Events with no Media attached #events #media

I am wanting a list of events that have no media attached. I am looking specifically for Residence/Census events that don’t have the Census Media attached. I may use this for birth certificates, death certificates, headstones, etc. Do you have a query for this? I have looked for one but it didn’t seem to be what I was looking for. I want the ownerid, given name, surname, the fact type, thee date, the details.

You could start from scratch or adapt from several scripts already developed. Here’s an example that starts with the Wayfinder Views in Search -wayfinding from data tables to RM screens. Download and execute the script RM7_5_WaymarksViews.sql from that page. We’ll use the EventWay view as a start as it takes care of looking up the name and RIN of the person or the couple if a family-type event.


As promised, here is my overly grandiose script to find missing stuff in my database, mostly missing sources and media. It’s fine tuned for my personal research needs, but it may provide some ideas.


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