Future of SQLite Tools for RootsMagic wiki 2016-17

Wikispaces terminated free subscriptions for non-education wikis on Oct 15, 2014 and commenced charging US$50 p.a. for ongoing service. As of Nov 12, 2016, our fee jumps 100% to US$100 p.a. There is no apparent (to me, at least) free or cheaper alternative to which this wiki can be readily migrated. So, once again, I launched an appeal on 14 Sep 2016 for your financial support to keep it going. Within 12 hours the $200 target was exceeded! A message was sent to all members announcing the termination of the campaign and, soon thereafter, the donation button was disabled and then removed.

On Oct 29, I committed as much of the funds as I could to extend the subscription to Jan 11, 2019.

Thank you, donors!

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