Sources – Copy Repository Name, Address from Repository List #sources #sourcetemplates #repositories


This page is in response to the request from RootsMagic Forums member
JoopvB: Repositories from TMG. He
Anybody an idea how to kind of copy the Repository (Info) from the
address table to wherever it needs to be to be used in the source
sentence? I guess I would need to create the custom fields in the source
sentences? But some automated kind of copy for more than 3000 sources
(yeah, I am a splitter 🙂 would be super.

But his problem speaks to a larger issue: some 134 built-in source
templates have a Repository field but there is no mechanism to fill it in
sources from the sources’ Repository data

Wish & Workaround

A desirable enhancement to Source Template Language would be the addition of
fields that pull data from the primary Repository for a source. This may
have to function as default data unless overridden by the entry of a “local”
value in the field. Unless and until such an enhancement is developed, the
following scripts can help by batch populating certain empty fields with
data from the Repository List. They may be especially useful to those
migrating from TMG which does have such fields, [REPOSITORY] and [REPOSITORY
ADDRESS]; RootsMagic 7 direct import treats them as a simple variable and
imports them empty without looking up values in the TMG Master Repository
The first script changes the names of Repository variables to match those of
the RootsMagic built-in templates. The second script populates empty
Repository-type fields in Sources from values in the RootsMagic Repository

Two Steps

Harmonize Field Names


Source Template Field Names for Repository Information
Origin of Source TemplateNameLocationReference
JoopvB TMG import [Repository][RepositoryInfo][RepositoryReference]
TMG Sample Project import[Repository][RepositoryAddress][RepositoryReference]

With other customizations either in the originating software or in a
RootsMagic database, there could be a variety of other aliases that mean the
same thing. Even with the built-in templates, there are some exceptions: two
instances of [RepositoryCity] with [RepositorySt]; these are unhandled.
The :Abbrev modifier is also used in two instances with [RepositoryLoc] and
will necessarily be ignored unless the user types in the “||” separator in
the State field followed by the abbreviation for the location.
So it would seem desirable to make the custom ones consistent with the most
common ones found in the built-in templates so that the script that does
copying from the Repository List to the Source need only deal with one set
of names and can do so for sources based on both built-in and custom source
templates. This next script changes the templates and master sources to use
[RepositoryLoc] instead of [RepositoryAddress] and [RepositoryInfo]. It can
be readily extended to harmonize other aliases.

Values from Repositories to Sources

The following script copies Repository data to the Sources based on this
Repository Name (AddressTable.Name) ==> [Repository]
Repository City and State (AddressTable.City, AddressTable.State) ==>
Call Number (AddressLinkTable.Details) ==> [RepositoryReference]
It currently copies only to those fields that are empty, as would be the
case for a direct import from TMG. Another version could copy regardless but
that would also “reset” all “local” values to “default” which may be

SubjectAuthorRepliesViewsLast Message
fields from AddressTable?
ve3meo ve3meo12141Dec
16, 2014
by JoopvB JoopvB
source templates, not Free Form?
ve3meo ve3meo168Dec
11, 2014
by JoopvB JoopvB

Discussions & comments from Wikispaces site


source templates, not Free Form?

December 2014 17:19:46

Are these sources all using custom source templates?


December 2014 22:02:39

Yes, all are custom templates in TMG.


fields from AddressTable?

December 2014 17:26:50

What fields do you want from the AddressTable?
Can they be concatenated into a single field in the
SourceTemplate? Think about what you want to see in the three
sentences: Footnote, Short Footnote, Bibliography. If all are
to be the same or if only one of them is to have the Repo
info, then they can be concatenated into one field. But if you
want a subset of the needed fields in another sentence, then
there must be more than one template field. Of course, there
could be template fields corresponding to the needed
AddressTable fields which might be desirable for future data
entry and greatest flexibility at the expense of complexity.


December 2014 19:24:47

The TMG Sample project imported to RootsMagic has custom
source templates whose name begins with “_TMG_”. These
typically have two fields named and displayed as:
Repository and RepositoryAddress
There is another field named RepositoryReference which I
presume would be specific to the source and therefore no
value for it should be expected to be in the AddressTable.
There are many standard RM source templates with the two
[Repository] = “Repository Name”
[RepositoryLoc] = “Repository Location”
So I think the AddressTable fields for the Repository info
should be mapped to these two fields:
AddressTable.Name ==> [Repository]
AddressTable.(City, State) ==> [RepositoryAddress] (or
That should be sufficient to identify the Repository
uniquely in the footnote and/or bibliography and to
facilitate its lookup in a Repository List for details. It
is only when publishing that such info is needed in the
footnote or bibliography because online interaction in
RootsMagic provides it outside the sentence.

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