OwnerID in CitationTable

Quote from Kamolga on 2019-05-21, 6:02 amHi,
I wanted to group certain people based on their usage of a source (and split in smaller groups depending on other fields).
I have a query to update my group of people where Master Source "National Archive" is used but it updates the group with wrong people since the OwnerID from CitationTable is not the OwnerID from NameTable (my database being <4500 people, it is not normal I got 7312 as an OwnerID in CitationTable).
Is there any relationship between CitationTable and OwnerID in NameTable?
I wanted to group certain people based on their usage of a source (and split in smaller groups depending on other fields).
I have a query to update my group of people where Master Source "National Archive" is used but it updates the group with wrong people since the OwnerID from CitationTable is not the OwnerID from NameTable (my database being <4500 people, it is not normal I got 7312 as an OwnerID in CitationTable).
Is there any relationship between CitationTable and OwnerID in NameTable?

Quote from Tom Holden on 2019-05-21, 1:35 pmNameTable.OwnerID is not unique. Any records for which NameTable.IsPrimary is True are Primary ("preferred" in other systems) names. All others are Alternate Names. The PersonTable.PersonID is the NameTable.OwnerID and is exposed in the RM UI as "Record Number (RIN)".
Under the Database category, you will find a page or two on RM's data definitions as u[spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler]nderstood by me and other contributors over the years. That will help you design your queries. Glad to see your interest and efforts.
NameTable.OwnerID is not unique. Any records for which NameTable.IsPrimary is True are Primary ("preferred" in other systems) names. All others are Alternate Names. The PersonTable.PersonID is the NameTable.OwnerID and is exposed in the RM UI as "Record Number (RIN)".
Under the Database category, you will find a page or two on RM's data definitions as u

Quote from Kamolga on 2019-05-22, 6:30 amThank you, I could limit the perimeter of my research (#datadefinitions is great) and came to the conclusion
CitationTable.OwnerID is related to the EventTable.EventID
Adding EventTable.OwnerID to the group gave me the right people
I had also many questions about dates (but was afraid to pollute the forums with all of them) which found answers in the Google sheet. Thanks!
Thank you, I could limit the perimeter of my research (#datadefinitions is great) and came to the conclusion
CitationTable.OwnerID is related to the EventTable.EventID
Adding EventTable.OwnerID to the group gave me the right people
I had also many questions about dates (but was afraid to pollute the forums with all of them) which found answers in the Google sheet. Thanks!