal (online, database or image) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.44, p 534-35] | Land Petitions, Provincial (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.28, p 520-21] | Land Records, Plat Books, county | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 494] | Land Records, Plat Books, county (online) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.44, p 534-35] | Land Records, Provincial (FHL microfilm) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 496, sec 10.19, p 510-512; QS, inside right, 7th model] | Land Records, State (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.19, p 510-12] | Land Records, State (online images, by database) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.19, p 510-12; QS, inside right, 8th model] | Land Records, State (online images, by document) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 489] | Land Records, Tract Books, local | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 491] | Land Records, Warrants, loose (state) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 490] | Land-Grant Registers (state) | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 652] | Leaflet | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.91, p 722-23] | Lecture (download) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.91, p 722-23; E!, p 86] | Lecture (recorded, tape/CD/DVD) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 111] | Legal Document, unrecorded (family copy) | Y |
[EE, sec 4.29, p 206] | Legal Research Report | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 109, p149-50] | Letter, Historic, private | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 540] | Library of Congress, Manuscripts | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 551, 555] | Library of Congress, Online images | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 544] | Library of Congress, Photographs | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 167, sec 4.19, p 192-93; E!, p 87] | Lineage Society, Application Files | Y |
[EE, sec 4.20, p 194-95; E!, p 77] | Lineage Society, DAR GRC reports (local/state) | Y |
[EE, sec 4.20, p 194-95; E!, p 77] | Lineage Society, DAR GRC reports (national) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 168, sec 4.19, p 193] | Lineage Society, Online database | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 421] | Local Records, File items | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 422] | Local Records, Files moved to state archives | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 423] | Local Records, Registers (named volumes) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 424] | Local Records, Registers (numbered volumes) | Y |
[EE, sec 14.20, p 804] | Magazine Article, online archives | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p783] | Magazine Article, online reprints | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p782] | Magazine Article, print | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 95] | Manuscript Records, Archived (collection as lead) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 96] | Manuscript Records, Archived (document as lead) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 97] | Manuscript Records, Archived (series as lead) | Y |
[EE, sec. 3.18, p 129-30; E!, p 88] | Manuscript, Filmed (commercially published) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 103, sec 3.19, p 130-31] | Manuscript, Preservation film (compiled series, FHL-GSU) | Y |
[EE,QC-3, p 104, sec. 3.19, p 130-31] | Manuscript, Preservation film (in-house) | Y |
[EE, sec. 3.19, p 131] | Manuscript, Preservation film (individual FHL film) | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 101, sec. 3.22, p 134-37] | Manuscript, unpublished narrative | Y |
[EE, sec 12.67, p 703-04; E!, p 88] | Maps, Historic | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.67, p 703-04] | Maps, Historic, Online | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 543] | Maps, NA (U.S.) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.68, p 704; E!, p 89] | Maps, Topographic | Y |
[EE, sec. 9.4, p 435] | Marriage Record (bound volumes) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.5, p 437] | Marriage Record (loose, licenses & bonds) | Y |
[EE, QC-5, p 216, sec 5.11, p 225-6] | Memorial Plaque | Y |
[EE, sec 11.32, 11.34-35, p 596-600; AQS back cover] | Military Records, Databases | Y |
[EE, sec 11.32, 11.34-35, p 596-600; AQS back cover] | Military Records, Images | Y |
[EE, sec. 11.32, p 596-97] | Military, Compiled Service Records (filmed) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.38, p 602-03; E!, p 90] | Military, Muster Rolls (manuscript) | Y |
[EE, sec. 5.12, pp 226–227] | Monumental Inscriptions | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 550, sec 11.60, p 630-32] | NA (U.K.) (online images & database) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 539, sec 11.6, p 561] | NA (U.S.) Audio/Video Recordings | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 551] | NA (U.S.) Database, Online | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 738, sec 13.44, p 767-769] | NA (U.S.) Guides, Descriptive Pamphlet (Online) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.43, p 766] | NA (U.S.) Guides, Guides (cited by ed) | Y |
[EE, sec 13.43, p 767; QS,inside left] | NA (U.S.) Guides, Guides (online edition, by ed) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 739, sec. 13.46, p 770-72] | NA (U.S.) Guides, Preliminary Inventory (microfilmed) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 555] | NA (U.S.) Images, Online | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 541, sec 11.43, p 608] | NA (U.S.) Manuscripts | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 542] | NA (U.S.) Manuscripts, Regional | Y |
[EE, sec. 11.8, p 362-68, template based on p 364] | NA (U.S.) Microfilm (Evidence Style Citation) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 552] | NA (U.S.) Microfilm (NARA Style Citation) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 553] | NA (U.S.) Microfilm (Publication Style Citation) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.59, p 628-29] | NA-LAC (Canada) LAC Microfilm | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 549] | NA-LAC (Canada), Online images & database | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 548] | NAA (Australia) (online images & database) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.68, p 639] | NAS (Scotland) (online database) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.49, p 618; E!, p 92] | Naturalization Records | Y |
