Category: Media

Operations on Media, esp the MultimediaTable and MediaLInkTable

TreeShare – Rename Cryptic Filenames for Citation Media #TreeShare #media #citations #batch

TreeShare downloads Ancestry media for citations with cryptic file names that mean nothing to humans. This set of scripts and batch or command-line operations prepends to the media filenames the name of one of the persons to whom the citation applies, their BirthYear-DeathYear and the name of the source cited, separated from the cryptic name…

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Media Type Reset #media #update

Users can mistakenly add image files to the Media Gallery with the wrong MediaType which prevents the images from being used in reports. MediaType is normally set by user selection in the Add Media Item dialog and cannot be changed from within RootsMagic and earlier. Within RM the only option is to add the…

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Media – Delete Unused #media #delete

Deletes records from MultiMediaTable untagged by any Person, Family, Fact, Place, Source or Citation. Was formerly included in Delete Phantoms. MediaDeleteUnused.sql — MediaDeleteUnused.sql /* 2013-01-21 Tom Holden ve3meo   Deletes records from MultiMediaTable untagged by any Person, Family, Fact, Place, Source or Citation.   Extracted from DeletePhantoms.sql */ DELETE FROM MultimediaTable WHERE MediaID NOT IN…

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