Category: Facts and Events

Operations on facts and events

Fact Types #datadefinitions #facttypes

RootsMagic 4+ Built-In Fact Types 2023-05-22 updated to RM9 The built-in fact types for RM4 and later can be found in the FactTypeTable with FactTypeID less than 1000. User-defined/custom types are assigned values of 1000 and higher by the program when created. Between RM4 and RM9, only the 902-Associations fact type has been added. There…

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Date Decoder #date

Decodes most of the possible formats found in RM4 Date fields of the form Da+nnnnnnnn.x+nnnnnnnn.x . Does not decode Quaker dates nor will it format in any way other than yyyy-mm-dd. Queries a sample database containing some example dates; this database also contains the query as a VIEW. The query could be adapted to integrate…

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