[EE, sec 14.29, p 815; QS back] | Newsletter Article, electronic (archived) | Y |
[EE, sec 14.29, p 815] | Newsletter Article, electronic (distributed) | Y |
[EE, sec 14.21, p806] | Newsletter Article, online images | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p784] | Newsletter Article, print | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p 786; QS back] | Newspaper, Online Archives | Y |
[EE, sec 14.22, p 809] | Newspaper, Online Images | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p 785] | Newspaper, Print Edition | Y |
[EE, sec 3.36, p150; E!, p93] | Newspaper, unidentified clipping, privately held | Y |
[EE, sec 11.68, p 639] | NLW (Wales) (online database) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 169] | Organization Records (archived in-house) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 170] | Organization Records (archived off-site) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.47, p 687-89; E!, p 97] | Papers, Consolidated in Syllabus (by presenter) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.48, p 689] | Papers, Distributed Individually | Y |
[EE, sec 11.15, p 574] | Passenger Lists, NARA manuscripts | Y |
[EE, sec 11.15, p 575] | Passenger Lists, NARA microfilm | Y |
[EE, sec 11.16-17, p 575-78; QS, Back] | Passenger Lists, Online (by ship) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.16-7, p 575-78; QS, Back] | Passenger Lists, Online (by title) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.18, p 578-9; QS, Back] | Passenger Lists, Ship Image (online) | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 556] | Patent & Trademark Office (U.S.) (online) | Y |
[EE, sec 7.35, p 349-350] | Pedigree Resource File, CD-ROM database | Y |
[EE, sec 7.35, p 349-350] | Pedigree Resource File, online database | Y |
[EE, sec 11.40, p 608] | Pension Files, NARA microfilm | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 545] | Pension Files, Railroad Retirement Board | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 98] | Personal Bible, archived | Y |
[EE, sec 3.43, p 155] | Personal Knowledge | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 99] | Photo, Portrait, Archived | Y |
[EE, sec 3.37, p 150-51; E!, p 81] | Photo, Portrait, Private, scanned | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p789] | Podcasts | Y |
[EE, sec 10.32, p 524-526] | Probates, bound (FHL microfilm images) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.36, pp 528–29] | Probates, bound (removed to state archives) | Y |
[EE, sec. 10.32, p 525-26] | Probates, bound (state microfilm images) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.30, pp 522-523] | Probates, bound volumes | Y |
[EE, sec. 10.33, p 526-27] | Probates, case file indexes (online databases) | Y |
[EE, QC-10, p 487] | Probates, case files (local) | Y |
[EE, sec. 10.33, p 526-27] | Probates, case files (online images) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.32, p 524-525] | Probates, loose (FHL microfilm images) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.36, p 528–29] | Probates, loose (removed to state archives) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.31, p 523-524] | Probates, loose pages/files | Y |
[EE, QC-14, p790] | Radio & Television Clips | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 100] | Research Report, Archived | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 114, sec 3.44, p 156-57] | Research Report, Privately held | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 174] | School Records (administrative material) | Y |
[EE, QC-4, p 175, sec 4.17, p 189-90] | School Records (student transcripts) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, p 732] | Slip Laws, Federal | Y |
[EE, sec 13.17, p 750] | Slip Laws, state | Y |
[EE, QC-11, p 546] | Social Security Application forms | Y |
[EE, sec 11.55, p 626; QS back cover] | Social Security Death Index (SSDI) (FHL, online) | Y |
[EE, sec 11.55, p 626; QS back cover] | Social Security Death Index (SSDI), online | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 429, sec 9.11, p 442-43] | State Records, miscellaneous files | Y |
[EE, QC-13, 733, sec 13:12, p 747-48] | Statutes, Federal (1874 & later) | Y |
[EE, sec 13:12, p 747-48; E!, p 85] | Statutes, Federal (pre-1874) | Y |
[EE, QC-13, 734, sec 13:13, p 748; E!, p 85] | Statutes, State | Y |
[EE, sec 10.38, p 530–31] | Tax rolls (local) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.42, p 532-34] | Tax rolls (state/colony) | Y |
[EE, sec 10.16, p 506-08] | Tax rolls, filmed, off-site (state/colony) | Y |
[EE, sec. 3.22, p 134-37 with sec 3.5, p 120] | Thesis, unpublished | Y |
[EE, QC-3, p 115] | Tradition, recorded, private | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 656; E!, p 99] | Video | Y |
[EE, sec., 9.32, p. 457; E!, p. 99] | Vital Record, Filmed (FHL-GSU) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 427] | Vital Records (local, amended) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 425] | Vital Records (local, certificates) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 428] | Vital Records (local, delayed) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 426] | Vital Records (local, registers) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 432] | Vital Records (state, amended) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 430] | Vital Records (state, certificates) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.6, p 439] | Vital Records (state, certificates, online) | Y |
[EE, QC-9, p 431] | Vital Records (state, registers) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.42, p 467-470; QS, inside right, models 7-9] | Vital Records (state-level, online derivatives) | Y |
[EE, sec 9.43, p 470] | Vital Records (town registers, New England) | Y |
[EE, sec. 12.92, p 724; E!, p 100] | Vital Records, Published | Y |
[EE, QC-12, p 657; E!, p 80] | Website “as book” | Y |
[EE, sec 3.16, p 127] | Website (with multiple databases) | Y |
[EE, sec 8.12, p 387-88] | Wills | Y |
[QS-Front] | Basic Online Template | Y |
[QS, inside right, 1st model] | Historical Records, abstracts (online) | Y |
[QS, right side, 2nd model] | Historical Records, databases (online) | Y |
[QS, inside left, 3rd model] | Historical Records, images (online) | Y |
Ancestry Member Tree | N | |
Ancestry Record | N | |
Census, Canada (microfilm) | Y | |
Land Petitions, Provincial (microfilm) | Y | |
Upper Canada Sundries (LAC microfilm) | Y |
SELECT LTRIM(category) AS Category, Name FROM SourceTemplateTable ORDER BY SUBSTR(LTRIM(Category),1,3) || Name COLLATE NOCASE -- the occasional leading space character required to be LTRIMmed ;
Updated for RM8