Richard OtterChange your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photo Richard Otter This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments Just released v1 of ConvertFact utility. Same concept as Jerry Bryan's SQL listed in this site's forum, but- runs as… On Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts TestExternalFiles v 1/6 released. Not much new. A convenience feature allows the report file to be automatically opened in your… On Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts I just created a new release for the TestExternalFiles v1.5 utility. No need to update if you're already using 1.4… On Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts Just wanted to mention that I've created a minimalist web page as sort of a gateway to my stuff. On Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts Just saw your message. RM -Switch source template is pretty close right now, but I haven't made a release due… On New App Aids RM Media Management One more thing- I have another repo at github where I am trying to create a collection of Standard Forms… On Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts Thanks for the post. I want to emphasize that some of the tools in the repo, like TestExternalFiles and SwitchSourceTemplate… On Richard Otter Genealogy Scripts I have never gotten an email from this site. On Problems with Email Distribution #admin I was under the impression that the schema version was stored in the ConfigTable. Right at the top of the… On Understanding the Roots Magic 8 Database – Database Diagram #rm8 #database Well, I'll reply to my own question- unifuzz64.dll seems to work fine with the latest version of Python for Windows.… On RMNOCASE – faking it in SQLite Expert, command-line shell et al #rmnocase load more comments