Pat JonesChange your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Pat Jones SQL and Business Intelligence Developer This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments I've just implemented this sort of colour coding manually for relationships and see it like the layers of an onion… On Color Code by Consanguinity Degree #colorcoding #relationships I'm now successfully using SQLite Studio with the unifuzz dll. If you copy the unifuzz.dll file (use 64 bit version… On RMNOCASE – faking it in SQLite Expert, command-line shell et al #rmnocase I've finally upgraded my main pc to Windows 10 with a new clean installation on a different hard drive so… On RMNOCASE – faking it in SQLiteSpy #rmnocase #sqlitespy Another comment from a database developer perspective is that multiple indexes slow down data saving as each index has to… On DBeaver Heredis 2023 and RootsMagic 9 Triggers are not commonly used in transactional databases where there are lots of changes happening as they can slow down… On DBeaver Heredis 2023 and RootsMagic 9 Thanks Tom. I'd missed that announcement. Right and full joins will be useful. On In Praise of SQLite Richard, I think they will change it on release. This is version 8 but the preview versions are called 7.9.whatever… On Understanding the Roots Magic 8 Database – Database Diagram #rm8 #database @salkind - I haven't yet found anything owned by media to prove that value - any suggestions? On Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Ownership #database #datadefinitions #rm8 Wayne - not every citation will have a place, only those linked to events. However it's not difficult to do. On AllCitations.sql Error Several of the RM7 blob fields that held text are now showing as Text datatype, noticeably Notes fields. Sort date… On Comparing #Database Definitions RM8 versus RM7 #datadefinitions load more comments