RootsMagic 8 Community Preview was released Dec 31, 2020. Its database design has been substantially changed from the prior version, rendering much of the information and many of the scripts on this site inapplicable to or unusable with RM8 databases. This page attempts to collect in one spot references to posts and scripts for RM8…

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Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Type Decodes #rm8 #datadefinitions

Many tables within RootsMagic have fields which are know to mean something but do not have lookup tables. So far I have collected the following: (more to follow) Fields named OwnerType – see Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Ownership Addresses AddressType field Value Meaning 0 Correspondence 1 Repository Citations The Quality field in the…

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Understanding the RootsMagic 8 database – Ownership #database #datadefinitions #rm8

The RootsMagic 8 database structure has seen a few changes from RM7 and one of these is that more objects can “own” other objects in the data. A task can have media, citations and web tags for example. To achieve this many tables have an OwnerType field and an OwnerID field and the owner type…

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Comparing #Database Definitions RM8 versus RM7 #datadefinitions

Comparing the CREATE statements for a database file of each version reveals changes to persisting tables in addition to tables deleted and added per First Look at RM8 #Database. This post provides DDL files from RM7.6.5 and the RM8 Preview 7.9.101. The two files can be compared line by line in Notepad++ using the Compare…

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First Look at RM8 #Database

More changes than expected with the result that many (most?) of the queries and scripts published on this site won’t work with RM8 databases. New Tables CitationLinkTable: was expected to support the announced new feature of master citations. AncestryTable and FamilySearchTable: replace the former LinkAncestryTable and LinkTable, now gone. TagTable: looks to have replaced LabelTable,…

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Events – Add to all Children a Parent event shared with parents #facttypes #sharedevent #relationships #rm8

TBA: Rev 2021-03-0x above script adapted for RM8 by Tom Holden from the #RM7 script described below by the original author, Jerry Bryan. Note that the custom fact type ‘Parents’ and the role ‘Birth_of_Child’ must be created separately in advance of executing this script. This is a query I wrote just for myself and I…

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